The Great War

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The Great War Page 65

by Peter Hart

  Harrington, Brigadier Charles 360–61

  Hase, Commander Georg von 257

  Hausen, General Max von 51

  Hawthorn Ridge 239

  Hazebrouck 68, 417, 428, 430

  Hedjaz railway 398

  Heeringen, General Josias von 38, 40

  Hehir, Colonel Patrick 284

  Heights of Combres (Les Eparges) 128

  Heligoland Bight 262

  Heligoland Bight, Battle of (1914) 104

  Helles, Cape, Gallipoli 170, 172, 173

  Helles Peninsula, Gallipoli 174, 175, 176, 178, 184, 185

  Henrik (Norwegian steamer) 119

  Henriques, Second Lieutenant Basil 234

  Hermanns, Private William 50, 206–8

  Herzegovina: annexed by Austria-Hungary (1908) 20–21

  Hesse, Lieutenant Kurt 443

  Hevnik Peak 387

  High Wood 229, 233

  High Wood-Flers-Martinpuich-Courcelette sector, Somme 233

  Hill 60

  Ypres 142, 349

  Hill 971, Gallipoli 177, 179

  Hill Q, Gallipoli 180

  Hindenburg, General Paul von 86, 125, 157, 160, 163, 242

  replaces Prittwitz 85

  and German Ninth Army 88

  personality 88

  Commander in Chief of the Eastern Armies 89

  at Posen conference 90

  and Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 159

  Falkenhayn dilutes his power 163

  appointed Chief of Staff 231, 247

  on the Armistice 461

  Hindenburg Line 333, 338, 370, 374, 427, 454, 455, 459

  Hipper, Admiral Franz von 114, 115, 116, 254, 256, 260, 323, 324

  Hitler, Adolf 470

  Hoffmann, Colonel Max 85, 86

  Hogue (armoured cruiser) 106, 107

  Holder-Egger (section leader, German 12th Infantry Regiment) 55

  Holland, Ordinary Seaman Larimore 122–3

  Hood, Private Magnus McIntyre 336

  Hopp, Ensign August 128

  Horne, General Sir Henry 330–31, 417, 451, 453

  Horns Reef 262, 266

  Hötzendorf, General Franz Conrad von 157, 380

  Houthulst Forest 366, 367

  Hughes, Lieutenant Thomas 215

  Hunter-Weston, Lieutenant General Sir Aylmer 174, 175

  Hussein, Sherif, of Mecca 397

  Hutier, General Oskar von 300, 301, 385, 416


  Idriess, Trooper Ion 402–3

  IEF ‘D’ see Indian Expeditionary Force (IEF) ‘D’

