Break Me

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Break Me Page 17

by Amanda Heath

  “Mom?” Rachel asks, and then she looks at me. “And how did you know, but I didn’t?”

  I look down at my feet and shrug. “It’s not my story to tell, Rachel. It’s your mom’s.” Then I look over at Kellan. “We should probably leave. This seems like a family matter.”

  He looks relieved but I don’t know why. I don’t ask either. Everyone has something to hide at some point in his or her life. “Rach, just call me later.” He kisses her and gets out of his seat.

  Royal looks over at me and frowns. “How about you call me later, too?” It’s more of a question than a statement. He nods.

  Kellan and I leave the house, to the sound of Michele explaining to her children about her cancer. Later that night Royal shows up at my house. I’m too happy to see him to get on him for disobeying his mother. He doesn’t speak. He just pushes me against my bedroom wall. His kiss is hard, desperate, and frantic. I enjoy the hell out of it. He pulls my hair gently, arching my neck so he has better access to my lips. We end up on my bed, where our lovemaking is hard and fast.

  Royal kisses me on the forehead before he gets up to leave. “I love you, girl.” After he pulls his pants on he leans over me again and kisses me gently. “Thank you.”

  I grin. “You don’t need to thank me. Your mom should have done that sooner.”

  He shakes his head, a big smile on his gorgeous face. “No, thank you for being you. You make it so easy to love you.”

  He makes it so hard to have a comeback.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Royal stands a few feet away. His gorgeous brown locks fall into his brown eyes. Always the roguish lord with his cocky smile. He makes me want to run into his arms...or run in the opposite direction.

  "Wesley, always a pleasure," he states, tucking his hands into his pockets. Hands that pushed me against the wall in my room last night. Hands that pulled my hair gently to get the right angle for his lips.

  Cue the shiver.

  "Royal. It's never a pleasure." I hear Annabella and Pierce snicker behind me.

  I want to roll my eyes but I don't. Why can't the people I love get along with my Prince Charming? Why must we be a secret? I shouldn't have to suffer because Channing wants nothing to do with Ash. It's not my fault. It's definitely not Royal's.

  "Why don't you move, Sanders? Some of us have better things to do than bow to your presence," Pierce says from behind me.

  Royal’s eyes twinkle because he knows what I want to do. I want to smack my cousin. Then I want to kiss Royal’s full lips and get lost in the way he makes me feel.

  "Sorry Pierce, I'm just admiring the view. Your lovely cousin is something to look at." My heart beats like crazy. What will Pierce do?

  "Excuse me?" Pierce growls.

  My spine stiffens and before things get worse, I lunge forward and kiss Royal. My hands quickly bring his lips to mine. His hands quickly hold my face. I keep it simple because we are at school. His lips are warm and sweet, like rich chocolate.

  We break apart and I look up at him and smile. "There's my queen," he whispers, as he rubs his thumb across my cheekbone.

  I close my eyes and smile before taking in the scene around me.

  Before Trey died I would have never been in this situation. Everyone is looking at us. Pierce's mouth keeps opening and closing like a fish and Annabella looks like she might faint.

  I notice Channing and Paisley just behind them, but they look way happier than my family. They both wear smiles. "Bout time, Bridges," Channing speaks out in his crazy voice. It still makes me want to tighten my legs together.

  "Are you kidding me right now? Are you serious?" Pierce's face has turned red and I think he might blow. "There's anyone you could have moved on to, but you disgrace Trey's memory with him?"

  Royal places his hands on my shoulders, always ready to defend me. I stop him when I speak, "Trey would want me to be happy. Royal makes me happy. Our issues have nothing to do with him. You know that."

  Pierce glares at me. Everything is a battle with him. It seems he's fighting for stuff he has no need for. "If you're going to be with him, then we can't be family."

  All the blood drains from my face. My knees give out and I lean back against Royal.

