Nine Lives - Book 1

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Nine Lives - Book 1 Page 8

by Kim Knight

  Finally, panting and sobbing with exhaustion, she turned to offer thanks to her Mistress with her tongue and hands. Then she sucked her Mistress’ nipples and squeezed Master Jake’s balls as the two fucked on the floor before she turned and opened her mouth to take yet another mouthful of come.


  The following day she met Parker in the car park of the police station. The stripes across her breasts and arse were a pleasant reminder of the night before but Kaitlin forced the memories from her mind and ignored the warm tingles that spread across her sensitive skin.

  ‘Did you get it?’ she asked as she unlocked the door.

  ‘Of course, don’t you trust me?’

  She cocked an eyebrow but said nothing as she climbed into the car. Parker slipped into the passenger seat and then they followed a police transit van out of the car park. ‘How many uniforms have we got?’ she asked, glancing in the rear view and noticing that a marked car was following them.

  ‘Twelve altogether, reckon that’s enough?’

  She shrugged, checking the road and then pulling out. ‘According to Collins’ Intel, Phillips is his leading supplier so he’ll have a couple of heavies I expect.’

  ‘Phillips won’t be pleased to find out that Collins has stitched him up,’

  ‘That’s why, hopefully, that warrant is to search everything that Phillips owns,’ she glanced at him quickly, ‘did ya check it?’

  Parker sighed exaggeratedly, ‘Yeah, all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted.’

  ‘Excellent,’ Kaitlin breathed – it was going to be a good day.

  Ten minutes later and the officers were piling out of the van and heading for the front door of a normal looking terraced house. The door was smashed open and the uniforms piled into the house, closely followed by Kaitlin and Parker. Shouts rang out, ‘Police, don’t move! ... Stay where you are! ... Down! Get down now! ...’

  Parker headed for the stairs while Kaitlin went through to the back. She entered the kitchen just in time to see the back door swing shut. She ran towards it and yanked it open, stepping out in the overgrown garden. A creak to her right made her turn to where the door to a battered shed hung open. She carried a truncheon in her fist and advanced. She was almost at the door when a burly man sprung out and dived around the shed.

  ‘For fuck’s sake!’ Kaitlin yelled as she ran round the other way to meet him. He seemed surprised when she appeared in front of him. ‘Not too bright, are you?’

  He swung something at her and she half turned as she stepped back out of range, swinging her truncheon towards his arm. The solid wood caught his wrist and he dropped whatever he was carrying. He yelled in pain and brought his other hand round, catching her square in the ribs with a solid punch. She gasped angrily and stepped forward, gripping his arm by her side and bringing her knee up between his legs. His eyes widened and filled with tears as his face turned a strange shade of red. She used her grip on his arm to spin him round and slammed him face first against the side of the shed. The rotten wood gave way and he fell through. She managed to let go of him just in time and stared with interest at the wreckage. The man, now unconscious, lay in a tangle of foil, electric wires and marijuana plants.

  ‘You okay?’ Parker asked as he stepped out the back door.

  ‘Of course,’ she smiled at him, lifting her hand to wave at the find in the wrecked shed. She winced and stared at her hand, blood was dripping off her fingers. ‘What the fuck?’

  Her eyes moved up to the tear in her jacket sleeve, just above the elbow. ‘Bollocks,’ she grunted and looked down to where a rusty sickle lay on the grass.

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Parker gasped, ‘He could have taken your fucking head off!’ He turned towards the kitchen, ‘Get an evidence bag and some back up out here, now!’

  ‘I’m gonna need a bloody tetanus,’ Kaitlin sighed.

  ‘Ah, are you afraid of needles Detective Sergeant?’

  She glared at Parker and sighed, ‘No.’

  ‘That’s good, because that is probably going to need stitching.’

  ‘Great,’ she sighed.

  Parker took Kaitlin to the A&E department and despite her protests, stayed with her. He was more concerned than she was and his worry and constant questions about whether she felt okay, really started to bother her.

  ‘Kaitlin Anderson,’

  She looked up and smiled at the handsome doctor, ‘Right here.’

  ‘Come on through,’ he smiled back.

  She followed him to the cubicles and dumped her jacket on the chair. She had ripped the sleeve off her ruined shirt before leaving the house and Parker had applied a bandage. Now the bandage was soaked through with blood.

  ‘Take your shirt off,’

  Kaitlin looked up sharply, ‘Why?’

  The doctor looked at her with surprise, ‘You mentioned that you took a punch to the ribs, I’d like to check them and your breathing.’

  Kaitlin’s fingers hovered at the buttons to the shirt but that was all.

  ‘Is something wrong?’

  She looked up at him, ‘Is there a private room?’

  The doctor half smiled, ‘If you would prefer a female nurse to be present, I can ...’

  ‘No,’ she said sharply and then shook her head, ‘I just ... I ...’

  The doctor lifted his hand, ‘It’s okay, I’ll see what I can do.’

  A few minutes later and he showed her to a quiet examination room. She hopped onto the bed and watched as he closed the door behind him.

  ‘Can you lock it?’

