‘It was the last time’ Terkel p.67
‘Hitler is a genius’ Drew Pearson Diaries 1939–59 ed. Tyler Abell New York 1974 p.134
‘There are two great’ RUSI Journal June 1979
‘Germany’s casualties’ see the authoritative statistical study published in 2000 by Dr Rudiger Overmans of the German Armed Force Military History Research Office
‘I wasn’t quite sure’ AI Lott Armageddon files
‘No one believes’ Hagen p.218
‘The brass – the people’ AI Ebisawa Nemesis files
‘The Japanese army had’ article in Bungei Shunju March 1956
‘In the aftermath’ AI Hando, Nemesis files
‘Jews are of greatest’ Blythe Private Words p.33
A comprehensive bibliography of the Second World War, or even of the books about it on my own shelves, is unrealistic within the compass of these pages; I have therefore listed below only titles which I have explicitly cited or quoted in my own text above. The omission of innumerable fine and great works, far from implying dismissal of their merit and importance, reflects my attempt to reprise as little as possible, especially anecdotage, from the histories and memoirs most familiar to students of the period. Titles on which I have drawn extensively for my own narrative, or which seem especially noteworthy for further reading, are shown in bold type. I have omitted to detail the multiple volumes of the British and American official histories, which are of course indispensable.
Abbott, Stephen And All My War is Done Pentland 1991
Altes, A.K. & In’t Veld, N.K.C.A. The Forgotten Battle: Overloon and the Maas Salient 1944–45 Spellmount 1995
Ambrose, Stephen Band of Brothers Simon & Schuster 1992
Amery, Leo My Political Life Hutchinson 1955 Vol. III
— The Empire at Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries 1929–45 ed. John Barnes & David Nicholson Hutchinson 1988
Anders, Władysław An Army in Exile Macmillan 1949
Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth Berlin Underground 1938–45 New York 1947
Anonymous A Woman in Berlin Virago 2009
Arthur, Douglas Desert Watch Blaisdon 2000
Atkinson, Rick The Day of Battle Henry Holt 2007
Avagliano, Mario ed. Generazione ribelle: Diari e lettere dal 1943 al 1945 a cura di Mario Avagliano Einaudi Storia 2006
Bailey, Roderick ed. Forgotten Voices of the Secret War Ebury 2008
Ball, Adrian The Last Days of the Old World Doubleday 1963
Barclay, George Fighter Pilot Kimber 1976
Barenblatt, Daniel A Plague Upon Humanity Souvenir 2004
Baring, Sarah The Road to Station X Wilton 65 2000
Barnett, Correlli Engage the Enemy More Closely Hodder & Stoughton 1991
Bayly, Christopher & Harper, Tim Forgotten Armies Penguin 2004
Beevor, Antony Stalingrad Viking 1998
—Berlin: The Downfall, 1945 Penguin 2002
Belfield, Eversley & Essame, H. The Battle for Normandy London 1975
Bellamy, Chris Absolute War Macmillan 2007
Belov, N.F Front Diary of N.F. Belov 1941–44 Vologda 1997
Berezhkov, Valentin Stranitsy diplomaticheskoy istorii [Pages of Diplomatic History]Moscow 1982
Berle, Beatrice Bishop & Jacobs, Travis Beal Navigating the Rapids 1918–1971 Harcourt Brace 1973
Bessel, Richard Germany 1945 Simon & Schuster 2009
Biddle, George Artist at War New York 1944
Birdsall, Steve Saga of the Superfortress Sidgwick & Jackson 1981
Blair, Clay Hitler’s U-Boat Wars Random House 1996
Bloomfield-Smith, D.C. ed. Fourth Indian Reflections Larman 1987
Blum, John Morton V was for Victory Harcourt Brace 1976
Blunt, Roscoe Foot Soldier: A Combat Infantryman’s War in Europe Da Capo Press 2002
