Love Knows No Boundaries 3: Pandora's Box

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Love Knows No Boundaries 3: Pandora's Box Page 8

by Coffee

  “Fingers crossed that we don’t see anything that’ll make us go postal. But either way, it’s best to be in the know, so let’s roll.”

  Blu nodded her head and blew her breath upward to move her dangling curls from in front of her eye. “Let’s roll.”

  On that note, Kanari roared the engine of her Oldsmobile and drove off.


  Samiyah walked into the facility and was greeted by the staff. She waved and smiled at them but there was no denying it was a fraudulent attempt to be pleasant.

  She signed in at the front desk. Afterwards, she was escorted into the room where Lil’ Acacia lay, resting.

  Turning to the nurse she asked, “What happens now and how much longer until I can take my baby home?”

  The nurse looked into her chart and began explaining. “We are going to observe her over the next couple of days. See how her body responds and monitor her complete blood count, ensuring they replicate at a normal rate. Once we are satisfied with her tests and her heath is restored, she can go home and lead a regular life. And from there on out, you’ll be able to follow up with your baby’s doctor.”

  “That’s great news. Thanks.”

  “No problems, Mrs. Babineaux. I’m right outside if you need me. Take your time.” The nurse smiled compassionately before stepping out.

  Samiyah walked over to Lil’ Acacia and her eyes lit up like Christmas morning. The pink onesie she wore had Children’s Hospital written across her adorable pot belly as it exposed her chunky little rolls in her thighs. She couldn’t wait to love all on her.

  Pulling a seat next to the incubator, she sat down and leaned close up on it. “Hey, mama’s sunshine. How have you been feeling? You look to be resting peacefully, sweet angel. That makes me happy because mama has been so concerned about you. I should have known you’d be alright, though, you’re so strong. But as you grow up, you’ll see that I am bound to panic over the littlest thing and that’s because you are my very first baby love. And I’m learning as I go, so be patient with me, okay?”

  Samiyah sat back in the chair and stared at her daughter. She was in awe at what she created.

  Regardless to how you came about and with whom, you were the best thing I’ve ever done.

  “Oh, mommy almost forgot.” Samiyah reached into her purse and pulled out Mr. Trunks, the stuffed baby elephant. “When you wake up, you’ll see what mommy brought you from home. It’s your favorite fury friend.”

  Samiyah paraded the animal around her bed until she pulled it into her chest, inhaling Lil’ Acacia’s scent off of it before crying softly. Wiping the tears away, she began singing Monica’s Angel of Mine. That was the song she sang to her every night since she was born.

  When I first saw you/I already knew/There was something inside of you/Something I thought that I would never find/Angel of mine…

  Her eyes were closed sweetly as she rocked side to side holding Mr. Trunks tightly against her bosom as if he was her sweet pea.

  Midway through the song her phone rang, startling her. “Oh, crap!”

  She didn’t mean to have her ringer on but when she saw it was a jail number, she was glad she did.

  “Be right back, angel.”

  She jumped out of the seat and sprinted for the door. Once she was out in the hallway, she answered. She waited for automation to ask if she’d accept the call. Whether it was Gerran, whom she hadn’t heard from since he stormed out, or Elias, she was taking it.

  “Hello. Samiyah?”

  “Yes. Hello.”

  “How you holdin’ up?”

  “I’m still standing, considering the circumstance. How are you?”

  “Been better but shit is what it is. Where you at? The hospital?”

  “Yea, I just got here a few minutes ago.”

  “How is Peaches?”

  “The transfusion went smoothly and she is doing great.”

  “That’s good to hear. Well, I called because I needed you but I don’t want to pull you from her, so I’ll just hit Jacobi.”

  “Nah, what do you need?”

  You have one minute remaining. The automated recorder interrupted.

  “I need you to bond me out. They set my shit but I don’t want you paying from your joint account with that asshole you married, so I need you to run to my house, get my debit card from off the nightstand and get me right. Can you do that?”

