Bryce: A M/M/M BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 4)

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Bryce: A M/M/M BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 4) Page 11

by Shaw Montgomery

  Oliver finally had him free, and he moved the phone back to its usual place. “I’m sorry she’s putting you in the middle of it.”

  Bryce gave him a kiss on the forehead and sat down, pulling Oliver onto his lap. “Everyone will be happy to see her. It’s just going to mess up their plans. I’m not one hundred percent sure what they’re doing, but the announcement can’t be that far out.”

  Oliver leaned over, giving Bryce another quick kiss, but jerked back when he heard a shocked gasp at the door. They all looked over to the door to see the rude receptionist, who was standing there looking ridiculously shocked.

  Like his kiss was something you’d see on a porn site.

  Bryce gave her a calm, questioning look. “Yes, Rebecca?”

  “I forgot my books.” She held up two huge books like a shield. “I have to say, I’m shocked to see such immoral behavior.”


  “I’m sorry?” Bryce didn’t seem like he was apologizing. No, he sounded offended. “Commenting on my personal life is not acceptable.”

  “I’ve stood by and held my tongue while hearing outlandish rumors, but to see it in person…” She didn’t seem to know what to say.

  Bryce did.

  “I think it’s best if I speak with the agency about sending someone else. We won’t be requiring your assistance next week.” He was calm and professional, but Oliver could feel the anger vibrating through him.

  “I’ve never…” She shook her head, honestly flabbergasted. “Your behavior is—”

  “My behavior is my business. For you to stand there and malign my partners is not appropriate.” Bryce gestured toward the door with his head. “I will be calling the staffing company shortly.”

  She sniffed like some kind of old-fashioned matron and stormed out. “I never…” Her rant trailed off as she left the building.

  Bryce sagged back against the chair. “I actually remembered that one’s name, even if she was a judgmental bat. Why do they keep sending me idiots or crazies?”

  “Why are you hiring temps?” Troy asked the question before Oliver could get the words out.

  “I loved my previous admin. She handled a lot more than most receptionists and was really helpful. Her husband was transferred because of his job and it all happened quickly. I haven’t found the right person to hire yet.” Bryce looked like hiring an assistant was on the same level as hiring someone for NASA. “I need someone who’s going to work well in the office and with the business, but not go off like that nut when something interesting pops up. If she thought this was bad, she should have been here the last time Grant came in talking about Carter.”

  Words were bouncing around in Oliver’s head, but he wasn’t sure if it was right to say what he was thinking. Troy didn’t have the same reservations. “Why doesn’t Oliver help you out? It doesn’t have to be permanent if it doesn’t work. But at least you know he’s not going to freak out if you’re making out with one of your partners.”

  Troy was teasing, but Bryce winced. “Sorry, it kind of came out.”

  Oliver gave him a cocky smile. “I could have thought of sexier things to call me, but that will work.”

  Bryce laughed, pulling Oliver close. “I can think of loads of interesting things when it comes to both of you. Not all of which need to be shared with assholes.” Bryce rubbed his hands up and down Oliver’s back and sides. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I knew she was off, but I specifically asked the temp agency for someone who would not have a problem with the LGBT community.”

  Troy snorted. “They must have missed that part.”

  “I’m not sure how.” Bryce shifted, pulling Oliver closer. “The owner is a member of the club. He’s not that active anymore because his partner is shy, but he’s been part of the scene for years. He’s going to have a heart attack when I tell him what happened.”

  Oliver laughed. “I’m sorry. I know it’s mean, but I just don’t see how she can be so hypocritical.”

  Bryce and Troy both looked at him like he was missing a few screws. “Didn’t you guys see what she was reading?”

  Both men shook their heads, confused. Oliver couldn’t help but giggle. “Harry Potter and something about the collective works of D. H. Lawrence. A book about witches with a gay headmaster, and the other guy was absolutely scandalous when his books were first published. My kiss was nothing compared to the stuff in her books. It’s kind of ironic.”

