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Guilty Page 15

by Karen Robards

  “Tommy.” His mother stood up from the red vinyl couch where she’d been sitting with her sister Miriam and his middle sister, thirty-year-old Vicky, to embrace him. He hugged her back affectionately, breathing in the faint smell of the Shalimar perfume that she had worn for as long as he could remember. Christmases, his dad used to buy her a big bottle of the stuff, and after his death she had continued to wear it faithfully. Anna Braga was sixty now, short and pleasantly rounded, unlike her children, all of whom had taken after their father in build, with black hair (she dyed the gray) that she kept fashionably styled, and a soft, still-pretty face with very few lines. Today her hazel eyes were red-rimmed and less bright than usual from yesterday’s tears, but her lipstick was a deep, defiant red and her cheeks were dusted pink. Just because she was a widow didn’t mean she was dead, as she was always telling her children. She dressed well—today in a pale pink blouse and gray slacks—worked as a hostess at Rocco’s in the Italian Market, and even occasionally dated. Her children, as she was also always telling them, were her life. “Charlie’s better, praise God.” She made the sign of the cross. “Have you eaten?”

  “I grabbed a burger on the way over,” he lied as his mother stepped back to look him over critically. His answer was pure self-defense. If he said no, his mother would dispatch somebody—probably his youngest sister, Natalia—to fetch him something to eat, and then watch him until it was consumed to the last crumb. Then she would tell him he needed to eat more, because he could stand to gain a few pounds.

  “You’ve lost a button on your coat.” Her disapproving gaze focused on the telltale dangling threads. She frowned, then looked up at him, shaking her head. “You need somebody to take care of things like that for you. A wife. A man doesn’t think of such things.”

  It was all Tom could do not to roll his eyes. The only thing that stopped him was the certain knowledge that his mother would bop him upside the head if he dared. She’d been on this Tom-needs-a-wife kick for almost the last year, and it was starting to drive him insane. His gaze found twenty-nine-year-old Natalia, who was slim and attractive in jeans and an orange sweater, with her thick black hair cut boyishly short and the minimum of makeup—at least, that Tom could see—on her angular face. Seven years married, a stay-at-home mother of two, she was standing near the couch engaged in conversation with a woman Tom didn’t know. As their eyes met she grinned at him, having clearly overheard their mother’s harassment, and waggled her fingers at him in saucy greeting.

  “So what’s going on with Charlie?” He figured the best way to get their mother’s attention off himself was to focus it on his brother.

  “They’ve taken him off the ventilator. Terry’s with him.”

  ICU rules allowed only one person in the room with a patient at a time.

  “That’s good.”

  “Hey, Tom.” Vicky stood up and gave him a hug, too.

  The oldest of his sisters, thirty-two-year-old mother-of-three Tina, was not in the room, Tom saw as he hugged his middle sister back. Vicky was tall and thin, with long, black hair worn in a braid that hung down her back. She’d been married for ten years—the Bragas all tended to marry young and reproduce like rabbits—and had two girls and a boy. A kindergarten teacher and part-time artist, she wore a loose, ankle-length pale blue dress that was covered with tiny white flowers. She pulled out of his arms, looked at his face, and frowned.

  “You poor thing, you’ve got bags. Have you gotten any sleep at all?”

  “For God’s sake, don’t get Mom started on that,” Tom said to her in a low voice, casting an alarmed glance at their mother, who fortunately had her head turned as she said something to Aunt Miriam. “She’ll have me napping on the couch here.”

  That made Vicky grin. And the reason it made Vicky grin was because she knew, just like Tom did, that it was absolutely true. Anna Braga worried about all her children, but Tom, because he was male and the oldest and had no family of his own, most of all.

  “I think I’ll just go look in on Charlie.” Tom spoke a little louder as he sought to escape before his mother could discover for herself that he was looking tired. “Maybe Terry wants to take a break.”

