Resolution (Saviour)

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Resolution (Saviour) Page 25

by Lesley Jones

  Here we go. “Well that’s how special tonight is to her; she felt the need to get dressed up in something extra special. She is fourteen now Gabe, she‘s a young lady not a little girl and young ladies love to dress up.”

  “What kind of dress is it?”

  “It’s just a blue girly dress with like a peplum over the waist.”

  “What’s a peplum?”

  “It’s like an extra bit that goes from her waist and over her hips.”

  “Good. Extra’s good. Is it short, is it above the knee?”

  Shit. “Well that style of dress tends to come above the knee and Ava’s quite tall so I’m guessing yeah, it will be above her knees, but that’s just a guess, I haven’t seen it on her yet, I’ve only seen it on the hanger.”

  His hand is at his jaw and his scratching at his stubble with his thumb and index finger. “How much makeup is she wearing, have you seen?”

  “Not a lot, just some foundation and blusher and mascara, it’s the usual stuff that fourteen year old girls wear. She’s growing up Gabe, short skirts and makeup are all part of it. At least she’s doing it here, in front of you and not climbing out of windows and getting changed into inappropriate outfits once she’s up the street like I used to. And like many other fourteen year olds do all around the world, Ava’s a good girl.”

  “She fucking wants to be. Is this what the blow job was for, to sweeten me up?”

  “No, I did that because you looked so hot and I didn’t want to take my clothes off again and shag ya.”

  “You are such a liar Lauren Day, you made me promise to behave all night before you blew me because you were worried that I would crack it when I saw Ava dressed in heels and makeup.”

  I shrug. “Well, you’ve promised now so make sure you behave, tell her she looks gorgeous and do not, under any circumstances embarrass her in front of the boys tonight.”

  “What boys?”

  Shit, fuck, bollocks.

  “Well I assume Louie and CJ will be here and I’m sure Sam said they might bring a couple of mates.”

  “What mates, how old?”

  “Gabe, I don’t know, chill out will you, bloody hell, this is our time to celebrate, we’ve had a shitty few months, now we finally have something’s to be happy about so let’s just have a good night. Okay?”

  I stand up in front of him and hold onto his jaw and tilt his head up so he has to look me right in the eye. “Chill, celebrate, have fun and don’t embarrass Ava. I love you.”

  Before I even finish talking I can hear the gate opening.

  Within the space of fifteen minutes we have music playing loudly and the sound of talking and laughing can be heard in the background. Jo and Jake have arrived, as well as Stella and her date, a nice enough bloke called Nick, who I just know, Gabe and his brothers are going to take the piss out of all night; Jemma and Max and Lu and Shannon are next to arrive followed by Ryder and his date Layla, who’s a petit little blonde and barely says a word, Cooper and Jen are next and then my belly goes over as Zac and Sam arrive. Gabe is sorting drinks out for everyone but I see his hand go straight to his jaw as he sees Zac come through the gates, I watch him as he looks beyond his brother, CJ and his mate come in first, good, he still looks like a fifteen year old child. For a second Gabe’s hand leaves his jaw as he laughs and says something to Lu, who I notice keeps putting her hands on him. I will have to have words with Lorraine but that thought leaves my head entirely as I watch Louie and his mate Josh I assume, walk through the gates and over to the pool house, they’re definitely not boys, I’ve seen Lou in boardies and jeans and hoodies but I’ve never seen him dressed up like this, they are both good looking boys and both look about eighteen, nineteen and Gabe is going to have an absolute coronary if Ava and Sophie start flirting with these two in front of him.

  I start making my way over to where he’s standing, removing his hand from his jaw as I reach him, I whisper in his ear. “Chill.”

  He smiles and puts his arm around me and kisses my temple. “I love you, you are the most fuckable pregnant woman I have ever seen, do you know that?”

  “I do know that yes. Is it safe to leave you here while I go upstairs and get the girls to help me with some food?”

  “Go, I promise to behave. If you promise me another blow job.”

  I wink at him. “Anytime baby, just say the word. Be good.”