  Bryce barked out a laugh and Troy shook his head, a little smile peeking out. Oliver gave them both an impish smile. “I thought it was funny.”

  Still smiling, Bryce gave Oliver another peck on the lips. “I’m still sorry you had to see that. I’ve always made sure that my staff is open-minded and accepting of my family’s lifestyle. Finding someone to take over the front office is harder than I thought.”

  “I still think Oliver would be a good choice.” Troy gave them both a stern look.

  Bryce looked at Oliver hesitantly. “I know it would be odd and weird at first, but would you mind? It’s probably a waste of your skills but—”

  “I don’t think it would be a waste. I like working with clients and I’m good at dealing with the admin stuff. If your previous assistant did more than just answer the phones, then I should be able to help out just as much, if not more. I even have my insurance license for Virginia, if that helps.” Oliver wasn’t sure if the offer was wanted or if it would even be a good idea, but he wanted to help.

  “I’d love the help, if you want to.” Bryce seemed as nervous as Oliver felt. “You’ll tell me if you hate it, though?”

  “Yes. I’ll be honest about it. You can’t be any harder to deal with than my last boss.” Oliver grinned at Bryce’s expression.

  “Your last boss wasn’t worried about pissing you off and having to sleep on the couch.” Bryce’s words sounded like he was teasing, but something in his eyes made Oliver think he was serious.

  “No sleeping on the sofa. I can’t even imagine you demanding your assistant get you coffee. Much less saying something rude.”

  Bryce blushed. “No, I get my own coffee, but my last assistant would throw little candy bars at me when she thought I was getting grumpy, her take on that commercial. I once got a mini Snickers upside the head when I was arguing with Grant about something. She took his side.”

  Oliver snickered, then let his voice drop low and sexy. “How about I find other ways to keep you happy at work?”

  Loud catcalls from just outside the door made him jump. What the hell was up with the people in Bryce’s office?

  “Go home!”

  “We wanted to see what they look like.” Random heads poked in the doorway as people filed by.

  A short guy with blond hair grinned. “They’re cute, boss.”

  Off-color jokes along with waves and grins were called out from the hall as the people in his office walked by. They’d waited late on Friday just so they could meet him and Troy? Oliver couldn’t believe it, but Bryce was taking it in stride. “We’re like one big family most of the time. They heard something from one of my brothers, probably, and it spread like wildfire. When I said I didn’t need a ride home tonight, they started speculating right away whether you were coming. I’ve been trying to send everyone home for an hour, but they kept finding things to do.”

  He called out as his staff was heading out the front door. “I’m going to remember how busy you guys were the next time someone asks me for time off!”

  Laughter and giggles flowed out the door before the office was quiet again. “They’re…”

  “Strange.” Troy said it with such a dry, serious expression, Oliver couldn’t help but laugh.

  Bryce had to agree. “You’ll find most of the offices are the same way. It takes some getting used to.”

  Bryce started to say something else, but a yawn stopped him. Oliver didn’t like the feeling that was settling around Bryce. When they’d come in he’d been frazzled and stressed, but not unhappy. Now that was starting t
o change. Bryce looked at Oliver, then glanced to Troy. “I know we said you guys were going to come to the barbecue Saturday, but with my mother coming and interrupting everything…”

  Oliver wasn’t sure what to say. Troy cleared his throat. “We understand. We’ll meet your family another time.”

  “Thank you.” Bryce sighed, sounding torn and sad. “Can I still come over after, or…”

  “Yes!” As worried as Oliver was that it wasn’t just about Bryce’s mother coming, he wasn’t going to let Bryce find any reason to push them away. Despite how serious they were with each other, he knew it wouldn’t take much to derail everything. It was still so new.

  “You are always welcome.” Troy said the words softly, but husky with meaning. “You need to remember that.”