  His sister-in-law, Terry, a short, athletically built, freckle-faced, redheaded, fiercely independent accountant whom Tom was convinced Charlie had been attracted to because she was the antithesis of the women he’d grown up being (s)mothered by, looked around when Tom opened the door of the ICU ward. Seeing him, she smiled, then rose from the chair she’d been sitting in and came over to him.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she said quietly, after they had exchanged hugs. “Go to him.”

  She came out, and he walked on inside the ICU, wrinkling his nose at the strong smell of antiseptics and who knew what else that reached his nostrils. The nurse on duty gave him a careful look as he moved toward where Charlie lay at the far end of the four-bed ward, but must have been satisfied that he was harmless because she disappeared behind a white curtain drawn around another patient’s bed.

  It was cold in the ICU, Tom thought as he stopped at the foot of his brother’s bed, and eerily quiet. Except for the sounds of various life-saving machines, there was nothing: no voices, no telephones or TVs, no footsteps. It was like the patients were in limbo, caught in a white world somewhere between life and death.

  His hands closed over the foot of Charlie’s bed. A curtain separated his brother from whoever was in the bed next door, but it didn’t extend all the way to the foot of the bed. Tom registered the machines blinking and beeping around the bed, the IV pole and myriad tubes attached to his brother’s body, the white swath of bandages wrapped around his chest, and felt his gut tighten.

  It could so easily have gone the other way.

  Then he looked at his brother’s face—something he’d been putting off, because seeing Charlie so unnaturally pale and still bothered him more than he liked to admit, even to himself—to find that Charlie was looking back at him.

  Chapter 13

  “ I MUST’VE GOT your genes,” Ben said glumly as he watched Kate’s shot smack into the brick above the garage a yard to the left of the goal, then go bouncing away. The bugs swooping around the rusty light fixture that illuminated a fuzzy circle at the top of the driveway scattered, then came looping back in. Their low drone never faltered.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Kate panted, running into the dark front yard for what felt like the thousandth time to retrieve the ball. Trying to maintain her outward good humor at a little after eight-thirty p.m. on the day after she’d seen roughly half a dozen people murdered before her eyes and her life had gone to hell, when she was so scared she was sick with it and so frazzled she jumped at every unfamiliar sound, wasn’t easy under the circumstances. Which were, to wit, she was out in her driveway after supper and homework were over, trying to help her unenthusiastic son practice for the basketball tournament that was scheduled for the following week in gym.

  That was the thing about having a kid, Kate thought as she jogged across the yard in pursuit of the thrice-damned basketball: No matter what disasters were happening in your own life, your kid’s regimen of school and homework and extracurriculars kept on keeping on, and you kid’s problems did, too.

  The yellowish glow Ben stood in only made the night beyond it seem darker. Overhead, a pale fingernail moon and a few shy stars played peek-a-boo with scooting clouds. Trees swayed and leaves rustled, stirred by the breeze that carried an autumnish hint of smoke on it. Black chiffon shadows undulated across patchy charcoal grass. The lingering moisture from the previous day’s rain made the ground slightly squishy underfoot, and the leaves that had already fallen were treacherously slippery. As she spotted the ball in the line of scraggly bushes that marked the delineation between the yards and bent to scoop it up, the scent of damp earth filled her nostrils. Straightening, she stretched her back, in no huge hurry to return to the fray. She was wearing jeans, a ratty gray Phillies sweatshirt that she’d pushed up
to her elbows, and sneakers, and her hair was caught up in a haphazard ponytail. Despite the fact that the temperature had dropped into the low sixties, she was hot, sweaty, and so tired she was drooping.

  And as of now she officially really, really hated basketball.

