Sweet on the Greek: An Interracial Romance (Just for Him Book 3)

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Sweet on the Greek: An Interracial Romance (Just for Him Book 3) Page 14

by Talia Hibbert

  “Go on, Aria!” G beamed. “It’ll be fun! We should all play!” She gave a little gasp and slapped her hands to her cheeks. “Girls versus boys!”

  “What?” Aria squeaked. “No. Nooo. I’ve never even played before! And the guys are all pros!”

  “So am I,” Georgia said.

  Aria blinked, her face taking on that adorably baffled look he loved so much. “What?”

  “Didn’t you know? Most of us are. And everyone knows women’s football is way better than men’s.” She stood with a wink, stretching her arms above her head, and hollered, “Five-a-side, guys! Lads v. lasses.”

  Nik stepped back and watched with a shit-eating grin as Georgia grabbed a protesting Aria and dragged her towards the pitch.

  The afternoon just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

  Clearly, Aria’s life had gone horribly wrong somewhere along the line. Because if all was running smoothly, she definitely wouldn’t be sweating her tits off in a Spanish garden, trying—and failing—to keep up with a bunch of professional football players.

  She was going to murder Nik. Brutally.

  He’d barely paid attention throughout his last game, but now that she was on the pitch he’d come over all David Beckham. Did David Beckham still play football? She wasn’t entirely sure. In fact, due to a tragic lack of oxygen, Aria wasn’t entirely sure about anything. Her brain had shrivelled up like a walnut in an effort to keep all of her muscles going.

  “Come on, chrysí mou!” Nik jogged by and smacked her on the arse. “Keep moving!”

  “Fuck off!” she managed. The words were more mangled gasps than bitten out insults, but she followed them up with a glare.

  Nik slowed his pace, jogging backwards as he grinned at her. “You’re doing great. You’re a natural. You just have to go for it. Stop holding back.”

  Stop holding back?! What, did he want her to throw herself around like he was? “I am wearing a bikini!”

  His gaze darkened as he swept a slow, hungry look over her body. “Yeah. I noticed.”

  “Aria! Stop fraternising with the enemy!” Georgia snapped as she sprinted past, dribbling the ball as if it were glued to her feet. “Get in the box!”

  Ugh. Rolling her eyes and girding her loins, Aria ran.

  “You’re an absolute bastard.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  Aria scowled up at the ceiling as Nik sat beside her, his strong hands undoing the ties of her bikini. “Stop fucking humouring me. I mean it! You’re a bastard and I hate you.”

  He released the last tie on her bikini bottoms and slid the fabric out from under her body, leaving her completely naked. “You already said that.”

  “And I’m going to keep saying it until my muscles stop feeling like pulverised bloody meat!”

  “Do what you must, agapi mou.” He was trying not to smile, but she could hear the barely-contained amusement in his rich, low voice. A second later, she felt it, his curved lips gliding over her lower belly.

  “Will you behave yourself? I’m absolutely dripping with sweat.”

  He replaced his lips with his tongue, swiping it over the tan line just above her mound. “Clearly, I don’t mind.”

  She snorted and propped herself up on her elbows, glaring at the back of his head. “I can’t believe you made me play and didn’t even let me win.”

  “How could I let you win,” he murmured, his lips moving down to her pussy, “when it’s a team sport?”

  “You’re supposed to find a way! You—ahhhh, fuck, Nik.” Her indignation cut off as if a switch had been flicked. Which, if her clit counted as a switch, it had. Nik’s tongue parted her folds and found that tight little bud with unnerving accuracy, swirling a hot, wet circle around it. Aria’s breath caught as arousal burst to life inside her, forcing her tired legs to fall open.

  At which point, Nik stopped licking her and sat up.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she demanded.

  He laughed. “I thought you wanted a shower?”

  “I did want a shower! Until you started stripping me—”

  “I stripped you for the shower.” He gave her a wide-eyed, innocent look. “I’m just trying to make up for the match. I know you hate losing.” God, he was adorable, with that sweet, wicked mouth and those huge dark eyes. The prick.