  The doctor frowned, ‘Perhaps I should get a nurse, you’re obviously uncomfortable.’

  Kaitlin shook her head firmly, ‘Please, lock the door.’

  ‘Alright,’ he agreed and turned the lock, ‘but only because I need to look at that arm. Can you take your shirt off now?’

  She smiled her thanks and slowly unfastened the buttons. As soon as she pulled the shirt open, the flesh of her breasts was revealed. She wore her usual, supporting bra but above the material, harsh purple lines marker her flesh.

  ‘Ah, I see,’ the doctor said with a nod as he approached the bed. That was all he said on the matter and Kaitlin was grateful. His fingers pressed gently at the area on her ribs that had already started to discolour. She flinched slightly and he glanced up, ‘How bad does it hurt?’

  ‘I’ve had worse,’ she replied automatically and then realised the stupidity of her statement, given the lines across her flesh.

  A smile teased the corners of his lips as he pressed again, nodding to himself. ‘All fine, nothing’s broken so no need for an X-ray.’

  Kaitlin smiled with relief as he listened to her chest. Once satisfied he turned his attention to her arm. He had brought a tray of instruments with him and used scissors to cut the bandage away. ‘You’ll need stitches,’ he announced and told her to lie back. He worked swiftly and easily, speaking little as her numbed her arm and then stitched her skin. He cleaned the area when he was finished and provided instructions on what to do over the next few days. She had been administered a tetanus injection when she had first arrived and he checked that other inoculations were up to date.

  ‘Is that it?’ Kaitlin asked as he packed the instruments away and completed the paperwork.

  ‘Yes,’ he nodded, clicking his pen and putting it in his pocket.

  ‘Great. Well, thank you, doctor.’

  He stood over her, preventing her from getting off the bed, ‘Is that any way to thank me?’

  She stared at him, ‘What?’

  ‘You will thank me properly,’ he announced, his fingers playing with the zip on his trousers as he studied the bruises on her breasts.

  Kaitlin tried to move round him, ‘I think you’ve got the wrong idea,’

  He grabbed her chin and forced her back onto the bed, his face hovering a few inches above hers. She could have brought her fist up to punch him in the side of her head but his next words stopped her, ‘Would you like me to get your part

  She stared back at him as he slowly let go of her chin and slipped his fingers down her neck and chest, freeing her breasts from the material and revealing the full extent of the bruising. ‘I’ll bet there are other marks, aren’t there? Does your arse match your tits?’ The flicker in her eyes was enough of an answer and he laughed, ‘Are you embarrassed by your desires?’

  She swallowed, ‘A little,’

  He laughed again, ‘Bollocks, you’re not embarrassed – you’re worried that people will see you differently if they knew the truth.’ His finger teased her nipple to hardness, ‘I’ve treated you before, you’re quite the hard-ass copper, aren’t you? I’m sure your colleagues would love to know the truth, starting with your partner in the waiting room.’ He stepped back, ‘Don’t move.’ He lifted his phone from his pocket and pressed some buttons before the sudden flash of a camera made Kaitlin jump. He studied the image, a smile creasing his lips and then tucked the phone away again. ‘I notice that you didn’t try to move out of the way when I took your picture,’ he announced with a laugh but then his tone became harsh, ‘Now get on your fucking knees and do it properly.’

  She could have done a hundred different things but she climbed off the bed and slowly dropped to her knees, telling herself that this was the only thing that she could do. She was protecting herself and her secret, what choice did she have?

  She took his half erect penis from within the folds of his clothing and gently sucked him to full hardness. He groaned and leant back against the bed, mumbling profanities as his cock slid down her throat. She sucked him hard and quickly, eager to be done with the task. She jumped when a sudden flash of light seared her vision and she realised that he was taking more pictures. After a few minutes, he groaned and she held his hips as his hot come shot down her throat. He pulled free and used a cloth to wipe himself clean and then tucked himself away. Disappointment settled like a sickness in the base of her stomach. When he fastened his trousers and ordered her to leave, that disappointment became a harsh ache in her pussy.

  Parker drove her home, telling her that she looked pale and needed some rest. She thanked him and closed her front door, opening it again the moment she was sure he was gone. She hailed a taxi, not trusting herself to ride her bike. There was no question where she should go and only one person she wanted to see. Strangely, it was the only place that she felt she would feel safe.

  Her Mistress opened the door, her mouth open to admonish Kaitlin but when she saw her, she gave a small nod and led her into the living room. Kaitlin hovered by the fireplace and waited for her Mistress to return. It was perhaps an hour before Madeline entered the living room and Kaitlin followed her silently to the dungeon. She didn’t tell her anything and hardly spoke at all. She undressed, revealing the bruising at her ribs and the bandage on her arm. Madeline didn’t ask but just treated her gently, building her pleasure carefully. Madeline still made sure that she took her pleasure first, and Kaitlin was grateful for that. As she climaxed herself, a mind-numbing, cleansing release, she felt unbelievable gratitude for the woman and became that little bit more devoted to her.

