PORN: A Novel of Extreme Horror, Sex and Gore

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PORN: A Novel of Extreme Horror, Sex and Gore Page 12

by Matt Shaw

  Harry didn’t say anything. You could see he was putting things together in his own mind; working out what had happened. He knew I had sent the text, he knew I had the chainsaw - probably even recognised the bag I had with me. After what seemed an age, he looked me directly in the eye and asked, “Is my friend alive?”

  “No more than my friend.”

  He nodded. He understood. It didn’t need to be spelt out.

  “How’d you find where he was?” he asked. His tone was low. Almost as though he was upset by his friend’s death. People like him feel upset?


  “How so?”

  “Came here and just happened to bump into him. He picked a woman up…Took her to his place. I just followed.”

  Harry smiled, “Ah. Yes. He could never say no to the ladies. That certainly is a fluke sighting.” He paused. “How’d he die?”

  “Let me out of here,” I said, “and I’ll show you.”

  Harry smiled again - amused by my attempt to gain freedom.

  “We won’t be undoing those chains again,” he said. The smile faded from his face. “Your agent - Frank - he didn’t point you towards us then?”


  “First time we had used him. Would hate to think he sold us out after taking that money…”

  My brain ached when I realised everything I thought I knew from earlier conversations with Harry was nothing but my imagination playing tricks on me whilst I laid unconscious on the floor. My brain told me Frank was innocent and that what I did to him in his apartment was a mistake? Weird - I was unconscious and yet I felt nothing but guilt when I realised I’d potentially infected him for nothing. Ruined the life of an innocent man.

  “I knew he couldn’t be fucking trusted,” Harry sighed. “Okay. Well. Fine. We can deal with him later. Won’t be the first time we’ve had to set people straight.” Harry started to laugh, “You tried to protect him by lying about how you found Tom?” He shook his head, “He set you up for this. He put you in our path. Easily bought. Greedy man. Yet, just because he told you where to find Tom, you try and protect him?” He shrugged, “Well I don’t get it but each to their own.”

  I realised Harry hadn’t believed my story about how I had stumbled across Tom. He thought my agent had sold them out. I won’t correct him. When he is finished with me - he’ll go after Frank. He’ll give him what he deserved.

  “Anyway - not important - we’ll deal with him later. Now…We have a little problem with what we’re going to do with you…”

  I struggled against the restraints again. It was obvious I wasn’t getting out of them. Harry took a step back and watched. A smile on his face. Satisfaction in knowing I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Well…” he looked over to the chainsaw, “…seems a shame to waste that. I mean, you went to the trouble of bringing it to the party. May as well have a play, hey? And - I’ll be honest - it looks great on camera.” He nodded towards the camera again.

  “Fuck you.”

  He walked over to the chainsaw and picked it up. He returned to me with a sadistic grin on his face. “I’m surprised you could even carry this. It’s pretty heavy.” He held the tip of it up to my neck, “I don’t suppose you know how to turn it on do you?” he started to play with the various controls on the chainsaw. I closed my eyes, waiting for the saw to start spinning…to start cutting through me. My heart was racing. He laughed. “Come on,” he lowered the chainsaw to the floor, “I’m just fucking about. I can’t kill you. Not yet at least. You see - I’ve made a few phone calls and there are quite a few people who want to watch your final moments.” He smiled, “Full circle. Back to where our relationship first begun.”

  I started to cry.

  “Don’t waste those precious tears,” he said, wiping them carefully from my cheek. “A few people are paying good money to see those…Here…Maybe I can make things better for you…Maybe I can help you calm down…” He ran his fingers down my cheek and gave me a wink. His eyes distracted by the shiny material of the latex cat-suit, “You have no idea how happy I am you brought this with you…The way it hugs your figure, sticks to your skin…So fucking hot.” His fingers ran from my cheek down my neck and onto the rubber material of the suit.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I hissed. I fought the tears back. For a minute, just a second, I thought I had failed. I thought Harry had won. He was getting what he originally wanted from me. My death and a lot of money. At least - that’s what I thought for a split second. But he hasn’t won. I still have a chance of winning this. I still have a chance of ruining him. All I need to do is to put on a poor show for the camera and his cronies. Make sure they’re dissatisfied. An unhappy customer is not a repeat customer.

  “Look at you - all brave and shit…We’re going to have fun with you…Oh, and on that note, thank you so much for getting me to meet you so early. If we’re careful, if we take things slowly, then we have the whole night.”

  Without thinking twice I spat directly in his face. I started to laugh as my dribble snaked its way down his face until he used the back of his hand to wipe it away.

  “For your information…Just because we’re going to use the whole night up to have our fun with you…Don’t be fooled into thinking any of it will be pleasant. You are going to hurt for every single second. You understand me?”

  Before I had the chance to answer he fired the chainsaw up. The sudden roar of the teeth all spinning around the axle made me jump. He raised the chainsaw up close to my face. I closed my eyes as the chainsaw inched ever closer to my face. I didn’t scream though. Not once. Not even close.



  Harry had put the chainsaw down and was going through the bag I’d packed. He wasn't saying anything - just actually making a strange ‘grunt’ noise from his throat. I had stopped trying to escape from my restraints. It was clear they weren’t going anywhere - just as it was clear they hadn’t been going anywhere in my unconscious dreams where I got to watch Harry struggle beneath them. Harry. It should be him in my place. It shouldn’t be me. It’s not fair that I’m here. I don’t deserve it. He does.

  The door opened and my heart skipped a beat as a group of men came in. None of them were saying anything. None of them greeted Harry. They all just walked in - in silence - with their eyes fixed upon me in a way which turned my skin cold.

  Harry stood up, “Gentlemen. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” He turned around and pointed to the chainsaw. “Look at what she brought to the party.”


