Descent Into Darkness

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Descent Into Darkness Page 13

by A J Newman

  The men stopped on either side of the doors with their pistols drawn and one of the men yelled, “Hey buddy. We need to talk with you.”

  The other man said, “We won’t hurt you. We just want to know if you want to join us.”

  “I know you won’t hurt me. Drop your pistols and lay your rifles on the ground and we can talk. Raise a pistol in my direction, and you both die,” Joe calmly said after sneaking up behind them.

  “Mike, drop your gun. This man is sharper than we gave him credit.”

  “I ain’t dropping my gun. He might shoot us,” the other man replied.

  “Dumbass, he could have shot us without talking. Put your fucking guns down, or I’ll kill your sorry ass.”

  Both of the men placed their firearms by the front door and stuck their hands in the air. Joe asked, “Now why are you following me and what do you want?”

  The man who ordered the other to drop his weapons answered, “I’m Harry, and this is Dumbass. We are part of a group of citizens who banded together to run the gangs and outlaws from Ashland. Most of them are gone now, and we intend to bring law and order to Ashland. We mean you no harm and were just trying to see if you could be a like-minded citizen or an outlaw.”

  “I’m no outlaw. I come to the city from time to time to get medical supplies and scrounge for things I need,” Joe answered.

  “You walk and move like you have some pain in that leg,” Harry said.

  “Yes, I got shot when I tried to stop some gang bangers from killing my friends. I killed both of them, but one got off a lucky shot,” Joe said.

  “Knife or gun?” Harry asked.

  “Knife. I snuck up behind them and killed one quickly and struggled to kill the other,” Joe laughed as he replied.

  “You some kind of Navy Seal or something?”

  “No. I wish I were. I’m just a mechanic who got stuck in this shit and is trying to survive while I learn more about survival. You Army or Navy?” Joe asked.

  “Army then Portland Police for twenty years. I was hauling prisoners down to the prison when the shit hit the fan and got stuck here. My buddy and I kept a low profile and began building a team that could challenge the gangs. We got a lucky break when one of the natives began killing off the gang members. The man was some kind of ninja killing machine. Hell, he even blew up the gang’s headquarters and killed all of the Medford and Ashland gang leaders. My boss wants to kill or run the rest of the thugs out of the area and make it safe for the people who live here. Would you like to join us?” Harry said.

  “Maybe later. I live west of town and don’t want to move into town. I certainly support your plans, but I kinda like living alone out in the woods,” Joe said.

  “Well, here’s the rub. We won’t allow anyone to come into town after we finish taking control to loot the city. So you’d better join us if you want to trade for more supplies,” The man smiled as he answered.

  “So, do I need to barter for what I need now or are you going to stop me now? Can I get my supplies and leave for good?” asked Joe.

  “Your Jeep won’t hold that much. Go ahead and get what you need now. Just be ready to trade for future supplies,” Harry said.

  Joe picked up their guns and said, “I’ll place them in the bed of that blue Ford pickup at the corner. Sorry, but even though I heard your story, I have a hard time trusting people. Good luck on making Ashland secure. I doubt that I’ll be back until late summer when my crops come in. Then I’ll be back to trade veggies for hardware and maybe some ammunition.”

  “Sounds good to me. Hey, I know we could use some fresh meat. If you kill a deer and have extra, bring a haunch in and trade. Be careful, there are still bad guys in town and a few town folk with itchy trigger fingers,” Harry said.

  Joe walked away from the men being careful to make sure they stayed at the church until he dropped the guns in the back of the pickup. He quickly walked around a corner and ran two blocks to put distance between him and the two men. Trusting strangers would never happen again in Joe’s lifetime.


  “Ladies, I’m going on a supply run to the place you stayed to fetch the rest of your supplies. Can one of you go with me to help carry the stuff back here?” Earl asked.

  “I’ll go. Cobie is having a gastrointestinal issue after eating the canned chili. It didn’t bother me, but she is doing her best to use up all of our TP and stink up the upstairs bathroom,” Emily said.

