Dangerous trio 3

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Dangerous trio 3 Page 3

by Jana Leigh


  Ginny nodded and stood like she was going to go and get to work. “No, not now, maybe tomorrow. I think we could all use the day to relax.” Dallas said.

  Steve sat up and said, “Besides, the internet is not up yet. Jolly and I are running a scrambler so no one can trace anything back here. It will only take another few hours. Until then, the game is on and we are together. Let"s have a beer.” Jolly grumbled about the pain meds he was on, he couldn"t have a drink. Steve stood up, went into the kitchen, and called through the doorway. “Who wants one?”

  All of the men called back but the women all groaned. “No, thank you!” Edith had made another spread on the kitchen table of Mexican treats. There were tacos with all the fixings, Steve called to them to come and get a plate to take into the living area. Andres waited until Ginny got up and then followed her, helping her with the plates and a glass for her drink. He made sure she had all she wanted and got her situated before going back and getting his own food. She was not used to someone actually trying to take care of her and she allowed him to do it.

  While she nibbled on her food, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. He had sat down a little closer and she was not squished in the corner like she had been before. They ended up being closer and every once in a while their arms brushed. By the time she was done eating, her panties were soaked from the thoughts she was having about him. Every touch set off a new thought and sensation.

  Andres was in a similar predicament and had a napkin across his lap to hide the erection he had. Dallas and Noah kept glancing at him and he was thinking they 23

  were going to beat the shit out of him if they knew the thoughts he was having.

  By the time he was done, he wanted Ginny spread across the table and eating her for lunch.

  When the game was over, the girls decided to go for another swim. This time they were not going to take alcohol though. Ginny went to her room to change into her suit. Locked in her bedroom, she took a deep breath and tried to slow her thoughts down. Good God, the man was like sex on a stick. She was ready to combust just thinking about the man.

  Ginny took off her clothes and while she did, she fantasized what it would feel like if the hot man in question was with her. She slowly pulled her shirt over her head and cupped her breasts. Her bra was lacy and provided the right amount of friction when she ran her palms over her nipples. She groaned and then pulled off her bra so she could touch her naked breast. They were not huge but good-sized and she pulled and teased her nipples until they were beaded and raised.

  She just wished there was someone to suck on them.

  While still playing with one breast, her other hand slowly moved down her chest and to the waistband of her sweatpants. She eased her hand into her panties and cupped her mound. Frustrated at the restriction, she quickly got undressed and ran to her bag that was in the corner. She had packed her dildo when the guys told her she would be staying with them until the threats were over. She pulled her toy out, ran back to the bed, and lay down naked with her plastic cock next to her. She started all over again playing with her breasts, wanting to make sure she was fully into her fantasy before she used the dildo. Ginny was going to make sure this time she had her orgasm thinking about Andres.


  Slowly, she played with her breasts to bring them back to peak. She tweaked and pulled them just the right amount so there was a little pain with her pleasure.

  She was not into pain that much, but a slight amount always made her cream.

  When she was finally ready, she kept her eyes closed and reached for the cock.

  “Oh Andres,” she said, “I want it so bad. Fuck me.” In her fantasy, he smiled at her and settled between her thighs. She angled the dildo into place and then sighed as she breached her own pussy. “Oh yeah baby, it feels so good.” She moaned pushing it farther in.

  Her eyes were a little open and she thought there was movement out of the corner of her eye. She shook off that thought, remembering the guys had decided they were going to play a game of pool in the rec room. Once again focusing on herself, she pinched her nipple enough to have a fresh wave of cream come out of her pussy, making the dildo wet and slick.

  “Come on, Andres. Faster and harder.” She said out loud. Ginny started to feel the tingling in her feet and she pushed the vibrator against her clit, while moving the rod in and out of her opening faster and faster. She had never brought herself up to an orgasm this quick before, but considering that she had been worked up dreaming about the man, she was thinking of now she was not surprised.

  “Please,” she muttered and began frantically moving the dildo. Ginny felt something brush against her against her breast, but was too engrossed in her fantasy to register until she felt a warm mouth close over her nipple.

  “Shit,” she cried and stopped moving her arm while she jerked up. The man was holding her down so she didn"t go very far, but she did move far enough to shove 25

  her breast into his mouth further. Andres took the opportunity to suck her nipple hard and she flopped back down, groaning at the slight pain.

  He used the hand he had held her down with to grab her vibrator and began moving it again in her pussy. Before long, she forgot what she was going to protest and let the man who filled her dreams pleasure her.

  Slowly biting and sucking first one breast then the other, Andres smiled against her hot flesh. He had her right where he wanted her. When he had gone to his room to grab something, he heard her through the bathroom. Both doors had been left open and he could see her bed perfectly from his. Andres had almost choked when he heard what she was moaning and forgot why he had come into the room. His only thought was to watch, and then help the woman he desired get off.

