Home > Romance > WHO KILLED EMMALINE? > Page 15

by Dani Matthews

  “How did you hear about my car?” I eventually ask, breaking the soothing quietness of the rain.

  Cord’s chest vibrates against my back as he replies, “Dane.”

  I rest the back of my head against his shoulder, relaxing further into his embrace. “He thinks I should quit.”

  Cord is silent for a moment. “Maybe you should,” he responds.

  That is not what I was expecting to hear, and I frown. “Is that what you want?”

  His lips brush against my temple. “I can see you outside of Cordane’s, so in all honesty, I don’t really care. If you’re not commuting back and forth so much, you’ll stay safer,” he murmurs, tightening his arms around me.

  “I don’t want to quit. I really like it there.”

  “It’s grown on you, huh?”

  “Yes, it has.”

  I peer down at my combat boots that I’ve paired with skinny jeans today. I’m even wearing a black, V-neck shirt with a red dragon on the front. I like the way I look these days. I’ve never cared to wear the best clothes or whether people like my outfit or not. I’ve always left that to Sidney to worry about. I have always dressed for comfort, and if people didn’t like it, then too bad. I never imagined that Cordane’s would open my eyes up to how much fun it can be finding my own style and being unique. I’ve heard some rumors going around that my new clothing is because I am trying to impress Cord, but that’s not true at all. If I was trying to impress Cord, I’d buy that corset he likes so much, but I haven’t looked twice at it. He might like it, but it’s not me. I’m not trying to be someone that I’m not. All I’m trying to do is figure out where I fit in this world. I think that’s something all teenagers try to figure out in high school.

  “I’m sure Dane can hire someone to replace you,” Cord says, bringing me back to the present.

  “This close to Halloween? Cord, quitting is ridiculous. If I quit, Riley wins. Or is there another reason you’re suggesting it?” I ease out of his embrace and turn to look at him expectantly.

  Cord just watches me silently.

  “Is there?” I prod.

  “No, I just want to see you safe,” he says finally.

  “I’m with you, Dane, and Owen at the store. What could possibly happen?”

  “Your car was covered in blood,” he says dryly.

  “Fake blood. And it was my car. Cars are vandalized all the time, Cord.”

  He’s quiet, then he draws a knee up and rests his elbow on it. “Thanks for getting me off Riley.”

  I’m relieved we’re moving away from the topic of me quitting Cordane’s. “You were pretty mad.”

  “I’ve always had issues with my temper. I’ve taken anger management classes and shit. My first thought though is to settle the situation with my fists,” he says quietly.

  “Seems to me like that’s a natural reaction for a lot of guys.”

  He blows out a breath and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, but once you put a guy in the hospital, your issues are suddenly three times worse than they were the day before.”

  I’m not sure what to say, and we both are quiet as we listen to the rain. I look down and pick at a piece of lint on the soft blanket he’d spread out across the floor.

  “Do you miss Indiana?”

  “Sometimes.” I look up at him and shrug. “I miss my friends more than anything.”

  “Tell me about them.”

  “Well, Sidney is a bit of a firecracker,” I say with a smile.

  “Why’s that?” Cord asks curiously.

  “She has no filter whatsoever. She’s also incapable of feeling regret when she does something stupid. That girl owns everything she does, and you know what? We all love her for it,” I say with a grin.

  “What were you like at your old school?” he asks with interest.

  “Me? I was the calm one that stayed out of trouble. Chelsea, my other close friend, her and I are a lot alike. We’re both content watching the action instead of being the center of it. We were forever dragging Sidney off before she could stir up trouble.”

  “Did you have a boyfriend before moving?” he asks casually as he watches me, his eyes roaming over my face as we talk.

  I shake my head. “No. I was dating someone towards the end of my junior year, but we broke up. I haven’t dated anyone in months.”

  “Can I ask why you guys broke up?”

