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Dragon Isle Book Bundle 1-3: My Lord and Dragon, The Dragon Fighter, and A Dragon's Bite

Page 11

by Stern, Sophie

  Lindsey was something entirely new.

  And Kade was quite enjoying her.

  He pushed her to the center of the room and came up behind her. Lindsey stood still, but her heart was racing. He slid his fingers down her arms, then back up again.

  Her breathing grew faster.

  “I can smell your arousal,” he whispered into her ear, nipping it. She moaned as he did, melting back into his body.

  Oh, he loved this one.

  Kade scratched her back, running his nails down her spine, watching the thin red lines they left. He knew Lindsey was probably confused at his choice of room. After all, this one was empty. That was the whole point, though: there were no tools.

  The only thing in the room was them. Him and her and their pent-up sexual energy and their raw, animalistic heat. They could fuck all day and still need more. He would take her until she was black and blue and raw from his body against hers.

  And still, Lindsey would leave him wanting more.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, little pet.”

  Then he kissed her.

  And kissed her.

  And kissed her.


  When they returned to their home on the shores of Dragon Isle, Lindsey was barely noticed the way Kade gently picked her up or the way he placed her in the bed next to him. Her eyes flittered open and shut, but she passed out on the silk sheets before she was really aware that Kade was letting her sleep with him in bed.

  She rolled over onto her side and he slipped behind her, gently holding her against his body. She was so small, so perfect, so everything.

  He could hardly believe they’d been together such a short time.

  She had been incredible at Anthony’s: utterly perfect. She came over and over again, just for him, just for his pleasure.

  Of course, he had come, too.

  The man who had broken her heart before she arrived on the island was an idiot. Seriously, what had he been thinking? Lindsey had mentioned Heath only a few times, but Kade hated knowing that the man had touched her.

  He didn’t deserve someone as perfect as Lindsey.

  Then again, neither did Kade.

  His own history had been sketchy. He had briefly dated many of the dragonwomen on the island, including Melissa. None of them had been worthy of more than a few nights together, though. None of them had been anything special to him.

  They just weren’t Lindsey.

  What was it about the little human he found so endearing? Her easy laugh was contagious. Sometimes when she thought he wasn’t around, he would catch her giggling wildly at a book she was reading.

  Her laugh made him feel complete.

  Made him feel home.

  Made him feel like maybe, just maybe, his life didn’t have to be spent alone.

  Of course, the fact that he had collared her meant something to him. He had never done that with any woman: not Olivia, not Melissa. No one. Kade viewed the collar as a sign of Lindsey’s submission, but more than that, he viewed it as a promise.

  He would take care of her.

  No matter what happened, he would look after her. If she left Dragon Isle at the end of the year, which he expected she would, he would still watch over her. He would still watch her. He would do anything in his power to ensure she had a good life.

  As Kade gently stroked Lindsey’s hair, her breathing deepened. He wondered what she was dreaming about that night. She had played hard with him, to be sure. Hard and fast, but that was the way they both liked it.

  Kade considered the party itself to be an overwhelming success. While he wasn’t the most social of dragons, he enjoyed the occasional gathering of deviants to enjoy a little sexual fun. There was nothing quite as interesting as personal exploration. What better way to have fun in bed than to see what others did?

  What better way to show off to the other dragons that he had found someone he cared for?

  What better way to introduce Lindsey to the life she could have if she chose to stay?

  When Lindsey got online to pay her student loan bill, she was shocked to see the balance was zero. It had to be a mistake, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t. When she checked her credit card, the balance on that was zero, as well.


  He left her alone when it was time to use the computer, which she appreciated. Though she knew he probably monitored what she did online, she enjoyed at least having the illusion of privacy.

  Kade had demonstrated genuine caring and kindness for Lindsey the entire time she had been there. For someone who worked hard to maintain a bad boy attitude, she thought he was starting to seem like sort of a softie.

  Even if that wasn’t true.

  Lindsey checked her email, which was basically empty. She had one message from Heath, which she read.

  Hey Linz,

  haven’t heard from you in awhile.

  What are you up to? Miss me yet?

  I’m working at Harrison and Harmony now.

  I’m an intern now, but hoping to get on full-time.

  Let’s have lunch one day this week.

  You could use an excuse to get out your pajamas, I’m sure.


  What a prick.

  She deleted his message immediately, wondering why he felt the need to contact her. Had his new bimbo gotten tired of him already? Had she already kicked him to the curb?

  Why was he trying to inject himself into her life?

  Oh yeah, because he was selfish.

  Since arriving at Kade’s, Lindsey hadn’t had to deal with anyone who was selfish or manipulative. Kade always told her what he wanted, straight up. He never pretended to be anything other than what he was.

  Heath had been the opposite.

  If he said, “Are you wearing that?” What he meant was, “Your ass looks fat. Go change so that you don’t embarrass me.”

  With Kade, he simply told Lindsey what to wear, how to wear it, and when.

  And she did.

  No guesswork involved.

  He actually communicated.

  Like an adult.

