Full Moon Night

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Full Moon Night Page 3

by Lia Connor

  Saint Sin frowned in seeming thought. “You might be right, and you might be wrong,” was all he allowed. “Do I have to try and take a hand to your ass to prove which one of us is telling the truth?”

  “Touch me now, and I’ll bite you. I’m right,” Chantal said, coming closer. “We both know that’s the truth. I’m an Alpha female, and I’m equal with you. You can’t tell me what to do any more than I can tell you, and anything we do is by agreement only.”

  The man -- wolf -- laughed. “You really did read up on all the old legends,” he said, sounding like she was a child who’d just presented a paper with a gold star on the top. “Good for you. Did you get to the part where I can command my Beta to pound you into a pulp if you don’t play along?”

  Chantal quailed, but then wrestled back her self-control. “No, you can’t. No one can harm the Alpha female except a challenging woman who’s able to walk on two legs under the full moon. All I see around here are some female wolves. They’re not strong enough, like I am.”

  “So you’re not easily fooled.” Saint Sin’s eyes narrowed. “And it looks like I have to play nice. So, come here.” He stood up, muscles rippling in his chest and legs. He held out his hand. “I’m asking you, since you already know the rules. Will you come here?”

  She didn’t feel too sure about it, but Chantal went, holding out her hand to take Saint Sin’s in her own. He grasped her fingers and then pulled her to him in a hard kiss, crushing his mouth against her own. His tongue jabbed at her lips, demanding entrance, but she was glad to let him in. Chantal opened her mouth with a moan, winding her arms around Saint Sin and finally, finally getting to feel all that bulk underneath her searching hands.

  Saint Sin groaned into their kiss, plundering her mouth with his tongue. He wasn’t any novice, either, even if he was too rough for an ordinary woman. Not so with Chantal. She met him stroke for stroke, pushing where he pushed, and tugging where he tugged.

  Saint Sin’s hands came down to pinch at Chantal’s nipples, twisting the hardened nubs into even stiffer peaks beneath his roughened fingertips. She almost whimpered at the feel of his hands on her breasts, the ache inside her flaring high and hot. Chuckling, he got a better hold, filling his palms and kneading the fleshy skin. He was rough, but Chantal wanted the action hot and heavy. No playing around or being dainty for her, not anymore.

  As he tore his mouth away from hers, Saint Sin lifted his mouth to the sky and let out a long, ululating howl. “Lobos!” he yelled, trailing off with a series of fierce snarls. He looked down at Chantal, his eyes wild. “Not afraid yet?”

  She shook her head, curls cascading over her shoulders. “You don’t scare me. I want another kiss.”

  “I’ll give you more than a kiss,” Saint Sin threatened and promised. Bending his head, he lifted one of her breasts and brought it to his mouth. Sucking the tip in quickly, then letting go, he blew cool air over the part he’d moistened. Chantal moaned, grasping him even tighter. He dove in again, lapping and nipping at her breasts, using blunt teeth to tug them into a tighter knot.

  By the time he was finished worshipping her breasts, Chantal was all but a puddle in Saint Sin’s arms. “Lie down on the log,” he directed, voice heavy in her ear. “I’ll walk you to it. You were right. I do want to taste your pussy.”

  Somehow -- she didn’t know how -- Chantal’s legs managed to support her over to the log. The rushing of the waves was loud in her ears as she lay down, the wood rough against her back, and the sand gritty beneath her feet. Her thighs parted, exposing her soaking core. She thought, for a minute, she never would have done this before she was bitten, but then stopped because Saint Sin had begun his work. No woman alive could think when they had a long, talented tongue rubbing up and down their pussy like rough velvet.

  She moaned and cried out to the stars, dazedly watching them dance as Saint Sin ran his tongue from her molten core to the tip of her clit, where he twined around the nub and pulled.

  It felt like heaven, but it wasn’t enough. “More,” she demanded, feeling the strength of the wolf surge through her. “Give me more!”

  Saint Sin laughed softly, the vibrations against her pussy all but driving her wild, and said, just loud enough for her to hear, “What the Alpha wants, the Alpha gets.” And with that, he pressed his face to her and sucked hard on her clit while plunging two thick fingers into her pussy, driving them up deep inside.

