Descent Into Darkness

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Descent Into Darkness Page 19

by A J Newman

  Tony Mongolusia was a fifth generation New Yorker with roots in the old country. He was a good looking 40 year old man who was slightly overweight with balding hair. He had a quick wit and was quick to crack a joke. He loved his wife of 15 years and adored his kids.

  His family had arrived from Italy and had been in the Italian underworld for several more generations. He and his family were devout Catholics and led exemplary lives except for their positions in the Mob. Tony’s father always wanted Tony to go to college and become a lawyer or legit businessman.

  Tony took over his dad’s operation ten years ago and rose through the Mob ranks to become second in command to one of the top Mob bosses. Tony didn’t like the dirty end of the business and steered his group away from drugs, car theft, and murder in favor of gambling, prostitution, and operating clubs and bars. His boss liked the large amounts of cash Tony brought to the table and let him do his thing. He also used Tony’s legitimate businesses to launder Mob money.

  Tony was very good to the men and women that worked for him if they were loyal. If not they disappeared. Tony didn’t like violence but used it when necessary. Many of his team’s skills would become very valuable in the near future.


  The hostess interrupted their conversation and said, “Sir, I can seat you at a table with three other men but won’t have a table for one until this crowd dies down.”

  Max looked Greg, “If my new friend joins me, I’ll be happy to join the others.”

  “Greg replied, “Works for me as long as I can get a fresh Jack and Coke.”

  The hostess led them to a round table in the far corner and asked them to join three other men at the table. Max watched the hostess’ behind as she walked away and then at the men a the table and wanted to follow the hostess where ever she went.

  “Gentlemen, this is the famous author, Max Heard, and I am Greg Hines. I hear we have to share this table.”

  The man on the left of the three men said, “I’m US Marshal Robert Leary, the guy in the middle is Anthony Mongolusio, and the other is NYPD Lieutenant Sam McKinney. We’re not very talkative, so you two do your thing, and we won’t bother you.”

  Max looked at Greg when he said, “Glad to meet you and good luck getting your prisoner to New York. Mr. Mongolusia is a very powerful man and has quite the reputation in New York. He may even be responsible for the delayed flights.”

  Tony Mongolusio replied, “I’m just a simple middle manager in the beverage distribution industry. I’m afraid all of that hype you hear is only bullshit made up by the FBI because my company supported the President in his successful campaign. Fox News and Republicans will do anything to paint me and others supporting our President as corrupt thugs.”

  Greg went out on a limb and said, “So Mr. Mongolusio those undercover surveillance films of you bribing the NYPD Commissioner were bogus and fake news,” replied Greg.

  Tony only laughed and said, “That was only business. The NYPD is the best police force money can buy.”

  The NYPD cop raised his fist to hit Tony, but the Marshal said, “Hit him, and I’ll have your shitty badge, and you will have to sell hot dogs on the street.”

  “It looks like we will be stuck here for several more hours according to the text I just received so can’t we all get along,” Max said in disgust at the news.

  Tony asked, “What does the famous writer write about?”

  Max replied, “Nothing you would be interested in I’m afraid.”

  “Try me. I happen to be an avid reader and like a variety of genres.”

  “Hey, waitress, bring us another round,” called the Marshal.”

  Max thought it odd that the Marshal and the cop were drinking while escorting an infamous criminal back to jail but went ahead and answered, “I write post-apocalyptic science fiction. I doubt that you have read much of that.”

  “I disagree. I’m a big fan of science fiction and not only read apocalyptic novels, but I also watch the movies. I’m not big into prepping myself, but I have guys that handle that for me. My ranch out in Colorado is totally self sufficient, and my home up in the Hamptons is set up like a fortress with its own power plant, food, and security. Your name sounds familiar, but I don’t think I have read any of your novels,” replied Tony.

  “Did you see the movie Dark Apocalypse: Rogues Nation?”