  He pumped her dildo in and out of her pussy, tilting it so it teased her clit at the same time, keeping the same rhythm when sucking her nipples. She thrashed, arched, and buried her hands in his hair, keeping him right where she wanted him.

  Once again she felt the tingling build to her orgasm, and she would be damned if it was going to be denied her again. She was so wet and horny, she really needed to feel the release if she was going to make it through another dinner with him.

  Using his thumb, he pressed on her clit and roughly stroked it while he made the dildo dance. The extra stimulation pushed her over the edge and she came with a ferocious yelp and fell back onto her bed. Crap, once again she had embarrassed herself in front of the stranger. She turned and hid her face in the pillows while the man who had given her the best orgasm of her life pulled her vibrator out and 26

  turned it off. The silence in the room was heavy and unsettling. Finally ready to face the man, she sat up and pulled a sheet over her naked figure.

  “Um, this is a little awkward.” She rushed to say. “Please just leave and we can forget all of this ever happened. I realize you do not think of me this way. Let"s chalk it up to temporary insanity and leave it at that.”

  “What?” He growled and stood towering over her. “Listen here, if your friends were not waiting for us right now, I would turn you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass. However, I really think it would be best to table this discussion for later because Steve could come looking for me soon. Tonight we will discuss why the hell you think I don"t want you.”

  He leaned down and took her mouth in a savage assault. She gripped the sheets for a moment before allowing them to fall to her waist and she rose to meet the kiss. When they broke apart, they were both breathless.

  “Tonight.” He growled and turned to go back to his room. Steve was calling down the hallway and Ginny heard Calli yelling at her to hurry up. Embarrassed she had taken so long and the reason for her delay, she quickly pulled on her suit, grabbed her robe, and ran from the room.

  Now what? She thought as she raced to the pool. Calli and Bailey were both already in the hot tub waiting for her to join them. She slid into the warm water and refused to look her friends in the eyes for fear they would know
what she had been doing.

  Calli and Bailey spoke about decorating the house and Calli"s clothes line. For a few minutes, she was able to nod and make the right noises so her friends 27

  thought she was listening. It did not take long for Calli to realize something was wrong.

  “Earth to Ginny, do you think you want to join in here?” Her friend teased.

  “God, Cal, I think I made a complete fool out of myself. I really just want this day to be over with and call it done.” She groaned and slipped beneath the warm waters, allowing her head to be covered in the soothing warmth.

  Bailey shrieked and then pulled Ginny to the surface. “Girl, stop the drama and tell us what the heck is going on.”

  “Ugh, I can"t, it"s too embarrassing.” She cried and went to sink back under the surface.

  Calli pulled her up by the hair and Ginny started to swat her friends hand on her head. “Calli, really, I cannot tell you.”

  “Girlfriend, spill it, or I will call Noah and he will make you tell him. You know how he is if he thinks you are hiding something.” Bailey warned.

  “Fine.” She glowered at the two women. She explained what had happened in her room a few minutes ago and when she was done, both of the women were giggling. “What?”

  “Duh, like you could not tell that was going to happen. The man was looking at you like you were a three course meal and he was a starving man.” Calli grinned.

  “I really don"t know what the problem is unless he sucked. Ginny, he is gorgeous and successful. What more could you want?” Bailey chimed in.


  “Uh, let"s see. A man who did not see me masturbating on my bed calling out his name.” Ginny groaned.

  “Hell, he joined in, that has to tell you he was into it.” Calli drawled.

  “It was pity and lack of any more options. I mean seriously, look at him, and look at me. He is a prime rib and I am a pork chop. So not a match.” She cried.

  “What the heck are you talking about? Ginny you are a beautiful, sensual woman who has needs. Let him take care of it and see where it leads. What have you got to lose? We are stuck here for a while it seems, so why not have a little fun?” Bailey reasoned. “Besides, look at me. Dallas and Noah are way out of my league. Trust me; if I can land those two, you have no problem with one.”

  “Please, those two men fell for you the minute they saw you. I don"t want two men. I just need one who wants me, not one who wants to just pass the time. I see you guys and I think, why not me? I guess I am just waiting for the lightening to strike me.” Ginny said.

  “Come on. Ginny, give yourself some credit. I think you need a little self-confidence.” Calli said, and stood up in the tub. “Come on girls, it"s time for a makeover.”

  Bailey clapped, smiled, and pulled Ginny out of the warm water while she protested. After a few minutes of convincing, they had her ready to comply. Calli and Bailey went and told the men they were going to the guesthouse, and no one was to bug them. Calli called Edith and asked for food to be brought to the guesthouse, and they bundled her off through a little hallway. She had yet to 29

  explore the whole house, and was surprised when she saw the guesthouse was connected to the main house through a breezeway.

