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Dragon Isle Book Bundle 1-3: My Lord and Dragon, The Dragon Fighter, and A Dragon's Bite

Page 10

by Stern, Sophie

  He looked down at her and seemed to be pleased.

  “Kade!” One of the dragons greeted him. They hugged tightly, but Lindsey wasn’t paying much attention to the little group. She was looking past them, to the glass door that led into the playroom. That’s where the music was coming from. She was sure of it. Though the room was almost completely black, save for some strobe lights, she could tell that was where the action happened.

  The area where the dragons were speaking was more like a comfortable lobby than anything else. It certainly wasn’t the homey place she had expected to be played with in. Somehow, she had expected a living room with a fireplace and a group of friends drinking wine. This seemed more like a crazy sex club.

  She felt the wetness between her legs, and knew that even though it wasn’t what she expected, she would love anything Kade did to her. She would probably even beg him for more. Lindsey blushed, despite the fact that no one was looking at her, and tried to tune back in to the conversation.

  “You haven’t been to one of these in ages, Kade,” a tall female dragon said with a lusty smile. Lindsey immediately felt a twinge of jealousy, even though she knew it was unfounded. Kade was not her dragon, after all. She was his human. She was under no impression that Kade considered them to be in any relationship other than that of a Master and slave. He had made that perfectly clear this morning while talking about his ex-wife and Melissa.


  Lindsey hadn’t spent nearly enough time pondering the history of that relationship. Though she suspected they had been together at one time, neither dragon had said anything to her about it. Why was that?

  Maybe things had ended abruptly, but there seemed to be no hard feelings between them. Maybe things had never been serious for either one of them. Perhaps the entire sex party thing had just been something they did as friends.

  Lindsey tried to calm her racing mind and focus on what was being said. Another dragon was commenting on the fact that Kade had been strangely absent from the parties lately. Apparently he had once been a fixture in the dragon sex party scene.

  Kade simply shrugged.

  “Other things have had my attention, Jasmine.” The dragonwoman pouted, but Kade did not explain further. Instead, he turned his attention to one of the male dragons, Anthony, and the two of them began talking about work and the island. Apparently Kade was trying to close a business deal with the dragon, and that man was the host of the party.

  Throughout the conversation, Kade’s hand rested on Lindsey’s head, petting her, grounding her, reminding her of who she was. Of whose she was.

  After a few minutes, the other dragon laughed and gently touched Kade’s shoulder.

  “Enough business chat, my friend,” Anthony said. He glanced at Lindsey and she quickly looked back at the floor, suddenly embarrassed she had been caught watching the dragons. They were just so tall and naked. She couldn’t quite understand how any of them could possibly be single. Seriously. Did dragonwomen just not know how lucky they had it? Human girls had a hard enough time finding one guy they liked, and here the dragon females had an entire island of eligible men.

  Or maybe the problem was with the males. Maybe the dragons hated humans so much they didn’t want to bring any to the island. Maybe they were just too picky about the dragon women. Surely there were enough single women around that the dragons could have their pick of mates.

  That was none of Lindsey’s business, though. She was new to their culture. Maybe picking a mate or finding a spouse was a lot different than it was on the mainland. Maybe dating wasn’t really a thing here. That would explain why Kade had to outsource.

  No, Lindsey didn’t need to be worrying about the dating life of dragons. The only thing she needed to worry about right now was obedience, and so far, she had shown that she was lacking.

  “Your pet seems curious,” Anthony said to Kade. Lindsey could feel Kade’s gaze on her as she continued kneeling at his feet.

  “She is,” Kade said. “I like her that way. She keeps me entertained.” The other dragon laughed again and Lindsey heard him slap Kade on the back. The rest of the group had already dispersed, and the man said Kade should do the same.

  “Go,” he said. “The party is through the doors. Go on, now. Have a little fun with your pet.” Lindsey was suddenly caught off guard when she was lifted to her feet by two large, calloused hands that did not belong to Kade. The dragonman looked her in the eye as he set her down. He was careful to avoid touching her breasts, but the touch was still intimate. “Have fun, little human,” he said to her.

