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Evlon Page 95

by Maia Starr

  "What good is that promise if you and I are both dead? Our circumstances have changed, little brother. Don't you see that we are on track to war? You and I might not live any longer than a couple of days from now. I was not going to go to my death with the regret of not taking what I wanted. I suggest you do the same," I said as I moved past him.

  Moments later, I was speaking with Counsel Mendez, reporting to her that I was helping Dr. Maltra with injuries. I let her know that Dr. Maltra had asked me to watch over her after feeling vulnerable since she was at the registration building during the attack. She did not feel safe. I offered myself up as her guard. Mendez commended me on my bravery and then said, "We are to speak to your king at any moment. We are waiting for the communication to come in. You and your crew, please take a seat. We value your input."

  "Earthlings, my sincerest condolences. We Drackon are in complete despair and outrage," King Caspin Rykor said over the holographic communication.

  "It is a travesty," Mendez answered.

  "I am sending wealth your way in order to rebuild and to take care of the injured, though I know no amount of wealth can forgive this. Know that we Drackon had nothing to do with it and it is the radical faction of purists. We have launched a full-scale assault to take them down, not only here on Mooreah, but in space. We have tracked a large fleet that is in range of Earth. That is how they launched the attack on your registration building. Our fleet is on its way to engage in battle with the purist fleet outside of Earth space," the king said.

  There was much grumbling and fear in the room as the Earthlings realized that the radical purist fleet was in attack position.

  "We will fight with you. This radical faction has become a threat to our wellbeing. We will launch our own fleet and meet you on the battleground of space outside Earth," Mendez responded to the king. The king began to speak, but the hologram grew static. Suddenly, we were no longer looking at the king; instead, we were looking at a menacing weredragon. His large, silver wings were spread behind him and his silver scales were very visible on his body. He was not a hybrid.

  "Earthlings! I am Ukir. I am the leader of the purists. As you may know by now, we are against the registration. We are against human females mating with our Drackon. We feel that it is the plan of Earth all along to thin out the Drackon blood in order to take over our race. in order to take over our planets and resources. This has been your conspiracy all along, to make the Drackon more human than Drackon, and once that is accomplished, you will make Mooreah an Earthling colony.

  “But we will not stand by any longer while you complete your plans to conquer us. Yesterday's disaster is only a taste of the beginning! We plan to attack every registration building on Earth. We will attack and take down any cargo ships full of human female brides that you sent into space.

  “I am Ukir! Do not forget it. I am the face that will stop you from conquering the Drackon race. We will be strong and pure of blood once again. We will unseat the infidel, hybrid king who does not deserve to be on the throne because he is not pure blood," Ukir said as the hologram of him disappeared. The king’s communication line did not return; it had been hacked by the purist faction. Panic filled the room.

  Chapter 9


  There were so many injuries in the medic tent. It felt good to feel useful and to be distracted. I could not get Drin’s body out of my mind. I could not get the experience I had with a weredragon out of my mind. So it helped that I was occupied mentally, emotionally, and physically by helping people.

  I worked hard all day. I saw more patients in those hours than I had in a full year. There were less and less being found in the rubble as it was cleared. It was a good sign. There were less casualties than originally thought, but many wounded. There were very few people in the building at the time that the missile hit. But it was the people in the busy courtyard that got the worst of it. It was shameful that the attack was meant for the registration but ended up taking out more regular people than the brides it was intended for. I was filled with anger, and now I was using that anger to help those in need. It is what kept me going. It was the adrenaline of the anger of this attack that allowed me to push through and do what I could.

  “Dr. Maltra! We could use you over here!” one of the doctors shouted to me. “I’ll be right there!” I said as I set a splint against a broken leg and then moved over the doctor.

  “She needs stitches if you have free hands,” he said to me.

  “I do. I am right on it,” I said and went to work. I was stitching up the wound and applying fresh bandages when I overheard a few people talking. I did not know them, but what they said immediately caught my attention.

  "I hear that all Drackons will be banished from Earth, effective immediately."

  “Where did you hear that?” his friend asked. “I hear that they are responsible for this catastrophe. It's not right. After all the peace that we have had with them and allowing them to intermarry and interbreed, this is the way they repay us?"

  "I know if I see one, I will make my feelings known toward them. This is no longer a safe space for them. I hear that they are being hunted."

  I gasped in panic. I finished the bandage and then ran out of the medic tent. I needed to run towards the base and warn Drin. They would need to leave immediately. It was obvious that the regular population did not know that there was a radical faction. People of Earth only saw the Drackon as the responsible ones for the attack. I ran fast and hard through the city. What if Drin was already being exiled right at this moment? I would not get to say goodbye. I would not get to say everything that I wanted to say. On a side street, I saw a tall figure; it was him. I ran straight for him. I embraced him hard.