Blythe, Ronald ed. Private Words Viking 1991
— Components of the Scene Penguin 1966
Borthwick, Alastair Battalion Baton Wicks 1994
Bower, Tom Nazi Gold HarperCollins 1997
Bowlby, Alex Recollections of Rifleman Bowlby Leo Cooper 1969
Braithwaite, Roderic Moscow 1941 Profile 2006
Branson, Clive British Soldier in India: The Letters of Clive Branson Communist Party London 1944
Broadfoot, Barry ed. Six War Years Toronto 1974
Brontman, Lazar’ Voenni dnevnik korrespondenta ‘Pravdy’ [War Diary of a Pravda Correspondent] Moscow, 2007
Browning, Christopher Ordinary Men Penguin 1998
Bryant, Arthur The Turn of the Tide Collins 1957
Bungay, Stephen The Most Dangerous Enemy Aurum 2010
Burgett, Donald Seven Roads to Hell: A Screaming Eagle at Bastogne Dell 1999
Burleigh, Michael Moral Combat HarperCollins 2010
Busatti, Franco Dal Volturno a Cassino, RSI website
Calvocoressi, Peter, Wint, Guy & Pritchard, John Total War Viking 1972
Carlton de Wiart, Adrian Happy Odyssey Jonathan Cape 1950
Caruso, Patrick Nightmare on Iwo Naval Institute Press 2001
Cheek, Tom A Ring of Coral Battle of Midway Roundtable http//home.comcast.net/r2russ/midway.ringcoral.htm
Chin, Kee On Malaya Upside Down Singapore 1946
Ciano, Galleazo, Diaries 1937–43 ed. Redonzo de Felice Milan 1980
Cole, David Rough Road to Rome Kimber 1983
Collingham, Lizzie The Taste of War Allen Lane 2011
Colvin, John Nomonhan Quartet 1999
Cooper, Artemis Cairo in the War Hamish Hamilton 1989
Cooper, Diana Trumpets from the Steep Hart Davis 1960
Cooper, Raymond B Company Dobson 1978
Corti, Eugenio Few Returned: 28 Days on the Russian Front, Winter 1942–43 University of Missouri Press 1997
— The Last Soldiers of the King University of Missouri Press 2003
Costello, John The Pacific War Collins 1981
Craig, Norman The Broken Plume IWM 1982
Cremer, Peter U-333 Grafton 1986
Crook, Martin ed. Wartime Letters of a West Kent Man privately published 2007
Cropper, Andy Dad’s War Anmas 1994
Crosby, Harry H. A Wing and a Prayer Robson 1993
Cross, Robin Citadel O’Mara 1993
Dahl, Roald Going Solo Penguin 1988
Dallek, Robert Lone Star Rising Oxford 1991
Dalton, Hugh Diaries ed. Ben Pimlott Jonathan Cape 1986
Davies, Norman God’s Playground Oxford 1981 Vol. II
Day-Lewis, Tamsin ed. Last Letters Home Macmillan 1995
Dear, I.C.B. & Foot, M.R.D. eds The Oxford Companion to the Second World War Oxford 1995
D’Este, Carlo Eisenhower Holt 2002
— Bitter Victory Collins 1988
—Decision in Normandy Collins 1983
Diller, Eric Memoirs of a Combat Infantryman privately published 2002
Djilas, Milovan Wartime Secker & Warburg 1980
Doherty, Richard A Noble Crusade Rockville New York 1999
Donnison, F.S.V. Civil Affairs and Military Government: North-West Europe 1944–46 HMS0 1961
Douglas, Keith Alamein to Zem Zem Penguin 1967
Dower, John War Without Mercy Pantheon 1986
Dunlop, Edward The Diaries of ‘Weary’ Dunlop Viking 1986
Dyess, William E. The Dyess Story Putnam New York 1944
Echternkamp, Jorg ed. Germany and the Second World War Research Institute for Military History Potsdam/Oxford 9 vols 1990–2008
Edwards, Robert White Death Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2007
Eichelberger, Robert Our Jungle Road to Tokyo Nashville Battery Classics 1989
Eisenhower, Dwight The Eisenhower Diaries Norton 1981
Ellis, John The Sharp End Pimlico 1993
Ellwood, David W. Italy 1943–45 Leicester University Press 1985
Farrell, Charles Reflections Pentland 2000