  “Was my dad any good at sports?” Ben asked wistfully, as Kate, carrying the ball, walked back into the light. They’d been out there for maybe fifteen minutes, shooting hoops and missing a good ninety percent of the shots between them, and she was getting a stitch in her side from chasing the ball. But Ben was so afraid that he was going to be the worst player in the class, that he was going to make a fool of himself and the other kids were going to laugh, that she was prepared to do whatever it took to try to make sure it didn’t happen. Not that he had expressed his fears in so many words. He wouldn’t. But she knew. When he had told her about the upcoming basketball week in gym as she had driven him home from Suzy’s, she’d been able to read between the lines without any trouble. He’d been thinking of missing school for a week. She’d been thinking, Not possible. And so here they were.

  And now he was breaking her heart anew with questions about his father.

  “Yes, he was,” she lied. As far as she knew, Ben’s father, Chaz White, whom she had married at eighteen and who had deserted her at nineteen, two months after Ben’s birth, had never played any kind of organized sport in his life. She’d met him in Atlantic City, where she’d fled after David Brady’s death. He’d been a handsome street tough who’d worked as a bouncer in the casino where she’d been a cocktail waitress (complete with her own fake ID to match the underage customers). In the year that she’d known him, she’d learned that along with the abundant charm that had attracted her in the first place, he had a violent temper and a nose for trouble. Less than a month after their split, he had died in a drive-by shooting. And she had read the handwriting on the wall, grabbed Ben, and run again, this time to Philly, where she had been working her ass off ever since to give her precious son a better life. Not that she meant to tell Ben any of that, at least not for many, many years. And some of it she would never tell him.

  “He was good at lots of things, including sports. Hey, you know what? I think he was even pretty good at basketball. But I remember he told me that he wasn’t very athletic until he got to high school. He had to grow into it.”

  She bounced the ball to Ben as a way of distracting him from asking more questions about his father.

  “Are you telling the truth?” Holding the ball in both hands, he looked at her hard, his voice laced with suspicion.

  Kate planted her fists on her hips. “Would I lie to you?”

  “Yeah,” Ben answered without hesitation.

  Okay, he knew her too well. She occasionally did lie to him when she thought it was necessary. And over the years she had fudged the facts to create a kinder, gentler father who had loved Ben devotedly but had died in a car accident shortly after his birth. At some point, she might tell him more, but she was never, ever going to tell him that Chaz had freaked when their screaming, colicky baby had come home from the hospital and then left them flat.

  That Ben never needed to know.

  “Well, I’m not,” she said, resisting the urge to bend over and place her hands on her knees while she caught her breath. She couldn’t believe how winded she was. It must have something to do with either emotional distress or plain old exhaustion. “Just shoot the thing, would you please?”

  “This is lame.” Ben groaned but obediently turned around and heaved the ball at the goal. This time it actually hit the rim before bouncing off.

  “Good job. That was close,” Kate encouraged as she looked after the damned ball, which was rolling across the lawn toward the big oak by the sidewalk. “Your shot, your rebound.”

  “Can’t we just go in?”

  Ben trudged off after the ball, which had disappeared in the inky shadows at the base of the tree. She followed his small figure with her eyes. His hands were jammed into the front pockets of his jeans. His shoulders slumped, and his movements were dispirited. Like her, he was wearing a sweatshirt, although his was a forest-green hoodie and not ratty. A few porch lights were on up and down the street, and here and there uncurtained windows glowed yellow. But still, the night was so dark that the sidewalk was only visible as a pale ribbon snaking over the ground between the street and the tree. She was able to track Ben mostly because of his blond hair.

  A car drove slowly past, its headlights catching Ben for an instant and throwing his shadow against the big oak’s rough gray bark. He had almost reached the basketball, which was nestled in the roots. Kate watched the car’s red taillights receding down the street, relieved that it kept going. There had been a knot of reporters waiting in front of her house when she’d pulled in from picking up Ben, and once more she’d had reason to be grateful for the attached garage and automatic opener. Driving right inside and closing the door, she’d managed to avoid them. She had stayed inside with the curtains drawn, refusing to come out or answer the phone, and as dark had fallen, they had finally given up and gone away. She was still wary, however. But the car kept going, and as she exhaled she shifted her gaze back to Ben, who was moving so slowly and reluctantly that he could have been a mobility-impaired turtle.

