Hazard Online 2: Revenge

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Hazard Online 2: Revenge Page 4

by Jaeger Mitchells

  "We have saved a-- Dryad from the forest of death. Can you heal it?"

  The five looked at me in bewilderment, as if I’d said something forbidden.

  "You saved a Dryad? Show us!" he yelled angrily, poking the crossbow my way. I took a step back and raised my hands even higher.

  "Easy there, friend," I said accenting the word friend heavily. "They’ll be here in a minute. Can I point my hand where they are?"

  The male nodded, then narrowed his eyes on something behind me. They grew as large as dinner plates as he opened his mouth to speak, but remained quiet. I turned back and noticed my small group not even fifty feet behind me. They were in plain sight, yet could quickly hide behind the rocks if needed.

  "Bring her here, quickly!" the male wailed. His voice reached a few octaves higher. "Open the gate!" he ordered and disappeared under the wall. The four remaining human-like creatures disappeared after the man. A sound of scraping wood and stone drew my attention, as a section of wall was pulled to the side and revealed a splendor of life.


  "Move in. We’ve got no better options for now anyway," I said and dropped ten feet to the ground below.

  "Agreed. It’s in really bad shape and barely breathing," Dineth replied and walked out behind the rocks. The three women followed suit, still weary of the people behind the wall. I stepped in first past a group of armed men. It was easy to distinguish them, as they wore nothing. Men and women in equal numbers naked from head to toe, but armed.

  I looked away and motioned for the rest to come in as I strode further into the sprawling village. It couldn’t be helped, but I had to stop every few steps and admire the architecture. Everything was made out of wooden logs, big and small, while some larger buildings had been made both out of rock and wood. There were barely any windows, so they must have had another way of powering light and all the more modern things.

  A crowd of about a hundred of them gathered around me and my group. Two particularly large males walked up to Dineth and took the Dryad away. They raced toward a small, greenery infested shack. The second man opened the door and shut it behind them, then put himself in between the door and the rest.

  "Some sort of spiritual leader? The chieftain?" Renee asked in team chat.

  "Who knows? I guess they will tell us when we need to know. What will happen next is what worries me," I replied.

  "Have no fear, guests," a woman in the thirties said as she approached my big Orc friend. "Are you the leader?" she asked and stopped in front of Dinethal, her hand on his chest. "What big muscles and wide shoulders you have. Truly a marvelous species."

  "Umm, ma’am? I’m not the leader," Dinethal stuttered. I could see him ogle her body, from head to toe. The funny thing was their difference in height, as she barely came up to his chest. "This guy is," he added and motioned toward me with his right hand.

  "You don’t say," she replied, poison lacing her words. She didn’t think much of me, that much I could see from the start. What’s more, I remembered her standing between the two large males who took the Dryad off his hands.

  "You shouldn’t judge me by my appearance. I’m much more deadly than our tank over here."

  "Yes, yes. I don’t doubt that at all," she replied and traced her long nails along my metal claws. "Come, all of you. We owe you a great deal for saving mother nature. Without her, we’d have joined the other villagers in a few weeks at most."

  "Don’t leave the lady waiting," Dineth replied as he strode after her. I waited for a moment before the girls caught up and walked with them.

  "Something’s off about this place. About all of it I mean. This doesn’t seem like a game, but more like reality. Saving a village and mother nature from ruin? Come on, it sounds more like it was set up by Sylvia."

  "I don’t quite know, but I agree. It’s as if she transported us to a parallel world," Katya whispered, even though no one was able to hear us in party chat. Renee and Scarlet remained quiet and just nodded their approval. We were cut short by our welcoming committee. Three girls on the left, three guys on the right. The young women motioned for me to sit next to them, while the men took my women by the hand and lead them to the other side of the large table.

  "Please, sit and enjoy the company until we prepare some food and drink for our saviors," the same young woman from earlier said as she sat in Dineth’s lap and put her arm around his back.