  I go upstairs to the kitchen and call for the girls to come and help me with some dips and chips and hot pies and sausage rolls. A must at any gathering in Australia. Sophie appears with her bathrobe still around her. “Are you girls still not ready? Hurry up and bring these down before they go cold.”

  “We just need to put our dresses on; we didn’t want to crease them; we’ll be right down.”

  I carry two big trays of food down and feel a bit mean for shouting at Sophie so harshly, but jeeze, they have been pampering and preening themselves for almost four hours. Jo takes a tray off of me and we go in opposite directions, offering everyone food. I make my way back to Gabe and ask him to pour me a lemonade into a wine glass so that nobody gets suspicious about the fact that I’m not drinking, he passes me my drink and I watch as his mouth falls open. I turn and look over my shoulder at Ava coming down the back stairs carrying a tray of party pies and sauce, looking like Miss Australia. The blue dress is skin tight and clings to her, she is stick thin and has no curves to fill it out, apart from her boobs, where the fuck did they come from? They must be at least a generous C cup and on her tiny size four frame, they look pretty big and her legs seem to go on forever. She has a thin silver belt around her waist and is wearing matching silver killer heels, she has added to the makeup she was wearing earlier and now has smokey eyes and red lips, her hair has been taken out of its braid and is hanging in curls over both her shoulders. If I didn’t know it was her, I wouldn’t have recognised her and she looks about twenty. I put my hand on Gabe’s shoulder.

  “Holy fuck man, is that Ava?”

  Zac says to Gabe from somewhere behind him, I glare over Gabe’s shoulder at Zac, take my drink from Gabe and squeeze his hand.

  “Wow dude, your daughter is growing up into a beautiful young woman, you must be proud.”

  Zac pats Gabe on the back as he winks at me and I can feel some of the tension leave his body, his eyes meet mine, he’s so not happy but keeping it under control, I give him a little nod and a smile. We both watch as Ava offers pies to everyone and all the women tell her how grown up and gorgeous she looks and a few of my friends ask how she’s feeling after the accident but she’s cool, she holds her own and stands and chats with all of them. I know I’m holding my breath as she approaches Louie and Josh as they play pool. Louie looks up at her and his mouth drops open too “Wow Ava, look at you. What you got?” He looks at the tray of food and turns around to Josh who has his back to them. “Hey Josh, you wanna pie?”

  Josh turns, looks at the tray, then down at Ava’s legs, then up at Ava’s face, then down at Ava’s chest and they stay there, staring right at Ava’s chest. Gabe moves slightly, I squeeze his hand tighter, suddenly Louie smacks Josh around the head.

  “Dude, stop staring at my cousins tits, that’s so not cool, I will beat you man, don’t do that, Gabe will kill you, I’m serious.”

  Josh looks from Ava’s chest to Lou, back to Ava’s face, he’s blushing the same colour as Ava’s lips and although she now has her back to me, I’m sure she is beet red too, poor thing. Josh takes a pie, mumbles a sorry and a thank you and turns back to his game; Ava turns and starts making her way over to us. “Tell her how nice she looks” I whisper into Gabe’s ear. By the time she gets to us, Ava has only a couple of pies left on the tray, I’m starving but leave the last two for Zac and Gabe, he looks at me. “You sure you don’t want it?”

  I shake my head. “You’ve not eaten much all day babe; I don’t want you pas…”

  “I’m fine Gabe, honestly.” I interrupt him. Zac is watching us with a little too much interest and I w
atch his eyes wander from Gabe to my boobs, to my belly. Keeping this pregnancy secret for another four or five weeks is not going to be as easy as I thought.

  “I love the dress, you look beautiful Ava” I say, to change the subject.

  “Thanks Lauren, I love your outfit too.”

  “Both my girls look beautiful tonight, you look gorgeous Ava.” He kisses her on the cheek and as embarrassed as she is, I know she’s also relieved that he hasn’t caused a scene and made her go and change.

  We had decided that as soon as everyone was here and had a few drinks, we would announce our engagement to everyone so once the barbie is lit and warming up, a few trays of appetisers have been served and everyone has at least two or three drinks inside them, Gabe pulls me over to an empty spot away from everyone else and calls out for everyone to please be quiet, everyone is looking at us slightly confused as Gabe stands with his arm around me and starts to speak.