  She finished up online and went to find him. She had only been at the computer for about half an hour.

  “Master?” She said, stepping into the kitchen. He was at the sink washing a dish.

  “Yes, pet?”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He seemed a little surprised as he looked up at her.

  “I saw the balance of my bills,” she said quietly. “Thank you.” Lindsey dropped to her knees, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. How could Kade have done this for her? It was too much. He was already paying her handsomely simply for being here. She didn’t even have to do much. She just had to be here and try to obey him.

  And now he had gone and paid off all of her debts. That meant that when she was done, she could basically do anything in the world that she wanted to do. She could open up a center for kids who needed free therapy. She could start her own practice. She could give money to other would-be therapists to help them get the training they needed.

  She could do anything.

  And it was all thanks to Kade.

  “Why are you kneeling, my sweet human?”

  “I can’t believe you did that, Kade. You’ve done so much for me. No one has ever treated me like this before. No one.” She looked up at her dragonman with tears in her eyes and wondered how she could have been so lucky as to find him.

  He was her everything.

  Then, to Lindsey’s surprise, Kade knelt in front of her.

  “If only you knew how much joy you bring me, little darling,” he whispered. “You would never wonder why I would spoil you so much.”

  He kissed her softly, quietly, in the stillness of the kitchen. The sun was barely in the sky and there were birds chirping outside. He wrapped his arms around Lindsey and just held her.


  She was his.

  And for the first time in Kade’s long life, he wondered how he
had managed to live without her for so long.


  “So, how did you like the party?” Melissa didn’t hold anything back when it came to asking Lindsey personal questions about Kade or their relationship. Not anymore. Lindsey was beginning to get used to the way her friend spoke, but it was so different from anything she’d known before.

  Most humans tended to be at least a little bit reserved. Few were comfortable being as blunt as Melissa was. Lindsey was quickly discovering that dragons might look human, but they were very, very different.

  “It was…interesting,” Lindsey said slowly. She was naked, as always, but today Melissa was, too. The two women were lounging outside in the backyard. Lindsey had spread a large blanket out and the two of them were nude, sprawled on their bellies. It reminded Lindsey of sunbathing with her girlfriends in high school.

  But you know, with a dragon this time instead of human cheerleaders.

  And orgasms instead of Red Bull.

  “Interesting how?” Melissa asked. She said she had seen Lindsey at the party, but Lindsey wasn’t sure how much the dragonwoman had witnessed. She hadn’t spotted Melissa while she was there, but Lindsey had been fairly absorbed with Kade throughout the event.

  “I’ve never been around that much sex before. It definitely took some getting used to.”

  “Okay, but you aren’t exactly inexperienced now, are you?” Melissa nudged Lindsey playfully. Lindsey shook her head and blushed. No, she definitely was not inexperienced anymore. Kade and Melissa had cured her of any modesty she had once known.

  Before, Lindsey had been unaware of just how innocent her life had truly been. Part of her wondered just what it was that urged her to become Kade’s. Part of her wondered how she had been so brave.

  She used to be a scared little creature, always afraid of everything. Now, Lindsey was fully focused on her life at Dragon Isle. She barely even remembered Heath or the way he had made her feel so sexually awkward before.

  “What was your favorite thing about the party?” Melissa prodded.

  “Hmm,” Lindsey thought for a moment. There had been so much going on, so many different things that excited her. Even though she’d seen a lot of different sexual acts in porn or read about them in books, seeing bondage and dragons up close had been very different than she had anticipated.

  “I liked the clawing,” Melissa grinned. “Seeing dragons, especially two of them, scraping up a submissive really turns me on.”

  Lindsey nodded. “Watching the dragons was exciting. Really exciting. It was nothing like I expected. I think my favorite was when Kade took me in to the back room, though. I was already so wet from watching everyone that I was so ready for him.”

  “I know what you mean. Watching other people fuck really turns me on.” Melissa didn’t even seem embarrassed about her admission. She said it so simply, so straightforwardly, that it made Lindsey twinge with jealousy that she hadn’t been able to talk about such things without feeling the same shame she had always felt in regards to sex.

  “Doesn’t it bother you?” Lindsey asked.


  “Watching other people,” Lindsey fidgeted for a moment, embarrassed at her question. “Don’t you ever feel like you’re a little…deviant?”

  Melissa laughed. “Of course, but isn’t that where the fun is?” She sat up, her breasts bouncing slightly as she did. Then she eyed Lindsey carefully as her voice turned serious. “Humans and dragons have very different ideas about sex and what’s acceptable.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “Dragons don’t care.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Dragons don’t care if you like men or women or dragons or humans. We don’t care if you want multiple partners at once or if you like to screw in public. We don’t care if you’re monogamous and we don’t care if you’re not. If you’re happy and you’re getting what you want, what you need out of sex, then what’s the problem?”

  Lindsey hadn’t thought of it that way before.

  “Besides,” Melissa hoisted a finger and motioned for Lindsey to come over. “I happen to like playing with nervous little humans,” she pressed her lips to Lindsey’s, letting out a soft moan.