  "Shit man, this is not good. A naked young woman atop of me. I don’t think I can take it much longer," he said. I couldn’t really feel if he was looking forward to it or was afraid of women, but I didn’t care. What did bother me, was the men’s junk flying all around my girls. Renee looked away, her eyes closed, while Scarlet only had eyes for me. Katya however, seemed to enjoy the attention.

  "You don’t wear clothing?" I asked, breaking the silence that had encroached on the table. The young woman looked my way and shrugged.

  "We are an open people, so we do not have partners. We… all love each other in equal measure. And besides, it’s way too hot for us to wear clothing."

  I frowned. Hot? It was rather chilly, but maybe their senses worked differently than ours. Perhaps their skin was much thicker. Not that I cared, though it was quite disturbing to see the amount of naked skin around his.

  "Master?" one of the young women next to me said. I turned to her, but I could feel Scarlet’s eyes boring holes into me. "Why don’t you get more comfortable? We could help you out of those clothes if you wish."

  "Oh dear god, we need to get out of here," I said.

  "Really? I thought you’d like to be called master," Scarlet hissed. Luckily, they couldn’t make out what our conversation was about, though they could guess.

  "Go with the flow?" Katya proposed as her hand landed on a particularly large member beside her. It was easily ten inches long, and it hurt my pride just slightly. The man grabbed her dress and pulled it down, revealing two perfectly shaped mounds with pink nipples.

  "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked as something in me broke. I couldn’t stand to see anyone else touch them, no matter whom.

  "Oh, yes," Dineth groaned from my left. I turned my head just as the young woman planted herself on his shaft and started riding him.

  "Oh god, no! I wanted Aiden to be my first!" Renee cried out and jumped over the table. She landed on my lap and curled up in a ball. Her short skirt curled up and revealed a perfectly shaped ass. I couldn’t help myself but squeeze and move it along the thong between her legs.

  "Renee!" Scarlet yelled and jumped after her. She landed on top of her and started biting the younger woman’s neck. Katya moaned in pleasure as she found herself stroking two large cocks and held a third in her mouth.

  "Fuck, this isn’t how I’d imagined this day to end," I said in team chat. Dineth and Katya were obviously busy with their new partners, while I had to contend with Scarlet, Renee and the three other women around me.

  "Me neither, brother," Dineth replied in rhythm of his thrusts.

  "You three," I said and looked at the three young women, "go pleasure those two men. Katya, choose one, and you better not give in to your… nature."

  The look she gave me was short of death, but she did what I told her. Good, otherwise she might have searched for another home. Her gaze slightly wandered to the side and ended on Renee’s prostrated figure. She narrowed her eyes questioningly as if berating me. But I wouldn’t let her. It was her who started this, even though she knew how much it would hurt me.

  Absentmindedly, I caressed her hair and pressed her head against my chest. She looked up at me with bewildered eyes as if she had no idea if to go through with it or not. I didn’t give her a chance to back down and pulled her up closer, spread her legs and planted her on my lap. Scarlet traced her fingers down Renee’s back and pulled up her armored vest.

  "Please, I--be gentle," Renee whispered, her face flushed crimson. I smirked mischievously and nodded slowly. In my mind I knew that there wouldn’t be much truth to it, but
she didn’t have to know that. I eyed Scarlet before proceeding. She nodded her consent and helped Renee slide down her skirt and panties. Her beautiful, petite frame hovered naked over me. A thin stripe ran down between her legs, pitch black.

  I leaned in and kissed her. She was already wet and dripped down my tongue as it slid up her cleft. I ran my tongue around her clitoris and nibbled gently before I slid my fingers in deep and shut everything around us out. There was no more Katya or the hung human looking creatures, no Dinethal and no Scarlet. Only me and this young, petite woman.

  "Don’t go so-- fast," she whispered as her body trembled against my touch. Her honey lazily dripped down my fingers as they slid in and out rhythmically. Renee put her hands on my head and pulled down on my hair as she moaned, and forced me to look up at two perfect mounds. They were nowhere close to Scarlet, as what she’d done to herself was overkill, but she was built like my ranger.

