Harlequin Heartwarming June 2021 Box Set

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Harlequin Heartwarming June 2021 Box Set Page 70

by Patricia Johns

  She shook her head no. “Not here. Can you come by my place tonight?”

  After a moment of tense silence, he asked, “What time?”

  “Six thirtyish.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Misty released a short sigh of relief. At least Leon had agreed to meet with her. Now all she had to do was convince him to give her another chance.


  MISTY SPENT THE late afternoon planning the menu for dinner. She flicked through several cookbooks, trying to work out what she could pull together given the limited supplies in her refrigerator. Talei wanted to go to the pool when they got home, so Misty didn’t have time to go grocery shopping. She settled for a pasta dish—tortellini with salami, goat cheese and Kalamata olives, and fresh bread.

  She began prepping for dinner at five o’clock so she could take her time and enjoy the process. Misty was both excited and nervous about seeing Leon tonight. She forced herself to remain hopeful that they could work things out and start over.

  Misty had everything ready by six o’clock, the table set by a quarter past.

  In her bedroom, she decided to slip on a flowy sundress that was comfortable and made her feel elegant. She paired it with a pair of sandals.

  Misty ran nervous fingers through her hair as she eyed her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  Leon arrived promptly at six thirty.

  Misty stepped aside to allow him to enter her condo. “Thank you for coming.”

  They sat down in the living room.

  “I made dinner. I figured we could eat first, then talk after.”

  “Where’s Talei?” Leon asked as he rose to his feet.

  “She’s having dinner with Rusty and Eleanor.” Misty smiled. “She has quite the social life.”

  Leon pulled out a chair for Misty at the dining room table, then sat down across from her.

  They made small talk while eating.

  “I made a key lime pie for dessert,” she announced.

  “Maybe later,” Leon said.

  He helped her clear the table.

  “I’ll put everything in the dishwasher later,” Misty said. “We can sit in the living room to talk.”

  When they settled on the sofa, she was the first to speak. “Leon, I first want apologize to you for the way I handled this situation. You deserved better and I’m so sorry.”

  “I understand that John and his father put you through a lot—I get it. What I don’t get is how I was thrown in with them. I’ve never done anything to intentionally hurt you.”

  “I was overwhelmed by all the drama in that moment. Leon, I grew up with an alcoholic and verbally abusive father. After that, it was a string of toxic relationships—the very thing I wanted to avoid. I started to feel like a magnet for the worst choices of men.” Tears filled her eyes. “I was relieved when she finally chose to leave him, but deep down I wanted him to change and come after us. I wanted him to love us enough to become a better man. Leon, I wasn’t going to allow Talei to grow up in that type of environment.”

  “My aunt mentioned in passing that you’d been through a lot.”

  “I had no real idea of how toxic his relationship with his father was until a few months before our wedding. I wanted to call off the engagement. John promised me that we’d be okay, but things only got worse. He started drinking and that’s when the abusive behavior began.”

  “John loved you and when you divorced him, he felt betrayed.”

  “He said I was selfish. Clara said the same thing at the hospital, and it made me question all of the decisions I’d made, including wanting to be with you,” Misty said. “It was not my intention to keep my daughter away from her father. I wanted to push John to get some help.

  “Leon, I spent two years in therapy, learning to move past all this stuff. I saw my father a week ago for the first time in twenty years. We talked and I’m finally able to work toward forgiving him. All I ever wanted was a better life for me and Talei. I wanted to feel a sense of normalcy.” Misty met his gaze. “I wasn’t being selfish. I was trying to survive.”

  “Misty, we can’t help who we fall in love with—I never thought I’d feel this way about anybody after Vera. I never want to bring chaos into your life.”

  “You haven’t,” she said. “Things just got out of control when we went to see Elroy and Clara. I was overwhelmed, confused and I panicked. But I want you to know that I’m clear on what I want regardless of what they think.”

  “What are you telling me?”

  She hesitated a moment, measuring Leon for a moment. “I love you. Being apart from you showed me a few things. I always felt so safe with you and peaceful—everything I’ve always wanted in a relationship. I regret not realizing it sooner.”

  He didn’t respond.

  Misty chewed on her lip and stole a look at him.

  “It was a lot for me to open my heart to loving someone again.” Leon’s voice was carefully colored in neutral shades.

  “I know,” she murmured. “I’m hoping you will trust me with your heart again. I’m asking for a second chance.”

  He was staring as if assessing her.

  “Please say something, Leon.” Misty tried to sheath her inner feelings.

  He reached over and took her hand in his own. “When you broke up with me—I told myself that was it. I was done.”

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “But the more I tried to forget about you, the more I realized that what we have between us is worth fighting for,” Leon said. “I’m not ready to give up on love.”

  Tears streaming down her face, she said, “I love you so much and I want to be with you.”

  “I need you to be sure of what you want, Misty. No more flip-flopping.”

  She wiped away her tears with the back of her hands. “I am very clear on this. I want you and me. I want us.”

  Leon leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. “You take my breath away every time I see you.”