  Then he was gone.

  “Anthony likes you,” Kade said as he placed his hand on the small of Lindsey’s back. “This is his house and his party. I might share you with him sometime.” She bit her lip, but just nodded.

  Shared with a dragonman? A huge, naked, enormous dragonman? A shiver raced through her body and Kade laughed. Still, he seemed pleased that she hadn’t argued. It wasn’t her place, after all. She had chosen this. She had chosen to give up her right to choose and now Kade would decide for her. Even if what Kade wanted was to let his business partner fuck his slave, Lindsey would concede. She had to.

  Besides, there were worse things in life.

  And being sandwiched between two very attractive, bigger-than-life men did not sound all that bad to her.

  Kade pushed the glass doors open and led Lindsey to what looked like an ordinary dance club on steroids. The music was loud, louder than she had anticipated, and it was hard not to react by covering her ears. She blinked as she looked around the room, trying to adjust to the darkness.

  “Come,” Kade placed his hand on her lower back and pushed her through the crowd. “Let’s get you something to drink.”

  A drink would be perfect.

  Something strong, something to dull the overwhelming sensations that were pushing at her, pulling her in every direction.

  They walked by humans and dragons alike, though the only way Lindsey could really tell who the dragons were was by their enormous size. They didn’t all have the tattoos many dragons were fond of, the ones that distinguished them from humans. Many of them just looked like naked men. Giant, super-ripped, huge naked men.

  Some of the dragons had their talons out and were gently clawing at the backs of their subs. Lindsey tried not to gawk at the sight of one young sub who was tied to a wall with her arms and legs spread. Two dragons stood behind her and were clawing at her back. Blood dripped down her body and splashed on the floor, but the woman didn’t seem to mind.

  One of the dragons leaned down and whispered something to the submissive, then licked her back. As he did, the wounds sealed and the woman let out a moan. Was she enjoying that?

  “Yes,” Kade said, and Lindsey realized she had spoken her thoughts out loud. He smiled at her shocked face. “Our saliva has healing powers, love, as does our blood. It’s why dragons are hunted and we hide away on our very own, very private island.”

  “Oh,” Lindsey murmured, suddenly realizing she didn’t know very much about the political life of dragons. “But couldn’t you just destroy any humans who tried to get you?”

  “Of course,” Kade smiled. “But we rather prefer our privacy to murder.”

  The dragons continued playing with their tied up submissive, only now they were licking her body: one above the waist and one below. Kade placed his hand on Lindsey’s own back and pushed her forward.

  Would Kade ever want to claw up her back like that? Would she let him? There seemed to be a lot of blood play going on at this club. Maybe Kade would expect something drastic from tonight. Then again, Lindsey knew she was getting ahead of herself.

  They arrived at the bar and Kade ordered for them. He handed Lindsey a bright red drink with a blue straw. She eyed it suspiciously and he laughed.

  “It’s not blood,” he assured her. She took a tentative sip, then grinned.

  “A luxury cherry bubblecake!” The champagne and cherry liquor tasted exquisite on h
er tongue, and Lindsey knew that if she wasn’t careful, she could grow very drunk, very quickly. She had only had the drinks once before, with Victoria and Heath, and at the memory of him, her mood quickly soured.

  “What was that thought?” Kade said, ever the observant one.

  “Nothing,” Lindsey mumbled. Before the word was even out of her mouth, Kade had her hair wrapped in his fist and her head pulled back.

  “Try again.” He growled the words. Lindsey could tell he was holding back. This was the dragon she had expected when she came to the island. She hadn’t thought he would be nearly as kind as he had been before this moment.

  Fear ripped through her body and she squeezed her eyes closed, silently reminding herself she had signed up for this.

  “It’s my old boyfriend,” she whispered, and his grip tightened.

  “Thinking of another man while we’re together, pet? Explain to me how that’s not an insult.”