  “Oh, yes! God, God, yes!” Chantal thrashed on Saint Sin’s hand, trying to get more of him inside her. His two fingers were as thick as her dildo, but fuck, they were better. Warm, almost hot, they moved, pressing at spots inside her channel that had her seeing a whole new kind of stars. “Harder!”

  “She’s demanding, this wannabe Alpha,” Saint Sin drew back to comment to -- who? Juarez? Were the two of them still making fun of her? She heard a male snicker, and a comment in Spanish that she didn’t understand. “Should I give her what she’s asking for?” He turned back to Chantal. “You want more than my fingers in your pussy? Do you want my cock? Is that it?”

  She raised her head to meet his eyes. “Does saying yes mean I give in to you?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Saint Sin stroked her legs. “You give in to whatever I want to say… or do… to you.”

  “I become less than you.” Chantal could feel her temper rising, and even though her pussy was crying out, demanding more of Saint Sin’s attention, she fought past the haze of lust into the red that was rising in her vision. “No way, Saint Sin. I’m your equal. I’m not leaving here until I prove that.”

  “Then go ahead, prove it,” Saint Sin snarled, standing upright and dragging Chantal with him. “But that’s not really what you want, is it? No, pretty ‘Alpha.’ You want my cock buried so far up inside you that you taste it in the back of your throat.” He caressed the tender skin on the inside of her legs. “I’m going to fuck you, you’re going to love it, and if you want to be part of the Lobos, you’ll fuck me back any way I choose. Do you understand?”

  Chantal nodded slowly. “Oh, yeah. I understand.”

  Without another word, she brought her knee up, straight into Saint Sin’s balls -- and when he buckled, she turned to run. She pounded her way up the slope, heading for her dirt bike, and was almost there when her foot slipped in the sand. She would have fallen backwards, except strong male arms were there to catch her. Grabbing her by the waist, Juarez whirled her back around and dropped her down the bank, where she skidded to her knees in front of Saint Sin, standing up and looking more than a little pissed off.

  He rubbed at the head of his cock, fat and dripping. “You hurt me,” he said, full of quiet menace. “I think you should kiss it and make it better.”

  Chantal bared her teeth. “I don’t do anything unless I say I want to.”

  “Yeah, but you want it. I can smell you.” Saint Sin took another deep breath. “It’s filling this clearing. Stronger than the ocean, stronger than the roasting meat. Stronger than my scent or Juarez’s. You want us both, so don’t lie and say otherwise.”

  “I can fight you off if I want to,” Chantal said, gathering her confidence. Her stance changed from defense to offense. “I’m strong enough. You might be tough as nails bad-assed bikers, but I’ve never seen a man that a woman can’t pussy whip. And I know how things work with wolves. The males have their hands full, but it’s the Alpha bitch who really runs the show.” She grinned, letting her teeth show. “And I’m saying that until you give me what I want, I don’t give it up.”

  “Well.” Saint Sin let his hands drop to his sides in a loose position, ready to take a swing if he needed to. “Looks like we’re at a road block, doesn’t it?”

  “Looks like,” Chantal agreed, leaning forward aggressively. “So the question isn’t what I’m going to do about it, is it? The question is, what are you going to do? And there aren’t many choices, are there?”

  “Juarez and I could kick you out of this clearing. We’ve gotten along fine without an Alpha female before.
We don’t need you now.”

  “Don’t need me, but you want me.” Chantal shifted enough to cup her pussy with her hand. “You want this, and so does Juarez. I know Alphas don’t share, but I figure you share a lot of things with Juarez. And the rest of the wolves? What do they want?” She took a deep breath. “There are females here, but none of them are Alpha, and they want someone to speak for their side, don’t they?”

  Saint Sin glared but said nothing.

  “That’s why you bit me,” Chantal realized and said out loud at the same time. “You wanted to see if I’d be as strong out here as I was in ordinary life. You thought I’d make an Alpha, and you decided you’d try me out.”

  The look on Saint Sin’s face was telling.