  “Of course, I can always come right back.”

  “A’ight. I’ll call you from a payphone when I’m released because I’m gonna need a ride and we gotta talk anyway.”

  “Okay, we most definitely do. But I’ll take care of that for you now. What’s your pin number?”

  “It’s 5036. 5-0-3…”

  The line went dead but she heard him clearly. She went back inside the NICU, told her baby she’d be back as well as the nurses and then she headed out.


  They were a few streets away from Elias’ house when Blu made Kanari pull over.

  “Why am stopping?”

  “Girl, I’m getting nervous.”

  “What the hell for?” Kanari’s brows drew inward.

  “What if he’s home and just doesn’t want to be bothered with me? I feel like I’m intruding on my own damn relationship.”

  “Well, you’re not. You’re just concerned and there’s nothing wrong about that. You’re doing the right thing. It’s not like you tryna charge him up. You just want to know if he’s alright and what’s going on.”

  “True, but let’s just wait a minute. Give me a little time to feel less stupid about going to him after two days of nothing. ”

  Kanari looked at the time. Twenty minutes had passed. “Do you feel less stupid now?” she asked facetiously.


  “Well, suck it up, sister, because we heading to the crib. You just need to get it over with. If he’s home, y’all will talk. If he’s not, then we will find him, wherever he may be.” Kanari pulled off without waiting for the green light.

  Minutes later, they pulled up in front of Eli’s house. Blu let out a disappointing breath when she didn’t see his truck in his driveway. “He isn’t here.”

  “Plan B it is. To the hospital.” Kanari pulled into his driveway, reversed her Buick then headed back up the street.

  As they were approaching the stop sign up ahead, Blu saw Eli’s truck roll past them and her heart raced. She quickly slouched down in her seat, so he wouldn’t see her and assume she was spying on him.

  “What the hell is your prob?” Kanari looked at her crossly.

  “There he goes!” Blu blurted out in relief.

  “Word? I’ma back Benny up and drop you off, so y’all can talk. Cool?”

  Blu rubbed her chest as to simmer down her nerves. “Yea, that’s cool.”

  Kanari checked her rearview mirror and once she saw her path was clear, she placed her car in reverse and backed it up toward his house.

  Blu lowered the visor so she could check her face. As she continued to spot check herself, her body was jerked forward and then back suddenly. “What the— Why’d you slam on brakes?” Blu frowned at her abrupt driving. “Good thing I had my damn seatbelt on.”

  Kanari didn’t answer. Instead, she just back hand tapped her repeatedly on the arm while looking outside of her driver’s window. Her eyes were stuck on the female that was using a key to get inside of Eli’s house. In a high pitch and stunned voice, she asked, “Harpo? Who da fuck is dis woman?”

  Chapter 11

  Blu didn’t answer her fast enough and that was okay with Kanari because she was on her way to find out for herself. She opened the car door. “Oh, he’s cheating on us?” Her voice squealed.

  Blu reached over and grabbed her by the arm, yanking her back inside. “Calm down. That’s Samiyah.”


  “Anddd she’s nobody to worry about. She’s his friend, plus she’s married.”

  “Tsss. You said that like her being married is a repellant t
o getting fucked by your man.”

  “Well, damn! Say how you really feel.” Blu was offended.

  “Come on, sis. She’s the married friend who just got out of his truck and who’s now using a key you don’t even have to get inside of his house. The bitch got privileges I don’t see you with. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Kanari pulled at both of her earlobes to ensure she didn’t have earrings on. It may had been in Blu’s nature to be diplomatic and exercise reasoning but Kanari was the fighter type and she was ready to question Samiyah and get her right in the event she went left.

  Blu was thinking, trying to process her jumbled thoughts but it was hard to do under the scrutiny filled eye of an impatient Kanari.

  “Well, you gon’ go check her?” Kanari twisted her neck and bucked her eyes at Blu because she was ready to see something happen.