  Ignard, Captain 42

  Immelmann, Max 216, 435

  Imperial Air Service 82

  imperialism 4, 6, 469, 472

  Indefatigable 254

  Indian Army

  Indian Expeditionary Force (IEF) ‘D’ 270, 369

  3rd Indian Division 290, 406

  7th Indian Division 285, 406

  6th Indian Division 269, 272, 276, 278

  10th Indian Division 393–4

  11th Indian Division 393–94

  12th Indian Division 271, 272, 275

  13th Indian Division 285

  14th Indian Division 290

  29th Indian Brigade 179

  Indian Labour Corps 269, 289, 294

  Indian government: told to raise and despatch a land force 268–9

  Indomitable (battlecruiser) 115, 253

  Inflexible (battlecruiser) 111, 169

  Ingenohl, Admiral Friedrich von

  Commander in Chief of the German High Seas Fleet 102

  caution of 107

  raids on east coast of Britain 114–15

  replaced after Battle of Dogger Bank 116–17

  Inland Water Transport 294

  Intrepid (cruiser) 319, 322

  Invincible (battlecruiser) 111, 260

  Iphigenia (cruiser) 319, 322

  Irish Home Rule 8

  Iron Duke 258

  Irresistible (pre-dreadnought) 169

  Isandlwana, Battle of (1879) 52


  First Battle of the (1915) 381

  Second Battle of the (1915) 381

  Third Battle of the (1915) 381

  Fourth Battle of the (1915) 381

  Fifth Battle of the (1916) 381–2

  Sixth Battle of the (1916) 382

  Seventh Battle of the (1916) 382–3

  Eighth Battle of the (1916) 382–3

  Ninth Battle of the (1916) 382–3

  Tenth Battle of the (1917) 383–4

  Eleventh Battle of the (1917) 384

  Twelfth Battle of the (1917) (Battle of Caporetto) 385–8, 392

  Isonzo Valley 392

  Isonzo River 379, 380, 381

  Isonzo Sector 379, 380, 382

  Istria 10, 392

  Italia Irredenta (Unredeemed Italy) 378, 392

  Italian Army 189, 304, 367

  size 379, 380

  conscription 379

  officers and lower ranks 379

  weaponry 379–80

  Italian campaign 308

  Italian Front 245, 246, 370, 378, 380, 385, 388, 462

  Italian Navy, dreadnoughts 98

  Italian Offensive (Conrad) 245, 246

  Italy 378–92

  relationship with Germany 9

  unification 9–10

  colonialism 10

  wars against Austro-Hungarian Empire 10, 379

  declares war on Turkey 21

  bails out of alliance with Central Powers 29, 378, 382

  considers joining the war on the Allied side 160

  secret Treaty of London 378–9

  declares war on Germany 382

  Battles of the Isonzo 381–8

  Diaz replaces Cadorna 388

  Battle of the Piave River 389–90

  Battle of Vittorio Veneto 390–92

  armistice signed 392

  Italian triumph at a high cost 392

  Ivanov, General Nicolai 87, 88, 91, 158, 160


  Jaffa 405

  Jagodnja mountains 92

  Jagow, Gottlieb von 30, 31

  Janda, Lieutenant Ludislav 444

  Japan viii, x

  Jasper Farm 355

  Jellicoe, Admiral Sir John 115, 186

  on risks to Grand Fleet 94

  naval career 103

  on tactics 107–8

  caution of 108–9, 253, 262, 306

  Fisher over-rules 111

  opposition to Allied efforts to force the Dardanelles 169

  determined to maintain domination of the seas 252, 267

  Battle of Jutland 253–4, 257, 258, 260–63, 265–7, 306

  First Sea Lord 306, 310

  and Anti-Submarine Division 310

  and convoy system 311–12

  Haig on 312

  dismissed by Geddes 315

  Jerusalem 293, 400, 405–6

  Jevszek 387

  Jevtic, Borijove 23

  Joffre, General Joseph 18, 59, 69, 139, 244, 424, 473

  Chief of General Staff 16

  personality 16, 52

  re-evaluation of strategy 16

  Plan XVII 17, 38

  Alsace-Lorraine offensive 38–9

  Ardennes offensive 41, 47

  underestimates scale of German onslaught 51

  on routine at GHQ 60

  considers tactical options 61–2

  newly cautious demeanour 63–4

  Battle of the Marne 65–6, 67, 328

  spring offensive on St Mihiel Salient 129

  and artillery support 130, 149

  and Battle of Vimy Ridge 144

  and Gallipoli Campaign 147–8

  determined to support Russia 148

  autumn offensives 148, 149, 151

  damaged reputation 155, 328

  dismisses Sarrail 188

  selects the Somme for alliance warfare 197, 205, 209

  Battle of Verdun 202, 203, 328

  and Henri Pétain 203–4

; meeting with Haig 225

  falls from power 328, 341

  Jordan River 406, 407, 408

  Joubaire, Private Alfred 45

  Judean Hills 405

  Julian Alps 380, 381

  Julnar (steamer) 286