  Laughing, Chantal backed up into the mass of moving wolves. Three of the animals, slightly smaller than the others, twined around her legs. “I think the Pack has decided for you,” she taunted. “Now what’s it gonna be, Saint Sin? Do you give me what I want, or do I take your females and form my own pack?”

  Saint Sin’s face was dark with anger. She could feel his rage boiling in the air, but then… then… to her surprise… it melted into amusement. “You ballsy bitch,” he said with admiration. “You are every bit an Alpha, just like I’d hoped.”

  “Good.” Chantal struck a pose. “Now here’s how it’s going to go down, and you’re going to do just what I say. Understood?”

  Saint Sin’s handsome face drew into sharp lines when he smiled. Chantal could tell she was dancing with the devil here, but the music sounded oh, so sweet. “It’s your call, Alpha,” he said. “Do what you want.”

  Chantal swallowed. All right. She’d gotten this far.

  Now she just had to go that extra mile… and finally get the sex she’d been burning for all along.

  Chapter Three

  Chantal rearranged her position, standing flat-footed in the sand with her legs wide apart. She put her hands beneath her breasts and lifted the fleshy globes, pressing them together and thumbing her hardened nipples. “Want this?” she taunted. “Want me?”

  Saint Sin and Juarez had identical hunted looks on their faces. Juarez hung back, but Saint Sin stepped forward a pace and paused, waiting to see what Chantal’s next move would be. Oh, he was wary now, was he? He learned fast. She’d have to give him a reward, later. Maybe he could have another taste of her pussy if he was very, very good.

  Letting go of her breasts, her arms swinging loose at her sides, Chantal lifted her head to the sky and let loose with the same kind of howl she’d heard Saint Sin utter earlier. The sound ripped from her, so primal and right that she wondered why she’d never done it before. Maybe the pull of the beast was so strong because the full moon shone overhead. Maybe it was the cycle of heat. Maybe it was the presence of the other wolves, watching and waiting to see what would happen next.

  For the first time since she’d been bitten, Chantal felt whole again. She was every inch a woman, with skin that burned to be caressed, legs that ached to wrap around a man’s waist, and a pussy that dripped with cream. But more than that, she was a wolf. She could feel the change tempting her from the inside out. If she wanted, she could drop to all fours and shift, painlessly and effortlessly, into a big black she-beast that would have Saint Sin pinned by the throat before he could blink.

  But no. She had the power, and she was going to ride every crash and wave. These white boys wouldn’t know what had hit them by the time Chantal was done.

  She reached down and began to finger herself, tossing her head so that dark curls fell forward over her breasts. “I never was one to shave,” she said, running her fingers through the nest of black curls on her mound. “I like my hair. It’s thick and black, and it covers my pussy, but if you take a closer look -- yeah, Saint Sin, come closer and look -- you can see my clit just peeking out.” She ran the ball of her thumb over the nub she’d just spoken of, shuddering hard as the shock of a small orgasm ran through her.

  God, she felt so alive.

  “You like looking at me this way, don’t you? All naked and wide open for you to look all you want. But let me tell you this, you don’t get anything for free. If you want me, then you do what I say do, or no one’s getting laid tonight.” She held the power over Saint Sin and Juarez -- she could feel it resting heavy in the palm of her hand, just like a man’s balls. She could hold it gentle, or she could give it a hard squeeze. Pleasure or pain, that’s how this was going to go down. “You’re big, tough men, but I’m the she-wolf who’s gonna bring you to your knees.”

  Juarez snapped at her. Saint Sin snapped back at him, obviously telling him to be quiet. Juarez subsided, rumbling to himself, seeming more wolf than man with his wild dark hair and his too-black eyes. But he stood down, and that was what mattered.

  That, and Saint Sin was listening to her. Chantal favored him with a smile before beginning to move, walking in a slow circle around the two men. “Get on your knees,” she ordered, putting a hand on both of their shoulders and pressing down. They went, Juarez biting at her wrist and earning himself a hard slap. Didn’t matter. He’d missed her arm, and they were both where she wanted them.

