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by Richard Carradine

  Zoe, without a word, carried out an abrupt ‘about face’. Jane, caught by surprise at her rapid response to his orders, again had to rush to catch up.

  It was a short journey in the lift down a floor to where the senior executives of the company had their offices but it was a long walk to along the corridors to their destination.

  Jane looked sideways at Zoe's profile and a thought struck her. "Zoe, why am I the only one to wear a nose ring?"

  "Oh, we all can but it’s a sign of your probationary period. It will be removed when our Master's satisfied with you, though he often has them put back for," she paused as though selecting her words, "Special Occasions." Jane could get no more from her.

  It was a red face that was presented to Mr Blackestone. Jane had been led through a series of open plan offices, passing the desks of dozens of eager young upwardly mobile executives. There were just a few women but these too just looked at her with speculation and interest in their eyes.

  The introductions were quickly over and soon Jane was left standing in front of her temporary master's desk. She looked at him closely. He was old, he must be sixty if he was a day! He was in fact eighty-five but medical advances were slowing all ageing processes and the earlier the treatments were started the more effective they were. They had started to make age differentials irrelevant.

  His hair was almost gone, just a pepper and salt fringe around his high domed head. Round fat face with patches of stubble from careless shaving and small hooded slate blue eyes that stared unwinkingly at her. The suit he wore must have been high fashion some years ago but that was long, long ago. He must have been a well set up guy in his youth though now his scrawny shoulders didn't fill the jacket and his stomach wouldn't let him button it around it.

  One large horny hand scribed a circle horizontally over his blotter. "Give me a slow turn please, young lady." The voice was curiously at odds with his looks, being young and strong in timbre.

  Feeling rather like the doll on a musical box, Jane slowly revolved on her heels. Blackstone took in the lovely face with its sexy pout under large clear eyes. The full firm bust squeezed tight within the bodice of the grey dress, the small waist made to seem smaller by the flare of skirt. It was the sight of her shapely stockinged legs in their high heels, displaying bare thigh and stocking tops though that made his heart thud alarming. Well, he thought, it is my last day, and what a way to finish my time with the company!

  Blackstone indicated that the turn should continue but called a halt when she faced away from him. The curiously young voice now sounded slightly hoarse. "Stop there, keep you ankles crossed and bend forward until you can grasp your ankles." Jane felt her face flame afresh for there was no doubt in her mind as to what would happen when she did so. Instinct made her want to refuse but she knew what the result would be, she had been warned and she was now a slave.

  Mastering herself, she composed her face and commenced a bend from the hips. Her reluctance to comply with the instruction made her actions seem slow and sensuous.

  He had known for a long time what his leaving present would be from the President of the company. The services of these girls only came to the individuals in his strata of management for either performance out of the norm and were a strong sign of a young man on the up or on retirement. Well he had never been particularly ambitious so had only enjoyed a girl like this once before when he was much younger. For a time it had motivated him to work like a madman. But he had only managed to make mistakes where normally he wouldn't have done so and his wife had been alive then and she made sure he didn't have a lot of free energy in that department. So eventually his naturally laid back nature took over and he let himself drift back to his normal state of a valued but not a driving executive.

  Today would be his last day with the company to whom he had given so many years and he was not about to waste it. He'd had three months to plan this day and savour in his mind the delights awaiting him. Every action of his slave for the day had been pre thought and worked out. Mr Jordan had even promised him a special treat if things went wrong.

  The realisation that his time was in reality was finite was brought home at his last medical. It was company policy that before it was confirmed that he would have the services of one of Mr Jordan's special Bondswomen he had to have a health check. The President didn't want his faithful retainers expiring before they enjoyed a well earned retirement, though more than one individual had signed a waiver in the belief that if they were due to go what better way!

