Prison Boy Toy

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by Prison Boy Toy [loveyoudivine His

  The stench washed easily off him as he rubbed the soap over his body. He watched it allwash down his torso and over his legs, disappearing down the drain. The outer manifestations disappeared, but the memory would stay with him forever. He would remember everything, every moment, and it would happen over and over for him. He knew he would never be able to get Yosef out of his mind.

  For the next several nights, Yosef visited Jamie in his bed and forced him into the shower room. He would do whatever he wanted to the submissive man until he had satisfied his need to master and dominate. Jamie grew used to it. Only to himself would he admit that he was falling in love with this passionate animal who ignored him completely in the daytime. He found no trouble accepting Yosef’s superiority over him or the public contempt that Yosef displayed toward him before the other inmates. Because when night fell and they were alone, he became the tortured property of his master and would do anything to please him. Whatever Yosef wanted, he did; and Yosef did whatever he pleased with Jamie. No degradation was too foul for him and he relished the pain and anguish he caused. Jamie’s anguished cries were all he needed to make his cock hard and his cruelty manifest itself in strange and new ways.

  But one day, Jaime felt this was all going to change. Yosef just might just push a little too hard.

  As Jamie wandered around the enclosed courtyard, he walked past Yosef and five other young Moroccan men who appreciated Yosef’s swagger and macho charm. They were, for the most part, younger than their ringleader, but equally treacherous and equally dangerous.

  Jamie avoided looking in their direction. Yosef had long ago instructed him that they were never to acknowledge each other without Yosef’s speaking to him first. As he walked by, he heard the laughter of the other men followed by obscene noises and lewd sounds. Jamie ignored them and walked faster with his head down.

  "Hey sweet butt, I gotta big piece a meat for your ass. Here chicky, chicky!"

  "Hear you got some sweet lips for a hot prick, faggot American!"

  "Leave a place next to your bed for me, I need a warm place to put my cock! stinking whore!" Jamie’s heart beat faster as the taunts followed him. He could tell they were beginning to follow him without his looking back. Suddenly Yosef was standing in front of him, blocking his path.

  "You seem in an awful hurry to get somewhere. Better head back to the corner wall over there. I have a special treat for you!" Yosef pushed the puzzled and surprised Jamie back toward the corner wall, where a little alcove hid them from the rest of the yard. This was not part of the agreement. Why would Yosef want to go public now?

  "Why don’t you leave me alone? Why are you doing this? What did I do?" Jamie protested in a violent whisper, so only Yosef would hear.

  "I know you didn’t say something to me, did you, scum bag? I didn’t give you permission to talk."

  Yosef slapped Jamie hard enough that he stumbled and fell clumsily against the wall, cornered in with the several-man entourage blocking his escape. Yosef grabbed Jamie by the shoulders and stood him up against the wall.

  "Stand here and raise your head. And keep that sweet mouth of yours open. It’s going to be raining on you soon." Yosef took his fingers and pried open Jamie’s mouth and snapped the man’s head upward until Jamie’s only view was of the clear blue eastern sky. Yosef walked back and joined his friends. With the toe of his boot he rapidly drew a line across Jamie’s path six feet away. Satisfied, Yosef stood behind the line and rolled his tongue around the inside of his mouth letting saliva accumulate. Leaning as far forward as he could, he leaped and aimed a large wad of spit at Jamie’s upturned mouth. The wad of spit just missed his mouth and dribbled over the edge of Jaime’s lips and down his chin.

  Jamie closed his mouth and wiped the spittle from his chin with his shirt sleeve. Yosef came storming over and grabbed him by the back of the neck. "I said keep your bloody mouth open! You move again and we’ll all fuck you right here! First we'll fuck your mouth then tear into that sweet, sweet ass!" He turned to laugh with his comrades before returning to join them.

  Yosef leaned forward and this time he didn’t miss. The wad of spit landed on Jamie’s tongue as he struggled to swallow and still hold his position. Tears rolled down his face as the next man lined up to test his aim. Jaime had never felt so humiliated and outraged at the same time. This degradation was the worst. The current man’s aim wasn’t as good as Yosef’s, as the spittle landed on Jamie’s nose and dripped over his lip. The men laughed loudly and patted their comrade on the back, teasing him about his bad aim.

  The man smiled sheepishly and stood aside, promising to get closer on his next turn. The laughter of the other men inspired the others to perform as well and pretty soon they were drawing on phlegm from their throat and noses to spit into Jamie’s mouth.

  Saliva and phlegm covered his face and dripped into his hair and over his shirt. This new game of humiliation was more than he could bear. Hatred swelled beneath his chest and he pictured Yosef dead. The men leaped into the air with delight each time one of them scored a direct hit. His mouth was full, yet he found it difficult to swallow. He dared not lower his head for fear of Yosef’s reprisal.