  Blu’s cool exterior was in no way an indicator for the fire burning within. She was confused as hell, for real. Why is she driving his truck? What’s inside for her? Where is he? What does she know that I don’t? Why would she know what I don’t?

  There was only one way to handle it at this point in Blu’s mind. “No, I have nothing to confront her about. But we are gonna follow her to see where his truck is going.”

  Kanari closed her door and backed up four houses. Waving her hand in a dramatic flair, she spoke. “Ooh, I swear to God if she pulls up at a hotel, if I see them boo’d up or anything that looks remotely suspect, I’m telling you now, get my bail money together. ‘Cause I’ma whip his ass with my tire iron and hers too if she tries to save him.”


  The nurse checking Yuriah’s vital woke Minnie up unintentionally when she bumped into her. “I’m so sorry, ma’am.”

  Minnie lifted her head off of Yuriah’s bed and released his hand to move out of the way. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she spoke. “You’re fine. I’m in your way.”

  Minnie skirted off to the side and watched her press buttons on beeping machines, check tubes, IVs and draw a fresh vile of blood. Her stomach churned to see him unresponsive but she tried imagining him as taking a much needed nap.

  Minnie found the rim of her finger trimming the dampness that accumulated in her eyes. She didn’t want to cry anymore. If she intended to dwell with a spirit of expectancy, then she knew she didn’t have room to be sad. Speak it into existence, Minnie. Your husband’s health is well.

  “I’ll be back in an hour to check his vitals again.” The nurse headed for the door.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Have you seen Mr. Jones, the guy who’s been with me all this time?”

  She softly snapped her fingers in a remindful manner. “Oh, yes. He stepped out for fresh air. He didn’t want to wake you. It slipped my mind to tell you. My apologies.”

  “No apologies needed. You deal with a lot. Thank you for all that you do.”

  The nurse nodded and smiled before she left out.

  Minnie turned to face Yuriah, caressing him gently. “Baby, I’ve been thinking. God spent entirely too much time preparing us for one another. I need you to wake up, so we can begin our new life together. We have plenty babies to make and places to go. There’s…”

  Kamal walked in and Minnie stopped talking.

  “Need me to step back out?”

  “No, you’re fine.”

  Kamal walked over to her, handing her a plate he picked up from the food truck parked on Tulane Ave, in front of the hospital.

  “I’m not hungry, but thanks.”

  “Eat some of it, ya heard me. It doesn’t do you no good not to. Plus that man don’t need you stretched out in another room from malnutrition or some shit like that. So, take it.”

  Kamal had been a godsend. He made sure she looked out for herself especially considering how absentminded she’d been lately. “You’re right and let me say this while it’s on my mind. Thank you for everything. You have a family that needs you but you’re here with us.”

  He missed his girl and kids but he knew Shenae was going to hold things down and be alright in the process. Besides if the roles were reversed and he was the one laid up, Yuriah would do the exact same thing.

  “I wouldn’t have it no other way, ya heard me.”


  Kanari was on I-10W following behind Eli’s truck, keeping a three car radius between them.

  “Alright, so tell me the story on this chick?” Kanari wanted to get a complete rundown on her.

  “There’s nothing to tell. They’ve been really good friends for a long time. End of story.”

  “And you okay with that? Like for real?” Kanari never understood how Blu was alright with him having a female sidekick. His dawg was a man’s best friend, not a pussy.

  “He’s been very open with me about everything. And to be honest, I’m only following her because I’m curious about his well-being, not what he’s doing. So, yes, I am okay with him having a female friend because I trust him. Besides, they’re more like brother and sister anyway.

  Kanari smacked her lips the minute she heard that. In her experience, men said screamed brother/sister to cover up the truth of them being bed buddies just like women passed off their side pieces as their cousins. “Brother/sister my ass. Did they ever fuck?”

  “Kanari! No! They never!” Blu was insulted again. “We were friends first and he would have told me that. Damn!”

  Kanari usually played devil’s advocate in many of their talks but Blu never jumped out of the bag because of it. “My bad. I just don’t understand it.”