  “I hate losing? You’re the sore loser in this relationship, sugar.” Aria rolled her eyes and clambered off the bed. “Fine. In the shower I go, to masturbate all alone.”

  “Woah, hold on a second.” Nik managed to sound alarmed, mildly offended, and turned-on all at once. “I didn’t say anything about alone.”

  She shot him an arch look over her shoulder. “So? Maybe I want to be alone.”

  “Aria,” he growled. God, he was too easy. Just as her feet left the bedroom carpet and landed on the bathroom’s cool tiles, his arm snaked its way around her waist. She looked up and found their reflection in the room’s huge mirror, Nik’s body bracketing hers, his gaze devouring her nakedness. “You don’t want to be alone.”

  She arched back against his hardening cock, biting down on a smile. “I do. You can watch, though. If you want.”

  Surprise made him falter, just for a second—which was long enough for Aria to pull free of his arms and head towards the shower. She stepped in and switched on the spray as Nik pushed down his shorts on the other side of the glass, freeing his erection. “You’re too kind,” he said dryly, but the sarcasm didn’t quite work when his breath hitched at the end. He gripped his cock so hard his knuckles paled.

  Aria turned away to hide her satisfied smile. Nik would bitch and moan, but he wouldn’t follow her into the shower, not even playfully. When it came to her body, her emotions—her—he did exactly what she wanted and nothing more.

  It hit, her like a football to the face, that she felt completely safe with him.

  And you love him.

  Ah. Now that she wasn’t sure about. Because it was awfully fast, wasn’t it? And she’d had fast before, but never like this.

  Although, she supposed, she’d never had someone like Nik, either.

  She’d think about it later. It was too difficult to focus on emotions right now, with lust pumping through her veins and him stroking himself on the other side of the glass. Aria reached for the soap, her smile widening into a grin as she saw what stood beside it: one of her many toys, a clear, pink dildo with a suction cup bottom. They’d had a lot of fun with it this morning.

  Clearly, its time in the sun wasn’t over yet.

  “Look what I found.” She waved the silicone cock before sticking it to the wall.

  Nik released a ragged breath and squeezed his eyes shut, his brows drawing together. “Aria…”

  “Open your eyes, love. I thought you wanted to watch?”

  When he looked at her again, the need in his gaze was almost enough to make her cave. Especially when he combined it with words, those filthy fucking words she loved so much, tumbling desperately from his mouth. “Let me in. Let me touch you, agapi mou. You don’t want that. You want me.” He jerked his hips up, thrusting into his own fist as if he couldn’t control his movements.

  Coils of need slid over her body, tightening like rope, making her limbs languid and heavy. Aria’s pulse pounded in her ears, its rhythm earthy and lustful. Her pussy was so wet, so hot, so swollen, she felt as if she had something wedged between her thighs—as if the cock she wanted there so badly had already driven its way home.

  But not yet. Not yet.

  “You’ve won quite enough today,” she told him over the water’s gentle spray. “You’re getting even cockier than usual. If you want something from me, sweetheart, you’ll have to beg.”

  His eyes flared at the challenge, his hand stroking faster. He leaned back against the bathroom counter and watched her from beneath heavy lids, his mouth easing into a lazy smirk. “We’ll see.”

  Yes, they fucking would. Rolling her eyes, Aria poured out a handful of body wash and let
soft, creamy bubbles form. Then she ran her foamy hands over her arms, her movements slow and sensuous and deliberately teasing. It was pretty fucking gratifying to start with something as small as her wrist and have Nik hiss under his breath like she’d just swallowed his cock.

  When she started stroking her hips and abdomen, Nik stood, abandoning his casual posture. He came to stand right by the glass, one hand flat against the shower door as if he wanted to break through. But he wouldn’t.

  She had a glorious close-up, now, of his big hand rubbing that dark, veined cock. Of the pearly beads of pre-come dripping steadily from its head, making the taut skin gleam. Of his face, lips parted, eyes heavy-lidded and glittering with need.