Felix, Charles Crossing the Sauer Burford Books 2002
Fenby, Jonathan Ge
neralissimo Free Press 2003
Fermi, Laura Atoms in the Family University of Chicago Press 1954
Foot, Michael Bevan McGibbon & Kee 1965
Forman, Denis To Reason Why André Deutsch 1991
Formica, F. ed. Account of the Battle of Deir El Murra Diary of Second Lieutenant Vincenzo Formica www.fereamole.it
Frank, Richard B. Downfall Penguin 1999
Fraser, David Wars and Shadows Penguin 2002
Fuchida, Mitsuo & Okimuya, Masatake Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan Annapolis 1955
Fussell, Paul The Boys’ Crusade Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2004
Gailey, Harry Bougainville 1943–45: The Forgotten Campaign University of Kentucky Press 1991
Garfield, Simon ed. Private Battles Ebury 2006
— We are at War Ebury 2009
Gilbert, Adrian Voices of the Foreign Legion Skyhorse 2010
Gilbert, Martin Auschwitz and the Allies Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1981
Glanz, David Barbarossa Tempus 2001
— Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War Frank Cass 1989
Glusman, John Conduct Under Fire Viking 2007
Gorsky, Stanislav Zapiski navodchika SU-76 [Memoirs of an SU-76 Gunlayer] Moscow 2010
Graves, George D. Blood and Snow: The Ardennes
Grossman, Vasily A Writer at War ed. Lyuba Vinogradova & Antony Beevor Harvill 2006
Gryn, Hugo with Gryn, Naomi Chasing Shadows Penguin 2001
Guest, John Broken Images Hart Davis 1949
Hadjipateras, C.N. & Falfalios, M.S. eds Greece 1940–41 Eyewitnessed Efstathiadis 1995
Hagen, Louis Ein Volk ein Reich: Nine Lives Under the Reich Spellmount 2011
Halder, Franz Command in Conflict: The Diaries and Notes of Colonel-General Franz Halder and Other Members of the German High Command ed. Barry Leach & Ian MacDonald Oxford 1985
Harries, Meirion & Susie Soldiers of the Sun Heinemann 1991
Hart, Peter, At the Sharp End Leo Cooper 1998
Hastings, Max, Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy Michael Joseph 1984
— Bomber Command Michael Joseph 1979
— Finest Years HarperCollins 2009
— Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944–45 Macmillan 2004
— Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944–45 HarperCollins 2007
Hastings, Robin An Undergraduate’s War Bell House 1997
Haupt, Werner Assault on Moscow 1941 Schiffer 1996
Headlam, Cuthbert Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee ed. Stuart Ball Cambridge 1999
Hennessy, Patrick Young Man in a Tank privately published 1997
Hichens, Antony Gunboat Command Pen & Sword 2007
Hitchcock, William Liberation: The Bitter Road to Freedom, Europe 1944–45 Faber 2008
Hoffman, Carl Saipan: The Beginning of the End US Marine Corps 1950
Holland, James Battle Over Britain HarperPress 2010
Horne, Alastair To Lose a Battle Macmillan 1969
Horsfall, John Say Not the Struggle Roundwood 1977
Hough, Richard One Boy’s War Heinemann 1975
Howard, Michael Liberation or Catastrophe Hambledon 2008
— Captain Professor Continuum 2004
Howarth, Stephen & Law, David eds The Battle of the Atlantic 1939–45 Greenhill 1994
Hudson, Charles Journal of Major-General Charles Hudson Wilton 65 1992
Inoguchi, Rikihei & Nakajima, Tadashi with Pineau, Roger The Divine Wind Hutchinson 1959
Ironside, Sir Edmund The Ironside Diaries ed. Denis Macleod & Edmund Kelly London 1962
Jackson, Julian The Fall of France Oxford 2003
Jeffrey, Keith MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909–49 Bloomsbury 2010