  "Hey! The guards are coming over!" One of the men yelled out in Moroccan. Immediately, they all scattered in opposite directions as Jamie fell to his knees, covered in spit. He had never felt so betrayed. Yosef walked over to him, ignoring the sobs of Jamie’s hurt.

  "Here, take my handkerchief and clean yourself off. And you know the rules: keep your mouth shut." Yosef tossed Jamie his handkerchief as the boy dropped to his knees in total anguish. Through gasped choking Jamie looked at his master with hate in his eyes.

  "I was supposed to be your personal slave. I did everything for you because you promised me that no one else but you would use me in this crummy way. You Bastard! You lied to me." Jamie whispered as he wiped the slime from his face.

  "What did you say, worm?" Yosef could barely hear the angrily whispered words.

  "I was to be only for you. I loved you Yosef. I am a pig, yes! But I am not a whore! I am not a receptacle for every vile, scummy, low life that wants me! You didn’t have to bring them in on this. You didn’t have to betray me, us this way." As Jamie's anger grew so did the intensity and volume of his words.

  "You little shit, do you think I care at all for you? You’re mine, all right, and I’ll use you as I like. And if that means making for my friends a little party, you’ll do it and love it...not like it, love it. Got that Whore!"

  Yosef kicked a stone in Jamie’s direction which Jamie dodged to avoid it. They both said nothing which Yosef nodded at the approaching guard, leaving Jamie alone to consider his words.

  The rest of the day passed quietly. Most of the men who knew about the incident in the courtyard ignored Jamie. After dinner, he bummed a cigarette from one of the few men who weren’t afraid to be seen with him. Nobody tampered with Yosef's property without his express permission. Word was already out that Jamie was Yosef’s boy-whore. And no one wanted to cross Yosef.

  Jamie hung out in the bathroom and lit up a cigarette, letting the curl of the smoke seep deep into his lungs.

  After having publicly humiliated him in the yard, Yosef was in a good mood and, although Jamie spent the rest of the day trying to avoid him. He could afford to be generous now, having publicly demonstrated his control over Jamie. He even helped Jamie pile food on his plate at dinner.

  Jamie leaned against the filthy tiles and exhaled a smoke ring, feeling his lungs deflate as he exhaled. The toilet door opened and Yosef walked in, wiping an apparent food stain off his shirt.

  "That little shit Joe Van Der Ark spilled his gravy and potatoes all over my shirt. As soon as I clean off, I’m gonna kick his stupid little Dutch ass! Hey, Jamie, how’s it going?"

  Jamie looked up, startled. This guy had turned his world upside down and had humiliated him and now he acted as though nothing had happened. He said nothing, but dropped the cigarette from his hands.

Yosef removed his shirt and was scrubbing at it vigorously until he saw Jamie staring at him in the mirror. He had never seen this expression on Jamie’s face. "Hey, boy, I said ‘what’s up?’ do you American scum say? You gotta problem?"

  Jamie didn’t answer. Yosef put down his shirt and turned to face Jamie, his chest heaving with a growing anger. When he saw no response, he walked over to Jamie and stood directly in front of him. "I believe I’m talking to you. And who the hell do you think your eye ballin'?"

  He slapped Jamie playfully at first, a small sneer playing on the corner of his mouth. Jamie hardly blinked, while his head jolted to one side.

  "I said I’m talking to you! What’s wrong with you, American? Don't tell me my whore is on the rag. hahahah!" Yosef slapped Jamie harder. This time, Jamie stumbled back slightly before Yosef slapped him again, only harder.

  Yosef was totally taken with shock and surprise as Jamie suddenly leaped on top of him, his hands encircling the thick neck. His eyes were a blaze of fury and the veins in his neck bulged with malice. Yosef struggled against his attacker, but was unable to break the grip Jamie had around his throat. Till now Yosef thought Jamie was weak, and had no strength. Yosef had seriously underestimated Jaime, the young man possessed the strength of a prize fighter. Yosef swung his fist into Jamie’s gut again and again until Jamie broke his hold and stumbled backward.

  Within seconds, Jaime was all over Yosef again, punching and kicking. Pulling Yosef’s face to his own, he violently pressed his mouth against Yosef, ignoring Yosef’s violent struggle to free himself. Passion had finally mounted inside Jaime and his anger had given him the strength. Jamie grabbed hold of Yosef’s arm and spun the man around, gripping Yosef’s arm brutally, he pushed Yosef into the opposite wall, slamming his face roughly against the tiles. Pressing the man’s cheek flat against the surface.