  The interior was decorated similar to the main living area in deep browns and reds. Calli had gone to her rooms and brought over a tub of stuff before leaving again and coming back with material and other supplies. They measured her and then while Ginny went into the shower, Calli designed an outfit right there on the kitchen island. Before she came out of the bathroom, they had cut and pieced together a beautiful, filmy purple dress. It was a tank top style and Calli explained it was easy to make.

  Bailey pulled stuff from the bucket that Calli had brought over. There was a box of hair color, highlighter, and tons of makeup. Bailey sat Ginny in a chair and took the hair highlighter kit out. She put the cap on Ginny"s head and began pulling small strands out with what looked like a crochet hook. Ginny had never had her hair colored before. She never saw the use in it when she figured she would be just as plain afterward.

  They had started this makeover late in the day and as the sun began to set, they were having fun primping and gossiping. She had missed the girlfriend relationships when she was a teen. Growing up with her brothers and being the only woman in the house, she tended to keep all things girly on the down low.

  After a while, there was a knock on the door. Bailey stopped briefly to let the older woman in the kitchen. Before long, she joined the group, and was giving Ginny a manicure. Of course, this was after she made a pitcher of Margaritas, claiming they went with the tamales and green chili she had made for dinner.

  Ginny happily took a sip of the frosty drink, closed her eyes again, and let her friends take care of her. She did not have the strength to stop them, what could it 30

  hurt? A few hours later, there was another knock on the door. This time she could hear Dallas and Noah complaining in the doorway. Bailey told them they had to sleep on the couches in the main house. They were having a true girl"s night out and would not be done for a long while.

  Her hair was done and washed. Calli stopped sewing and Edith took over, long enough to give Ginny a few lessons in makeup application. They laughed and joked and Ginny had not felt this good in a long time. She just wished it had been under better circumstances that they were all together.

  The women fell asleep in the living area after having more than one round of Margaritas. Early in the morning however, they awoke to finish what they had started. The dress Calli had made for her hung perfectly on her body. It accentuated her breasts and shape, making it almost look like she was not so average.

  None of them let her look in the mirror until all the hair and makeup was complete. Then they pulled out a standing full-length mirror for her, and unveiled their handy work, Ginny almost started to cry. Where once a boring and average girl had been, a vibrant and beautiful woman now stood. She could hardly believe her eyes.

  Her mousy brown hair was streaked with blonde highlights in all the right spots.

  It glistened in the sunlight when she turned her head. It bounced on her shoulders when she shook her head. Her eyes looked smoky and sexy; the way that Calli had told her would look the best on her. She felt like Cinderella after the fairy godmother had dressed her. Turning from right to left, she relished in the whimsical flow of the sheath that Calli had designed for her. Lavender and lace was all she could think of to describe the dress she had on.


  “Well then.” She said smiling at her friends.

  “You know this reminds me of the movie Dirty Dancing. I am waiting for someone to walk in and say, „Nobody puts Baby in the corner, Nobody"” Bailey said and clapped her hands.

  “I would bet those boys are chomping at the bit for us to come out. Ginny, give us a few minutes to get ready ourselves. I say we knock them on their asses.” Calli said and grabbed Bailey, after asking Edith to run to her studio and get their dresses too.

  By the time they were all done, Ginny thought they all looked like a page out of a magazine. Bailey, who was very petite, was wearing a soft flowery pink dress, with her auburn hair piled on her head with wisps dangling around the face. Calli had her short blue spiky hair, choosing to accentuate with an electric blue figure molding mini dress. Edith laughed and clapped as they made walks and turns in the living area, making it seem like they were in a fashion show.

  “Ready girl?” Calli asked grinning. “Let"s go get the men.” It was lunchtime when they finally came out of the guesthouse. All the men were running out of patience by that time. Edith had gone ahead and prepared them a Champagne lunch, set out the food before kissing all the men on the cheeks and leaving them for the day. She explained where the food was but told them they were on their own.

  Dallas and Noah grinned at the rest of the guys and rubbed their hands together.

  “Methinks there is a game afoot.” Dallas chided.


  “Oh I hope so.” Steve said under his breath. One night without their woman and he was anxious to see her again. Damn, when had he become so pussy whipped?

  Andres had had enough bonding with the guys and felt like they had accepted him into their little group. He certainly hoped so, because he had quit his job yesterday and took one with Dallas. When he went back to his room and discovered the naked siren on her bed, he had been going for his handheld computer. While they were playing pool he had an impromptu interview, Dallas needed someone to help with all of his holdings and was looking for a personal attorney. For what he was going to pay him, Andres would only have one client.

  He figured he had nothing to go back to anyway and he was on a leave of absence.

  It was not fair to his employers and he needed a fresh start. Andres did not want to be known as the mobster"s son, so he quit.

  The men were getting a little restless when they heard the back door open. Calli came in first and Steve and Jolly both gasped out loud. They had seen her dressed up but never in her “model” attire. She was drop dead gorgeous. Bailey came next and Dallas growled when he saw his little pixie dressed to the nines.


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