A Warrior’s Woman

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A Warrior’s Woman Page 2

by Missy Lyons

  His features hardened as he closed in on her, unrelenting with his suddenly determined attack.

  Kivra cautiously retreated, holding tightly to her sword as if her life depended on it. He wouldn’t kill her. Of that much she was certain. She was much too valuable to kill. She had no doubt he would spare her life, but did she really want to lose her dignity?

  No. Losing would mean more than losing dignity—she would lose face, and have to agree to his terms. Her people would not respect her as their leader, not that she didn’t already hear the whispers behind her back. The men especially had been questioning her ability to take her father’s place. If it wasn’t this man challenging her, there would be others. It was best she stopped this type of behavior from the very beginning.

  No. Losing this match was not an option at all.

  Kona was quick to take advantage of her weakness and hit her sword hard. The sensation that followed up her arm forced her to release the sword and it flew to the other side of the room.

  He lowered his sword and he made a move to grab her. Kivra placed a foot behind his ankle and twisted his arm quickly and in an unnatural direction, willing his body to follow. Taken unawares, the giant man had flown through the air as Kivra planned. He was momentarily stunned on his back. But not helpless.

  She tried to sprint to her sword but the barbarian was too quick for her. He had her even before she left the circle, his strong arms wrapped around her middle, pinning her where she stood. Hopelessly overpowered, she knew she had already lost the match. She desperately wiggled against his arms, feeling a hardness being pressed into her rear as he melted his body against hers. She licked her lips, knowing what was to come before even asking him the question.

  She fought his embrace with all her strength. Wrapped in his arms as she was felt too good. His touch was electrifying. It made her feel ravenous and weak at the same time. She should not be feeling this way. She should still want to fight him. For effect she squirmed against his firm hold on her, attempting to free herself.

  “Cease your fighting, Wench!”

  “Why?” Kivra’s voice was raspy and just a little breathless.

  He smiled, much like a tiger about to feast after the hunt. “It only serves to arouse me further. You have lost the match and should accept your fate.”

  Kivra’s nostrils flared wide as she gritted her teeth. There had never been any doubt even in her own mind that the winner would be him. Did she really mean to go through with this? Did she want to hand over the reins of leadership to a foreigner? Or worse, hand over her body for his pleasure? What was she thinking? Why didn’t she think about the consequences of her acceptance more than twenty seconds before accepting his challenge?

  Kivra muttered a quick curse under her breath.

  “What was that, Princess?”

  “Nothing—you big oaf! You can get off of me anytime now.”

  Kona’s eyes bore into hers, and he briefly paused before answering her request. “Not until we discuss the terms of my win.”

  Her heartbeat was fast, endorphins flowing in her blood. She felt a shiver grace her spine, but not from the cold. She was still warm from the fight and hotter still in this man’s arms.

  “Shouldn’t we have discussed that before we fought?”

  “You never asked, so we never discussed it.” He was smug.

  “So what do you want from me?” Kivra swallowed her pride when she asked that question. In the country of Kanaha, women did not fight, so it was an unusual question. A loss for a man would usually mean something of a humiliating nature like physical labor such as slave laborers would do. As a woman, she could not help but wonder what the man would ask of her. She could feel his desire for her beneath his breeches. The mere thought of being his love slave made her lick her lips in anticipation.

  Accepting the challenge was the easy part. It was accepting the challenge loss that would be hard. Accepting the loss of a battle required the loser to do anything the winner requested. It was a matter of honor.

  Kivra worried her bottom lip, wondering just what this man planned on doing with her.

  Kivra had been trained as a warrior in a time and a place where women did not fight. As his only child left, her father had indulged her childish whims and petulant demands to learn how to fight.

  “Haven’t you figured that out yet?” Kona’s seductive voice warmed the pit of her belly, raising unwelcome sensations in her loins. He let his eyes drift over Kivra appreciatively. Her chest was still moving deliciously up and down from her heavy breathing and he still held her restrained. His thick arms held her back to his front, and her body rested against the length of his arousal.

  At the end of the match, he had not wanted to let her go. The softest of leather molded to her skin, outlining every seductive curve. Her golden hair was braided to fall heavily down her back and tendrils escaped to feather her newly flushed face. Her eyes sparkled with a defiance that made him want to conquer her. “Perhaps we could both have enjoyed our joining.”

  Kivra felt his hands move up to boldly touch her breasts. His hands were callused from the sword fights but felt soft through her tunic. Kivra gasped as she felt him tweak a nipple, sending fire coursing through her body.

  She might have been tempted to take her pleasures on such a man even if she never had a challenge loss. Kivra wasn’t new to the hunger that left her wanting. She was a full-grown woman after all, but she had never been so bold as she wanted to be in his arms. She had never accepted a man before, and no men had been approved of by the Shirkan to court his only daughter. So, romances had been fleeting and meaningless. Kona was a man who would not be forgotten as easily as the boys of her youth.

  His lips were hot and hungry on her neck before she could answer, leaving her gasping. His was a hunger that threatened to devour her in a way she had never experienced.