  Chapter Nine:

  She had thought that that was the end of it with the doctor and pushed thoughts of him, and what he had done, to the back of her mind. Kat continued to be used and abused by her Mistress and loved every moment of her hidden life. Kaitlin threw herself into building the case against Phillips, unveiling more leads and more criminals as she went. Breaking the Collins case had been a turning point in her already successful career and she intended to ride the waves of success until they carried her all the way to Detective Inspector. Keeping her visits to Madeline separate, changing her persona into the submissive Kat, helped Kaitlin to focus on her career goal. Life was good and getting better with every passing day that brought new evidence on one side and delicious, mind-numbing climaxes on the other.

  The case provided enough evidence to grant a warrant for a known associate of both Collins and Phillips a few weeks after Phillips’ arrest. As before, Parker and Kaitlin were joined by uniforms who stormed a dingy, warehouse and workshop. This time the suspects didn’t go as quietly and five men launched themselves at the police, armed with tyre irons and god knew what else. Thankfully the injuries on the police side were kept to a minimum but two of the suspects would require hospital treatment. Parker and Kaitlin took the lead suspect to the hospital themselves – there was no way that they were letting him out of their sight. Once the man was cuffed to a bed and with Parker and a PC standing guard as the doctors and nurses tended to his cuts and bruises, Kaitlin went in search of a coffee machine.

  She was directed down a side corridor and spotted the machine at the end. Smiling with relief, she dipped her hand into her pocket to retrieve some change. She stood in front of the machine and counted through the change, so intent on her task that she didn’t hear someone coming up behind her. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her round, making her gasp in surprise as he shoved her back against the vending machine. She raised her fists to defend herself and froze. He stared at her with a mixture of disgust and lust, his lip curled nastily. ‘Couldn’t stay away from me, could you?’

  ‘I don’t know what you think -’

  ‘Shut the fuck up, slut.’ He grabbed her arm and dragged her to a storeroom at the side of the corridor. Slamming the door shut and wedging it closed, her turned to her, a nasty smile on his face. ‘Is your partner here with you?’ he asked coldly, his intention for asking all too clear.

  ‘Blackmail is a crime, you know,’ she responded.

  He crossed his arms, his eyes cold as he appraised her, ‘I’m not blackmailing you, I’m just giving you what you want.’

  She snorted, ‘Really?’

  His hand struck her cheek before she realised that he had lifted his hand and, for the first time, she saw a certain look in his eye, one that she had seen in others. This man was a Master – he knew what she was and there was no denying him anything. He must have seen the resignation in her eyes because his eyes glinted with delight and he unfastened the zip of his trousers. She slowly dropped to her knees and closed her eyes as he pushed his cock into her mouth. He used his weight to push her back against a metal shelf and fucked her mouth like a wet pussy, his groin and bollocks slapping at her flesh. He came as quickly as before and turned without saying a word, leaving her kneeling on the floor of the storage cupboard. But this wasn’t like before – this time she wasn’t injured and there was nothing to calm the desire that swelled in her groin. Her fingers slipped down the waistband of her jeans and she gasped when she realised how wet she was. The first touch of her fingers galvanised her and she fell back, spreading her legs and unfastening her trousers. She ripped her panties in her haste to pull them down and thrust three fingers into herself. She bit her lip to stifle her gasp of pleasure and tipped her head back against the metal shelving. She pushed her fingers in, again and again, crushing her sensitive flesh with every thrust. Suddenly her eyes alighted on the door and she realised that it was unlocked. Anyone could walk in at any moment – and what a sight they would have. The thought of the door opening and someone standing there, staring at her as she fucked herself, drove her to the point of climax instantly and a small cry echoed around the tiny room.

  She forced herself to her feet a few moments later and rearranged her underwear as best she could. She listened at the door and when she heard nothing, she slowly opened it and stepped out. Her hands were shaking as she put money into the vending machine and retrieved three coffees. By the time the third had been poured out, her hands were steady again.

  Two days later she got a text on her phone. Outside Able Ward, 9.00pm. Dress sexy. For a moment her heart had fluttered when she thought that it was a command from her Mistress but then she recognised the name of the hospital ward beside the A&E department. She was thankful that her Mistress did not require her that night.

  She arrived at a few minutes before nine and had to wait fifteen minutes bef
ore he arrived. He studied her leather jacket and jeans in cold silence and then led her around the building. She followed him down a flight of stairs to a locked, metal door.

  ‘I told you to dress sexy,’ he snarled as he took her leather jacket from her.

  ‘I didn’t feel like it.’

  ‘Then I will have to punish you.’

  Kaitlin stared fearfully as she watched him reach for his belt clasp – but he merely undid it and lowered his trousers and pants. He unfastened her jeans and forced them down with her panties before spinning her round and pushing her against the door. He pushed his forearm against the back of her neck as he stepped forward and positioned his cock at her cunt. ‘I was going to get you to suck me again,’ he hissed in her ear, ‘but take this as a punishment for not doing what you were told.’ He thrust into her, lifting her onto her toes and making her gasp. ‘I’d love to make you scream ... maybe get one of the pretty nurses over here to find out what all the fuss is about. There are a couple here who swing your way, trust me.’


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