  This is the moment I've been waiting for. The moment where I put Pierce in his place. No longer will I be left out or left behind. It won't even hurt anymore because I won't have to worry about what he thinks. We will be nothing to each other.

  Only I feel hurt that he would make me choose. But I always care way more than I should.

  I regain my footing and take one of Royal's hands in mine. "So be it."

  Then I walk away. Hand in hand with the enemy.

  I wake up with a start from my dream. I have to pat myself down to make sure I’m not at school. I know it’s just a dream; something my mind came up with. I just can’t help thinking that it might be what happens today. I mean, that’s my worst fear. Having to choose between my boyfriend and my best friends. Boyfriend…that sounds so right and amazing. Even after two years with Trey, I never felt like this.

  Though I’ve come to see that with every person you love, you love them differently. I just love Royal with a different kind than I did Trey. And that’s okay.

  My phone goes off and I reach for it off my bedroom floor. I have a new text message from Royal. I open the text message to find a new song. This time he didn’t use anyone else’s words. He used his own. His voice comes through clear and strong. His voice is so beautiful I can’t find words to describe it. I’m just happy he sings to me.

  I’ve watched you grow

  I’ve watched you change

  When you walked into my life

  I had nothing by shame

  There’s a part of me

  That will always need you

  There’s a part of you

  That will always rise above

  Standing behind the line

  I noticed your beauty

  Way before you ever saw mine

  And I am beautiful

  With you beside me

  We’ve made something meaningful

  Something we shouldn’t give up

  For you girl, I’d do anything

  I’d walk my ass right to the moon

  For you girl, I’d change anything

  I’d take all your pain, even if it were to soon

  For you girl, I’d love anything

  I’d make you happy, to the loss of anything

  You’re the reason I’m still breathing

  You’re the reason I’m the man I am today

  Stars in your eyes

  You can finally dream again

  Death no longer knocks at your door

  He rests peacefully in the arms of heaven

  Because I gave you the strength

  To let him go

  You dragged me through the mud

  My heart broke into pieces

  I thought I was just a stud

  You didn’t want me for all these reasons

  Though I wasn’t guilty of any treason

  I told you, you would break me

  Now I need you to save me

  For you girl, I’d do anything

  I’d walk my ass right to the moon

  For you girl, I’d change anything

  I’d take all your pain, even if it were to soon

  For you girl, I’d love anything

  I’d make you happy at the loss of any boon

  I love you

  I cherish you

  I savor you

  They all mean the same thing

  I’ll always be here for you

  For once in my life, I didn’t cry. No, I listened and I fell in love all over again. At the end he simply says, “This is called ‘For You’. I love you, Wes. See you at school.”

  So I get out of bed and get ready for school. I admit, I was kind of nervous considering the rift between my group and his group and my stupid dream. I know Pierce and Annabella know about
us, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are…Pierce and Annabella.

  When I make it down to my living room, Pierce and Annabella sit around with Bentley. They are joking around and having a good time so I instantly relax. “Good morning,” I tell them, bright and cheery.

  Bentley looks like I punched him in the face. While it’s comical, I haven’t wanted to punch him since he was seven and set my cat’s tail on fire. “Did you just sound…happy?” he questions, standing up from the couch.

  “She’s in love again. You remember how that was right? She’s going to be a Stepford wife and shit.” Annabella has a way with words, doesn’t she?

  Pierce gently slaps her arm. “You promised you wouldn’t be rude today. We’ve caused enough shit with Wes. Just smile and bear it.”

  Annabella rolls her eyes. “While I appreciate the concern, I’m not worried about Annabella. She speaks her own language and we all know that.”

  Annabella grins and slaps Pierce back, not gently. “Yeah, you hear that, you big oaf? I’m unique and there is nothing you can do about it!” This starts a verbal argument I have to listen to the entire way to school.

  Tired of my friends when I park at school, I don’t even bother to wait for them to exit the vehicle. Besides, I see my tired looking boyfriend. “Here goes nothing,” I mumble, adjusting the backpack strap on my shoulder.