  "Drin, it's not safe for you here. You must get back to the base. People here think that the Drackon are responsible and there is talk of exiling weredragons, or hunting them. Quickly, we must get back," I said to him.

  "Calm down, Felicity. I will be fine. No one will hurt me. But there is news. We are under attack by the purists. They have sent a threatening message to the Earth Council that a fleet is on its way into Earth space. The bombing at the registration is only the beginning," he said. My eyes grew wide with shock. I had never felt so much fear.

  "What is to be done?" I asked him.

  "We must get you back to your quarters into the safety of the base. Earth is launching an assault to meet Ukir in space; he is the leader of the faction. My king has launched ships from Mooreah and he himself is aboard, ready to fight. But with the distance, I do not know if they will arrive in time. My crew and I are to fight with the Earth battalion. Let me shift and I will fly you back to the base."

  "No! Drin, don't do it. There is too much animosity on the streets for the Drackon. Come, let us walk fast; it is close," I said to him, taking his hand. We walked fast and I began to notice the looks that were being given to us. I held his hand as though to show that we were married and that he was a Drackon that had been living on Earth for years. Still, there were lots of dirty looks being shot our way and I had squeeze Drin’s hand every time I felt him wanting to confront a dirty look. To my surprise, he kept quiet and stayed true and fast. Finally, we made it back onto the base. I was relieved as soon as we entered the gates. I let out a long breath of air, not realizing just how much I had been holding in my breath.

  Moments later, we were inside my living quarters. I didn't know how to prepare for war, and assault on Earth had not happened in over a thousand years.

  "When do you leave? I want to go with you," I said to him.

  "No, you are safer here. We launch in two hours. My crew is preparing with the Earth battalion now. All ships are being fueled and armed. But I had to come find you. I had to say goodbye," he said to me.

  "I need more than a goodbye," I said as I moved to him and slid my arms up his chest. I got up on my tiptoes and put my arms around his neck and into his long, dark hair. His lips met mine and we kissed passionately. He picked me u
p and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the table.

  "If this is the last time we will ever see each other, then I want to be inside you," he said to me.

  I ran my hands over his strong chest trying to memorize every angle and curve of him. I pressed my fingers into the hard flesh of his muscles. I pulled off my top and unhooked my bra, letting my breasts go free. He kissed down my neck and greedily took my breast into his mouth, licking and sucking. We were pressed for time and we had to indulge in every aspect of each other quickly.

  He unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and pulled them off, along with my shoes. Now I sat on the table, naked. He pulled off his shirt and threw it on the ground. He pulled off his boots and pulled off his pants. Now he was naked standing between my thighs, with his long, thick cock sticking straight up.

  I spread my thighs wide and he entered me fast. He went inside me deep. His hands cupped my ass as he pulled me toward him. He rocked his hips forward and back, swaying going in and out of me. I buried my face in his chest, kissing and licking him, trying to taste his skin.

  I did not want this to be over. How did I end up here? How did I end up with such a deep thirst for this weredragon? It was not what I had planned. It must be the circumstances and the adrenaline of death looming over us that was making us act this way. It could not be explained any other way. Was this love? Had we spent enough time together for it to be love, or was it just a deep desire on an animal level for each other?

  I did not have an answer to these questions. Instead, I allowed myself to indulge as Drin kissed me hard on the mouth. His tongue danced with mine and I pushed my fingers into his jet-black hair. I twisted the strands around my fingers, looking at the gorgeous color. His long cock was deep inside me, sliding in and out in my wetness. His hand moved between my thighs and his thumb went to my clitoris, rubbing it up and down. It was all I needed. "I'm coming, Drin! I'm coming!"

  "Yes, come for me, my sweet Felicity," he whispered. With those words, I exploded and released my warm juices onto his cock. He growled and then he did something I did not expect. While he was inside of me, he shifted. Suddenly wings appeared on his back in a fine, silver thread, and scales emerged from his skin. I was in shock. I was in shock that it was able to happen without injuring me. Drin looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Shit! Felicity, are you all right? I did not mean for that to happen. It just grew and built inside of me until I had no control. I'm sorry; nothing like that has ever happened," he said as his hands patted down every inch of me as though searching for an injury.

  "No, I am fine, Drin. I am not injured. That was the most amazing thing ever to happen to me. Thank you for that gift. Please do not stop what you were doing," I said, smiling. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him toward me; the hard scales on his chest pressed against me. He smiled at me and then continued to move in and out of me, faster and faster.

  I had a weredragon inside of me, and he shifted while he was making love to me in a fit of passion that he could not control. It was something that I knew had never happened before, or it would be on the lips of every woman, telling the story and wishing it would happen to her. Perhaps it was something that only happened with hybrids?