  “Fuck, yes,” he groaned when she pinched her nipples with soapy fingers. “Play with yourself for me.”

  “Not for you,” she corrected primly, running a hand over her the curve of her belly. He liked her belly, soft and fleshy and stretch-marked as it was. Just like he liked her tits, tiny and sort of saggy as they were. In fact, Aria realised, he seemed to have a thing for every single part of her. She skimmed her hands over her thighs and he grunted out a curse; she spun around and soaped up her arse, and he banged a fist against the door.

  “You want me to come in now,” he said, desperation lurking beneath his confident tone.

  “No, thank you.”

  “You do. Bend over, moro mou, let me see your cunt. Spread your legs and—God, yes. Fuck. Don’t you want me inside you? I know you do. I know you do.”

  “No,” she lied, standing up and letting the shower wash away all of her soap.

  “Look at me, Aria.” His voice was smooth as caramel, rich as chocolate, smoky as sin. She turned despite herself and did as he asked. She looked.

  She looked at the way his biceps shifted as he worked his own cock. She looked at the desire on his face when he ran a thumb over the slick, swollen head. She looked at his broad chest and remembered the spine-tingling sensation of its soft, dark hair rubbing against her tender breasts.

  “Let me in,” he murmured.

  She shook her head and reached behind her, finding the toy she’d stuck to the wall. “Beg.”

  “Let me in,” he gritted out.

  Aria bent forwards and pushed herself back onto the dildo. Her pussy was so slick that the thick head breached her entrance without issue, just a smooth, slick glide that made her moan low.

  Nik’s ragged moan joined hers as he watched. “Aria—”

  “Beg,” she repeated.

  His head fell back as he released a strangled growl. And then, finally, he met her eyes and said, “Please. Please, Aria, let me in so I can fuck you until you scream—”


  “Because I need you!” he burst out, lust and desperation tangled in his voice.

  I need you, too. I want to tell you all the ways I need you, but I’m not brave enough yet.

  Soon, though. Soon. Because I know that you won’t hurt me when I do. Because I know that I can’t hurt myself on you.

  “Fine,” she said aloud. “Come—”

  He didn’t even let her finish the sentence.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nik shoved the shower door open, stepped inside, and slammed it so hard behind him he was surprised it didn’t shatter. If it had, he probably wouldn’t have noticed. His heart pounded out demands against his rib cage: need her want her take her have her taste her—

  Aria didn’t stand up, didn’t ease the toy out of her pussy and come to him, because she was a witch whose purpose in life was to melt his fucking brain. That was really the only explanation. She watched him with a wicked smile on her face as she rode that pink dildo like she was on a mission. A mission to undo him completely. Judging by the drugging swirl of pleasure that had taken over Nik’s body, she was succeeding.

  She reached out and grabbed his hips, yanking him forward. When her tongue flicked the head of his cock, he buried his hands in her hair and swore. “You want me in your mouth, moro mou? Like this?”

  “Yes,” she panted, still thrusting against the dildo, arching her back with every stroke.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck. You look so good.”

  She laughed darkly, then wrapped her lips around him and sucked hard enough to make his knees weak. Nik almost bit off his own tongue with the effort it took to keep still, to stop himself from thrusting into the heat of her mouth.

  As if she knew what he wanted—of course she knew what he wanted—Aria sucked him deeper, the pressure of her lips sheer ecstasy. Nik drew in gasping breaths as she took him inch by inch, her tongue laving the sensitive underside of his shaft. It was strange, to be like this, to feel like this—near frantic with lust, mindless with need—and love her at the same time. He’d never had this before, want and adoration intertwined. Not until her.

  He liked it. He loved it. He never wanted to lose it.

  He couldn’t lose her.

  Nik swallowed hard as he felt the tip of Aria’s nose touch his abs. Her throat worked around him, hot and impossibly erotic, and he waited for her to pull back and gasp… but she didn’t. Holy shit, she didn’t. She just moved slowly back and forth, sucking him deep and hard, until Nik thought he might die. He might actually fucking die.