  A shoe came flying from the other room, and they heard, “Ladies don’t stink.”

  Emily laughed as she held her nose and said, “Then you, my dear are no lady.”

  Earl and Ashley laughed, and they heard, “I guess I know who my friends are now.”

  Cobie had alternated vomiting and diarrhea for several hours and was very sick. Earl was actually going to the house in hopes of finding some Imodium to replace what Cobie had taken. When the supply of medicine ran out the world would revert to home remedies and early death for many.

  Earl and Emily gathered their arms and bags and then snuck out the back door around midnight.

  “Emily there seems to be much more activity by that new gang tonight. Keep an eye out and stay very quiet,” Earl warned.

  “Yes sir,” she replied.

  The moon was almost full, and it was a cloudless sky so staying hidden was more difficult and made the going slow. They were only a few blocks from Earl’s house when they saw a man dart across the street a few yards ahead of them. Earl ducked behind some bushes, and three punks came into view. They were searching for the man.

  “Where did the fucker go?”

  “He ran around that house, and I lost him. I want that rifle. I think it’s one of those Army M4s.”

  “You’re going to get us killed over a damn rifle.”

  “I want the damn thing, and I’m the leader.”

  Earl and Emily watched the men move on down the street when suddenly they heard, “Put your damn guns down. I will kill your sorry asses if you don’t drop your guns.”


  Chapter 10

  Joe slipped away from Harry and his friend and hid in an abandoned house until dark. He dined on two cans of Beanee Weenees and washed that down with a bottle of Coke he found in the pantry. He knew people were hiding in some of the houses but also knew it would be dangerous to approach them to ask about Cobie. He spent the next three hours watching a row of houses to see if he could see signs of the inhabitants. About two hours after the sun set he saw a man come out of the shadows toward him.

  “Sir, please help me,” Joe whispered from behind a porch.

  “Get away from me. I have a gun.”

  “I can see your gun and have my rifle aimed at your chest. Don’t move. Just answer a few questions and I will let you go,” Joe said.

  “Are you working for the new boss?” the man asked.

  “No. Is that the one trying to bring law and order to town?” Joe asked.

  “That’s what he says.”

  “Why don’t you believe him?” Joe asked.

  “Some of his men look like convicts with their jail tats and the way they talk.”

  “Are you a cop?” Joe asked.

  “I was a State Trooper. I retired.”

  “I’m just looking for my wife. We got separated, and I’ve been searching for her,” Joe said.

  “Funny, the Boss’s men are searching for two women that freed a bunch of women captives. I’m hiding two of the escaped women,” the man replied.

  “Could I talk with them?” Joe asked.

  “Yes, but I will kill you if you try anything,” the man said.

  “I won’t,” Joe said.

  Joe shook hands with the man and said, “I’m Joe, and I’m looking for my wife, Cobie.”

  “I’m Wes. Glad to meet you. Hey, are you the Joe who started the gangs fighting each other and blew up the armory?” the man asked.

  “I don’t know anything about that,” Joe replied.

  “Don’t shit me, b
oy. You gave me some guns and ammo a couple of weeks ago. I never forget a face. You started cleaning out the gangs and now we the people are killing the last of the dregs. Follow me home,” Wes said.

  Wes took him through the backyard of the house across the street and to a house a block away. He knocked on the back door and then entered the house. Joe followed him to a closet that was on the backside of the stairs to the second story. Wes opened the door and pushed some hanging coats out of the way. Then he moved a piece of plywood that was painted the same color as the walls. A staircase led them down into a basement. Wes turned a light on, and Joe found himself staring down at three rifles pointed at him.

  “Put your guns down. This is Joe. I told you about him a week ago. Joe, we have two families living down here, and we are very careful around strangers. If you don’t mind, place your guns on top of that box and let’s sit a spell and talk,” Wes said.

  They talked and compared notes on the situation the country found itself in these days and then the people shared a meal with Joe.