  “I missed you so much,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “I really missed you, too.”

  He captured her mouth with his own a second time.

  When they parted, he said, “I love you, Misty, and it’s very real.”

  She placed a hand to his cheek. “I know. I feel it even when we’re not together.”

  During dessert, Misty said, “Your aunt’s birthday is coming up at the end of October. Rusty came to see me earlier. He wants to surprise Miss Eleanor with a party at the shop. She’s been so good to me—I told him I’d be happy to plan it. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a good idea.”

  “Great,” she said. “Once I have a solid plan, I’ll go over everything with Rusty.”

  “I’ve been trying to figure out what to get her for her birthday.”

  “You have all those family pictures and Miss Eleanor has a bunch. What about putting together a memory book for her?” Misty suggested. “We can have the photos scanned. We can organize them online and put names, dates—anything you want.”

  “Will they put it in book form?” Leon asked.

  “Yeah. They can do it anyway you want.”

  “I’d love to do that for Aunt Eleanor. Maybe it’ll help if she starts to lose some of those memories.”

  * * *

  “WHERE ARE YOU off to in such a hurry?” Charles inquired, blocking Leon’s path. “You’re running outta here like you have a hot date or something.”

  Leon broke into a grin. “I have to be somewhere. I’m actually on my way to the jewelry store.”


  “Yeah. I love Misty and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and Talei.”

  “My man...”

  “I’m going to propose after my aunt’s surprise party.” />
  “Congratulations, Leon. I’m happy for you.”

  “I hope she’s ready for this next step.”

  “Misty loves you. She’s gonna say yes. I’m sure of it. I bet Vera’s smiling down from heaven seeing you happy. She would’ve wanted you to keep living. For a while there, you had me worried.”

  “I couldn’t imagine loving anyone other than Vee,” Leon responded. “We’d made so many plans for the future—it was supposed to be the two of us against the world.” He chuckled. “That sounded so cliché.”

  “Yeah, but it’s true. It’s the same with me and Betty. I never thought I’d come home one day to her wanting a divorce.”

  “I see she’s been coming around a lot,” Leon said. “Are you two getting back together?”

  “We’ve been going to counseling,” Charles said. “I want my marriage. Betty says she does, too. I guess we’ll see.”

  “I hope it works out for you both.”

  Leon left the station and headed to the mainland. He was going to see the jeweler who’d designed Eleanor’s wedding ring in Savannah.

  He hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Leon was actually looking forward to the future now that he’d found the person who gave his life new meaning. He even toyed with the idea that it was fate that had kept him from meeting Misty while she was married to John. Otherwise, they would be in a different space.

  Leon didn’t question whether John would approve of their relationship—he knew that John would understand. That was all that mattered.

  * * *

  “JOSH, DO WE have everything we need for the party tomorrow?” Misty asked, checking her watch. “I’m meeting Leon at noon for lunch. I can pick up the stuff we need after that.”

  “As far as I can tell, we’re good,” he responded. “I’ll text you if we’re missing anything.”

  She removed her apron, then went to the bathroom to take off her plastic cap and fluff her hair.

  Misty walked out saying, “I have to get out of here.”

  She walked the two blocks to the restaurant. Leon was already seated when she arrived.

  “How long have you been here?” Misty asked.

  “Just a couple of minutes,” Leon said. “I actually just got off the phone with Clara.”

  “How is Elroy?” Misty asked.

  “He’s coming along. Clara is running the business and even Elroy had to admit she’s doing a great job. She’s hired more staff and they are busier than ever. I had no idea that she used to drive for her father’s trucking company whenever he needed an extra driver.”

  Misty’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? I had no idea that she drove a truck or that she worked for her father. I know she’s always wanted to help with the business.”

  “Elroy apologized and he wants to talk to you. He asked me to bring you and Talei for a visit. He realizes now that he’d allowed his frustrations to take over his life. He says the stroke humbled him. He wants to make amends if possible. He understands that it may take some time for you to feel comfortable around him.”

  “If he’s willing to make peace, then I’m all for it. He is Talei’s grandfather and I want them to have a relationship.”

  A server came over with glasses of water. While she was there, they gave her their order.

  “Is everything ready for the party?” Leon asked when the server left the table.

  Misty nodded. “Yes. I’ve already prepared the trays of lasagna. They’re in the freezer. I’ll have the cake ready by tomorrow morning.”

  “When will your mother arrive?”

  “She got here this morning,” Misty responded. “She and Talei were putting together a puzzle when I checked on them a few minutes ago.”

  “Are you sure you want to cook dinner tonight? I don’t mind picking up something for us.”

  “Mama actually made dinner for us,” she said. “Wait until you taste her brisket and garlic mashed potatoes... I’m telling you, Oma Brightwater is a fantastic cook.”

  “Apparently you inherited her skills.”

  “Thank you.” Misty looked at the clock on the wall. “I have to go back to work, but I’m looking forward to seeing you later.”

  Leon kissed her. “I should be there no later than seven...seven fifteen.”