  And then he realised that she was touching herself. She was fucking that dildo and sucking his dick, and rubbing her clit in tight circles like it was the hottest thing she’d ever done in her life—and Jesus, he couldn’t fucking cope with this. “I’m going to come, I’m going to come in your mouth. You want me to?”

  He broke off as she moaned, her body arching and stiffening all at once, the hand between her legs slowing, then stilling completely. She was coming, and sucking him harder, and gripping his hip with her free hand as if she wanted to trap him there.

  When Nik came a second later, his vision went black.

  “So,” Aria said, her fingers gliding through his chest hair. “That was fun.”

  If Nik had had the strength, he would’ve sat up; it seemed the only way to stare at her with the appropriate amount of astonishment. At the minute, though, he could barely lift his head from the pillow. In fact, he was surprised he’d managed to stagger into bed at all. “Fun?”

  “You didn’t like it?” she asked, apparently innocent. But he knew if he looked down, she’d have one of those sly little smiles on her face.

  “Woman. My bones are now 80% fluid.”

  “Oh dear. That doesn’t sound healthy.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to come again.”

  “How sad for you.”

  “It’s okay,” he told her. “The memory of that orgasm will see me through the rest of my life.”

  “Good to know!” She rose up on her elbows and grinned at him, swooping down to kiss his nose. Then her smile faded into something softer. Her hair, still damp—like the rest of their bodies—spilled over his chest. She brushed her lips against his, all pillow-soft skin and that little ring of silver.

  Nik reached up to stroke her face, his heart swelling as he looked at her.

  “What?” she asked softly.

  “I love you,” he replied. Because it was true. Because she must be able to see it anyway. Because it shone from him brighter than a thousand suns, spilling out like champagne.

  Aria’s brows flew up, her eyes widening, her mouth hanging open. But that was okay: surprise was only to be expected. As long as she didn’t jump out of the window or anything, they’d be fine.

  Nik threaded a hand through her hair and pulled her closer. “It’s okay. You don’t need to freak out.”

  She blinked rapidly before laughing, “Don’t I?”


  “Do you always say that after blowjobs?”

  He rolled his eyes. “No. I loved you before the blowjob.”

  “Well, that’s nice,” she said slowly. “Do you… um…” She actually looked nervous, but he couldn’t understand why she would be. “Do you think it’s possible, then, to love
someone after a week? Well, six days.”

  “Of course.” He sat up slightly, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I’ve seen it happen before. Plus, my father fell in love with my mother at first sight. And for me… well, I don’t think it has been six days. I think I fell in love with you the night we met.”

  Aria sucked in her cheeks, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did.” He drew out the last word with a grin, and she smiled back. This was going way better than he’d expected.

  Aria rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hide her pleasure. She was happy. She was happy that he loved her. “This isn’t a competition, you know.”

  “But if it was,” he said solemnly, “I would be winning. Because I’m right. And because I fell in love first.”

  “First?” She arched a brow. “Who says I’m going to fall in love at all?”

  His smile didn’t falter as he ran a finger over her shoulder, tracing the fine, swirling lines of ink. “Of course you are. I’m handsome and funny and charming—ow!” He scowled as she flicked his forehead, hard. “Do you mind? I’m trying to list my many excellent qualities, here.”

  “Don’t bother,” she said dryly. “I’m well aware of all your qualities.”

  “My excellent qualities.”

  “Sure, babe.” But she was laughing now, the sound easing away the tension he’d been carrying. She seemed quite content to stay here, wet and naked and in bed with him.


  “Well,” she said finally. “I suppose you can love me, if you like. As long as you don’t need me to…” She trailed off, frowning suddenly, her tongue fiddling with her lip ring. “I mean, at the start of this week, I didn’t even want a relationship. But I—I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone. I mean, seriously, you have no idea. I wasn’t even this into my husband.”

  He tried not to grin and pump the air. It seemed inappropriate. And slightly juvenile. And definitely not an accurate representation of the joy bursting in his chest; to display that properly, he’d have to set off some fireworks.


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