Digging for Dirt (Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery Book 9)

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Digging for Dirt (Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery Book 9) Page 3

by Cindy Bell

  All of a sudden Ida felt as if someone was following them. She turned around to see a young man in a black suit.

  “That’s my security.” Roman smiled. “Seeing as I’m taking a break from campaigning I only have one guy with me when I leave the premises. At least I don’t have a permanent shadow at the moment.”

  As they continued towards the town, Ida noticed that Roman walked with a slight limp in his gait. She didn’t think it would be polite to mention it. However, when they neared the bottom of the path he stumbled slightly. Ida reached out to steady him.

  “Are you all right?” she asked as she met his eyes with concern.

  “I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I have a bit of a trick knee. An old war injury.” He flashed her a smile. Ida raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t question further. She knew that many politicians had been in the military. He straightened up and began to walk comfortably again. Ida took the time to show him the ice cream shop, the antique boutique, and even the small museum that featured the history of the area. Vicky had been right, it wasn’t that historical, but there was always something that drew the tourists in.

  As they waited for an order of french fries at the local deli, Ida took a close look at Roman. She noticed that his gaze was constantly shifting. He didn’t just gaze at the counter, or the pictures on the wall. He was constantly sweeping the deli. If he noticed a person, he would flash a charming smile and offer a friendly nod. Ida wasn’t surprised by that, as he was in the middle of a campaign, but the constant flicking of his eyes was a little unsettling. She wondered if it might be leftover trauma from his time in the Army.

  “Roman, are you okay?” Ida asked. “You seem restless.”

  “Oh Ida, do forgive me if I’ve been neglectful.” He sighed. “Ever since I laid eyes on Freida, my nerves have been on edge. She’s likely following us right now. She’s always looking for something to use against me.”

  “That must be a terrible thing to have someone following you around like that,” Ida said sympathetically. “You’d think that she could find better ways to spend her time.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she will soon move on to someone else. She can try to dig for as much dirt on me as she wants, she won’t find anything to sink her teeth into.” He offered a pleasant smile. Ida smiled back at him. She couldn’t help but be drawn to his personable nature. She was being reassured in her belief that he would make a fantastic governor.

  “Ah, here are the fries.” He reached for his wallet.

  “No, I insist.” Ida slid the owner of the deli payment for the snack as well as an ample tip. She always spoiled the local businesses and she usually got special treatment in return for it. “Trust me, once you taste these, you’re never going to want to leave.”

  “I believe it.” He chuckled. Ida noticed that Roman’s security guard was standing by the entrance to the deli. They walked over to an empty table and settled in to dine on the french fries. Ida waited for his reaction. She smiled when his eyes widened. “Wow, these have a real kick!”

  “Jalapeno cheese.” Ida smiled devilishly. She laughed slightly as she remembered the first time she had shared a plate of the fries with Rex. He had gone running for the bathroom as there had not been any water on the table. Roman however handled the spice just fine and continued to chow down on the fries.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a better fry.”

  Ida was pleased that she was showing him a good time. She wondered how things were going back at the inn.

  Vicky walked out onto the patio. There was furniture there for outside dining, but she had to add extra tables and chairs to accommodate everyone. She needed to arrange it carefully to give the guests a little more privacy and freedom to eat alone if they desired. As she began shuffling the patio furniture around she heard a voice drift down from above her.

  “Yes, he’s here. I knew he would be.” Freida laughed a little. “You should have seen his face when he saw me. I thought he was going to lose it.” She sounded very amused. “He must be worried that I’ll ruin his campaign. You know his sidekick will do anything to win.”

  Vicky glanced up to see that she was standing on the balcony of her third floor room. She frowned at the pleasure she was taking in making Roman squirm. Before passing judgment she told herself to keep her thoughts to herself. She had no idea what the tension between Freida and Roman was about. She imagined that Freida had drummed up some rumor against Roman, but Vicky didn’t read Freida’s articles, so she couldn’t be sure. She focused on moving the furniture and spacing it apart. As she did, the conversation above her continued.