  Oliver had a feeling Bryce was going to be tied to the bed again soon. Troy had that look. It was one Oliver had seen countless times in the past before he would wake up restrained to the mattress so they could talk. In a strange way, it made him feel better.

  If Troy was planning something like that, then it couldn’t be as bad as Oliver was imagining. It couldn’t be. He tried to shove the sea of emotions pushing at him away. “Let’s get you some dinner, then you can get a good night’s sleep.”

  “Do you still want us to drop you off at home, tiger?” Troy’s question was simple, and Bryce probably thought it was another way to make sure he knew they weren’t upset at him, but Oliver had seen the tactic before.

  “Yeah, I just need to relax. I’ll be over to your house after the barbecue. Probably seven or so, depending on what time my mother shows up.” Bryce either didn’t get it or ignored it, but it had been Troy’s way of giving him an out before making a bad decision.

  Oliver generally got one “are you sure” kind of question before they talked and sometimes he got punished. He bit back a sigh. Bryce would learn. As much as he was saying he needed quiet, Troy clearly thought Bryce shouldn’t run and hide from whatever was going through his mind.

  After their rough start, Troy was a firm believer in communication and working things out. In his mind, no one got to run from whatever was making them miserable. They’d made that pretty clear to Bryce on their tied-to-the-bed-Saturday.

  Oliver gave him a kiss on the cheek. “All right, let’s go find food. I’m starved.”

  Bryce smiled, but it was a bit forced. “Me too.”

  The men stood, and Troy and Oliver went out to the reception area while Bryce locked up. Troy pulled Oliver tight to him. “You’re worrying about this too much, kitten.”

  “I’m not sure I am. This feels wrong,” Oliver whispered quietly.

  “We’re giving him some space, not letting him run. There’s a difference. Besides, we have a secret weapon.” Troy grinned, making Oliver suspicious.


  “We know where his family works. If he does something insane, we’ll track him down. I think, from the stories he’s told us about them, they’ll be on our side.” Troy’s eyes had a naughty gleam. Even though he wasn’t close with his family as an adult, he’d had several siblings close together in age. If anyone could relate to Bryce’s brothers, it would be Troy.


  He tried to look happy as Bryce came to the door. Bryce didn’t comment, though. He just took Oliver’s hand in one of his and Troy’s in the other. “All set.”

  “Perfect.” Oliver tried not to grip Bryce too hard, but he could almost feel him slipping away.

  Chapter 13


  “Do you want to talk about it?” Wyatt came up quietly beside Bryce, watching the chaos as people tried to clean up after the barbecue.

  “I don’t know.” Bryce had appreciated that everyone hadn’t bombarded him. Wyatt and Carter had possessed enough common sense to hold Garrett and Grant back, so he’d been pleased not to get the third degree. “Maybe.”

  “Contrary to popular rumors,” Wyatt said as he gave him a little grin, “I can keep a secret.”

  “I heard you were a chatty little birdie with Grant and Carter.” Bryce cracked a smile, the first one in hours.

  “I was not that bad.” Wyatt sighed dramatically. “Carter needed a kick in the pants, so I gave Grant some hints to help him manage the crazy minefield around Carter’s heart.”

  Wyatt grinned, very pleased with himself. “And it worked. Look at those two.”

  Grant was following Carter around, leaning close and whispering things that clearly made Carter nuts as they were trying to pack up the food. They were so different that he knew most people wouldn’t have paired them together, but they worked and looked very much in love. Even if Carter seemed to be trying not to deck Grant.

  They watched as Carter turned around, one hand on a popped-out hip, and waggled his finger at Grant. They only caught the word cookies, but Grant gave Carter a puppy dog look and shook his head. “He had to get out the big guns.”

  “Threatening to tell where the cookies are hidden is big around here.” Wyatt giggled, enjoying the crazy.

  “Grant’s been making him nuts for the last hour. I think he’s talking to him about the club.” Bryce had caught them several times making out in quiet corners of the yard, while Grant whispered about the things Carter would see. “Do you think he’ll be ready to go in two weeks?”