  Tony answered, “Yes, I did and thought it was great. It was the first PA movie that had all bad guys as the stars. Did you have anything to do with the movie?”

  Bob, the Marshal, said, “Damn, that was a great show.”

  Max replied, “I wrote the book and the screenplay for the movie. I would have cast Matt Damon as the lead, but the producer wanted Bill Hollis. I think that was my best work and I am now writing the sequel War in the Apocalypse: Rogues Nation. The movie was a huge financial success, and they wanted the next screenplay yesterday.”

  They all paused when all of the TV’s broadcast an alert. The Fox News anchor said, “We have just received word that hundreds of thousand North Korean troops are being staged along the DMZ and that Iran has joined North Korea in demand for US troops to leave South Korea within 60 days or they will both attack our troops close to both nations. The President is scheduled to address the nation at 4:00 this afternoon. Now we will have retired General Bill Kellen to give us the possible reaction from our military.”

  The screen on the TV showed thousands of soldiers pouring across the screen screaming as they ran south.

  “Max, assuming something like this goes beyond the saber rattling, and we get nuked, or even EMP blasts, what would your plan be,” asked Tony.

  “Well, if I were at home I would…...” Max tried to answer, but Tony interrupted.

  “No, this could happen while we are stuck here at the airport. What would you do if the shit hit the fan right now,” Tony demanded.

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad. I would get the fuck out of this damned airport. I’d grab what food and water I could carry and get far away from here. If it were an EMP blast, I’d find an old car or truck and borrow it to get out of the cities. Then I’d hunker down in a cave, cabin or some other shelter as I gather more food, water, weapons, and seeds to grow crops,” said Max.

  “Where would you find more food?”

  Max replied, “There are hundreds of trucks, stores, and warehouses full of food. I would get some of it before the riots break out and people loot all of the stores and warehouses. Wait a minute. Hey waitress. Please come over here for a minute.”

  The waitress walked over with a scowl on her face and said, “Yeah, what do you want?”

  “I want to give you this hundred dollar tip.”

  “And what do I have to do to get it,” she said with a disgusted look on her face.

  “We’re going to try to drive home. Please bring us twenty bottles of water, a dozen of those pre-made sandwiches, two dozen candy bars, and two dozen of those muffins. Place them in those to go bags for me. I will pay for them, and you get the C note. We are in a hurry.”

  “Yes sir,” The girl said as she quickly left them and began stuffing the food and water into several of the bags.

  Max grinned, “My friends the first thing I would do is get food and water. The next is get away from the big cities, find shelter, and then weapons. All are needed and since we appear to have time I am working in that order.”

  Tony flexed his fingers, “Do you really think we are in danger?”

  “I think so, and if I’m wrong, I only lose a couple hundred dollars. Now, where do we get more food, guns, and shelter,” Max stated.

  Greg added, “There are dozens of nonperishable and perishable food warehouses around Nashville. I just visited three of the Wal Mart warehouses not more than twenty miles from here up in Gallatin. There must be thirty warehouses along Veterans Memorial Bvd. We all know there are gun stores and pawn shops full of guns.”

  “Now that sounds reasonable but why barely survive? Maybe this is the e
ntrepreneur in me speaking, but why not go big and start our own little kingdom. Why not leave the airport, grab a shit pot full of guns, take a couple of trucks, and go to one of those warehouses Greg mentioned and keep it for ourselves. We’d have years of food and could live like kings. We could even trade for alcohol, more guns, and other needs,” replied Tony.

  Bob said, “Hold up boys. Listen!”

  The news announcer said, “This is a special report. North Korean troops have invaded South Korea, and Iran has staged a missile attack on several of our bases and ships in the middle east. The President has ordered counterattacks on both countries as Congress meets to formally declare war on Iran and North Korea. We have unofficial word that the west coast officials have been warned that North Korea could launch nuclear tipped ICBMs without warning and that SAC has launched its entire fleet of B52s. For you that don’t know the significance, B52s usually carry atomic bombs and missiles. As usual, we will keep you apprised as the situation develops. Wait, just in is an update.