  “I know, I just think it’s delightful that he thinks he deserves some kind of special treatment. That’s the last thing we need in a government official, one more regular guy thinking he’s some kind of superstar because he buys enough votes. I’m not normally political, but this guy, I just can’t let him get away with his con artist ways.”

  Vicky was intrigued by what Freida was saying. It didn’t sound as if she was discussing rumors at all. It sounded like Freida might have some solid proof or at least a good reason to have a problem with Roman. Vicky made a mental note to ask the maids and bellboys to ensure that Freida and Roman were kept apart. The last thing she wanted was some kind of argument or fight to have to deal with. The flooded banquet hall was stressful enough. As she moved the last chair into place, she heard Freida again. It was hard not to, as the woman spoke as if she was shouting through the phone to wherever the person on the other end of the line was.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not afraid of him. He can threaten me as much as he wants, but he’s not as powerful as he thinks.”

  After those words everything grew quiet. Vicky tried not to focus on the implications of the statement. Was Roman dangerous? Had he threatened Freida? She gritted her teeth and took a step back from the arranged furniture. She had created a lovely little oasis complete with umbrellas angled away from one another so that they created an intimate shield. She added a touch of music and some additional foliage. The feeling was rather tropical because it was beside the pool. She was sure that most of the guests would be pleased with having the option to dine outside. She headed from the patio to the kitchen to tell Henry about the lunch options. As she pushed through the kitchen door she noticed a figure hovering near the pantry. Henry usually didn’t allow anyone in his pantry, so she assumed that it was him.

  “Chef Henry, do you have a minute?” Vicky called out. The figure turned slowly to face her. She saw that it was the young bellboy, Blake. He was blushing furiously. “Blake, what are you doing? You shouldn’t be anywhere near the pantry.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” He frowned. “I thought maybe there might be some scraps of food inside that weren’t being used.”

  “Scraps of food?” Vicky narrowed her eyes. “Blake, if you’re hungry just ask Chef Henry I’m sure he has extra food stowed away somewhere.”

  “I was going to, but he was so upset about the banquet hall, and he’s a little…” Blake cleared his throat. “I’m a little afraid of him.”

  “Of Chef Henry?” Vicky laughed. “Trust me, he’s not the least bit scary.”

  “I’m sorry,” Blake repeated his apology. It looked to Vicky like he was sweating. She felt a pang of sympathy for him. She remembered what it was like to be so shy.

  “Just check next time with Chef Henry first, okay?” She raised an eyebrow. “There are some apples over there if you want to grab one.” She pointed out the basket of apples on the butcher’s block in the center of the kitchen.

  “Thank you.” Blake nodded. He snatched up one of the apples and hurried out of the kitchen. Just as he was leaving, Henry walked into the kitchen.

  “Vicky, how can I help?” he asked.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I have set up the patio for lunch service. I think it will be fine, and hopefully we’ll be able to seat everyone inside for dinner.” She looked hopeful as she glanced out the window that overlooked the cour
tyard. “There’s a chance of rain tonight and it might be too cold for anyone to eat outside.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine.” Henry nodded. “Let me know if you need help with anything. Has the plumber turned the water back on?”

  “Yes. He fixed the sprinkler and everything should be back to normal now.” Vicky kept the information about the sprinkler being damaged on purpose to herself. As she left the kitchen she caught Sarah in the hallway.

  “Sarah! I need to talk to you.” Vicky hurried over to her. Sarah looked drained as she leaned up against the hallway wall.

  “What is it?” She frowned.

  “Did you get everything settled with Freida?” Vicky asked.

  “As best I could,” Sarah said. “I’m not sure if that woman is ever satisfied.”

  Vicky decided not to mention the conversation she had overheard. Sarah didn’t need any more stress than what would be caused by what Vicky was about to tell her.

  “The sprinkler is fixed, and the water is back on, but the plumber made it clear to me that the sprinkler had to have been intentionally damaged.” Vicky narrowed her eyes. “Someone worked very hard to make sure that the sprinkler was broken.”