  “Considering I asked about your sexual history, I think it’s only fair that you ask after the guys I’ve dated,” I tease. “I don’t know why we broke up,” I say, turning serious. “I just wasn’t excited to spend time with him anymore, and we seemed to be growing apart.”

  “So you ended it?”

  I nod. My eyes drop as I think of a question I’d like to ask Cord, but I’m not sure if I should or not.

  “Something on your mind?” Cord asks dryly.

  My eyes flicker up to his. “Can I ask you something about Emmaline?”

  He studies me. “Go for it.”

  “Were you upset when she broke it off with you?” I ask quietly.

  “At first I was. It was how she chose to break it off with me that pissed me off instead of the actual breakup.”

  “What do you mean by how she broke it off with you?”

  He looks at me searchingly. “You sure you want to know?”

  I nod.

  “She announced it right after I screwed her senseless. She didn’t even have her clothes on when she told me she was done with me for good,” he says bluntly.

  “I see.” Jealousy has raised its ugly head inside me, and it bothers me that Cord would have sex with someone he hated just because the sex was that good. An insecure part of me wonders if he finds me as good as what he’d had with her.

  “I knew it was coming sooner or later,” Cord continues. “We had nothing in common, and I never really liked her anyway. Like I said before, it was just sex. I never felt anything more for her than physical attraction.”

  “What happened after she broke up with you?” I ask lightly.

  His eyes hold mine. “She left. She went straight home and was never seen again until they found…her in the creek.”

  “How do you know she went home?”

  “Her car was at the house, and her purse was left near the front door. Whoever killed her knew where she lived and was waiting for her.”

  “That’s creepy,” I say with a shudder.

  I turn my gaze out to stare at the rain, and I can’t even begin to imagine the fear that girl had probably gone through before her death. She may not have been a nice person, but no one deserves to go through what she had.

  “Krista, is there any part of you that thinks I did it?” Cord asks softly.

  I look at him and see the concern in his gaze. I rise up to my knees and move closer to him, touching the side of his face. “If you frightened me, or if there were any doubts, I wouldn’t be in the middle of the woods all alone with you. I wouldn’t have allowed you to seduce me in that fitting room, either,” I point out.

  He reaches out and settles his warm hands on my waist as he widens his legs so that I am kneeling between them. “You look at me differently than everyone else does.”

  “I do?” I run my hands through his hair, and I straighten my back so that I am peering down at him while he has to look up.

  He draws me closer so that my hips are pressed against his upper chest, his warm hands curving around my butt. “I can’t explain it, but the way you look at me is fucking addicting.”

  I smile in response, and his eyes roam over the swell of my breasts beneath my light jacket. I know what he’s thinking. We’d agreed to hold off on sex so that we could navigate this relationship slowly, but now that we are completely alone for the morning and afternoon with no interruptions…

  It’s very, very tempting.

  “You know what I think?” I murmur.

  He looks up at me. “What?”

  “I think a little sex isn’t going to hurt anything.”
br />   A wicked smile curves his lips. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Feeling bold, I stay hovering over him as I unzip my jacket. His eyes are intent as he watches my every move. After discarding my jacket, I reach for the hem of my shirt and slowly ease it up and over my head, tossing it aside carelessly. Cord’s eyes take in my lace covered breasts, and he leans forward, pressing an openmouthed kiss to my belly, causing my insides to quiver with anticipation.

  I sink my hands back in his hair as his mouth roams over my stomach. “If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t give you my body,” I whisper.

  Cord looks up at me with heated eyes. “I want to spend the day inside you.”

  “I want that, too.”

  He shifts and urges me to lie back on the blanket. I ease onto it, staring up at him as he strips off his own jacket, then his shirt. I reach up, running my fingertips over his abs. I love his body, and this time, I want to explore it. Cord has other ideas though, and he shifts so that he’s practically lying on top of me as his lips claim mine. As we kiss, the rain turns into a heavy downpour, and it drowns out my gasps as my bra disappears and Cord’s lips roam over the pert tips of my breasts. I arch my back, fists tightening in his hair as I give myself up to the pleasure he’s giving me. When he feels he’s had enough of my breasts, his lips trail down my quivering belly until he reaches with one hand and starts unbuttoning my jeans. He still hovers over my lower stomach, and his head lifts so that his eyes can meet mine. The smile on his face turns devilish as he slowly unzips my jeans.