  “I hate him,” she whispered. “We drank bubblecakes together once. That’s what reminded me of him.”

  Immediately Kade’s grip loosened on her hair and he plucked her drink from her hands. He hurled the drink against the wall behind the bar, causing the bartender to jump up.

  “What the fuck, Kade?”

  “Get her a different drink,” Kade hissed, and the bartender hurried to mix up something else. He marched back to Lindsey and wrapped her in his arms. Then Kade’s mouth was on her, harsh and unforgiving, then relentlessly devouring her. She melted into him, her body a puzzling mix of scared and excited, and heat pooled between her legs.

  “Master,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Don’t forget,” Kade said. “You are mine, Lindsey. All of you.”

  “I know, Master,” she said again.

  The bartender gave Kade the new drink and he sipped it before passing the glass to Lindsey.

  “Thank you, Master,” she said, then downed the beverage quickly. It burned. She could barely taste it, barely figure out what the ingredients were. Gin, maybe?

  Kade placed their empty glasses on the bar and nodded at the bartender in a show of courtesy and possibly the dragon’s version of “Sorry I was a dick just then.” He turned back to Lindsey, picked her up, and carried her to the back of the room. When he set her down, she turned around and gasped at what she saw.

  The crowd had thinned here, making room for someone to perform.

  And what a performance it was.

  A woman stood with her back to the room. Her hands were tied to chains hanging from the ceiling, but her feet were free. She stood flat on her feet, but her eyes were shut tight. She was gagged, rendering her unable to cry out.

  A tall dragonman stood by her. He breathed fire around the woman, stopping the flames before they torched her skin. Still, the pink hues on her body told Lindsey the woman felt every nip of the heat.

  She moaned, whether from pleasure or pain, Lindsey couldn’t tell. Suddenly, though, she was overwhelmed with the urge to help the woman.

  Kade stopped her before she could move.

  “She’s gagged!” Lindsey said urgently. “How can he know if she’s in pain?”

  “Of course she’s in pain,” Kade shrugged. “They both get off on it.”

  Lindsey gasped. This was so not okay. Coming from the girl who was voluntarily a slave, she knew it was crazy. But still, Kade never physically hurt Lindsey beyond what she wanted or could bear. He pushed her, but didn’t torture her.

  Wasn’t this man torturing the woman?

  “But what if it’s too much, Kade?”

  He growled, reminding her of her place.

  She dropped to her knees and whispered, “Master.”

  “Better,” Kade pet her hair and pointed to the woman. “Her eyes are closed. That’s how she uses her safe word. If the scene becomes too much, she simply opens her eyes.”

  Lindsey was surprised, but impressed at the dragon’s cleverness. What a good way to stay safe while they played. Then again, nothing about the fire made Lindsey think either of them were being safe, not really. She shuddered again as she woman’s breathing grew deeper, heavier, and tried to turn away.

  There were a lot of things that turned her on.

  This was not one of them.


  Kade watched Lindsey for a long while. She wasn’t turned on by the flame play, which was good: he hated such things. Kade never understood why a dragon, of all creatures, should claim to like humans when they just wanted to breathe fire on them. Dragonwomen liked fire: most human girls did not.

  By the time the dragon was ready to fuck his submissive, Lindsey looked downright horrified, and Kade decided she had endured enough. He pulled his pretty slave girl to her feet and guided her down a quiet hallway.

  She looked confused, but not afraid, which delighted him. She had been a pleasure ever since her arrival at Dragon Isle. Aside from a few moments of necessary discipline, Lindsey had pleased him much more than he’d thought possible.

  And the thought of losing her in just a few short months made him miserable.

  He hadn’t expected to want to keep her. He hadn’t expected to enjoy her company, her body, her very presence in his empty house.

  Yet he did.

  She had filled the emptiness he had felt since Olivia died. Somehow, though his wife had been gone for several years, he had never quite moved on. Kade hadn’t even realized just how alone he had felt until Lindsey warmed his heart.

  She made him feel glad again.

  She gave him something to look forward to each day.