  “What?” Sarah threw her hands up into the air. “This is ridiculous. Who would do something like that? Now, we’re going to lose guests, I just know it, and Vicky you know with the rest of the renovations we’re planning we can’t afford to lose any money. We’ve got two big names staying at our inn and no restaurant or banquet hall to serve dinner in, and…”

  Vicky hugged her sister warmly. “Just take a breath, Sarah. It’s going to be okay.”

  Sarah took a deep breath and hugged her sister back. “Thanks, Vicky, I needed that. I know I’m flipping out.”

  “You have reason to, but it’s going to be okay.” Vicky gave her sister an encouraging smile. “I have the fans on full blast in the banquet hall with all of the windows open. I’m sure that once the carpets have a few hours to dry out, it will be fine for dinner tonight.”

  “You’re right.” Sarah nodded. “I’m just a little extra tense after that exchange between Freida and Roman. We’ll have to make sure to keep them apart.”

  Vicky almost told her about what she had heard Freida saying, but she didn’t want to upset Sarah more.

  “Why don’t you go take a break for a bit? There’s nothing to do right now. I can keep an eye on the guests.” Vicky glanced into the lobby. Everything was quiet.

  “Okay, that’s a good idea. I’ll take a walk around the property.” As Sarah turned and walked away Vicky felt relieved that she was able to do something to ease Sarah’s mind. Her sister, though not much older than her, had always been more mature. She took responsibility for everything that needed to be done, or that went wrong. As a mother of two young boys she had her hands full at home too.

  Chapter 6

  A half hour before dinner, Vicky went to check on the banquet hall. Before she could reach it, she was nearly run over by Monica. The woman who had been moving so slow early in the day was racing down the hallway. Vicky jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a collision. She narrowly missed backing into Trevor. When she turned around to apologize, he was already in the elevator so she continued towards Monica.

  “Monica!” Vicky exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m so sorry, Vicky.” Monica stopped and turned to face Vicky. “I was trying to get to the front door before Freida Frans could.”

  “Why?” Vicky stared at her in disbelief.

  “Because she’s got her camera, and she was going to take pictures of Ida and Roman Blade.” She lowered her eyes shamefully. Vicky got the sense that there was a lot more to the story than she was sharing.

  “How does she even know that Aunt Ida is showing Roman around town?” Vicky asked, though she already had her suspicions.

  “You see, I was placing some fresh flowers in Freida’s room, as she requested. When I did, Freida started asking me a few questions about Roman’s room.” Monica grimaced. “I didn’t think it was a big deal since the rooms are practically identical. Then she asked me if he was there now.” She stopped talking.

  “Monica?” Vicky frowned. “Did you answer her?”

  “I did. I don’t know why, I guess I had just fallen into conversation with her, and I didn’t think about Roman’s privacy. I just told her that he had been out all day with Ida.” She shook her head. “I know I shouldn’t have, but the words had already come out of my mouth. I’m sorry, Vicky. As soon as she heard that she grabbed her camera and said she was going to catch the two ‘love birds’ and splash it all over the newspapers.”

  Vicky’s eyes widened. She knew that Ida was only enjoying Roman’s company, but Freida could make a scandal out of anything. If she took those pictures of Roman and Ida together, not only would Roman’s reputation be in question, but Rex would likely see the photographs as well and might be upset by them. She heard the ding of the elevator announcing that it had reached the lobby.

  “We are going to have a serious conversation about guest privacy, Monica,” Vicky said. Before Monica could defend herself Vicky hurried away to confront Freida at the elevator.

  Freida stepped out of the elevator. She had her camera slung over her shoulder and a determined smirk on her lips. Vicky knew that she had to intervene fast if she was going to prevent her from creating a scandal that would not only involve Ida, but also the Heavenly Highland Inn.

  “Freida! I’m glad I caught you.” Vicky smiled warmly.

  “I’m sorry, I’m on my way out.” Freida tried to brush past Vicky.