  “We live in the mountains and have started growing a garden and gathering cows, goats, and chickens. There are some extra cabins and ranch houses around us. We’d love to have good people to join us. I don’t have a good feeling about ever staying in a town,” Joe said.

  “That sounds mighty inviting but hard to defend,” Wes stated.

  “Any place you live these days has plusses and minuses. I’m offering, but you don’t have to take me up on it,” Joe said.

  One of the women said, “We’d be fools not to take him up on the offer. If we try to grow a garden the punks will just take the food from us and having a cow in the city would be a problem.”

  “Everyone in favor of following Joe up into the mountains, raise your hands,” Wes said.

  It was unanimous in favor of moving up into the mountains. Then the discussion changed to how to make the move quickly and safely. Wes remembered Joe’s original questions and stopped the group. “Hey, Joe is actually down here looking for his wife. I told him about the two women who escaped. Joan and Peggy, Joe has some questions for you.”

  “Wes said some women came to rescue two other women but rescued you. Did you catch their names or the names of the women they were looking for?” Joe asked.

  “Their names were Emily and Connie. They were looking for some women named Gail and Lyn. Gail had been killed, and Lyn was sold to a man from Portland,” Peggy said.

  “What did the two women look like that freed you two?” Joe asked.

  “The young girl was a slim blonde about five foot six and maybe sixteen. The woman was maybe thirty-years-old, five foot four, and had shiny black hair. She had a cut on her forehead and favored her right arm,” Joan said.

  “That sounds like my Cobie,” Joe said with glee in his voice. “Where are they now?”

  “Connie said they were heading down here. We didn’t want to go with them at first and then came down here when the men started searching for us,” Joan said.

  Joe asked,” Who is Connie?”

  “She is the black-haired woman.”

  “Earl took in some stray women a few weeks ago and then some more the other day. Let’s go over and visit with him. Hell, Earl might want to join us in the mountains,” Wes said.

  “I’m ready. Let’s go,” said Joe.

  Wes led Joe down the street a little after midnight. They never head the men come up behind them until too late.

  “Put your damn guns down. I will kill your sorry asses if you don’t drop your guns.”

  Joe knew there were three of them, so he dropped his rifle in the grass followed by his pistol. Wes dropped his rifle, and they both stood there with their hands in the air. Joe hoped the men would take their guns and leave. If not he would pull his backup Glock, kill them, and pray he didn’t get killed.

  One of the men picked up Joe’s M4 and said, “This is an M4. It’s a really nice gun; it’s much better than this punk needs. You’re going to give it to me.”

  Joe said, “You can have our guns. Just let us go.”

  “No. Harry wants us to capture any of the local yokels and bring them to him. Some asshole has been attacking us and killed our leaders. Slick took over and wants those people’s heads on a pike,” the man said.

  “Shush, that’s my friend Wes there with his hands up. Get ready to shoot the one on the right. I’ll kill the other two. Be ready to grab the punk’s guns and run back to our house with the other two,” Earl said.

  Three shot rang out, and three punks fell to the ground.

  “Wes, it’s me, Earl. Grab their guns and follow me.” Earl said.

  Wes and Joe retrieved their guns and stripped the three men of their guns and ammo, and then ran several blocks to Earl’s house. Earl led the way down to the basement through the upstairs. Joe almost gagged at the smell from the upstairs room.

  “Sally we rescued Wes and his friend a few minutes ago. Some punks had them standing there with their hands in the air,” Earl said.

  “Thanks Earl for saving our asses. We screwed up and let them get the drop on us,” Wes said.

  “Thanks very much,” Joe said.

  Wes introduced Joe, “This is my friend Joe. Hey, Earl, what is the terrible odor?”

  “Thanks for saving us. I hate to be rude, but I’m looking for my wife, Cobie. She …”

  There was a commotion from the other room, and they heard someone running into the room knocking things over.

