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Page 5

by Richard Carradine

  "I-I- I must go. We'll say the inventory was all in order, shall we?" There was near panic in his voice and he shot from the flat like a startled rabbit. Jane just lay there, not so much unable to move as not wanting to. A satisfied glow filled her.

  The slamming of the door goaded Jane into movement. Her hand grasped the edge of the work surface and she heaved herself upright. Well I'd better get myself cleaned up, she thought. She could feel their mingled juices running down her inner thighs.

  The cool water restored her to normality and she brushed her hair into some sort of order. Now perhaps she should have some coffee before she finished her packing.

  The coffee was half finished when there was another knock on the door. She looked at the clock, it must be the man from the storage company and she hadn't finished her packing!

  He stood there, a man in early middle age, his hair just starting to thin but his body under the brown overall firm and hard.

  "Oh I am sorry I don't know where the time has gone and I've not finished all the packing." His eyes were focused on her protuberant nipples. They almost left their sockets as she smoothed back her hair with one hand, making her right breast move and threaten to escape the T-shirt. "Perhaps you'd care for a coffee as I finish off?"

  She knew he was behind her with his coffee, she could feel his presence, the shirt gaped as bending forward she sealed the box with some tape. She could have crouched just as easily and positioned herself differently so that he couldn't have seen up her shirt but then what would have been the fun? She could feel her pussy swollen and moist, well it was the start of another life wasn't it? And he did deserve a reward for waiting for her, didn't he?

  Chapter 6. Fair cop to fair concubine completed.

  The bar was warm under her hands and she wasn't nervous, she had been through this three times so far.

  "You don't think my breasts will be a bit too big, Mr Bright?"

  "Does it matter, girl? It’s what your Master wants that counts."

  No it didn't really matter, he would and could do anything he wanted to. What had happened with Rhoda and Parker had made that abundantly clear. Parker was looking down at her and Jane felt certain there was going to be little sympathy from that silent quarter.

  "Are you sure you don't want to see what your new face will look like?" A mixture of bitterness and bravado overwhelmed her. She had after all signed her bond and now there was no going back.

  "Does it matter, Mr Bright? It’s what my Master wants that counts." Bright caught the feeling of underlying anger and looked quizzically at the girl but didn't comment. He was familiar with the emotional ups and downs that new slaves went through. There was no going back for her now.

  The familiar feeling of pressure came as the pump started to inject more immature cells into her breasts. Each breast looked almost bruised, the skin tight and swollen. Bright saw the worried look that crossed her face.

  "Not to worry, they'll settle down in a few days as before. The computer monitoring device ensures we keep shape and don't overdo it." He turned to Parker and gave her instructions. "Ok Parker, disconnect Jane and ready her for surgery."

  Parker's hands were caressing and gentle as she worked on Jane's tits. She gave Jane a shy smile of encouragement and mouthed silently and deliberately.

  "You'll be all right, he's a great surgeon." Jane found this kindness from her unexpected ally more disconcerting than any coldness. Her eyes filled with tears, she had difficulty focusing as she laid back on the trolley and realised that Parker too had gone through just as many, possibly more, changes than she was having to undergo. Her new-found friend handed her a tissue and a mighty blow of the nose made her feel much better. Life was up beat again.

  She came to as though waking from a normal sleep. Slowly her body awoke and she lay in the enveloping warmth of the bed, feeling the now familiar desire warm her pussy. There was a tightness around her waist and she became aware of the familiar feel of a hard laced corset. It seemed as though she had always been corseted and her body accepted it as her normal state.

  Her clit seemed to pulse, demanding attention. Jane moved her heavy sleep laden legs apart and tentative she pushed her hand between her thighs.

  Her hand jerked back as though shocked. The nylon plugs had been removed from her piercing and rings had taken their place. Awareness and memory came flooding back to Jane she had come to the clinic for her cosmetic surgery and now she'd had it. She would have spent the last five to ten days in a body tank to speed the healing process. Now the fact that she was in a bed and awake meant she was ready to start her bond contract proper.