  Viewers the situation appears to be worsening. You knew there were significant flight disruptions all over North America and Europe; however, an undisclosed Whitehouse source has just confirmed that all flights have been grounded in preparation for a major attack on the USA and Europe.”

  Sam said, “Holy moly, you guys had better work harder on those plans. Call that waitress back we need more food. I’m ordering a dozen bottles of water, a dozen sandwiches, and two dozen candy bars to go. This shit is getting real. What the fuck is an EMP?”

  Max replied, “Whoa. We will be walking and can’t carry too much. That’s Electromagnetic Pulse. When a nuclear bomb is detonated, it gives off a massive amount of radiation but also gives off a burst of sheer energy similar to the sun when a solar flare occurs. Most unshielded electronics are fried when the burst of energy hits them. Cars die, airplanes fall out of the sky, and worst yet our electrical grid goes down. We will live like our great great grandparents did back before the turn of the 20th Century.”

  Bob was shocked, “Do you really think that,”

  All of the TVs in the area made the emergency broadcast sound, and the President was on the screen.

  The President said, “My fellow citizens, the coalition of Iran and North Korea has attacked South Korea and two of our bases in Japan with nuclear bombs. We have lost over forty thousand men and women in South Korea and approximately fifty thousand in Japan. We also lost the US Ford, a nuclear carrier, and all of the ships at the Yokosuka and Sasebo naval bases when the cowards attacked. Okinawa is under attack while we speak.

  US military forces have retaliated by destroying over thirty of the North Korean and Iranian military bases where the attacks originated from. Our military intelligence is confident they have destroyed the bases in North Korea that housed their ICBMs.

  Congress has declared war on North Korea and Iran. I will have my press secretary give updates as new information arrives.

  Pray for our nation, our troops and the millions of Japanese and South Koreans that were killed a few hours ago by this cowardly nuclear attack.”

  “Son of a bitch! We need to finish that plan and get out of here quick,” said Sam as he chugged his drink.

  Max said, “Everyone, calm down. We must slowly move to a more secure place in the airport away from windows and anything that could fall on us. Order another drink and wait a few minutes for the crowd to thin out.”

  Greg said, “Let’s go now before they panic.”

  Max grabbed his arm and firmly said, “Wait, take a drink and wait.”

  The sound of people yelling, glass breaking, and two gunshots filled the air. Several people fell down, and the panicked people stomped them. Local people were scrambling to leave the airport and soon it was mass chaos as people trampled over one another. Mothers who had lost their children panicked and screamed to be heard over the noise in vain. The confusion and panic lasted for thirty minutes before letting up to only a few people running in all directions.

  “I know it took resolve to stay calm while others panic, but if you want to live do what I say. Okay, let’s head toward the main building and head down into the basement until this is over or nothing happens. We can hunker down for several hours and keep checking our phones for news,” said Max.

  “Except I don’t have a phone thanks to the US Marshal,” said Tony.

  The Marshal replied, “Do the crime, pay the time. Sorry to inconvenience you Mr. Mob Boss.”

  Max led them through the food court around bodies to the main building and found a door marked do not enter. He looked around for something to use to break through the door when he saw a woman a few feet away lying dead on the floor with an Alaska Airlines badge on her chest. He walked over and found her keys and a wad of pass keys to the various doors around the Alaska Airlines section. He swiped the pass keys until one worked and they headed down the stairs into the bowels of the building.

  The Marshal caught his prisoner off to the side and said, “A man and woman followed us down the steps. Are they your people?”

  “Yes, and we should make contact with them since we are deviating from the plan. I’ll fake tripping so we can lag back a minute.”

  Tony faked hitting the wall and sat down on the steps as the Marshal yelled, “Go ahead. I’ll help Tony back on his feet. We’ll be right behind you.”

  A minute later, the man and woman walked up to them with guns drawn and the woman asked, “Boss are you okay and why are we heading to the basement?”