  “Ten weeks ago, my world was rocked when I walked into the pub for a beer with my brothers and my eyes landed on this short, sexy red head, who at the time was singing into an empty beer bottle to the words of The Clash – Should I Stay Or Should I Go.”

  He looks down at me and smiles, I can’t believe he remembers that… I don’t even remember that… It’s probably because of my outstanding vocal skills that it’s stuck in his mind…

  “For any of you that have had the pleasure of hearing Lauren sing, I’m sure you are wondering why I didn’t run far, far away.”

  “Coz then you noticed what a great rack she had.” Trust Zac.

  “Well yeah, there was that too.” Trust Gabe. “But there was so much more; years ago a very wise woman told me that one day I would fall in love and when I did it would be like boom and I would feel like the world was falling out from under me.”

  He tilts his beer bottle towards Sam in a cheers gesture. “Well that night ten weeks ago, it happened. At the time, I’ve got to say, I actually thought I was suffering from indigestion, heartburn or food poisoning but I realised within a few short days it was quite possibly love, it had finally happened, after so many years of me thinking that it was something that wasn’t meant to be for me, when I least expected it, that boom happened. Now, you people here are all aware of the circumstances, you all know what an unconventional start we have had to our relationship and you are all aware of what we have been through in just ten short weeks, despite all of that, we are here, now, together, to let all of you, the people we love most in the world, that what we have is forever and I am honoured, privileged and over the fucking moon to be able to share with you all tonight, that Lauren Marie Day has agreed to become my wife.”

  There are cheers and tears from all directions, Gabe pulls me into him and slides my ring back onto my finger, I had taken it off earlier because I knew my friends would spot it in an instant, as soon as it’s back on, my eyes search out Ryder but he is already at my side, not only to give me a kiss and a cuddle but also with a man hug and a handshake for Gabe.

  “I couldn’t be happier for you Mum, congratulations – Gabe.” He takes a deep breath and seems to be swallowing back tears. “She is the bravest person I know. If it ever comes to my attention that you have hurt her in any way, shape or form, intentionally or otherwise mate. I will hunt you down and kill you.” He stares long and hard at Gabe, just to make a point but then just as quickly they are having a hug and shaking hands again.

  The next few hours go along pleasantly, the men cook, the women set up the food and the drinks are flowing, twice I have been asked what I’m drinking and both times I have got away with saying white wine and lemonade and that I will have a drink later, once all the food is cleared away but I am acutely aware of the fact that both Jemma and Zac have been watching me more than normal but neither of them have said a word, so maybe I’m just being paranoid. Once everyone has eaten the men drift over to the pool table and to watch the footie on the big screen on the wall; Ava, Sophie, Louie and Josh are all sitting on bean bags around the fire pit and I notice Gabe has spent more time looking at them this past half hour than he has concentrating on his pool match or even on me for that matter, it’s getting cold now so I walk over to where the kids are sitting and tell the girls that I’m going in to get my hoodie on and suggest that perhaps they might be more comfortable and warmer if they went and changed into trackies and hoodies too, thankfully they agree and follow me inside to change. I am so uncomfortable in my jeans that I switch into a pair of yoga pants, a hoodie and my Uggs; as I walk back out to the pool house, Zac is grinning at me.

  “Jeans a bit tight are they darl?” He winks at me as he says it, I try to keep a poker face, and it lasts for all of ten seconds.

  “Please do not say a word to anyone.”

  He looks absolutely amazed, his grin is as big as Gabe’s was when we found out and my heart warms to Zac even more. He puts his arms around my shoulder and pulls me in for a cuddle.

  “Really? I was right. Does he know, when?”

  We start walking around the edge of the pool. “Of course he knows…I’m about eight weeks we think but we won’t be telling anyone until I’ve had all the tests done on them because of my age.”

  “Wait, wait, wait a minute. Tests done on them?”

  It’s my turn to grin now. “We’re having twins.”

  Zac spits the mouthful of beer he had just swigged from his bottle and then totally floors me by wiping tears from his eyes. “I wish my Dad was here to see him so happy and settled, I’m so fucking pleased for him Lauren, for both of you but it’s a shame your babies won’t know the ol’ the man.”