  Also, her heart beat faster at the thought, the making of Jane Brown in to a new woman was complete. Almost afraid to rise and examine herself, she lay looking at door through the sight of her twin upthrust breasts. Through the material of the sheet she could see the outline of a thick rings that had replaced the nylon plugs and that now held her nipples fully erect.

  There was a large mirror on one wall and with a convulsive jerk she threw back the sheet and almost jumped from the bed. For just a second her head swam as her heart rate caught up with her sudden movement. Jane's eyes stared at the stranger that gazed back at her. The figure was the epitome of submissive female sexuality. She could feel the blood pounding and her knees weakening.

  Someone had spent time brushing her hair, it shone like golden helmet and flowed in gentle waves down her back. Unconsciously her hand lifted to her hair and caressed it. Her eyes focused on her hand. The time in the tank was the equivalent of some six weeks or longer, she saw that it was not just her hair that had grown but her nails as well. Never had her hands looked so soft, white, and with the nails longer than was practical as a WPC, much more feminine.

  Desperate though she was to see herself, she had subconsciously allowed her eyes to focus only on the unchanged portions of the new Jane. She had avoided looking at her new face, now she did. The small ring through her septum jolted her, it looked so crude and barbaric to see it there even though the ring itself was smooth, seamless and of a high quality. The nose itself was now straight and neat, at last was in balance with her small heart shaped face and its high cheekbones. Her eyes crossed as she attempted to see the curve in her nose that was no longer there. For a moment she felt as though she were looking out from someone else's eyes.

  Full red lips pouted almost sullenly back at her. Lips that though cleanly defined, looked as though a manic lover had attempted to kiss her to death and left them bruised and swollen.

  It was her eyes that lit up her face. Gone were the heavy lids and rather small eyes. Although still slightly slanted now her eyes looked large, even huge. It was as though they had been hidden and now were displayed in their true glory. Even their colour seemed different, instead of a grey blue, they had taken on a stronger cornflower blue.

  Jane half closed her lids and instead of her thick lashes making her eyes look almost hamster-ish, they decorated her pale blue lids like a fine lace fringe. Looking closer, she could see, tattooed along the inner lids upper and lower, a fine black line to add even greater definition to her eyes.

  She stepped away from the mirror to take in her whole body. For the first time she saw clearly her big nipples. The thick rings were what she was already used to, possibly slightly thicker and of finer manufacture but still rings. It was the nipples and aureoles themselves that were different. Where before they had been light pink in colour now they had been stained or tattooed a rich dark plum colour. There was an almost obscene definition to them as they stood proud on her large white bosoms.

  Jane took in those fine lush dugs on which her ripe plums were mounted. There large size was even more exaggerated by the waist-whittling corset.

  "So much for the final touch! More like final shovel full!" she thought. The cells injected into her breasts had matured all right and had added to their already not inconsiderable size since she was last conscious. Not that they were just globes. No, these had the firm sh
apely thrusting pointedness of young maturity, definitely not the overblown gourds of middle age. There was know no sign of the criss-cross effect of the nylon polymer tubes or the scars of inserts, only the faintest natural marbling of veins under a translucent white skin.

  Her hands caressed, crushed and fondled her new breasts. She imagined strong male hands finding pleasure in their firm yet soft texture. Her pussy pulsed and she could feel her cunt moisten at the thought.

  There was a general rounding out to what had been Jane's almost boyish figure. It had started to show before the last operation. Caused by the change in the exorcise program she had been forced to follow, she had found any aerobic exorcise other than swimming difficult with her bust liable to bounce alarming. The subtle layer of flesh gave her an added voluptuousness.

  Early on too in her breast enlargement program she had also found it necessary to thrust back her shapely rear to maintain the erect carriage that was her normal posture. However now her breasts were fully developed this was even more necessary.