Joffe, Constantin We were Free Smith & Durrell 1943
Johnston, George The Toughest Fighting in the World Duell, Sloan & Pearce New York 1943
Johnston, Mark At the Front Line Cambridge 1996
Johnstone, Sandy Enemy in the Sky Kimber 1976
Jones, James The Thin Red Line Collins 1963
— WW II: A Chronicle of Soldiering (with Art Weithas) Grossett & Dunlap 1975
Jones, Michael, The Retreat: Hitler’s First Defeat John Murray 2009
— The Siege of Leningrad John Murray 2008
Karig, Walter & Purdon, Eric Battle Report: Pacific War Middle Phase Rinehart 1946
Karski, Jan Story of a Secret State Penguin 2011
Keeble, Lewis Worm’s Eye View: The Recollections of Lewis Keeble Appendix C to Battlefield Tour: 1/4 KOYLI in the NW Europe Campaign
Kellas, Arthur Down to Earth Pentland Press 1989
Kelly, Matthew Finding Poland Cape 2010
Kemp, Peter The Thorns of Memory Sinclair-Stevenson 1990
Kennedy, David Freedom from Fear Oxford 1999
Kennedy, John The Business of War Hutchinson 1957
Kerkvliet, B.J. The Huk Rebellion: A Study of Peasant Revolt in the Philippines Berkeley 1977
Kersaudy, François Norway 1940 Collins 1990
Kershaw, Ian Fateful Choices Penguin 2008
Kershaw, Robert Never Surrender Hodder & Stoughton 2009
Khaing, Mi Mi A Burmese Family Longman 1946
Khrushchev, Nikita The Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev ed. Sergei Khrushchev Thomas Watson Institute 2004 Vol. I
Kiernan, Alvin The Unknown Battle of Midway Yale 2005
Killingray, David Fighting for Britain James Currey 2010
Klemperer, Victor I Shall Bear Witness Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999
Knoke, Heinz I Flew for the Führer Evans 1979
Knox, Donald Death March Harcourt Brace 1981
Koa Wing, Sandra ed. Our Longest Days Profile 2008
Kotlowitz, Robert Before their Times Anchor 1998
Kronika, Jacob Der Untergang Berlins Hamburg 1946
Kumanyov, G.A. Ryadom so Stalinym [Close to Stalin] Moscow 1999
Ladies’ Home Journal How America Lives Henry Holt 1941
Lamb, J.B. The Corvette Navy: True Stories from Canada’s Atlantic War Macmillan Toronto 1979
Langer, Rula The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt Roy 1942
Last, Nella Nella Last’s War Sphere 1981
Leckie, Robert Helmet for my Pillow Ebury 2010
Lewis Jon ed. Eyewitness D-Day Robinson 1994
Lewis, Norman Naples ’44 Eland 1983
Livanios, Dimitris The Macedonian Question Oxford 2008
Lockwood, Jeffrey Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War Oxford 2009
Longerich, Peter Holocaust Oxford 2010
Longmate, Norman The Home Front Chatto & Windus 1981
Lord, Walter Incredible Victory New York 1967
Loxton, Bruce & Coulthard-Clark, Chris The Shame of Savo Allen & Unwin 1994
Lukacs, John The Legacy of the Second World War Yale 2010
McCullers, Carson Reflections in a Golden Eye Houghton Mifflin 1941
MacGregor, Knox Mussolini Unleashed, 1939–1941: Politics and Strategy in Fascist Italy’s Last War Cambridge University Press 1982
McManners, John Fusilier Michael Russell 2002
Macnab, Roy For Honour Alone Hale 1988
Mafai, Miriam Pane Nero: Donne e vita quotidiana nella seconda Guerra mondiale Arnoldo Mondadori Editore 1987
Maier, Ruth Ruth Maier’s Diary Harvill Secker 2009
Mailer, Norman The Naked and the Dead New York 1948
Mantia, Vito Diario di Guerra: Con gli Alpini in Montenegro 1941–1943 Mursia 2010
Mazower, Mark Hitler’s Empire Penguin 2008
Mears, Fred Carrier Combat Doubleday 1944
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