  Jumeaux Ravine 192

  Jutland, Battle of (1916) 253–67, 288, 305–6, 308, 315


  Kahl, Private Willi 71–2

  Karakol Dagh, Gallipoli 181

  Karl I, Emperor 299

  Karlsruhe (light cruiser) 109

  Karun River 268, 272

  Kemal, Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa 171–2, 180

  Kennedy, Lieutenant Malcolm 137

  Kent (armoured cruiser) 111

  Kerensky, Alexander 295, 299, 300, 302, 303

  Kereves Dere175

  Kereves Spur 175

  Kerr, Corporal William 449

  Keyes, Commodore Roger 104

  Keyes, Vice Admiral Sir Roger 194, 319

  Kidney Hill 183

  Kiefner, Lance Corporal 386–7

  Kiel naval base 95

  Kienitz, Senior Lieutenant 221–2

  Kilid Bahr Plateau170, 172, 175

  Kiretch Tepe 177, 181, 183

  Kirkby, Private Billy 370

  Kirkup 293

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Lord

  expansion of BEF 155

  and 1915 autumn offensives 149–50

  his ‘New Army’ 156, 177, 198

  Russians ask for help against Turkish offensive 168

  and Gallipoli 174, 185

  and the Suez Canal 395

  death 305

  Kitching, Engineer Commander Henry 258–9

  Kluck, General Alexander von 50, 54, 57, 58, 64, 65, 66

  Knoop, Lieutenant Ernst 110–11

  Kohl, Lieutenant Hermann 233

  König Wilhelm 95

  Königsberg, East Prussia 86

  Königsberg (light cruiser) 110

  Kornilov, General Lavr 299, 301–2

  Kosturino Pass 192

  Kressenstein, Colonel Friedrich von 394, 396, 397

  Kretschmer, Private Paul 419–20


  First Battle of (1915) 173

  Second Battle of (1915) 174

  Third Battle of (1915) 174–5

  Kronstadt, Russia 300

  Kuhl, General von 362

  Kum Kale, Gallipoli 170, 172, 173

  Kuropatkin, General Alexei 164

  Kut al Amara, Mesopotamia 271, 275, 277

  Townshend enters 276

  under siege 279–87

  capitulation 287


  La Bassée Canal, near Béthune, France 69, 428

  La Boisselle Salient, Somme 221

  La Targette, Pas-de-Calais, France 145

  Lais, Corporal Otto 220–21

  Lake Doiran 191, 192

  Lake, General Sir Percy 282, 290

  Lake Naroch, Battle of (1916) 243

  Lala Baba, Gallipoli 180, 181

  Landsturm, tertiary army reserve unit 3

  Landwehr, secondary army reserve unit 3

  Langle de Cary, General Fernand de 41, 127, 129–30, 139

  Lanrezac, General Charles

  commands the Fifth Army 41, 51, 52

  in Battle of Charleroi 51

  reluctant to launch counter-attack against German Second Army 63

  dismissed by Joffre 64

  Laporte, Corporal Henri 151–2

  Latour, France 44

  Lawrence, Lieutenant Cyril 361

  Lawrence, Captain T.E. 397–8, 408

  Lawson, Captain Cuthbert 217

  Le Cateau, Battle of (1914) 57–8, 72

  Le Transloy Ridge 235

  League of the Three Emperors (formed 1873) 2

  Lebanon 5, 471

  Lebaud, Lieutenant Colonel Pierre 43

  Lee, Second Lieutenant Archibald 399–400

  Lee, Second Lieutenant Arthur Gould 371–72

  Leipzig (light cruiser) 109, 113

  Leman, Lieutenant General Gérard 35, 36, 37–8

  Lemburg, Austria

  captured by Allies (1914) 87

  recaptured 162

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Bolshevik leader 298

  returns to Russia 298–9

  calls for an end to the war 299

  goes into hiding 300

  launch of second Russian Revolution 302

  mass appeal of 303

  Lens 68

  Lens-Douai plain127

  Leopold of Bavaria, Prince 163, 248

  Les Éparges Ridge 129

  Lewis, Jane 121

  Lewis Pelly (armed tug) 275

  Lewis, Second Lieutenant David 433–4

  Liège, Battle of (1914) 15, 35–8, 85

  Lille, France 69

  Liman von Sanders, General Otto 22, 170, 406, 407

  Lintier, Gunner Paul 44–5, 48–9

  Lion (battlecruiser) 115, 116, 117, 254, 256

  Lithuania: occupied by German forces 303

  Livermore, Private Bernard 405–6

  Lloyd George, David

  and the Balkans 189

  appoints Geddes 313

  and Jellicoe 315

  schemes of 328–9

  and Haig’s plans 329, 351–2

  favours Nivelle’s plan 330

  an accomplished conspirator 330

  on the Italian Front 378

  on sideshows 393

  and Palestine 400

  loses faith in Haig 413–14

  reduction of number of men available to BEF 414, 420, 425

  and Supreme War Council 414–15

  and Robertson’s resignation 415, 448

  starves Haig of troops at a crucial time 415

  Lodz 89, 90

  London, Treaty of (1879) 20, 29

  London, Treaty of (1915) 378–9