  Her Master's tame surgeon had added other embellishments that she had been unprepared for. At her navel, escaping from under the edge of the waspy corset, was a small neat ring. Tentatively she pulled at it. It was as though a small electric shock had travelled from her navel to her clit. Jane found it difficult to decide if the sensation were a pleasant or unpleasant one, but it was definitely different.

  Looking down at the glint of metal adorning her vagina, she saw lines of colour that were new to the fleshy pink petals of her sex. The size of Jane's new bust made it uncomfortable for her to lean forward and examine what had been done to her pussy so she pulled a chair into position in front of the mirror and seated herself on it. She slid her bottom to the edge of the seat and placed her feet on the wall either side of the mirror. The corset dug into her ribs but she ignored it, mesmerised by what had been done to her denuded pussy.

  All four rings were now in place, one in the clitoral hood and two in the clitoris itself. The inner and outer labia of each side held to each other by a common ring, making three and four. These third and fourth rings caused her sex to gape slightly open with her legs spread wide, displaying the slick vivid pink of her vaginal wall. If this were not enough, her clitoris hood, the edges of her inner labia and a area of some one centimetres radius around her anus had been coloured to match her nipples.

  Entranced, she flexed her legs and watched as her pussy pouted open and closed, her fat pink clit held clear of its painted cowl by its ring looking for all the world like the stamen of some exotic orchid.

  She was in the midst of an involuntary orgasm caused by her admiration of her own body when the man’s voice spoke quietly and calmly in to her left ear.

  "Jane, Rhoda and Suzi will be with you in twenty minutes to help you dress and bring you to your new home. Be ready when they arrive."

  The climax was too far on to halt but it was with difficulty that Jane stopped herself from falling from the chair as her feet slid from the wall and her legs thumped down on to the floor.

  Wildly she looked around but there was no one there. Her pulse raced and for a moment she was afraid she was going mad then she remembered the receiver inserted at the time of her first operation. It had never been activated before but now she was a fully-fledged Bond Slave and this would be the reality of her service. Responding to the voice of her Master no matter where she was.

  Chapter 7. Chained cop.

  The towel was damp from drying herself but it was the only thing that came to hand when there was a knock on the door. It was Rhoda, her robe thrown back to show her face. By her side was a similarly robed figure who, as Jane looked at her, pushed back her own robe to reveal black hair and beautiful oriental features.

  "Hi! This is Suzi." The mouth without its gag was neat and shapely, the voice soft and sweet. "We haven't got a lot of time the Master is expecting us back in an hour.

  "My, you’re going to make some of the studs that fuck us cream their pants." The unexpected coarseness of the remark made in such ladylike tones by Suzi and with just a hint of the Orient, made Jane blush. She felt annoyed at herself for her embarrassment, for the police are not renowned for the quality of their language amongst themselves.

  "You bet," said Rhoda as both the girls entered the room, letting the door fall closed behind them. "And what a job Bright's done on this one." As she passed by the dumbstruck Jane, Suzi had pulled the damp towel away from around her leaving her naked apart from a shower cap.

  "Let us prepare our new sister of subjugation for our Master or he will be displeased." The change from barrack room directness to flowery verbiage made Jane giggle aloud.

  "You'll soon get used to Suzi," said Rhoda. "She's the original Oriental nut."

  Both the girls removed their robes to reveal what could have passed for severe grey dresses that any female bank clerk might have worn. That is if the bank clerks had worn slave collars and their dresses ultra tight over heavily corseted waists.

  Hour-glass was not the word to describe them, both had waists that a man with large hands could have spanned and if Rhoda had the more dramatic figure, Suzi made up for it with the tight roundness of her sweet ass and the firm pointedness of her tits.

