Brethen 03 - Temptation & Twilight

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Brethen 03 - Temptation & Twilight Page 17

by Charlotte Featherstone

  “Oh.” She most definitely needed to warn Sussex about this.

  “Perhaps with our shared interest, we might discover the story together, Elizabeth.” BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  How she hoped not. She could not allow him to unearth anything about the three Templars, or her connection to them. In a desperate bid to make him think of other things, she asked, “How versed on the Second Crusades are you?”

  “Very,” he answered. It was said with a great deal of pride. “It’s my speciality. When in Jerusalem I unearthed a Templar cache of coin and jewels, hidden beneath the catacombs of Temple Mount.”

  “No doubt hidden to keep it out of the greedy hands of King Philip.”

  “Indeed. Philip IV was in dire need of funds at the time, and with the wealth the Templars had amassed, they were a prime target for his avarice and cruelty.”

  “The Templars were in possession of enormous wealth and property, not only in the Holy Land and Eastern Europe, but Western Europe, as well,” she stated. “Philip was furious when he learned the Templars were shipping off their riches to faraway places to keep it safe. I heard, in fact, that many scholars believe the most priceless of their treasures and relics were sent to the New World, to a remote part of Nova Scotia. Which is quite a claim in itself, for if it is true, that would significantly predate the first explorer to land upon the New World’s shores.”

  “You are very knowledgeable, Elizabeth.” She shrugged, careful to make sure she did not lose contact with his arm. “It’s a topic that is very near and dear to me. I find the Templars a fascinating study, a dichotomy of chivalry versus cruelty, the vows of faith, poverty and chastity clashing with ambition, wealth, a lust for a war that saw thousands of men, women and children die, all in the name of God. It seems a never-ending conflict of the good in humanity versus its uglier side.”

  “Jerusalem, and Temple Mount in particular, mean so BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  much to so many in our world. To the Jews it is the site of Solomon’s temple, to Muslims, it is fought over for Mo-hammed, and to Christians, it is claimed for God and his son. With that much passion and devotion for one place comes both the best and worst sides of the human race.

  And the Templars were no different. They fell victim to their humanity.”

  “Yes, I think you’re right. A sacred place for so many, but with different meaning for all. Tell me, where is this cache that you unearthed?”

  Sheldon grew quiet for a moment. When he spoke, his voice took on a rough and dangerous edge. “Stolen, I am afraid. I was working one evening in a tomb where a religious relic was supposed to have been hidden. I discovered it while reading the confession of a tortured Templar during the Inquisition of the Templars.”

  “What was this relic?” she gasped, unable to help herself. She felt his stare, the way he turned to watch her profile, which thankfully was concealed by the veil.

  “A shroud, covered in red stains. Believed to be Christ’s burial shroud. The Templars reportedly took their vows before it, and spent their night in prayer and contemplation the night before taking orders.”

  “And did you find it?”

  “I did not. I was struck from behind before I could get very far in the excavation. The blow was intended to knock me out, but I fought my attacker, and saw who it was.”

  “Who was it?” she asked breathlessly, intrigued and excited.

  “A colleague of mine, Mr. Nigel Lasseter. Bloody hell, I taught the bastard everything I knew about excavation.

  Oh, pardon my language, Elizabeth.” BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  The world seemed to be pulled from beneath her feet, and she felt her legs give way, unable to support her.

  “Here now,” he said softly, “I’ve got you.”

  “I tripped over a stone, I think,” she said, her entire body now trembling. So close… It seemed strangely compelling, yet utterly frightening how things appeared to be drawing them together, linking not only their interests, but their pasts. Like sacred geometry, there was a force drawing the lines, and somewhere in the middle they would find answers to what they each were seeking.

  “Well, I have you now,” he said, holding her close.

  “You’re safe.”

  “Is everything all right, Lady Elizabeth?” Maggie asked, as Sheldon slowly released his hold of her arms.

  “Yes, just a stone, I think, Maggie. I am quite all right, thanks to Lord Sheldon’s remarkably quick reflexes.”

  “Shall we return to the carriage, Elizabeth?” he asked.

  “No, no, we mustn’t. Not yet. I have far too many questions to quit this walk.”

  He laughed. “Very well. Let us continue on.” They resumed their stroll, and Elizabeth sorted through the facts she was hearing. This was not the first time that Nigel Lasseter’s name had come up within the circle of the Brethren Guardians. Lasseter had a personal connection with Wendell Knighton, who at one time had been the suitor of Isabella—now Lord Black’s wife. Knighton had wound up murdered, by, her brother believed, the man who called himself Orpheus.

  What an eerie kinship, Lizzy thought. Nigel Lasseter connected to Sheldon, as well as to Black via his wife’s dead suitor.

  Sacred geometry at work once more. If she possessed sight, she would have drawn it out. Shown the lines, the connections between souls who hadn’t even known each BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  other or crossed paths until only a few weeks ago. How strange… The Temple Church was considered a building displaying the proportions and theories of sacred geometry, and Sheldon was going to do a dig there, searching for the story of the three Templars. As well, Sheldon had a deep and personal connection with Lasseter. All of a sudden, her mind could not keep up with the many lines it was drawing and connecting.