  I withdrew my hand and licked the juice off my fingers. She looked away, her face more red than I thought possible. With a smirk, I put my hands on her thighs and pulled her down. The tip of my cock pressed against her cavern of pleasure and slid in inch by inch as I forced my hips up.

  Her moans and writhing gave me the go ahead to enter her fully. Just a mere touch of my shaft against her inner tightness made my head spin. God knew she’d been a virgin out there as well. The mere thought aroused me even more as new blood shot down in my rock hard rod.

  I leaned back and pulled her on top of me. Her firm breasts rocked back and forth with each thrust. I grabbed the right one and pressed my lips against her pink nipple and sucked at it. Renee cried out in pleasure and forgot to move her hips. I thrust harder and harder as her muscles convulsed around my cock.

  Renee pushed herself up and leaned back, her hands around my knees as she slid up and down.

  "Oh yes, Aiden. It’s true what she said. This is amazing," Renee managed in between heavy breaths. "I never want to stop riding you."

  Something in my head snapped and I couldn’t hold it in any longer and released gout after gout of white, milky cum deep in her. She screamed as her tight pussy embraced my cock and she came atop of me. Cum slid down my shaft and onto my stomach as she slid up and down slowly.

  Renee’s petite frame slumped against me when she couldn’t move no more. I held her tight in my embrace and kissed her forehead. Just then did I notice that Scarlet was naked from the waist down and had two fingers inside of her. I would prefer to stare down death rather than face the look she gave me. I had really angered her by fucking Renee. My gaze wandered to Katya who lay on top of the table and had her ass thrust up in the air as the same guy still pumped her hard.

  "Stop," I whispered, my voice weak. She didn’t seem to register and still held her ass out like the little nympho she was. An inner rage boiled within and threatened to explode. "Stop I said!" I yelled angrily in team chat. She looked up at me with a cold look. Katya let him thrust inside of her three more times before she kicked out and dropped the guy on top of the men and women around them.

  "Fine!" she yelled back and flipped me the middle finger before she walked over the table and sat next to me, her legs spread apart. "You finish it then!"

  Scarlet scowled and threw a pillow in her face.

  "You skank! I’m next, get in line!"

  I sighed and pushed Renee off me and pressed my body against Scarlet’s. This would be a long day.


  The small pond behind the village filled up with clean water in front of our eyes. One moment, it had been a dry hole in the ground, and the next, an outdoor bath. I climbed down first, still slick with sweat and juices from all three of my girls, who followed right behind me. Dinethal was last and stoically jumped after us.

  Scarlet pressed herself against me and moved her hands over my body. The bubbles she usually shot at our enemies, now served to create a bubble bath. The girls giggled and played around and splashed each other in the water. Dineth moved next to me and looked me in the eyes. I couldn’t help but look back under his scrutinizing stare.

  "So we’re something like brothers in law now, right?" he asked in a private message. I didn’t remember when the last time was someone caught me off guard that badly, but he’d managed.

  "Umm, yes, no, I mean have you talked to her? It was just sex, a we got carried away by all the nudity around us and--"

  "Yes, or no?"

  I frowned. His tone was rather forceful and I didn’t like it one bit. Though, I could see what he was playing at. It was his sister after all.

  "Renee, can you please move over? We need to have a little chat. As for that matter, Katya and Scar, please sit next to us as well," I said on team chat. The three looked up at us and noticed our serious stares. Without a word, they sat next around me.

  "Aiden? Brother? What’s wrong?" Renee asked first and broke the heavy silence.

  "Your brother wants to know if we’re brothers in law now. What do you think?"

  "W-What?" she stammered. "Dineth! You promised not to make a fuss about anything I did!"

  To my surprise, he didn’t look away.

  "I’m sorry, but this is for life, little sister. You have the right to a good… man. And I will settle for no less than the first of our kind."

  "It’s not up to you to decide, Orc," Katya said and leaned into me. "We decide about the women who join our little… group."