  “Wait just a minute, please.” Vicky lightly touched the woman’s arm. She knew that Freida had the power to write a scathing article about the inn and cause quite a bit of damage to their reputation. She had to handle this very carefully.

  “I’m sorry, I’m in a bit of a rush.” Freida looked at her crossly.

  “I just wanted to be sure that you had everything that you needed. Did you find fresh towels in your bathroom?” Vicky moved between Freida and the door.

  “I did. They’re fine. Everything’s fine. Now, I must be going.” Freida tried to step around Vicky. Vicky moved swiftly to block her way.

  “Oh, I’m so glad. I have to admit, I’m a little star struck. I’m one of your biggest fans, and to have you staying here is a true honor.” Vicky forced her smile to grow even wider.

  “I think it’s great that you’re a fan, but right now, I’m trying to work.” Freida met Vicky’s eyes with a look of warning. “Kindly move out of my way.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to prevent you from working. Maybe I could tag along?” Vicky widened her eyes to show how eager she was. “It would be amazing to see you in action.”

  Freida gazed at her skeptically. She looked as if she was about to call Vicky out on her terrible acting. Instead her scowl faded and a hint of arrogance entered her expression.

  “Not too many people have the opportunity to see me in action.” She tilted her head to the side. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have you along. You might be able to help me navigate the area.”

  “Oh great!” Vicky nodded. “I’m looking forward to the opportunity.”

  “Great, well I’m headed out now.” She began to walk towards the door. Vicky suddenly realized the mistake that she had made. She needed to check on the banquet hall to be sure it was ready for dinner service, but instead she had committed herself to wandering the area with Freida. Luckily, before she had to comply with Freida’s wishes, Ida swung the front door of the lobby open. Roman held it open as she stepped inside. Then Roman stepped in behind her. He slid his arm through Ida’s. Freida raised her camera, ready to pounce. Vicky jumped in front of the camera before Freida could snap the picture.

  “Are we leaving now?” Vicky asked. Freida kept trying to get around Vicky to take the picture. Vicky kept moving in the same direction to block Roman and Ida. Ida caught sight of the two and hurried Roman to the elevat
or. Freida groaned with exasperation as the elevator doors slid shut.

  “I should have known.” She shook her head. “All you’re trying to do is stop me from doing my job. You’re no fan of mine.”

  Vicky pursed her lips. She knew that she had gotten herself and the inn into a bit of a problem. She didn’t want to have Freida as an enemy.

  “I’m sorry, why do you think that?”

  “Why do I think that?” Freida nearly shouted. “You blocked my camera!”

  “Did I get in the way? Were you trying to get pictures of my Aunt Ida?” Vicky did her best to appear innocent. “Why in the world would you want pictures of her?”

  “Because she was on a date with Roman Blade,” Freida spat out angrily.

  “Oh, she most certainly wasn’t. I’m glad I was able to stop you from making that mistake. You would have been terribly embarrassed when the truth came out. You see, my sister and I asked our aunt if she could introduce Roman to the area, in the hopes of making him aware of what our town might need if he were to become governor. She was simply doing what we requested, nothing romantic about it.” Vicky laughed. “I’m glad I was able to make that clear.”

  Freida glared at her. Vicky sensed that Freida could see right through her act, but if she could, she didn’t say so. She simply turned on her heel and walked away. Vicky felt the tension leave her body as Freida disappeared in the elevator. She wasn’t sure whether Freida would try to damage the reputation of the hotel with a hateful article, but at least she wouldn’t have ammunition that would hurt Roman’s campaign and could impact Ida’s relationship with Rex.

  Just as Vicky was about to go to the banquet hall she noticed a basket of fruit on the front counter. She walked over and looked at the delivery slip. It said ‘Heavenly Highland Inn- Room 301’. There was a card attached that had no writing on the envelope. She immediately presumed that a delivery man had just left it there when the counter was unattended and she wasn’t sure how long it had been there. She picked it up just as Monica walked through the lobby.


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