  The two of them walked in silence down the hallway. Lindsey, for all her worrying, was the most beautiful human Kade had ever seen. He wanted to tell her that. He wanted to tell her she was perfect in every way he knew how, but the words wouldn’t quite come.

  Not just yet.

  He turned to a door and asked her, “Are you ready for what comes next, pet?” Without hesitation, she nodded. Her hair bounced slightly as she did.

  “Yes, Master,” Lindsey’s voice was barely above a whisper as Kade pushed open the door and led her inside. Her heart rate increased rapidly as she looked around. Kade could hear it from where he stood. Humans often thought they were doing a good job controlling their emotions, but to a dragon, it was futile.

  They might as well not even try.

  He closed the door and locked it, bringing Lindsey’s attention back to him.

  “Scared?” He asked, walking around her. She looked like prey, like dinner. She looked like she’d suddenly realized she was alone with the big, bad wolf and no one was coming to get her.

  To her credit, she didn’t try to lie.

  “Yes,” she whispered. There was a soft quiver to her voice, giving it just the edge of horror he wanted. Kade moved swiftly forward and pushed her against the wall. He bit and licked and sucked at her neck until she was gasping for breath, overcome with both fear and excitement.

  It was an intoxicating mix.

  “Kneel,” Kade told his slave, and she listened. Lindsey’s knees hit the ground so quickly it must have hurt, but she remained silent with her head bowed. Kade reached out and pet her hair to reward her gently for her obedience. “Good girl,” he murmured. Had Lindsey been a dragonwoman, Kade would have thought the noise she made was a soft purr.

  Leaving her for a moment, he walked around the room. He had several choices to make, none of which would be easy. It was time to take his relationship with Lindsey to the next level. It was time to start pushing her more. Yes, he enjoyed her immensely at home, but he was a beast, after all.

  He couldn’t go soft on her.

  He turned and watched her, kneeling perfectly in the center of the room. Her knees were apart so he had a clear, unobstructed view of her bald pussy. She kept it shaved just for him. Most dragonwomen did not have body hair, so human hair was still a mystery to Kade. While many dragonmen loved the exotic appearance of naturally inclined human girls, Kade liked it when Lindsey did this for h

  When she shaved her body, she thought of him while she did it. She pictured the way he would look at her. She thought about how he would touch, lick, and play with her bare skin. That thought alone was enough to get him rock hard.

  Lindsey’s skin was soft and delicate. It was tan, though whether from years spent in the sun or her natural skin tone, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he wanted to trace every inch of it with his tongue. She tasted delicious. He wanted more.

  Her dark hair was just as enticing as the rest of her body, drawing him to her again and again. Was there anything he didn’t like about her? Once again, Kade found himself wishing he could keep Lindsey. He knew he needed to stop entertaining such thoughts.

  For one thing, he was bad for her. He was a dragon. Not just that: Kade was a broken dragon. He was damaged. He was raw. He had been hurt by people and in turn, hurt them back. He was not a good man. Lindsey deserved a good man.

  The other thing that held them apart, the thing Kade knew was the real reason he couldn’t even think about keeping her, is that Lindsey would not want to stay. More importantly, he couldn’t make her. No, he didn’t have a problem paying a woman to service him sexually for a year.

  But love?


  He couldn’t demand that of her. No, commitment and love were things he had to earn, and a girl like Lindsey would have very specific ideas of what she wanted from a mate. She would choose someone handsome, someone kind. Lindsey would choose someone gently and human and boring.

  He hated the thought of her being with anyone else, but he knew it was inevitable, so he pushed the thought of her staying to the back of his mind and returned to the present.

  Kade fisted Lindsey’s hair and yanked her to her feet. She cried out softly, though it was from surprise, rather than pain. He was too gentle on her.

  He knew that.

  But Kade had never had a human pet before, not like this, not like Lindsey. Oh yes, he was an old, experienced dragon, but dragonwomen were quite different from human females. They were tougher than the humans. They could endure more. They could communicate and read their masters much better.


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