  I sighed and leaned back against the wall. Things just had to get more complicated.

  "My ladies?" I asked and looked away from the big brute. I could see they were talking about it, with the way they moved their bodies and frowned.

  "Renee," Scarlet started. "You will be the third, which also means getting to fuck him third and well, generally all things third. If you’re alright with that, you can join us."

  The Human Mage looked on in surprise and blushed anew.

  "Yeah. I’ve seen him ogle your body from the first moment he laid eyes on you. And what’s more, you’re damn fine. See, Scar and me, we swing both ways. So when we’re sick of him," Katya said and nodded my way, we do it without him. I’d be more than happy to have you play with us," she explained and reached for the petite girl. Her hands moved around her body and landed on two perfect breasts.

  "W-Wait, no. You’re serious about this?" All three of us nodded in confirmation. Dineth large hand came down on my back, followed by his bulk leaning in and taking me in a hug. I didn’t need, or want that. But I had no choice. He was too strong.

  Renee squealed in delight and jumped up in my lap. Her smooth skin rubbed against my flesh and sent shivers down my spine. I’d had enough for one day, but tomorrow, or the day after, I’d have more of her budding flower.

  "Welcome to the family, you two," I said happily and embraced my new… whatever she was. They weren’t my girlfriends or wives, but much more than that. They were the ones I’d spend the rest of my life with.

  "Speaking of which, how would you guys feel about… Monica joining us as well?" Dineth asked. Never say never, for he managed to startle me again.

  "Who’s Monica?" I asked curiously.

  "I am," the young woman from before replied. "I’m the village chief, if you will, but I’m sick and tired of it all. I want to go out and explore the world. Will you give me a chance?"

  Her skin was still slick with sweat and a few drops of cum hung between her legs.

  "Oh, dear god. What has the world come to?" I cried in confusion. "But do come in. One more or less isn’t going to make or break us."

  Couple of hours later, we sat fully clothed around a large table what looked like a guest house. It had been cleaned hurriedly, so specks of dust still remained, but neither of us cared much about it. The Dryad sat opposite us on an honest to god flowerbed. They ranged anywhere from red and green and pink to white and black.

  A strange, musky smell wafted in the air, which I assumed came from the plant creature. Its legs seemed to have re-grown, but were bright green as opposed to the rest of
its body. The Dryad breathed and smiled normally, as if she’d never been in mortal danger only hours ago. I sighed and tried to gather my thoughts, but it just escaped me no matter how I looked at it.

  "Thank you, kind strangers, for saving my life," the Dryad said in a soothing voice, obviously female. I dared a glance again, but couldn’t find anything distinct about her but the long hair she now had. "That is something I will never be able to forget, you see? Now, what do you want from us in return?"

  "Wait, don’t answer too quickly," Katya said in team chat. "This might be one of those do or die moments. We areeither finished with this quest, or there’s a lot more behind the rot and death."

  I didn’t reply, but acknowledged her with a small nod and then looked at the Dryad again.

  "We were sent here by someone who knew you were in trouble," I replied, my gaze cold as steel. I didn’t want the Dryad to get any more information than needed.

  "I see. It’s good to know that someone is looking after our small community. So, let me be blunt in that case. If that’s all right with you?"

  I nodded my head and smiled back at the old lady Dryad.

  "I wouldn’t have it any other way."

  "Good, good," she laughed heartily. The small branches all over her body stood on end as she shook from laughter. It was a rather strange sight, but I decided not to ask before I insulted her. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, yes. A long time ago, there were dozens of villages all over these plains and in the forests. But now, we are among the last. From what I can feel, only a handful of us are left. Each of my kind is bound to a single village. We nourish it, give life and take life as needed. A fine balance is kept of up to two hundred of us at most, and a hundred at least."

  She stopped and looked straight at me, observing my reaction. Oh I knew very well what she meant with that, but I didn’t care. It was not my place to reprimand her and their ways. What interested me though, was only one thing: who was the cause behind the portal and this rot? Were they the same person, or creature or whatever?


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