  “Cord?” I ask huskily.

  His eyes roam over my nearly naked body, and his expression darkens with anticipation. “The great thing about being out in the woods alone is that no one can hear you scream,” he says in a low, seductive voice.

  My heart skips a beat, but I know he’s not threatening me. Just the opposite. “Confident much?”

  His eyes hold mine as he tugs my jeans down my hips, then my panties. “I didn’t get to hear you in the fitting room because of the music. Today, I want to hear every gasp and moan you make.” He turns away briefly to nimbly unbuckle my boots and pull them off. When I’m completely naked, his eyes return to mine. “But right now, I’m determined to see how loud you get when I’m going down on you,” and he lowers his head and begins kissing my lower belly. Those heated lips trail downwards, and my breath catches as I dig my fingers into the blanket, clenching the fabric into my fists. At the first touch of his lips, my back arches, and I know that I’m going to experience pleasure like I have never experienced before.


  I manage to drag myself out of bed around ten the next morning. I’d worked at Cordane’s an hour later than normal because the store had been packed, and Owen needed help shutting the store down. Cord and Dane had been stuck in the back most of the evening applying makeup and prosthetics to dozens of people who work at local and nearby haunted house attractions. It was crazy hectic, and by the time I’d arrived home last night, I’d stripped down to my panties, pulled on a tank, and dropped into bed. Thankfully today is Saturday, and I’d been able to sleep in.

  With a giant yawn, I pull on a sweatshirt and lounge pants. Since I’m too lazy to take a shower yet, I pull my hair up into a loose knot and make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I find my mom loading the dishwasher.

  “Morning,” I greet.

  My mom turns on me, and her eyes tighten in the corners as she points at the table. “Sit,” she orders.

  I look down at myself. “Did I turn into a dog overnight?”

  “Krista, now is not the time to be making smart remarks. Sit down.”

  She’s mad. My eyes lift back to hers, and I frown as I walk over to the table and sink down into one of the chairs. “Am I in trouble or something?”

  Her hands settle on her hips as she stares me down. “Depends. Does skipping school sound like a reason to be in trouble?”

  “Oh. You’re upset over that? It was just one day,” I say lightly, hoping this will just blow over. I don’t regret skipping school at all. I’d experienced great sex, and cuddling with a naked Cord tops my list of favorite things to do—after sex, of course. If he asks me to skip with him next week, I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.

  “What do you mean, ‘Oh?’ You can’t be skipping school! Where were you?” she demands.

  It’s too early for this, and I pull my sweatshirt sleeve over my hand and prop my chin on it as I fight back another yawn. “Can you at least sit down so we can have a civilized conversation? You standing over me and yelling isn’t going to accomplish anything other than an argument.”

  Her eyes narrow, and I swear she grinds her teeth before she reluctantly pulls out a chair and sits down across from me. “Where were you?” she asks calmly.

  I could try lying, but she’s not going to believe I’d skipped school to spend the day by myself. I’m a little wary of telling her about Cord, but even if she does get upset, she can’t stop me from seeing him.

  “Krista?” she prods.

  “I skipped school with Cord,” I tell her, deciding I might as well tell the truth. If I don’t, I’m betting Riley would if he ever found out that I was keeping it from her.

  “Cord? Why does that name sound familiar?” Her forehead scrunches up as she tries to place the name.

  “Cord Bodine,” I offer helpfully.

  Her eyes widen. “Bodine? As in the boy that was suspected of killing that poor girl? Have you lost your mind?!”

  “Mom, you can’t believe every rumor that goes around. Yes, he was a suspect, but they never arrested him because they have no proof. I know he didn’t do it. If the rest of these judgmental pricks around here would give him half a chance, they’d realize he’s innocent too,” I say as I set my jaw and give her a look, daring her to say otherwise.