  “I’m okay and Bob, the Marshal, is on our side. Roger, go out and fetch the guys, join us, and act like two tourists trying to hide out with us. Play nice. The damn North Koreans might be nuking us any minute. Do what we do and act afraid. Oh, Amy will find out where we are hunkering down and come back here to guide you to our location. Go!”

  The marshal yelled pitched a key at Roger, “Got to locker A127 and bring the bag back to me.”

  They quickly caught up with the others, and Bob said, “This is Amy Baker. She followed us through the door looking for a place to hide.”

  Max frowned but said, “Come on let’s work our way through the baggage handling equipment and find a small room or office to hide in until the coast is clear.”

  Max looked at his phone and saw it was 2:03 pm and there were several alerts telling people to hunker down in their homes. He led them through the baggage handling area to a row of maintenance offices where they saw several men in maintenance uniforms.

  Max walked up to them and said, “If you don’t mind we’re going to stay in one of these offices until the threat is over.”

  One of the men walked up and said, “I’m Rob Grimes, and that’s fine with us. All of the family men ran home to be with their loved ones. We’re the leftover single men who decided to stay here until either the shit hits the fan, or everything gets back to normal. We have plenty of food since the vendors were in the middle of delivering supplies for all of the kiosks and restaurants. There are hundreds of pallets of food over in the next bay.”

  “Thanks, Rob. I’m Max, and we will stay for a while and then if the worst happens we will head to our safe place away from here.”

  Max had just finished speaking when the lights went out, fire and sparks flashed around the electrical panels. Chunks of concrete and ceiling tiles fell from above, and the place went dark. Suddenly there was a beam of light coming from the group of mechanics, and they could see again.

  “Holy shit! What happened? I think I shit my pants,” Rob turned to Max.

  “Hey, everyone, check your phones. Are they still working,” shouted Max.

  They all pulled their phones out of their pockets, and everyone replied that their phones were dead. Rob walked over to the nearest office and checked the desk phone. It was silent also.

  Rob came back and said, “The phone, PC, and weather radio are dead.”

  Then several explosions above them rocked the building causing luggage to fall off the conveyors, racks to fa
ll over, and the earth to tremble. Again they were pelted from above by falling ceiling tiles and chunks of concrete. Max thanked God that none received any serious injuries. They also heard and felt several other explosions that were apparently further away.

  Max yelled, “Those explosions were jets hitting the ground, and perhaps one or two might have hit the above ground fuel tanks. The shit just got real, and probably a thousand people died in those crashes. It’s time to make our run to those warehouses Greg mentioned. We need to go now.”

  The others were gathering their bags of food and joined Max as he walked over to Rob and said, “Rob, you need to get some supplies and get out of Nashville while you can. In three days there will be rioting and people will kill you for a can of beans. Find a farm and become a farmer.”

  “Rob said, “Where are you going and can I come along?”

  “Max asked, “Do you have any guns or ammo? It’s going to get bad very soon.”

  Rob yelled at the others and said, “Men it’s going to get bad soon. Get out of here, find a hole, and hide.”

  One of the men replied, “We're heading south to Murfreesboro and my Dad’s farm. Come with us.”

  “No, I’m going to my ex-wife’s home and make sure she is safe. See you in the funny papers.”

  Rob waved at Max and said, “Follow me.”

  They walked a few hundred feet until they were standing in front of an office that had a sign, “Command Office: Airport Security.”

  Rob knocked on the door and yelled, “Ralph come to the door it’s Rob.”

  The door opened, and a young man in a security guard’s uniform opened the door and said, “Rob, what happened? My boss left me alone, and all of the other guards ran off like rats leaving a sinking ship.”

  Rob replied, “Brother, the USA has been attacked by rocket man and his Korean thugs. The grid is down, and we are on our own Open the armory so we can get some guns and ammo.”

  “But Rob, Bill will fire me if we take the guns.”


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