  There was a blur, and Cobie jumped into Joe’s arms and wrapped her legs around him. Her forward momentum knocked Joe down, and they landed on the floor in a pile of arms and legs with Cobie smothering Joe with kisses.

  “Joe it’s me Cobie. I love you. Where is Cloe? How are you? I love you,” Cobie said as she kept kissing Joe.

  “Well, I guess he found his wife,” Wes said joyfully.

  “And the source of the stinky air,” replied Emily.

  Joe pushed her face away to look at her and said, “Baby, I thought we’d lost you. Cloe will be so happy to see you. I love you.”

  Joe and Cobie kissed for several minutes, and then Cobie said, “Joe, I want you to meet our new daughters. This is the smart mouth, Emily, and that one is Ashley. They need us, and I adopted them.”

  Joe paused and said, “Now I live with four beautiful women. I’ll never see the bathroom or get a word in edgewise again. Come here, girls.”

  They had a group hug and then swapped their life stories. The girls were sad about losing their parents but very relieved that they had a new home and people that cared for them. Joe was impressed that Cobie and Emily had accomplished so much; however, he also knew that they had been as lucky as he was not to be killed. He planned to take them up into the mountains and keep them safe from all the dangers the cities contained.

  Joe and Cobie were given the back room by themselves, and the two girls shared a bed. Joe lay there with Cobie in his arms and felt peaceful for the first time in a long while. They had to whisper because there was only a bed sheet for a door.

  “Joe I lost my memory. I kept trying to remember Cloe, and you but only a small bit of memory came back to me. When my memory did flood back, I knew I loved you. Why did you tell these people that I was your wife? We aren’t married,” Cobie asked.

  “Because it instantly makes them care more about the hurt I suffered being separated from you and that I would do anything to get you back. I also love you and want you to marry me,” Joe replied.

  “We could just live together. Besides, where are we going to find a preacher?” Cobie asked.

  “You don’t have to test me. I have wanted you since I saw you in that store. I fell in love with you the first day at your cabin when Cloe had the gun on me. I want you to be my wife. I don’t need a girlfriend. I want a partner that will share a hard life as we make our way through this crap,” Joe replied then kissed her.

  Joe became a little amorous and Cobie said, “One of the first things I remembered was you mas
saging my body after I took a bath. I have wanted you so bad since then. It’s not fair that we can’t be alone tonight.”

  “Joe ran his hands over her body, and then he trailed kisses from her breasts to her stomach.

  “Baby, how quiet can you be?”

  The next morning, Joe lay there looking at Cobie in his arms. She lay half on him with her head on his chest. Her hair smelled like wood smoke but had the shimmering gleam like a raven’s wing. Her face was darker than he remembered and she had a three-inch long wound in her scalp that had almost healed. There wound had a small inch long scab with a scar on both ends. Cobie’s hair would cover the scar, but he knew only time would heal her emotional scars. Joe’s fingers then went to her upper arm and felt the scar from the bullet that pierced her arm.

  “You poor baby. You’ve been run over by a truck, shot in the arm, and kidnapped. I’m going to protect you from now on even if it makes you mad at me. I love you, and that’s my job,” Joe whispered.

  Cobie’s eyes opened, she kissed Joe’s chest, and whispered, “There was a time when that would have pissed me off. Now it only means that you love me. Baby, I would kill anyone that tries to hurt you or Cloe. You are mine now, and that’s what people do for their loved ones.”

  “Good morning Punkin’. How are your injuries doing this morning? I felt your scars and then couldn’t help notice that you have put on some muscles.”

  “That’s not all you were feeling this morning,” she said as she held back a laugh.

  “And every inch of you felt wonderful this morning. We need to get back to the cabin and send the girls down to Ginny’s to visit with their new friends,” Joe said.

  “So you can check on my scars.”

  “Among other things. A guy needs to know every inch of his lover’s body just in case … err … I got nothing that makes sense. Anyway, I’ll use the Braille method to learn about you for the next hundred years,” Joe said.


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