  Making her way slowly around the two men, Chantal examined them from every angle, each one in his turn. Juarez, built like a quarterback with the muscles of a wrestler, his proud face looking half-Aztec in the flickering firelight. He was a hell of a wolf, strong enough to beat anyone down -- anyone but her. Her, he answered to -- or he would, from now on. He didn’t seem any too happy about being on his knees, but his cock told a greater truth -- he was interested in what she happened to be doing. Thick and dark, it rose toward the lower part of his stomach, filling with blood and sexual interest.

  Chantal ran her hand through his hair, feeling the vibrations of his rumble but forcing him to sit still. There was so much strength in her arm that holding him down took no more effort than lifting a bag of sugar. She knew he knew as much, too. And it made sense. She was Alpha, and she could best the Beta.

  Lesson learned. Chantal made another circle, this time focusing on Saint Sin. He was the leader of this wild bunch, this group of lost boys and girls who walked on two legs and ran on four. They respected him, looked up to him, and followed wherever he led. The host of bikes sitting away from the ocean’s spray told her how they traveled, and told a wealth of stories about the kind of life they lived.

  And for who. They lived for Saint Sin.

  The wolves behind her gave off an almost palpable wave of curiosity about their Alpha male, who’d buried himself in deeper than he could dig out. Chantal chuckled, the sound of her laugh deep as molten honey. She moved her hand to Saint Sin’s head, tangling her fingers in his rough white-blond hair and tilting it up. “So, you wanted an Alpha female, did you?” she asked rhetorically. “Bet you wanted one who didn’t know the rules. Someone who would come to you, who couldn’t not come, but who would bend her head on your say-so. Well, instead, you’ve got me.”

  Saint Sin looked at Chantal with flat, crystal-blue eyes. His face was set in stony lines that warned her she was pushing her limits.

  Chantal decided to press him a little further. “I don’t have to play games to be part of the Lobos. The wolf inside has decided for me. You’re responsible for my fate, since you’re the one who bit me and changed me. But what do you do with me now, hmm?” She put one finger underneath his chin and bent as if she were going to kiss him. Instead, she murmured against his lips, “Am I worth it, baby?”

  Saint Sin snarled. Chantal backed off, laughing. “You still want me?” she challenged. “Come and get me. I’m giving you permission. Go ahead and claim this body, but you better get this straight -- I’m the one in charge. Ten feet tall and bulletproof.”

  “Silver,” Juarez said quietly. “Silver bullets work like in the stories.”

  “I don’t see you carrying a gun,” Chantal observed. “Are you?” She took him by the head. “Tell me now, are any of you loaded to kill?”

  Juarez t
ook a sidelong look at Saint Sin, then shook his head no. “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” She dropped Juarez back into position. He lowered his head and stared at the sand.

  “There’s only a few things that bring a Pack together,” Chantal went on. “Blood, hunting, and sex. You’ve already had a taste of me when you bit my arm. There’s meat already on the fire, food that we’ve shared. All that’s left is sex.” She stood back, opening herself to them again. “And I know you want this body. I’ve worked hard all my life, and I have a mirror. You picked me out special because I can give you what others can’t. A pretty face and the muscle to run your Lobos.” She cupped her pussy. “And I have this, which I’m offering up to you alone, Saint Sin.”

  He shook his head. “You’re right up until there,” Saint Sin said. “What’s mine belongs to Juarez, and what belongs to him is mine as well. If you’re serious about this, then get it straight, we’re a package deal.”

  “Well, well, well.” Chantal began to finger herself again, dipping down into the wetness trapped in her curls and drawing it up to circle her clit with. “You sound like he’s the one who’s got you pussy-whipped.”

  Saint Sin growled. “We share. I’m Alpha and he’s Beta, but we’re close. Up until you, we were the only two who could keep our human shapes under the light of the moon.”

  “And now there’s me.” Chantal pretended to consider the unspoken question for a moment. “All right. As long as I call the shots, then you can both have me. But make no mistake, you do what I say to do and stop when I say stop. I’m not having my first time with the Lobos be a nightmare.” She allowed herself to grin. “This is gonna be a night to remember.”


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