  As he watched the blonde head with its thick gold plait bend away from him, the hem of her skirt started to rise. By the time it had disappeared behind a froth of stiff white petticoats he could see a shapely peach of an ass a-top firm creamy white thighs framed by taut suspenders and stocking tops. By the time small hands held slim ankles and a blonde plait coiled upon the floor, a ripe ringed fig of a pussy pouted between tight clenched thighs. He thought she looked like a giant fan, her ass and legs were the handle and her petticoats the circular blade.

  Was he going to have a heart attack? He couldn't remember when his pulse had sounded so loud in his ears. The delicate tattooed and ringed labia glistened moistly at him and he could see a tracery of stripes made by her caning the day before.

  She held her pose as he arose from the desk and went around it to her. Jane had bent from the hips, thankful that she was limber enough to do so as laced as tightly as she was, it made bending at the waist impossible. The noise of his move from behind the desk was hidden in the sound of Jane's own pulse. She felt a faint movement in the carpet behind her as he knelt but before she could even consider any movement, he had wrapped his arms around her legs, clasping his large hands over her small ones so that she couldn't release the grip on her ankles.

  For a fraction of a second she started to bend at the knees but his bristly face pushed hard at her tight pouting sex, taking her completely by surprise. Jane straightened her legs with an almost audible snap but it was a gasp that was considerably more than just 'audible' that marked the start of hot tongue whipping her ringed clit.

  The feeling of complete helplessness fanned the flames of arousal and in seconds her pussy began to clench spasmodically. She struggled vainly, not wanting to be free but unconsciously riding the sense of subjugation to a glorious climax.

  Stubble chin or not, when his tongue flicked her clit ring until it vibrated, her knees could hold her erect no longer. Collapsing on to her haunches, she could only sit on her heels until the cool air quenched the hot buzz in her now wide spread vagina, her breath escaping from her hard corseted body in shaky gasps.

  At last she could stand and ease the pressure on her lungs. Blackstone sat at the desk looking at her with a smug cat got the cream grin. There was little Jane could do but return the smile and laugh, he looked so pleased with himself.

  "Ok, my little Pussy, come and stand by my left side as I work." Still weak kneed she moved to his side. A hand cupped a firm cheek and a sigh of deep satisfaction escaped him.

  Surprised, Jane watched as he did in fact work. He was tidying up all loose ends so that his successor would have as easy a start as possible. It was not all work, for every so often he would hand a document to Jane for filing. It came as no surprise to her that all had to be filed in the lowest drawers in the various cabinets.

  It became a game and she tried to present her body for examination in a different pose on each occasion, striving to become more and more sexually blatant. Soon it became common practice for her to part her legs sufficiently for him to slip a large, horny but gentle thumb deep in her mound, allowing his fingers to play with her various rings.

  By twelve noon Jane wondered if there were a limit to how many orgasms she could be made to experience. She had discovered a wide deep stream of exhibitionism in her libido. The morning’s experience had been enhanced for her by a stream of Mr Blackstone's staff coming in to the office at the slightest excuse, to view and admire her. Even the two women of the departm
ent had not been immune to the sounds and noises coming from the office. If at first Jane had tried to conceal her orgasmic delight by this time, she found noisy excitement exciting in itself.

  "Now, Pussy, shut the door and slide the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign across." Jane slid from his deeply embedded thumb with a liquid slurp, still managing to blush slightly at this evidence of her arousal and enjoyment. She minced across to the door, rolling her hips in as suggestive manner as she possibly could.

  "Christ, girl, you make this old man feel like an eighteen year old again!" The excitement was strong and thick in his youthful voice. "Slip that dress off and come'n sit on my knee."

  Blackstone had been in heaven all morning. Indeed he had felt an excitement raging inside himself that took him back decades. He had controlled himself manfully. This was a day that he might have to treasure as a one off in the twilight of his years, he had feared that should he spend before his planned moment he might not be able to go again, now he was having second thoughts because of the strength of his desire.