  “…And not just that. She brought a bag with her. Look.” Harry grabbed the bag, from the side, and emptied it over the floor. The sharpened dildo, the hammer, the small butt-plug - everything I had planned to use on Harry - fell onto the hard floor. He kicked the small butt-plug across the room - as though disgusted by the sight of it, “Don’t think we’ll be using that pathetic excuse for an anal toy.” He looked at the men’s faces. They were suitably impressed. “So here’s what I’m thinking,” he said, “you each don a mask, you each fuck her any way, whichever way you want…Cover her in cum…I mean literally drench the cunt and then…When we’re done…We torture her until you want some more. Gentleman, we have the whole night and we’re going to make it count.”

  “Can’t very well fuck her in the chains,” one of the men pointed out.

  “You remember what happened the last time,” Harry gave the man a wink. “I thought it best we stop a repeat performance of the last time…” He pointed towards the hammer. “Who wants the honours?”

  A large burly man stepped forward from the rest of the group. His eyes were fixed directly on me as he said, “I’ll do it.”

  “Be my guest - consider it a bonus after the troubles we had with the flighty cunt the last time,” Harry sneered. He turned to me and whispered, “You might want to brace yourself - this is going to hurt.”

  The stranger picked the hammer up and stormed toward
s me; a look of both hatred and anticipation on his face. I wanted to ask what I had done to him, what women in general had done, to warrant such a look but I knew he wouldn’t answer. He (they) didn’t want to hear my questions or even communicate with me. They just wanted me to scream before I died.

  Harry stopped him, “If I were you I wouldn’t walk any further…Don’t want to appear on camera without your masks do you? Remember, I don’t edit before I upload. I want the viewers to experience exactly what you experienced. No special effects, no cutting away…”

  The large man turned to one of the smaller in the group, “Where are the masks?”

  The small man held up a rucksack. “I have them.” He opened the bag and distributed white masks around the room. By the time they had all put them on, Harry included, they looked like Michael Myers from Halloween. Blank, expressionless faces, black eyes. I didn’t need to see their faces to know they were smiling though. I could tell.

  “Okay?” the large man looked to Harry for his approval.

  Harry slowly nodded. He gestured, with his hand, for the man to do what needed to be done. The man needed no further invitation.

  He stormed towards me and swung the hammer directly into the side of my leg. I tried not to scream. I tried not to give them the satisfaction. Not quite silent. Something came from my mouth. Some kind of noise. Not a scream though. The man turned to Harry, as though confused by the lack of reaction. Harry shrugged and gestured towards my other leg. The man nodded and swung the hammer around to my other leg - another noise from my mouth but still not a scream. The pain was intense and - had it not been for the chains holding me in place - I would have dropped to the floor.

  Harry handed the padlock key to one of the other men.

  I heard him whisper, “She probably won’t be running anywhere now.”

  The second man hurried forward and went to work on the keys whilst the large man with the hammer just stayed standing in front of me - ready to stop me if I dared run (or try and run).

  “Lock the door,” Harry instructed a third man. The third man did as he was told.

  The chains dropped to the floor, as did I. I landed heavily on my knees and yelped out in pain. Still not a scream. I won’t give it to them. I won’t give them the scream they so desperately yearn for. I looked up to the large man. The hammer was still in his hand but now - so was his penis, in his other hand. He was stroking it hard. I could hear his breathing from behind the mask, getting heavier as he became more turned on. I won’t beg him to leave me alone. I won’t beg him to hit me with the hammer and just end my life. I won’t. I won’t give them the satisfaction. They want some fight but they won’t get it from me. Won’t even spit at him despite a strong urge.

  The second man appeared from behind the pillar. He dropped the padlocks to the floor and started to undo his trousers. A quick look to the other men and they were doing the same; all fumbling at their belts. Even Harry was gearing up to join in.

  A sudden thought crossed my mind, a fleeting thought which brought a smile to my face. Even when the large man pushed me onto my back and forcefully parted my legs before fumbling at the zipper on the cat-suit - giving him access to my dry pussy - I couldn’t help but smile. Here they all were - getting ready to fuck me - all of them closing in on me…None of them were reaching for condoms.

  * * * * *

  I was sitting in the doctor’s office. He was talking but I wasn’t hearing anything that he said. My eyes fixed on the wall. The wall. Various posters on varied subjects - most dealing with health issues such as diabetes and how to keep a healthy heart…One, on the bottom left of the group…One mentioned sexually transmitted diseases.

  “Did you hear me?” the doctor asked. I didn’t answer him. “Miss Sheldon?” his voice was a little louder this time.

  “I’m sorry - what?” I suddenly came ‘to’. I looked at him. He looked concerned. God only knows how I looked to him.

  “Did you hear what I’ve been telling you?”

  I nodded. I heard. HIV. My life was over. Even if the medication helped to keep it at bay, even if they worked wonders at extending your life expectancy - the stigma attached to the illness…Friends and family wouldn’t understand. The true friends - and my family - they’d pretend to understand. They’d pretend to be okay with it and pretend to be supportive but I know, deep down, they wouldn’t be. My life - as I knew it - was over.

  * * * * *

  The first man screamed out with pleasure as he ejaculated deep inside of me. I was staring at the blank expression on the white mask - wondering what his face was doing underneath, wondering whether my poisoned cunt had made him happy, wondering how he’d feel when the disease takes a hold of his body…Wondering what his family and friends would think? He moved off from me and the next man climbed on top. Another white mask. Another blank expression. Another erect penis. Another life about to change forever. They took it in turn to each ejaculate inside of me - one after the other.

  I didn’t scream.

  I smiled.

  T H E E N D

  Table of Contents

















  EpilogueTHE DAY I DIED




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