  Kivra turned to face him, raising her arms to encircle his neck, moaning in ecstasy at the sensations his plundering lips were creating. Suddenly his lips were on hers, his tongue penetrating and probing, conquering her, while playfully mimicking the art of sex. Pleasure washed over her; it tingled her skin in a delicious wave of heat.

  She went limp, but he was there to hold her against him. With both hands, he cupped her bottom, lifting her from her feet. She responded with a matching hunger, wrapping her legs around his thickly built frame. He held her tightly, as if he could become one with her body right there.

  An ache was growing within her, a need for more. And more.

  She could feel his hardness against her hip, and she wanted it between her thighs. She wanted to rub against him and ease the ache within her. She arched her body into his, showing her own hunger was as great as his.

  The fight had only served to whet her appetite, where she had the pleasure of witnessing his body flexing and bulging in all the right places. Lord, the man was built like a god. While she normally would not allow herself the freedom of a single affair, it was a manner of honor in which she did so now. There was no shame that she should feel pleasure in the process.

  A cheer went up from his men as they congratulated their leader and he carried her back into the palace. She blushed fiercely as she realized all they had witnessed. All they had seen. She had nearly forgotten they had witnesses to her fight. Her own men stood by the wayside, waiting for her word to intervene, but it was a matter of honor. She did not ask for help before and she would never ask for help now. Not that she wanted help to leave his arms now.

  “Don’t let go of me.”

  His mouth was hot and hungry, leaving her dizzy. She felt like he might devour her with his mouth. He nipped at her with such a frenzied desire. She felt moistness between her thighs, and an emptiness she wanted to fill with him. She needed his hard cock between her legs.

  He paused inside the foyer. “Where are your chambers?”

  She bit her lip before answering him. It wouldn’t help things to delay this. “Upstairs. The second door on the right.”
  He carried her upstairs, and then kicked the door shut behind them, giving them privacy.

  Then suddenly he did let go of her and she fell into the soft feather mattress. He removed his shirt and pants, in haste. The Kanaha’an manner of dress was made for easy removal. She blushed for a moment, at her nudity, turning her gaze toward the floor. The warmth of his arm encircled her waist, making her head spin. The intensity of her body’s reaction to him scared her. He was behaving as if he owned her and she liked it.

  “I like it when you blush, but we both know you are not a young virgin so I hope you don’t begin acting like one.” Kona’s voice was deep with his arousal. His hand lifted her chin to meet his gaze before kissing her deeply again. He sucked on her lower lip before pulling away.

  No man had ever dared speak to her so rudely. No man would ever have gotten away with it in the past, but she wasn’t offended by his words. His hands were everywhere. And his hands were soon followed by his lips and teeth, sending up trails of fire to light up her skin. Pleasure washed over her in waves.

  The shock of bare skin on her bare skin sent her reeling.

  “You’re mine to do with as I wish.” The statement came with a gentle caress of his lips, before he backed up to admire her body laid before him.

  It gave her time to appreciate his body as well. He was well-muscled beneath his furs. His chest was muscular, dappled with chest hair that melted into a lean stomach. Her eyes drifted lower, following the trail of soft manly fur that led to his—oh.

  He was a big boy. She grinned up at him, splaying her own legs wide in a not-so-subtle invitation.

  No part of her wanted to deny him, or the pleasure his words and his touch promised her.

  His body covered hers, and he was spreading her thighs wide for his entrance. She could feel the touch of the head of his shaft. She arched up to accept him, and let out a moan when he entered her.

  She moved under him, testing her own endurance. He smiled down at her, stilling his movements, as she wriggled beneath him. Kivra could feel him grow harder inside of her as he watched her take her pleasure. She felt such an urgent need to have him fully inside of her, taking her. He was teasing her, barely inside, not even using the full length of himself. What kind of man would be so cruel?

  He smiled down at her wickedly, seeming to enjoy her wantonness.

  She gritted her teeth before begging for him to satisfy her. “Please…more!” Her voice sounded hoarse with eagerness.

  That was all the encouragement he seemed to need. Suddenly he was in her fully, mercilessly pumping hard. He was brutal with his needs, but Kivra wanted it harder—she liked it rough with him.

  Next time could be more sensual and slower, but right now she felt such a driving need for him. She wanted him now and he complied with her demands. His hands were everywhere and soon followed by his lips and teeth, awakening her passion as no other man could.

  “Do you surrender?” His strokes were teasing, light strokes to further her appetite. One strong hand strayed between her thighs, rubbing incessantly on her clitoris. She felt a coil of pressure in her gut, so close to rapture, she let out a sigh of frustration. She was on the edge of the world.

  She was so close to coming, she writhed beneath him trying to help herself finish. She opened her legs wider to accommodate him, wrapping her legs over his. She locked her ankles around him, losing her mind to that simple pleasure wrapping itself around her body.

  He was slowing in his movements, antagonizing her. She felt starved and tormented at the same time. Why wouldn’t he just give her what she wanted? Her voice sounded alien to her. Surely she would never have said such startlingly honest words. “I need you!”

  “Do you surrender?” he asked again, stilling his movements completely.