  The static zips that were used were normally limited to expensive clothes and no expense had been spared on the girls’ uniforms and costumes. This ensured garments fitted snugly without bulge or apparent seam. He watched as two generous breasts appear from the chrysalis of the bodice, their ripe ringed teats made him hold his breath with delight. Never had he seen their like before save in some erotic cartoon.

  The hint of whip at tit and ass added a thrill of decadent pleasure to the voyeuristic pleasure. "Come, Pussy, sit on my knee!"

  The erection she felt pushing at the underside of her thigh distracted Jane from the discomfort of bony thigh and rough trousers against bare bum. However, the problem of where she to put her right arm could not be ignored. It felt ridiculous and incongruous to rest her elbow on the vast pillow of his stomach but soon this too would be forgotten.

  She watched as a big liver spotted right hand struggled to encompass her left breast. His mouth began to suck on her erect teat and she ceased to care if his hand was liver spotted or not. For twenty minutes he alternated between left and right nipple and both became swollen and tender.

  The staff in the outer office sat entranced at the sounds from the inner, all thought of work forgotten. One young girl looked enviously at her female colleague as she stood by the copier, being fondled lasciviously by the office junior, a young man who in the normal course of things would have been severely put down for his temerity!

  There was silence for some minutes whilst all in the office kept their gaze riveted on the blank wooden door. The girl being fondled, becoming aware of the source of her enjoyment, pulled herself away from the youngster and with an exclamation, slapped his face.

  Her colleague got up from her desk and pulled him away from the embarrassed and well-fondled girl, ensuring that both she and the youth missed the sight of Jane being led by a chain to her collar through the office by taking him into the stationery closet and fucking his brains out. This was a fact that the overhasty young woman was to envy and hold against her for some time.

  "I'll be at lunch for an hour or so. Please take any messages for me." It was a spontaneous wave of clapping that marked their passage through the office, starting the flush that Jane was never fully able to control. Their appreciative audience smiled at the smug grin that filled Blackstone's face and envied the voluptuous young girl jiggling along behind on her lead.

  The lunch was a long one. The tight corseting made it difficult for Jane to eat large meals quickly. This and the fellow occupants of the executive dinning room coming to make their farewells and admire the bond slave, ensured that it was nearly three before they were back in the office with the door firmly shut.

  "Take off your dress again." Jane complied. The lunch had cooled her arousal and now instead of feeling sexy she felt naked. And if before she had been lost in the feelings that Blackstone had aroused now she could only see an old man.

  As the dress slid from her shoulders she watched thin bony shanks reveal themselves to the light of day. The dress was draped over the back of a convenient chair as he removed his shirt, revealing a huge paunch that almost concealed a fat stubby cock.

  Sitting on a couch at the side of the room, he leaned back, sprawling his legs wide. "Your turn now, girl. Suckle on that." The large thumb that previously had pleasured Jane so jerked in the direction of his pride and joy.

  A cold sweat seemed to cover rise unbidden on Jane's bare flesh. "I-I-I don't want to!"

  "What do you mean?" This was a particularly stupid rejoinder for anyone male or female to make in this or any other time but perhaps Mr Blackstone can be excused for making it.

  Lunch had been a delight, he had talked to the young woman like a grandfather before he had brought her to numerous noisy orgasms, he had been genuinely considerate; what was more she was a pleasure slave. What right had she to say, "I-I-I." to anyone! His vanity was hurt. Mr Jordan had warned him she was new and inexperienced, but deep inside any man is the vanity that they still in their prime and in some men the belief that they are better at all times than reality shows.

  Well, Mr Jordan had promised recompense if his day went wrong, he was now angry enough to make sure he collected it!

  Chapter 10. A lesson learnt

  She had almost been jerked off her feet several times as she had been almost dragged by her leash behind rapidly marching Mr Blackstone. He was angry at having his daydream of erotic fantasy to such a rude awakening. I-I-I indeed!