  “See you then.”

  Misty walked back to the shop grinning from ear to ear.

  Her life had changed for the better since moving to Polk Island and she was determined to live for the moment. And each day with Leon brought wonderful moments and memories. They had spent the past few months exploring different festivals, dancing all night at social events, touring historic cities like Savannah and Charleston. Misty and Leon had eaten in tiny boutique restaurants and bistros. They spent a lot of time at the beach or the pool with Talei.

  Occasionally, Misty had fallen asleep in his arms on the sofa in the living room. He was always the perfect gentleman. He gave her flowers and was generous with his compliments, but most important to her was the quality time spent with her and Talei.

  She was grateful Leon had given their relationship a second chance. She finally had the type of man she’d always dreamed about. As far as Misty was concerned, life couldn’t get any better than this.


  IT WAS THE evening before Halloween. Misty did one final check to make sure everything was perfect for the party. Leon was helping one of the employees set up two more tables. She broke into a smile. He just couldn’t seem to keep himself from pitching in to help. Misty couldn’t deny that it was one of the qualities she loved about him.

  “I hope she likes everything,” she said when Leon walked over to her.

  “She’s going to love it,” he assured her. “Misty, I want you to relax.”

  “I will once the party is over,” she said, “and Miss Eleanor’s had the time of her life.”

  Leon checked his phone. “Rusty just texted me. They’re on the way.”

  Misty announced, “Everyone, Miss Eleanor should be here in a few minutes.”

  She reached over and took Leon’s hand, squeezing it. She was bubbling over with excitement. When Rusty came to her about the party, Misty promised she would create a well-planned memorable event to honor Eleanor. She wanted both Rusty and Eleanor to be pleased.

  “Here they come,” someone said.

  “Oooh, the shop looks beautiful,” Eleanor murmured, her eyes traveling the room. “What’s the occasion?”

  “We’re celebrating you,” Misty responded with a smile. “Happy Birthday, Miss Eleanor.”

  Leon embraced Eleanor. “Happy Birthday, Auntie.”

  She glanced over at Rusty. “Did you know about this?”

  “It was my idea,” he confessed. “I came to Misty with it and she graciously agreed to help me with the planning.”

  Eleanor kissed him. “Thank you, my sweet husband. I am truly blessed.”

  Rusty took her hand. “Let’s greet your guests. A lot of people came to celebrate with us.”

  “I love seeing them together,” Misty told Leon. “Such a beautiful couple.”

  He agreed. “They say the same thing about us.”

  Misty grinned. “I know.”

  Leon placed his arms around her. “I can’t see my life without you and Talei in it. These past few months have been better than I could ever hope to be.”

  “I feel the same way despite the bumps along the way.”

  The open buffet was spectacular, Misty thought to herself. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, turkey, stuffing and a host of vegetables—all of Eleanor’s favorites.

  The laughter of the patrons, lively conversations and the music playing softly in the background pleased Misty. Rusty had entrusted her with planning the event and she worked hard to ensure that he felt his money was well spent.

��Come sit,” Leon said, pulling out a chair for her at the table. “You did all this work—it’s now time for you to enjoy this delicious food you prepared.”

  Misty couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this way or had so much fun. Her senses were heightened in Leon’s presence.

  A server brought tall drinks to the table for them, left then returned with plates laden with food.

  While Misty ate, she swayed to the music blaring through the speakers. “I love the O’Jays.”

  “No wonder you and Aunt Eleanor get along so well,” Leon said with a chuckle. “You’re both into old-school R&B.”

  Misty smiled. “I see you over there dancing in your chair.”

  “I love all types of music, but I love some jazz. I have some friends I’d like you to meet,” Leon said when a couple walked up to the table. “This is Landon and Jadin Trent. They live in Charleston. Actually, Jadin and I are related. Our great-grandmothers were cousins.”

  Misty smiled. “It’s really nice meeting you both.” Eyeing Jadin, she asked, “You look familiar. You work with the DuGrandpre Law Firm, right?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “My wife is a DuGrandpre,” Landon stated.

  “How’s the family?” Leon asked. “I haven’t seen Ryker in months.”

  “Everyone is fine,” Jadin responded. “Jordin sends her love. She couldn’t come because she’s due any day now. My dad had knee replacement, so Mom stayed home with him.”

  Leon said, “Please extend my congratulations to your sister.”

  “We’re going to have to head back to Charleston,” Jadin said. “Our son is with Ryker and Garland. I’m sure with their four children, he’s probably running them ragged.”

  Leon stood up and embraced her. “Thank you for coming.”

  “I wouldn’t dare miss out on celebrating Eleanor’s birthday. Whenever we came to the island for vacation, she always sent my parents an apple pie and she’d bake chocolate raspberry brownies for me and Jordin.”

  “The DuGrandpres still have a home here on the island,” Leon explained.

  Jadin nodded. “It belonged to my great-great-grandparents. Landon and I have been thinking about renovating it. I want to bring my son here for vacation. I have so many great memories on this island.”


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