  It’s my turn to choke up now; they actually won’t have a Pops at all as neither of us have our Dads still living. “They will know all about Charlie and about Joe – my Dad and even though they won’t have a Pops, they are lucky enough to have two of the best uncles around, as well as two big brothers, so they will be just fine.”

  “You’re fucking amazing, you know that Lauren? Everything that’s happened to you these past few months. You’ve taken it all in your stride and just bounced back. When did you find out you were pregnant?”

  “Just yesterday.”

  “Fuck. Sam would be freaking out and you’re so calm.”

  “Zac, believe me, I am seriously freaking out, we have so much to consider, that’s why we don’t want anyone to know until all the tests are done. I’ll be forty six next birthday so we will have all the necessary tests carried out and then make a decision on what we do. For us it’s just another hurdle, our whole relationship has been spent dealing with shit, we can only hope that this will be something to celebrate.”

  He pulls me in for another cuddle. “You two really deserve some happiness, I really hope this all works out for you, I really do and I couldn’t have picked anybody better for Gabe, you two are seriously perfect for each other.”

  We walk back towards the pool house with Zac’s arm draped over my shoulder. Gabe comes out of the toilet and looks right at us and frowns.

  “Dude. Get your grubby mitts off my woman.”

  “She’s family now man. I get to give her cuddles.”

  “Since when was that a rule. Get away from him Lauren, he’s a perv.”

  Gabe holds his hand out to me. I kiss Zac on the cheek and walk into Gabe’s arms; he wipes his thumb over my lips.

  “Don’t kiss my brother, I don’t like it.” I simply shake my head and kiss him, full on the mouth.

  “Loz, put the sex god down and come talk to us for a minute will you.”

  I look over my shoulder to where Lu is sitting with Jemma and Jo; I’ve barely spoken to them all night what with playing hostess with mostest. Lu is slurring her words and obviously pretty pissed and I can’t help but smile as Jo rolls her eyes at Lu’s condition, it would have only taken her two or three glasses of wine to get to this stage, she never has been a big drinker.

  “One sec,” I call out.

  “Sex? Who’s having sex, you, with him, oooh, can
I watch?”

  I shake my head and look back at Gabe. “You have an admirer.”

  “I know, she keeps touching me, right in front of Shannon as well, she didn’t care.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Gabriel Wilde, are you scared of our Lulu?”

  He shakes his head and drags his teeth from my ear, along my jaw and bites my chin; my eyes close of their own accord and I know I just gave a little moan…out loud.

  I jump, when right in my ear a voice says. “Get a room you two, there are children present.” I open my eyes, turning my head to the side where Jake is standing grinning at me, he slides his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek; Gabe is right in front of me and I feel like the meat in between the two sexiest slices of bread to ever to make up a sandwich. Gordon Bennett. Imagine being part of a threesome with these two? Did I actually just think that? Oh well, let’s face it, who wouldn’t?

  “Take your arms from around my wife Curtis, before I rip them out of their sockets and beat you with them.” Gabe almost growls the words and I’m not sure if I should be scared or turned on.

  “She’s not your wife yet Wilde, I’m still in with a chance.” Jake kisses my cheek again; Gabe raises his head and gestures towards Jake. “Tell him baby; tell him who your Daddy is.”

  I shrug and look over my shoulder at Jake and say in my best southern drawl. “I’m sorry sugar, y’all hot and that but ma Gabe here. Well he’s so big and fine.” I rub my hands over his chest and arms and wink at him as he stands all straight and upright with the biggest grin on his face.

  Jake gives me one more kiss on the cheek, which wipes the smile right off Gabe’s face. “Your loss Lauren, your loss.”

  Jo appears from nowhere and slaps Jakes arse. “Will you please stop grinding into my friend? Totes inaprops Jake.”

  Gabe grabs me and pulls me away from Jake. “Dude, quit with the grinding, seriously.”

  “You can come and grind me Gake. Jabe. Whatfuckinever your names are?”

  We all laugh at Lu, she really needs to go home; Shannon walks away from the flat screen shaking his head. “Taxi for Lorraine. Time to go I think darl.”


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