  “Who, Carter?” Wyatt glanced at Bryce. “Yes, he’s just nervous. It’s really different from anything he’s done before, and I think he’s just building it up in his head.”

  “I hope he enjoys himself.”

  “He just needs a push.” Wyatt sounded very sure, so Bryce tried not to worry. He could remember the first time he’d gone to a club, but he’d had support and a lot of friends in the lifestyle by that point.

  “I told Troy and Oliver not to come today.” He hadn’t meant to throw the words out there, but they came out anyway.

  “Because of your mother?”

  “Yes, partly. How did you know?”

  “She doesn’t seem like the subtle type. I can’t see her hiding it from everyone. And then there’s the little bit about her knowing where to find you guys. I know you usually have a barbecue, but she couldn’t have been that sure about everyone being here unless she’d talked to one of you.”

  “The guys are going to figure it out soon.” Brent didn’t feel like figuring out what they were going to do to him.

  “Oh, yeah, I’d hide the cookies if I were you.”

  “The last time she put me in the middle, they pretended to understand and took me out for drinks. They got me stinking drunk, then dropped me off at home after they’d short-sheeted my bed and moved all the furniture around. Between my struggle to figure out the bed and trying not to freak out when I realized the lamp was on the ceiling, I thought I was going crazy. I had nightmares for days about accidentally walking into other people’s houses and being abducted by aliens.”

  “How did you get them back?” Wyatt’s eyes were lit up.

  Bryce knew his grin was wicked, but it pushed back the worry. “I had a friend from college who owns a dog food company. He arranged for pallets of dog food to be delivered to Brent’s house because he was the mastermind. They showed up randomly for months, just waiting in his driveway. One time, I even managed to get it in his living room. He just about killed me, but he couldn’t prove I did it.”

  Wyatt giggled and said, “You guys are insane.”

  “Probably.” Bryce just shrugged. “It also takes a special brand of interesting to join the family, though.” He gave Wyatt an I-know-what-you’re-hiding look.

  Wyatt blushed. “This is not going to help convince you that I can keep a secret. But yes, we were going to talk to everyone about setting the date for our collaring ceremony. We’d planned on calling your mother tomorrow to tell her, but now we’ll figure out something different.”

  “You could invite everyone over to a welcome home dinner for Mom?” Bryce glanced over at Wyatt to see his reaction.

  “That’s a g
ood idea.”

  “It would be a lot of work, but—”

  “No, it won’t be that bad. Maybe later this week, so they don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary.” Wyatt’s mind started to whirl as he began to plan. “But what about you?”


  Innocent wasn’t working on Wyatt because he shook his head, waiting. Bryce sighed. “I don’t know. With her coming today, I didn’t want to throw them into the chaos. And as much as I know she wants me to be happy and won’t care about me having two partners, I worry about how it will affect the business. Did you hear about my temp?”

  Wyatt nodded, regret etched into his features. “I did. Most of your insureds won’t care or even notice, unless you guys get really crazy in the office.”

  Bryce snickered. “I’ll do my best.”

  Wyatt snorted. “I’m beginning to see that doesn’t mean the same thing in this family. It’s more like I’ll try unless I can talk you into something else.”

  Bryce gave a low chuckle. “Oh yeah.”

  “What else happened?”

  Bryce thought that was a very good question. One that he wasn’t sure he had the answer to.

  Confused, he started with what felt like the biggest thing in his head. “I just didn’t like how it felt to put Oliver and Troy in firing range of someone like that.” Bryce shuffled everything around in his head, trying to put it into words. “There are always going to be idiots who say something about us being gay, but this time it was because of me. She would have kept her ridiculous comments to herself if I hadn’t added myself to the picture.”

  “So two gay guys should be acceptable but not three together?” Wyatt gave him an understanding look. “Who gets to define that?”


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