  “Exactly, you don’t! So, please, let’s just see what we see and let that be it.”

  Kanari frowned. She didn’t like being scolded for keeping it real with her. She was only speaking her truth. However, she closed her mouth and turned on some music to fill the silence. She had nothing else to say about it.

  Blu cut the radio off almost immediately. She couldn’t allow bad vibes between them. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come at you like that.”

  “Mmhmm, it’s cool.”

  “You sure?” Blu already knew she wasn’t by the way she was responding.


  “Don’t sound like it.”

  “But it is.”

  “Smile, then.”

  “I’m not doing all that? I said I’m good.”

  Blu wouldn’t let up, so Kanari cracked the driest smile her way before turning her attention back to driving.

  “Not good enough.” Blu reached over and tickled at her side to get her to offer up a genuine grin.

  “Stop it. You gonna make me wreck.” Kanari tried to hold onto her chuckle.

  “Smile, then.”

  Kanari wiggled and giggled, breaking out into full laughter at Blu’s relentless finger attack. “You gon’ kill us!” She screamed.

  Blu let up but kept her hand in place to give her the business again if she had to. “Is we cool, then?”

  Kanari hesitated, popping her mouth in an around the way girl manner. “You know you my boo.” She gave her the Colgate smile she was looking for.

  “Better be,” Blu threatened, worming her fingers at her. They both laughed and that changed the air between them.

  Ten minutes later, they spotted Samiyah pulling into the parking lot of Blair’s Bail Bonds on Tulane Ave.

  “What the…” Blu scrunched her face. “Is he in jail?”

  “There’s only one way to see.” Kanari parallel parked her car by one of the empty meter spaces. “Get in the driver’s seat and make the block if you see one of those raggedy ticket writing heifers coming this way. I’ma go inside and see what’s good.”

  “Don’t say nothing to her.” Blu warned.

  “I won’t.” She reached in her purse and pulled out her shades, slipping them over her eyes. She then stretched her body into the back of her car, locating her camouflage fitted cap. “Be right back.”

  She exited the car and Blu slid into her spot, looking behind herself as she watched Kanari walk inside
of the building. Blu then faced forward, checking for cops and thinking things through.

  I hope he’s not in jail but if he is that would explain why I haven’t heard from him. God, I hope he’s alright, though. But why didn’t he call me?

  Three minutes later, Kanari was trotting back to the car except she was sliding into the passenger’s seat. She looked at Blu who was eyeing her the moment her hand touched the handle of the door.

  “Well?” Blu was curious.

  “Yep, yo trade is in jail and she is there to get him out.”

  That brought relief to her immediately. It was obvious she’d been waiting to exhale by the expression on her face.

  “What now?” Kanari asked, keeping her more flavorful questions to herself.

  “Back to my house. He’ll call me when he’s released and we’ll talk this out from there.”

  “Cool. Although I hate that your peoples got arrested, I’m just glad it’s not the bullshit I was thinking.” Kanari admitted.

  Blu agreed as she pulled off and headed back to New Orleans’ East. While relieved he was safe, she couldn’t help but wonder, Why didn’t he reach out to her at all?

  Chapter 12

  Seven o’clock that night…

  Elias sat at the Broad bus stop, where he waited for Samiyah to drive by and swoop him up.

  Looking at the courthouse across the street, he shook his head disappointingly. It fucked him up to be in the penal system, especially over some avoidable bullshit.


  There were three things at twenty-seven years old he had bragging rights over: One, he had no children. Two, he never been to jail. And three, he never had an STD.

  But as of today, he could only stand by one.

  Eli stared vacantly ahead as a slew of thoughts flowed through his mind.

  I gotta baby? Me? Elias Devin Dupree has a daughter. A daughter? What do I know about raising a child, more less a girl? This shit is too much. First Cujo pops her dog ass up, then Peaches is mine, making me and Samiyah parents and leaving me to sort all of this out with Blu. Too many splits to have to deal with at once. Fuck!


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