  My backpack hits my butt as I make my way over to Royal. He notices me and breaks away from his friends. “How are Pierce and Annabella?” he inquires, looking behind me. His arms wrap around my waist and I smile.

  “They are fine. I’ve just had to listen to them bicker the entire way to school. I know it’s only ten minutes but I’m exhausted.” I lay my head against his shoulder as he chuckles.

  “Well, I can think of a few more reasons you might be exhausted.” Then I playfully smack his butt.

  I take my head off his shoulder and look up into his tender brown eyes. “Can we get this over with? The anxiety is getting to me.”

  His face darkens a bit, but not much. He grabs my hand and pulls me over to his friends. Paisley and Channing, who are still together, wear matching grins but I figured that was coming. Rachel is talking five hundred miles an hour to one of the girls standing there, while Kellan has a hand on her hip. No one blinks when Royal walks up with me. He stands next to Channing, who’s cuddled up to Paisley. I stand in front of Royal and his arms go around my shoulders. He starts a conversation with Channing but I don’t feel like talking to anyone. So I close my eyes and rest against Royal’s chest.

  That is until Rachel gasps and I hear Annabella speak. “We’ve decided since our friend has joined the dark side, we might as well, too. Don’t worry, you don’t have any choice in the matter. If Wesley is here, we are here.” I open my eyes to see her climbing on the hood of Channing’s Jag. Pierce rolls his eyes but winks at me.

  “We’ve had this talk before Annabella. You can’t just invite yourself into a group.” I try so hard not to laugh at her shocked expression. That’s what I love about her; she is so dramatic but pretends she isn’t.

  “Well, Paisley likes me. We all know she’s the only one who matters.” She leans back on the hood and props herself up on her elbows. If she was wearing a bathing suit she would appear to be sunbathing.

  Paisley snorts. “She’s right, you know.”

  Pierce stands there, looking awkward as hell and I want to hug him. Pierce would do anything for Annabella and I. Even endure these people because we want him to. So I break away from Royal to pull Pierce over to us. “Just stand there and look intimidating. No one will speak to you then,” I whisper, as he slides up next to Royal and me.

  Pierce nods and drops his backpack on the ground. He crosses his arms over his chest and glares. Everyone looks shell-shocked but they go back to their conversations. “Thanks, Wes,” he whispers back to me.

  Channing’s group includes a weird guy named Vince, who I’ve tried to stay away from since I saw him corner a freshman in the hallways at the beginning of school, then we have Jasmine, who is bubbly and full of life. I kind of think she’s a moron, but whatever. Then there is the tall blonde girl who always has her tongue down Paisley’s cousin’s throat, Lola. Brody is the cousin and I’m pretty sure they don’t even know we came over to the group. I know it seems like a lot, but if don’t remember any of them, its not a big deal. I kind of forget they are there myself.

  I turn and look at Channing when he asks me a question. “Can you get Annabella off my car? I just had the paint redone.” With that he gives a grin to Paisley. I didn’t get to witness it, but I overheard some chicks in class talking about how Paisley keyed Channing’s car. Paisley blushes but grins back.

  “Annabella, get off the car, ” I tell her with both my eyebrows raised.

  She rolls her head toward me and smirks. “Why would I do that?”

  I smile like she’s a kid and I know better than her. “Because secrets make friends.”

  “You are no fun!” she exclaims while climbing off the car. “Wait till you do something I don’t like. I won’t threaten, I’ll tell.”

  “Oh? So if you tell some of my secrets, I guess I can just tell all of yours.” I wink and turn around in Royal’s arms as he lets out that chuckle I love so much.

  “You are so cute,” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss me. I let him, only to hear the bell ring.

  I pout my lip but I don’t let him go. “Let’s just stay out here all day,” I offer.

  He grins but shakes his head. “Unlike you miss smarty pants, I have to pass my classes.” He starts walking forward, carrying me a few inches off the ground. I make a face but he just laughs. When we get to the front steps he lowers me back down. He raises his hands to cup my cheeks. His thumbs caress my cheeks and I shiver. “I love you, girl. And always will.”