  Was the man completely crazy?

  Of course she surrendered. He already had her completely helpless beneath him, ready to beg for him to finish her. Ready to beg to be his personal lalani. She never desired to be used as a sex slave before, but for this man, she would beg to be used for such pleasure.

  What was wrong with her?

  She was the Shirkan’s daughter. She should be in control of her body not him. She may have been the challenge loser but in no way did she give up her life to this man. To be his lalani would mean a complete loss of dignity and honor. It wasn’t like he meant to take her as his wife. He was keeping her as a slave, the lowest form of slave. A lalani, whose only purpose in life was to serve the sexual needs of her master.

  Kivra moaned into the pillows, her breath coming hard and rough. “I surrender.” She felt a desperate clawing pleasure, and the pressure was growing inside her. When he did no more than smile at her with his smug, catlike smile, she admitted her desire for him, hoping it would goad him into action. “Kona, I want you as I have never wanted anyone before.”

  He buried his face in her neck, taking in the lightly perfumed scent of her clean skin and the smell of her hair. The hot length of him pounded her with an unrelenting need for fulfillment as he held her to him.

  She moaned as the gentle pleasure gave way to a deeper need and aching.

  Suddenly in climax, she cried out, wrapping her arms even tighter around his neck. Feeling her tremble under him, he did not stop. He pumped into her, harder and faster, until finally gaining his own release. Kivra let her hands trail across his tight buttocks, enjoying the way they tightened as he released his wet seed inside of her.

  “There will be no regrets Kivra.”

  “Regrets?” Kivra laughed, “It was actually a pleasure losing.”

  “Good. Then you will not mind serving me in bed every night as your challenge loss.” He smiled down at her, knowing this was only the beginning.

  Kivra let her fingers trail across his chest, circling a nipple, before her face erupted into a wide smile. If those were the terms of his agreement, she would serve him; but, she would not give up her rank or her title. She could live with that. It was typical that these indentures only lasted one month. One month would be over quickly. Then they could both go on with their lives. “With absolute pleasure, My Lord.”

  Chapter Three

  The man was impossible. Warrior or not, he was not completely ignorant as to the protocol of her native country as he seemed to pretended to be. Kivra was beginning to think Kona was much smarter than he appeared. Perhaps this was all a ruse and he had planned to disrupt her life as much as possible. The challenge over the land dispute was probably a carefully crafted plot to get her in this uncomfortable and unfortunate position as his lalani.

  As she attempted to handle the daily affairs of her people, settling the disputes of her countrymen, he had her positioned across his lap as one might leave a pet cat. Most of the men who were coming to see her attempted to avoid making eye contact, choosing not to protest or to challenge the new warrior who made his claim so boldly.

  Kivra was beginning to understand his terms were not as simple as she’d originally thought. Why would he request the throne outright when having chosen for her to submit to him so publicly would end with him being seen as the true leader? If none of her clansmen challenged his claim, he would be the new Shirkan by default. With her at his side, every man, woman, and child would follow his every command. It was the perfect plan.

  Blast that man.

  Kivra scowled, trying to focus on the man in front of her. But how could she focus on petty country troubles with Kona’s roving hands cupping her breasts?

  May his devilish soul rot in hell…

  Kivra removed his hand from her breast, dropping it in her lap, “I am sorry—you were saying?” She interrupted the boy’s babbling about sheep to begin again. She could hardly concentrate on the matters at hand. She had a job to do, damn it, and she wasn’t about to let some warrior interfere with her life. Or her responsibilities.

  Irritated, she slapped Kona’s hands away, as he began to explore her body anew.

  “His sheep are tearing down my fenc

  “I tore down your fence—not the sheep.” The wiry boy folded his arms defiantly over his chest. He lifted his head proudly.

  “Insolent whelp,” the old man snapped.

  “Old coot,” the young boy responded.

  Kivra responded with a long drawn out sigh. Neither one wanted to work with the other. Nor did they want to listen to what the other had to say, which meant this would take much longer.

  “See what I have to put up with?” The white-haired man pointed to the boy in disgust. “Your Lordship, please help me. This boy is destructive and refuses to compensate me for my fence.”

  Kivra’s frown deepened. It should be her they addressed, not Kona. Already her people were embracing their new leader.

  “You should compensate me for the sheep I lost because you cut off the access to the river.” The young shepherd was oblivious to his Shirkan’s frustration.

  “And the hay your sheep ate? Will you be paying for that?” The old man grumbled.

  “Nay. Not if you won’t be paying for the three sheep I lost for lack of water.”

  “Enough!” Kona interrupted their bickering with the firm command. “How many years have this boy’s sheep been crossing your land to use the river?”

  “My entire life, Your Lordship.” The boy answered out of turn.

  “Aye, and his father’s too, I reckon,” the old man grumbled.

  “And you decided to suddenly put up a fence?” Kona asked in what seemed to be a reasonable voice.

  “It’s not like the boy couldn’t take the main road to the river.”

  “That road is an extra five miles to get to the river. It’s not right when we had access for all these years that you suddenly took it away.”


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