  London Ridge promontory 354, 361

  Lone Pine, Battle of (1915) 178–9

  Lone Pine 177

  Longueval 227, 229

  Loos, Battle of (1915) 149, 151, 152–4, 155, 186, 197, 211, 225, 230, 232

  Lorette Ridge 417

  Lossberg, Colonel Fritz von 362, 327

  Lothringen (pre-dreadnought) 324

  Louis of Battenburg, Prince 102, 111

  Lowestoft 252

  Ludendorff, Major General Erich von 157, 163, 367–8, 461, 473

  Battle of Liège 36, 85

  Battle of Tannenburg 81

  Hindenberg’s Chief of Staff 85, 89

  personality 85, 88

  and the Schlieffen Plan 85

  and German Ninth Army 88

  plans frontal attack on Russian lines in Poland 90

  confidence in outright victory over Russia 125

  Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (1915) 158, 159

  plans for battle of encirclement 162

  Quartermaster General 231

  and defence issues 327, 364

  on Nivelle 359–60

  and the AEF 412–13

  in the Spring Offensive 421

  opts for Operation Michael 416

  closes down Operation Mars 426

  launches Operation Blücher 438

  and Battle of Amiens 450, 452

  partial breakdown 462

  resignation 462

  Lusitania, sinking of (1915) 121–2, 123

  Lutzow 265

  Lys area 454

  Lys River sector 415

  Lys Valley sector 428


  McCormack, Captain 456

  Mackensen, General August von 89, 160, 161, 163, 164, 188, 247, 248, 473

  MacMunn, Major General George 288–9

  Magdeburg 114

  Mahan, Alfred: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783 95

  Mahon, Lieutenant General Sir Bryan 178, 188

  Mainz 465

  Mametz 222

  Mangin, General Charles 206, 441

  Marcoing, northern France 237

t Ridge, Somme 222

  Marne, Battle of the (1914) 65–7, 88, 328, 469

  Marne, Second Battle of the (1918) 442–6

  Marne River 59, 63, 440

  Marne Salient 443

  Marsh Arabs 271

  Marshall, Lieutenant General Sir William 290, 293

  Marville, France 48

  Marwitz, General Georg von der 374, 416

  Masurian Lakes 84, 86

  Masurian Lakes, Second Battle of the (1915) 158–9

  Mauberge, France 51, 53

  Maude, Lieutenant General Sir Stanley 290, 291–2, 293, 400

  Maverick, Lieutenant Maury 457–8

  Max von Baden, Prince 460, 464

  Maxwell, General Sir John 393, 395

  May, Bessie 219

  May, Captain Charles 218–19

  May, Lieutenant Wilfred 434–5

  May, Pauline 219

  Medina, Saudi Arabia 398

  Medjidieh 278

  Medway 101, 109

  Megiddo, Battle of (1918) 407–9

  Mehmed V, Sultan 168, 394

  Meinertzhagen, Major Richard 402

  Meinke, Lieutenant 350

  Meisel, Corporal Frederick 413, 429–30, 431–2, 446

  Meliss, Major General Charles 279, 280

  Menin 70

  Menin Road 75

  Menin Road, Battle of (1917) 360–62

  Mercer, Wilfred 404

  Merville 135, 430

  Mesopotamia 268–94, 308, 401, 409, 413, 414

  oil fields issue 268–71, 275, 276, 290, 293, 294

  Fao Fort captured 269

  Basra captured 270

  Battle of Shaiba 271

  Townshend advances along the Tigris 272–7

  Townshend reaches Kut 276

  Townshend opposes further advance 276–7

  Battle of Ctesiphon 277–8

  British retreat 278–9

  siege of Kut 279–87

  and British defeat 280, 288

  battles of Sheikh Sa’ad, Wadi and Hanna 281

  Turkish treatment of prisoners 287–8

  British reorganisation of transport and supply system 288–90

  Battle of the Hai 290–91

  Halil Pasha fails to stop advancing British 291

  Kut falls 291

  Turkish retreat towards Baghdad 291

  capture of Baghdad 292

  Mosul area occupied after Armistice 293

  troop statistics 294

  assessment of the campaign 294

  and the Sinai Campaign 395, 396

  Turks in disarray 461

  and Sykes-Picot Agreement 471

  see also Indian divisions in Mesopotamia

  Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force (MEF) 290, 293

  Messines, Battle of (1917) 347–51, 359, 430

  Messines Ridge, Belgium 76, 77, 348, 351, 352, 428, 429, 430

  Metz, France 41

  Metz-Thionville fortress 38

  Meuse Heights 203, 204

  Meuse river 35, 37, 51, 198, 199, 200, 202, 456

  Meuse-Argon area 455

  Méziéres rail junction, France 127, 149

  Michael, Grand Duke 298

  Middle East: British and French colonial gains 472

  Mihiel Salient 454

  Miller, Captain Charles 419

  Millerand, Alexandre 148


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