  Toe teetering stiletto heels and marble floors do not go together. Her new tits didn't help, either. Jane was used to a lower centre of gravity, they tended to bounce a lot and natural momentum caused difficulties with sudden changes of direction. She felt ashamed at her criticism of her new breasts and mentally apologised to them as though they had a life of their own. But it was with relief when they rounded the last corner and Mr Jordan's office came into view.

  The combination of festering indignation and the natural respect that Mr Blackstone had for "Young" Mr Jordan, as he mentally referred to him, caused him to be almost incoherent for the first minute or two.

  Jacko Jordan sat patiently waiting for him to complete his diatribe. His face became stern but inwardly he rejoiced. Training was going to schedule and they would all get something out of this if he were not wrong. Even dear old Mr Blackstone would retire with memories to worth remembering.

  Fiona and Rhoda had skinned the dress from Jane as quickly and neatly as a taxidermist and in jig time they had her arms cuffed behind her at wrist and elbow. They had been this or similar ways before and now could enjoy the spectator element to the experience.

  Tits thrusting forward like twin buoys, Jane stood silent before her Master. "I warned you on several occasions that disobedience is an action that cannot even be contemplated." He half turned to where a flushed Mr Blackstone stood, wondering if he had over-reacted for, he thought, she is a very young girl. "This will be the first punishment. How many more you will incur will depend on how quickly you learn."

  Fiona's mind made comments she would not have said aloud. "Not till they stop, girl, you just learn to enjoy them." For a moment she was surprised at the thought that even though she knew what was to come, in a curious way she would have enjoyed changing places with Jane.

  Jordan took a handful of nylon line from his pocket and attached the fine filament to Jane's nipple rings by small clips. A third he attached in a similar manner to her clit ring. "Now to the punishment room, my lovely." And with a small jerk of the lines, he made Jane follow close behind him, his confident step making resistance futile.

  The room where he led her was like a large gymnasium scattered with outrageous equipment whose function Jane could only guess at. Mirrors abounded, as did racks of straps and whips, the sight of which made Jane's blood run cold.

  "Rhoda, number three, I think."

  With ease Rhoda pulled a stand into the centre of the room. Mounted on the stand was what looked like a co
mposition of modern art. A fragment of statuary, part of the torso comprising shoulders and upper chest, was mounted on a steel rod that came from what would have been the centre of the chest. From that same mounting point a steel tube stuck out at right angles, on the tip of the tube a red rubber ball stuck up above a free swinging ring.

  Carefully positioning the equipment in the centre of the room, Rhoda was at last satisfied and left it resuming her position by Jane's side. "Ok, girls, put her in it."

  As the two girls marched Jane towards it, she realised that the section of statuary was hollow fibre glass, shaped and cut so that her head could be pushed up inside until it poked through. It was done quickly and expertly, pinioned as she was and with nylon lines to so many sensitive points, it was no time at all before she was bent over at right angles and going cross eyed trying to stare at the red ball under her nose.

  It wasn't uncomfortable as the interior of the device was lavishly padded, however, it did ensure she was held firmly in one place. Not that she could have gone anywhere for as soon as she was snugly home, a fine chain was clipped to her nose ring and she was held tethered like a little pig at market.

  "Now take the ball into your mouth, Jane."

  "N-." The tug at her nose cut off any protest and she became positively eager to swallow the ball which she did with rapidity if not easily. Through watering eyes she watched as her nose ring was connected to the ring below the ball. The chain was pulled just tight enough to ensure that she didn't struggle too violently.

  As Jane's eyes cleared and she acclimatised to her position she became aware of the weight of her heavy pendulous breasts. She tried to shrug her shoulders within the shell to ease their weight, but the close fitting padding denied all movement to her upper torso.

  "A few adjustments, I think." Jane glanced to the right and saw Blackstone standing both amazed and excited by what was being done to her. "Fiona, raise the stand." She watched as Fiona fitted a crank handle into the base of the stand and begin to wind.


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