  She was seriously considering the pros and cons of just sending a note to school on Monday saying that Ben had twisted his ankle and couldn’t play basketball next week when she saw a figure slide around the oak and approach Ben, who was finally bending over to pick up the ball.

  Her eyes widened. Her breath caught.

  Although she was too far away to hear it, the person must have said something to Ben, because, holding the ball in both hands now, he straightened way too quickly to look at whoever it was.

  The hair stood up on the back of Kate’s neck. All she could tell through the darkness was that whoever was standing there in the dark talking so quietly to her little boy was an adult. A large adult.

  It was probably a neighbor. Or a reporter. But she didn’t like the feel of it. Something just felt wrong.

  “Ben!” She shot like a homing missile across the few yards separating them. The dark swallowed her up just as it had Ben, and for a few seconds, until her eyes adjusted, it was difficult to see much more than shapes.


  Holding the basketball against his chest, Ben was backing toward her even as she reached him. Of course, she’d spent his entire life warning him about strangers, and here was one—a big, menacing one—in the flesh.

  Her hands closed protectively over his thin shoulders. She could feel the tension in the rigidity of his shoulders and the rapid rise and fall of his chest. As he pressed back against her, his small body warm and faintly sweaty from basketball, his tousled head not yet reaching her shoulders, she looked over his head at the man—it was definitely a man, she saw, now that she was closer—standing only a few feet away. He was watching them both with a kind of still purpose that brought her heart into her throat.

  She didn’t recognize him, but, of course, it was dark. But her sixth sense screamed danger.

  “Kate . . . White,” he said before she could speak, pronouncing her name like a judgment. It wasn’t a question. His voice was low and deep with a rough West Philly accent, and she absolutely, positively didn’t recognize it. Her eyes were growing more accustomed to the dark now. A knit watch cap was pulled down low over his eyes, and some kind of dark jacket or shirt was zipped up to his throat. It was impossible to tell his ethnicity with any certainty, but his skin was pale enough so that she could see the square-jawed shape of his face in the moonlight. He was about six feet tall, with a stocky, muscular build. But the night obscured the details of his features. All she could see of them with any clarity was the gleam of his eyes. She couldn’t see his hands, she thought with some confusion as he folded his arms over his chest, then an instant later realized it was because he was wearing dark gloves.

  It wasn’t that cold.

/>   “Go in the house,” she said fiercely to Ben, and thrust him behind her.

  “Mom . . .” There was fear in his voice. She glanced at him over her shoulder. He hesitated, looking back at her.

  “Do what I tell you!”

  She never spoke to him in that tone, and he clearly recognized that she meant business. Still clutching the basketball, he headed at a trot toward the closed garage door and the opener that waited in the grass by the pavement. The front door was locked. They had come out through the garage, and it was the only way back in. She thought about going with him, tried to gauge the possibility of both her and Ben making it safely inside the house if they ran for it, and concluded that if this guy wanted to grab them, it wouldn’t be likely. No matter how fast they were, he was almost certain to be faster. And the garage door took a long time to rise, and then an equally long time to close again. Likewise, a scream might not be heard or responded to.

  She planted herself foursquare and solid in front of the man.

  “Who are you?” she asked sharply. Her heart was beating way too fast. Her hands had closed into fists of their own volition.

  “I got a message for you,” he said, without answering her question. He didn’t move, didn’t come any closer, did nothing overt, but Kate felt the threat emanating from him like a wall of heat. “Mario says you owe him.”


  Horrified as the message registered, Kate sucked in air. The groan of the garage door lifting up rumbled in the background, and she was conscious of Ben joggling anxiously from foot to foot as he waited and watched her through the dark. As she stood rooted to the spot, more headlights cut through the pitch blackness at the top of the street, coming toward them steadily. Just when the beams would have illuminated the stranger’s face, he stepped back out of their path. She strained to see him.


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