  “You are deep in thought, Lizzy,” Sheldon said. “What questions do you have for me?”

  “What happened to Mr. Lasseter?”

  “After beating me senseless and leaving me for dead, he left Jerusalem with the cache. He’s been selling it off, a few pieces at a time. That is all I know. Well, that, and I have heard he is here in London.” Something in his voice told Elizabeth Sheldon wasn’t fully telling the truth. She could hardly be angry at him for that, though, for she wasn’t telling the truth, either.

  They were merely protecting what they thought they should. Perhaps she should admit to him that Lasseter was, indeed, in London. But if the earl took to searching for him, he might discover information that would lead him to draw lines between Lasseter and Isabella’s old suitor, and possibly the Brethren themselves. And that she could not allow, so instead, she pretended ignorance.

  “And the shroud? Did you ever discover it?” she asked, trying to get back to a safer topic.

  “It wasn’t there, but I found a piece of the True Cross.”

  “The one that the Bishop of Acre reportedly carried into battle at the Horns of Hattin?”

  “The very one. The one Saladin captured, and then ransomed back to the Crusaders when the Muslims surrendered the city.”

  “What was it like?” she gasped, wishing she could BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  have been there, working beside him. To touch something of such historical importance… She couldn’t imagine it.

  “It w
as in poor repair, falling apart, really, but it was wrapped in cloth with the description of what it was.

  Holding it in my hands was the most gratifying moment of my life. Even more so than finding the Templar cache.”

  “Where is it now?”

  “The British Museum, with the new curator of medieval studies. I delivered it there myself.”

  “How rewarding it must be to discover such fascinating objects. To learn of people and civilizations that have not been heard of for centuries.”

  “It is. It’s why I am so thankful that I have been granted access to the Temple Church. I did not want to give up my profession, but knew I had a responsibility to my family to honour and uphold the title. I am fortunate that for a while at least I will be able to wear both hats.

  I will discover the full story of the Templars, Lizzy. I’ve vowed to, and when I make a promise, I never go back on it. Even if it is only a promise to myself.” Elizabeth knew she would somehow have to prevent him from fulfilling that promise. There was one way, she mused, that might distract him from it, at least for a short time.

  How she hoped this would help dissuade him from thinking over much on unearthing the secrets of the Brethren Guardians. “Well, I have in my possession a diary from the Crusades. It belonged to a Templar knight, and it’s an account of his affair with a mysterious lady.” He stopped, shocked. She heard his startled breath.

  “Are you quite certain? The Templars took a vow of chastity and poverty.”

  “Yes, quite sure. The entries are rather…detailed.

  What is more, the woman in question appears to be one BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  of wealth and rank. Their affair was kept secret, not only because of his vow, but to protect her identity, as well.

  You see, forbidden from both sides.”

  “Fascinating. Who was she?”

  “That is the mystery, I am afraid. She is only iden-tified as the Veiled Lady. It’s been a goal of mine for many years to discover her name. Thus far, I have not been successful in my attempts to lift the veil of secrecy, as it were.”

  “And the knight?”

  This was where she must lie again. “Oh, I have no idea, really. I just happened to come across the book years ago in an old, musty bookshop. Some pages are missing, and the writer never discloses his identity. I suppose because he had taken a vow of chastity.”

  “I suppose. Wouldn’t be quite the thing for a Templar to be discovered entwined in a torrid affair.”

  “No, seems rather dangerous.”

  “It is real, not a clever fake?” Sheldon asked, his voice sounding excited.

  “Oh, no,” she said, “not a forgery, but a very real, au-thentic diary.”

  “I would love to see it. If you would permit me, of course.”

  “Well, that is…” Why, why, why had she brought up the diary? Lizzy mentally blasted herself. What a mess she was digging. She’d meant only to distract the earl, and yes, perhaps she was thinking of her own selfish desires —to discover the identity of Sinjin’s lover. Out of any of her acquaintances, Sheldon was the most likely to aid her. And yet she had just invited him to possibly discover more about her and her family than she had ever wanted.



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  Biting her lip, she murmured “Oh, yes. Yes, perhaps you can see it one day.”

  “Maybe I can aid you in discovering the woman’s identity?”

  “Well, that is to say…” What was there to say? She’d opened Pandora’s box! Her loose tongue had done this.

  But maybe he would be put off. Or maybe having him help her with the diary was a means to keep him close, a way to make certain he didn’t discover anything about Sinjin, or his connection to her and Adrian.

  “Lady Elizabeth,” he drawled, reaching out to squeeze her gloved hand. “I would assist you in anything. Anything at all. And I do insist. I must have a peek at this mysterious diary. How about tomorrow, hmm?”

  “REALLY, LUCY, I think it’s just wonderful that you’re finally marrying His Grace. It’s a brilliant match.” Lizzy took a careful sip of her tea, while listening to Lady Black attempt to soothe Lucy’s ruffled feathers for at least the tenth time since they’d sat down.