  Drin moved faster and faster, in and out of me, pumping hard. His breath grew faster and harder with each pump. I leaned back on the table, placing the palms of my hands flat on the surface. I angled my body away from him so that I could get a full view of him. My breasts bounced up-and-down as he pounded me. We stared at each other, letting our eyes take in the memory of this moment.

  His silver wings spread out far, stretching almost the length of the entire room behind him. It was a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight. Then his body tensed and I knew it was coming; his fingers pressed into my flesh and he shouted, "Felicity, I'm going to release inside of you. It's happening! I'm coming!"

  I felt the build-up inside of me as well and I could not hold on any longer; we released in harmony. Our bodies convulsed together as we reached climax together and rose to a new level of ecstasy never achieved before. It was hot. It was messy. It was intense. It was the first shift to happen while in the act of making love.

  Chapter 10


  I could not fucking believe it. I had lost something. I had lost control of my shifting ability while l was inside of a human female. It was not just any human female; it was Dr. Felicity Maltra, the human female whose pheromones drove me insane. I don’t know what happened in that moment. I felt the built up of ecstasy and orgasm in my body and somehow, instead of releasing into orgasm, I released into a shift. It was unheard of and if I made it out of this purist mess alive, I would have to look into it to see if it had ever happened to anyone else before. It was simply unheard of it. It was reckless and dangerous, and yet it did not hurt her. After we pulled apart from our ecstasy, I knew that this was the end.

  I watched her as she got dressed. It could be the last time that I ever watched her. It could be the last time that we would ever be together. I had to tell her the truth. I had to tell her that if the circumstances have been different, I would not be with her.

  "Stop, Felicity; there is something I have to tell you. I have to tell you a truth. It is an ugly truth; you are not going to like it," I said to her. Her sparkling, green eyes grew wide and she sat down next to me.

  "I'm listening, Drin," she said to me.

  "Remember how you observed my brother and I arguing? We were keeping something from you. My brother was angry with me anytime he caught me with you."

  "Why? What does your brother have to do with relations between you and I?" she asked.

  "Because of the promise," I said to her.

  "What promise?" she asked as her eyes began to water. Then she continued, "Are you promised to another? Do you have a Drackon female or human female that you are promised to on Mooreah?"

  "Not entirely. I am promised to a Drackon female, but not one that I have ever met.”

  “What? How could you? That is unacceptable! You mean to tell me that you are cheating on your betrothed with me? I knew it. I knew that something had to be going on. I knew you were hiding something with the way your brother was acting,” she said as she stood up and headed for the door. I grabbed her by the arm and swung her back toward me and said.

  “Wait. I do not have a betrothed. You are not letting me finish. Would you please, for once, not let your mouth rattle on ahead of you?”

  She was quiet and then gave me a smug look. She moved back to the chair and sat down. “I’m listening, Drin. We do not have much time.”

  “You see, my father made my brother and I promise that we would marry and mate with a Drackon female. I think a part of him regretted mating with my mother even though he loved her dearly and passionately. He would die for her. But he said he felt some responsibility towards the balance and wanted his hybrid sons to have Drackon offspring with the Drackon females," I said to her.

  "Your father was a radical? He was a purist?" she asked.

  "No, not in the sense that they are now. He died two years ago and it would not be his wish that any violence be taken for the cause of keeping the blood pure. I don't think he foresaw what would happen. But the point is my brother and I made him a promise on his deathbed. I am a loyal and honorable weredragon; I had no intention of breaking that promise to him."

  She was silent and then she burst into tears, "Why are you telling me this now? Why does it matter now? You are only hurting me," she said to me.

  "No, I do not mean to hurt you. I do not have any reason for telling you this other than I do not want to keep secrets from you. You know my brother and I were keeping something and this is what we were hiding. I do not want you to think it was anything else, especially if I did not make it through this battle."

  Ring! Ring! She looked over at her screen. "That is a call from base, from my superior," she said as she wiped the tears from her face and composed herself. She stood in front of the
screen and answered the call.

  "Dr. Maltra, I need you to report to the battalion squad immediately."

  "I will be right there," she said as she hung up the call. She turned and looked at me and said, "I guess this is goodbye."

  "Goodbye, Felicity. You are the bravest and most beautiful female I have ever known. I wish circumstances were different. We both have our duties; we are both loyal to them."

  She said nothing but turned and walked out the door. I felt numb, but I had a responsibility, and so did she, and we were at war. I looked at the time and there was an hour and a half before battalion launch. I wished that I could contact the king. If he indeed was on a battalion ship, he would be closer to Earth and easier to contact. I could contact him on the battalion channel that was a broad range for all Drackon ships.

  I looked at Felicity's communication console. I could do this. I looked in her closet and under her sink. I found a bag of tools. I went to work hacking her system for long-range communications that would reach deep into space. Thirty minutes later, I had established a connection.


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