  As Jamie held Yosef against the wall, he pressed his knee against Yosef’s ass, digging forcibly into his tight buttocks. Yosef slowly but gradually began to cease his struggle and give in to Jamie. Tears of violent anger and defeat cascading down his face, he began to whimper in his fury.

  For a moment, only the sound of their breathing filled the empty room. Jamie’s hand moved to unfasten Yosef’s pants and he fumbled clumsily at the buttons.

  "No!" Yosef cried out in his renewed struggle before his face was slammed once again viciously into the wall. Blood gushed from his flaring nostrils. Jamie tore at the regulation trousers until Yosef’s pants dropped loosely around his thighs, exposing his furry globes. Twisting Yosef’s arm tighter, Jamie pushed Yosef’s face into the wall while using his body as leverage. He then hurriedly struggled to release his cock, now hard and as close to explosion as he’d ever been.

  His cock swelled with blood as he pushed against Yosef’s hot and sweaty ass crack.

  "Are you fuckin' crazy? You little bastard if your thinking of doing what I think your thinking, then you’re about to make one hell of a mistake! You’re last fucking mistake!"

  Yosef leaned into the wall, his free arm clawing at the white tiles. Jamie wiped spit onto his free hand and brushed it over the head of his prick. Quickly he pushed between Yosef’s ass cheeks and slid up and into the hot hairy asshole that awaited him. With one violent plunge, he was inside. Yosef’s cries turned to gasps of pain and surprise, then finally acceptance as he gave himself over to the fevered thrusting of Jamie’s cock.

  Jamie's hand reached around Yosef’s neck as he ground his body deeper into Yosef, until he couldn’t control himself any longer. His body trembled with the rage of someone who had finally found the adequate revenge for the betrayal of a lost confidence. With several violent thrusts he blasted his load deep into Yosef's burning tunnel. Spit drooled from the corners of his mouth as his breathing came hard and forced.

  Jaime held onto Yosef until he was sure his cock had completely drained itself of its full scummy jizz load.

  Yosef relaxed, waiting for Jamie to pull his thick cockshaft from his asshole. He felt torn apart...until suddenly he felt his insides becoming fuller and fuller. Jamie’s piss poured into Yosef’s butt hole. Unable to hold in the flow, Yosef relaxed his asshole as Jamie’s piss trickled down his leg and formed a puddle at his feet.

  "You fucking bastard. I'll see to it that you become the most raped prisoner in history!!" Yosef cried out in anger. His dignity and authority lay at his feet in a puddle of yellow urine soaking into the soles of his boots. His cry, like his attempt to dislodge Jaime’s prick from his ass was feeble, weak and defeated.

  Jamie pulled out and wiped his soiled cock on Yosef’s round butt. Yosef turned around and leaned his head back against the tiles. He was oblivious to the urine that leaked out of his asshole and onto the pants gathered around his ankles. Jamie ignored Yosef in the mirror as he washed his dick off in the sink.

  "You didn’t have to do this, you know. We were good together, I thought we had an understanding." Yosef said as his anger went from confusion to disbelief. Jamie looked up from the sink and stared at Yosef in the mirror.

  "We did. You overstepped; you made me someone else’s joke. It was just too much." Jamie said as he pulled a towel from the dispenser.

  "The rest are gonna know. I heard them at the door. It will never be the same again. You’ve ruined it, you know. I'm gonna have to kill you, eventually."

  Yosef attempted to pull on his wet pants despite his discomfort. Jamie tossed the towel into the garbage and ran his fingers through his head of curls. He looked over at Yosef, reduced to a simpering pup by just one little act of violence. What a wimp, Jamie thought as he turned the handle on the door.

  "Kill me? I don't think So. I didn’t ruin anything, I just made it better. And if you think about it for awhile you'll see that I'm right."

  Jamie closed the door of the bathroom and a smile crossed his handsome face for the first time in a long while. For the first time in weeks, he understood himself and now, so did Yosef. The Moroccan would have to fight like hell to get things back the way they were. Jamie would help him, but not without a struggle. He looked forward to the battle.

  The End

  About the Author

  Cain Berlinger has published innumerable short stories in various gay publications throughout Europe and America. His self published books include essays on Black America, a book on meditation, a series of fitness books (under RD Cain) and several illustrated, as he describes them as “pure JO fiction”

  He has lived in Holland, Germany and Switzerland for over a decade and now resides in New York City where he works as a life coach, fitness trainer, interfaith minister and party promoter. “I have no discipline for 9-5,” he says. His primary sites are and

  Other Titles published with loveyoudivine

  The Timekeeper



  Just Call My Name

  March Wyndam


  A Night With Jan Bollerman

  Sex For Money


  The Hit

  A Free Man


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