  “I love you, too.” He gives me a tiny kiss on my lips before joining Channing at the top of the steps. He waves before they go into the building.

  I’m waving back when a bony arm links elbows with mine. Then another arm links with my other arm. Rachel on the left and Annabella on the right. Paisley looks at us and winces. “How long have y’all been friends? I didn’t think you would be buddy buddy with Royal’s girlfriend so fast. You know, since you’ve all hated each other since the beginning of time?”

  Rachel glares at Paisley. “Lets not get into all the hate right now. I could go on for days about who hates each other in this school.” Rachel spits out. “But to answer your questions, we’ve been friends for weeks. And it was a secret because we didn’t want to upset the devil twins.”

  “The devil twins?” Paisley asks, a giggle right behind her lips.

  “Yeah. Pierce and Annabella,” Rachel answers, like this should have been common knowledge.

  “That’s really funny, Rach. Pierce and I used to call Royal and you, the devil twins.” That’s when they start glaring at each other.

  I break away and climb the stairs to stand with Paisley. “This is going to be a long, hard relationship.”

  Paisley nods. “Yeah, but it’s worth it. Love is a magical thing.”

  I think about how happy I am right now and how happy Royal looked and I get butterflies in my stomach. “Yeah, he’s so worth anything.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Three Months Later…

  “What I wouldn’t give for some privacy in my own house,” Royal grumbles, as we lay on his bed listening to Rachel and Paisley chitchat. The two girls sit on his couch while Channing plays a video game. I think it’s Bioshock 3 but I can’t be sure. I can’t tell the difference between one and two, let alone three. Even after watching Royal play all of them.

  “Well you did invite them over.” Then I giggle. “Plus I invited Pierce and Annabella, so it’s about to get a little louder.”

  He groans. “Annabella and Rachel together always ends up being loud. They always end up fighting over something and then pretending they didn’t.”

Kellan should be here any minute, so that should distract Rachel.” We both laugh and draw attention from everyone else.

  “Why don’t you two get out of bed and come join the real world! You two spend every waking moment together. I don’t know how you aren’t sick of each other yet,” Rachel complains.

  Royal sits up and glares at her. “Just because Kellan can’t spend all his time with you, doesn’t mean you have to put down the rest of us.”

  She sticks her tongue out at him. “Please. He could never get tired of me, I’m fucking perfect!” She says it in a singsong voice and Royal throws a pillow at her.

  I tap his shoulder and move to get off the bed. “We really should get up. We can’t make love with all these people in here.” This makes Rachel gag and I giggle.

  “Did you really just say ‘make love’? What, are we in the 19th century?” Channing asks while still tapping away at his controller.

  “No, we aren’t, but it’s better than saying, ‘sex’ or ‘fucking’ or ‘mad monkey sex’ as Rachel likes to use. Royal and I make love, no matter where we are or how fast we go.” I get a sick sense of pleasure as I take in Rachel’s green face.

  Paisley scrunches up her nose. “She has a point. Though getting you to use ‘making love’ would be a wish that will never come true. Anything that makes you look less like a man, and all that bullshit.”

  Channing glares at her. “I love you, that’s the best you are going to get from me.”

  Paisley smiles. “I love you, too. That’s why I take you as you are.” Then they share a gentle kiss.

  Rachel immediately starts texting on her phone and I sigh. “Kellan will get here when he gets here.”

  Rachel looks up at me and winks. “I know, but I told him what I want him to do to me when he gets here. I went into plenty of detail. You want to read?”

  It’s Royal’s turn to turn green. “Fuck no! Put that shit away. It’s bad enough you’re having sex. I don’t need visuals.”

  She smiles. “Don’t worry, I’m not texting him all that. Apparently he’s having an issue with his dad and he won’t be here for a little while.” Then she just looks sad.


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