  The neckline of their grey uniforms was not unduly low but the very tightness ensured that the upper slopes of both girls’ busts were pushed up into two pleasing mounds between neckline and their slave collars, giving a pleasing cleavage for a man to stare down in to. Both girls’ skirts were was so tight as to allow only the shortest of hobbled steps. Jane watched entranced as Rhoda jiggled to the bed and placed upon it a large hold-all.

  For the next twenty minutes Jane could only stand like some life sized Barbi doll as the bag was emptied and she was turned into the perfect bondage slave.

  An incredibly tight corset of black patent pseudo leather with silver trim was strapped closed around her waist.

  "Don' worry, the causet ha been made to measua fo' you." The strain of pulling the corset tight around Jane whilst being heavily corseted herself was making Suzi's ethnic origins show. Jane could only stand and watch herself in the mirror. Her over large bosom seemed to swell and thrust out aggressively as the straps were progressively tightened. Flushed and breathless, she watched her breasts rise and fall alarming as she struggled to re-learn the knack of breathing with only the top half of her lungs.

  Never had she seen her own waist look so small! Any reincarnated Victorian would have gone in to raptures over her hour-glass shape.

  Rhoda dropped shoes down on the floor by Jane's feet. Her own corset and tight dress made bending to help Jane put them on near impossible. The shoes were of the latest style. The height of heel ensured that Jane was only a fraction away from being on tiptoe when wearing them. They were hardly more than a thin sole with the lightest of straps that went around the toes. In fact they looked impossible to wear or to keep on.

  The secret of their construction, though, was in the material of the shoe itself. Looking as though it were made of silver, it was in fact was the latest heat sensitive plastic. Where the shoe touched the sole of the foot, as the temperature of the material approached body heat, it adhered firmly to the skin.

  Now what can only be described as a metal bust support was offered up to the front of her corset. The top half comprised two pairs of wide fingers shaped to match the curve of her tits, the lower was flat and with holes that aligned with twist latches that locked it to her rigid corset. Made of a silvery metal with ornate filigree work, as it was fixed securely to the corset Jane's breasts were compressed and her ringed plum coloured teats were extruded succulently between each pair of fingers. As if this weren't enough, small heavy silver bells were clipped to each of the nipple rings.

  It came as no surprise to Jane when the collar that matched the other girls was locked around her own throat but when her elbows were fixed together behind her back by close coupled silver cuffs she was forced to protest.

  "Is this all
necessary? I can't run away corseted like this and anyway he could track me down in minutes."

  "That's not the point," Rhoda looked very earnest as she spoke. "You have to be initiated into your role."

  "It's our Master's fantasy you’re fulfilling anyway," said Suzi more practically, having regained her breath and lost most of her accent.

  "Part your legs," ordered Rhoda, who commenced to thread a fine silver chain through each labial ring and around a thigh, carefully adjusting the chains length so that Jane's pussy was now held slightly open in an invitation to fuck. The chains were supported at various points by secondary chains from the edge of her corset so they couldn't slip down her thighs.

  Jane had just started to contemplate what would happen if she took too long a stride when this worry was removed from her. Ankle cuffs were fitted, the connecting chain approximately fifteen inches long, so that only short hobble steps were now possible.

  "Nearly done," said Rhoda as she fitted a further chain between elbow cuffs and the centre of the hobble chain.

  Suzi was not idle for she had been fitting slips of translucent purple silk to the back and front of Jane's corset. It did little to hide her charms but they did adorn them deliciously.

  "There's just this little item left, Jane." The item in question dangled from a short chain from Rhoda's fingers like some old fashioned pull in a WC.

  "Where the hell does that go?" The robing and bondage had worn through Jane's store of patience.

  "i a gag." Suzi's accent had returned due to stress. "i go in yor mouf."

  "Not in my bloody mouth it doesn't!" Jane stood defiant, teeth gritted firmly shut.

  "Oh dear." Rhoda looked apologetic. "I think it would be better if you just took it into your mouth."


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