  My mom is slowly shaking her head, her expression growing alarmed by the minute. “I’ve heard the rumors, Krista. Some of them aren’t just rumors, either. He’s a twisted and sick boy. The things he did to that girl, and the police have proof of it too!” She puts a hand to her chest like she’s about to have a stroke.

  Oh hell. Word has gotten back to her about those damn videos on Cord’s laptop. Shit. Maybe I should have just lied my butt off anyway.

  Her chair scrapes against the floor as she abruptly stands, arms folding across her chest as she begins to pace. “What did you and that boy do yesterday?”

  Yep, now it’s time to definitely lie. “We just talked, Mom. We went back to his house, which he shares with my boss, Dane,” I add on hurriedly before continuing, “and he showed me where he builds stuff for the store. They have a room in their basement where they do a lot of their work.”

  “You were alone with him in his basement?” she just about screeches.

  “Mom, is Mitch here?” I cut in. If she’s going to flip out, I’d rather him be here to pull her back from a full-out, hysterical meltdown.

  “No, he’s not here,” she snaps. She visibly draws in a deep breath and exhales slowly as she regains her composure. Her hand lifts, and she rubs her temple as she resumes her pacing. “So you went to this boy’s house? Are you dating him?” She pauses her pacing to stare me down, and her eyes are flashing that I better tell her what she wants to hear.

  “Nope. Not dating at all. He’s just a friend.”

  “Are you lying?” she asks suspiciously.

  “Would I lie?” I ask innocently.

  She makes a face at me. “Yes, you would.” She sighs and walks back to her chair to sit down again. “Are you dating him?” she asks quietly.


  She nods, looking relieved. “Okay. Can you please stay away from him? For me?”

  I lean back in my chair, eyeing her. “Now if I did that, wouldn’t I be turning into one of those judgmental pricks that I mentioned just minutes ago? Look at what they’ve done to me, and I didn’t sleep with the entire football team and never claimed I even wanted to. If they’ve been that unfa
ir to me, what makes you think that what everyone’s doing isn’t unfair to Cord?”

  “Oh, honey. If he were anyone else, I’d say go with your gut and do what feels right for yourself. But this boy, I can’t give you my blessing or approval where he’s concerned. I just can’t. It’s too much of a risk, Krista.”

  I lean forward in my chair, eyes determined. “Think about it, Mom. I’ve been working at Cordane’s for weeks and nothing has happened. Those two brothers have been nicer to me than anyone else in this town. If they had ulterior motives, don’t you think I’d have been a victim by now?”

  “Someone killed that girl,” my mom says stubbornly.

  “The Bodine’s have an alibi. So does Riley. If I were friendly with Riley, would you be this upset?”

  Her lips tighten.

  “Someone did kill Emmaline, but I can guarantee you that it wasn’t Cord or even Dane. It was someone else, and it’s been a year since it happened, so I doubt whoever did it happens to be a serial killer. For all we know, they may have already left town.”

  “They’re weird, Krista. Even if they didn’t have anything to do with that murder, they are still strange. Your boss drives around in a hearse for goodness sake, and that boy, he’s…I’m not even going to repeat the things I’ve heard. Both of them are bizarre, and if this town is going to have a killer in its midst, it’d be one of those two!”

  She’s not going to relent, and I sigh. “Can we just agree to disagree?”

  “No. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the change in your clothes. That boy and his brother are up to no good. I’m beginning to wonder if they’re doing some type of brainwashing when you’re with them,” she accuses.

  I’ve had it, and I throw my hands up in the air with exasperation. “So now I can’t experiment with different styles of clothing?”

  “They are turning you into whatever they are! Goth or whatever you call it!”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I laugh. “That store is about being true to one’s self. We all dress in certain styles that appeal to us. Our clothing helps express who we are. You can call it what you want, but in reality, I am just dressing in a way that makes me feel happy.”


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