  “You wouldn’t say that if you were the one forced to marry him, Isabella.”


  “It’s perfectly all right, Isabella,” Elizabeth interjected.

  “There is no need to protect me. I might be Adrian’s sister, but I’m a woman first. No woman wishes to be seduced into marriage. You were seduced, were you not?” she teased.

  “Oh, now you are just fishing for gossip!” Lucy hissed, but Elizabeth could sense a change in her voice. The anger was abating, giving way to teasing. Always a good sign.

  “Well, I for one would adore discovering those on dits, ” Isabella murmured, while reaching for a biscuit.


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  Lizzy could hear them sliding on the plate next to her.

  “Do share, Lucy.”

  “No, I don’t think I will.”

  “So cruel, especially when you took such delight in the scandal that Black and I created. And now to be so mean as to not allow me to share in yours.” Lizzy could almost see Lady Black pouting dramatically.

  “Oh, all right.”

  Lizzy recoiled at the thought. “No, really, Lucy dear.

  I do love Sussex, but not enough to hear about his seduction of you.”

  Lucy had the generosity to laugh. “I would have spared you the most gruesome details, Lizzy.”

  “Thank you for small graces. Now, then, perhaps you might share with us how in the world you found yourself in the House of Orpheus last evening.”

  “Much too droll, I’m afraid, and besides, speaking of it reminds me of my impending nuptials. I don’t want to think about that right now.”

  “All right, then what shall we discuss? The new penny dreadfuls?”

  “Well, since we’re talking of seduction, tell us, how goes it with the mysterious Lord Sheldon?” Lucy suggested. “Very neutral territory, isn’t he, Isabella? Neither one of us will be at all offended, Lizzy, by the sordid details.”

  “No seduction going on at all,” she said with a small smile. “But he does share a lot of my interests, and he’s a very amiable man whose conversation is most fascinating and enjoyable.”

  “And of course the fact that he’s titled, rich, handsome — and tanned, ” Lucy announced loudly, “is all second to his eloquent…tongue.” Lizzy shook her head in mirth. “You are too bad. You BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  will give Sussex fits, I think. He needs that, to share a good laugh. But, no, to answer your question, Lucy, none of the above have really factored into my opinion of the earl.”

  “Oh, that’s disappointing,” Isabella murmured. “When Lucy told me of the earl squiring you about I had such high hopes.”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Oh, pish,” Lucy snapped. “That’s claptrap, Lizzy, and you know it. Where are the stories of breathless kisses, heaving bosoms…dark, dangerous secrets…”

  “No heaving bosoms here, I’m afraid. And no secrets.” The air in the room fairly crackled, setting Elizabeth’s nerves on edge. Were Lucy and Isabella sharing knowing looks? She had to know.

  “What silent signals are you sending to one another, hmm? I can feel them, you and
Isabella shooting each other telling glances.”

  “Oh, nothing,” Lucy said, sounding very sly. “I was just wondering if there might be heaving bosoms, but not necessarily heaving for Sheldon.” The air crackled again, through the heavy silence.

  Lucy would not give an inch, but Isabella took pity on Elizabeth and broke the stillness.

  “Ahem!” She coughed, clearing her throat. “I’m not quite sure if you know this…. Well, of course you don’t know….” She giggled, and it was so strange a sound coming from her friend that Lizzy arched her eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, dear, I’m really awful at this sort of thing.”

  “Go on, Isabella,” Lucy encouraged. “Tell her.”

  “Well, Lizzy, I feel obligated to tell you something that my husband strictly forbade me to, and which I expressly promised not to repeat.” BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012

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  “Then you probably shouldn’t,” Elizabeth said a little uneasily. What the devil was going on?

  “It involves you, and in fact… Well, in fact, I’ve already repeated it to Lucy, terrible wife that I am. But I only did it because, well, because it involves you and a certain someone, and as your very good friend, I feel obligated to share it.”

  Lizzy was sweating now. What could it be?

  “The night of Alynwick’s duel, Black stood up with him as his second. Unfortunately, things went awry and Alynwick was shot.”

  Relieved, Elizabeth waved away her comment. “Oh, I already know that.”

  “But did you know that Alynwick’s dying request, as my husband put it, was for Black to take him to you?” Lizzy promptly coughed on a mouthful of tea. Wheez-ing, she covered her lips with the back of her hand. “He said what?” she gasped.

  “Black said he was rather insistent upon it.”

  “So, what is going on with you and the mad marquis, Lizzy?” Lucy asked as she gently swatted Elizabeth between her shoulders, helping to stop her coughing. “You cannot fob us off now, you know. For I saw you with him, that night at the musicale, and there were definite smoul-dering looks and heaving bosoms.”

  “You can’t be serious!”

  Lucy pressed forward and reached for Lizzy’s cup, taking it from her. Together, both she and Isabella reached for her hands, holding them tightly in a friendly grip.


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