  She licked Lindsey’s mouth with her tongue, slowly caressing each of her lips. Lindsey opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, but Melissa pulled away.

  “Something’s bothering you,” she said.

  Lindsey nodded, wondering if she would be betraying Kade’s confidence by asking, but she wanted to know.

  “Kade said he was married before.”


  “So what happened? Did you know him then?”

  Melissa hesitated for a moment, staring at Lindsey. She seemed to be sizing her up, trying to decide whether or not she could handle the truth.

  Was Lindsey that vulnerable that she couldn’t handle honesty?

  “He was married,” Melissa said slowly. “He loved his wife very much. She was his submissive, his little darling.”

  “What happened?” Divorce? Death? Was she tied up in the attic somewhere? What?

  “They were on their way to a clan function and decided to take the scenic route.”

  “So, they flew over the ocean instead of straight through the island, over the forest?”

  “Basically, yeah.”


  This didn’t sound good. Already Lindsey was wondering what she was getting herself into. She wasn’t usually so nervous, but she was suddenly wondering if she didn’t really want to know Kade’s dark secret.

  “And they were attacked by dragon poachers.”

  “Dragon poachers?” Lindsey’s heart sank. She hadn’t even known such a risk existed to dragons. It made sense, really. Dragons were a rare species. Anything that was rare or unusual was typically viewed as overly valuable. Why wouldn’t dragons be hunted?

  “Yeah,” Melissa closed her eyes. She didn’t seem sad or worried, just factual. It was strange to Lindsey that Melissa seemed so unaffected by the story when she herself was about to cry.

  Kade had lost his one true love.

  Wasn’t that worth feeling sad about?

  “Apparently, someone tipped off the poachers about the couple’s path. No one flew that way while going to clan functions. Hell, we still don’t travel along the coast in large groups. It makes us easy targets.”

  “Melissa,” Lindsey whispered. “What happened to his wife?”

  “She’s dead,” Melissa said. “And Kade’s never forgotten or forgiven them.”

  Lindsey wanted to know how Kade escaped.

  She wanted to know if he had fought, but she already knew: of course he had. Kade had probably killed the men. He had probably hunted them down and tortured them for their choice. Then he had probably slaughtered them one by one until his wife was avenged.

  But it wouldn’t have helped.

  Lindsey cried quietly for a few minutes, thinking of how sad she felt for Kade. It was silly, wasn’t it? Crying over a dead dragonwoman she had never met? But the woman had meant something to Kade. She had meant everything to Kade.

  “Here,” Melissa turned toward their picnic basket and gave Lindsey a drink.

  “Thanks,” Lindsey took the beverage and sipped it. She wasn’t sure what it was. Special dragon drink, maybe?

  “What is it?”

  “My own special recipe,” Melissa said. “It’ll help you relax.”

  Melissa was right. In a few minutes, Lindsey felt better and calmer than she had in ages. Melissa pet her hair for a bit, then ran her hands up and down Lindsey’s body. Lindsey relaxed into the dragonwoman, allowing her friend to bring her comfort.

  “Come,” Melissa said, standing. “I want to show you something.”

  Lindsey stood and took a step forward, but Melissa held up a hand to stop her.

  “I’m going to shift,” she said. “And you’re going to ride on my back.”

  “Um, what?” Lindsey had gone place
s with Kade before, but she’d always ridden in some sort of basket-type contraption. She’d never ridden bareback, so to speak. “I didn’t know that was possible.” Melissa laughed, so Lindsey tried to explain her concern. “I mean, won’t I fall off?”

  “Not if I do it right, sweetheart.”

  Then, Melissa shifted into a beautiful, large dragon. Her white scales shimmered brightly in the sunlight, and Lindsey reached out to touch them. She had never seen anything like Melissa.

  “A white dragon,” she murmured. She didn’t even know such a thing existed. Melissa was smaller in dragon form than Kade was, but no less impressive. Lindsey walked around her, momentarily stunned by the female’s gorgeous shape. The idea of riding Melissa, of exploring a bit of the world with her, was enticing.

  Then Melissa growled, and Lindsey remembered she was supposed to be climbing on. Melissa knelt down, giving Lindsey room to try to wiggle up on top. She thought only briefly that Kade might be upset with her for leaving the house. Yes, she was supposed to stay put, but surely Melissa was an exception, right?

  Besides, flying would help Lindsey get her mind off things.

  It would help her clear her head from the sadness she was feeling.

  Melissa flapped her wings and launched into the sky, then began soaring. Lindsey clung to her as well as she could, pleased that Melissa’s neck was narrow enough to hold onto. She hoped she wasn’t choking the dragon, but that couldn’t really be helped. Lindsey had never been especially good with heights. Today was no exception.

  Her stomach lurched when she peeked to see how high they were. What if she fell? No, she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Self-consciously, she tried to melt her body closer to Melissa’s, tried to hold herself tighter so there would really be no chance of falling.

  Air rushed across her nude body and she briefly wished she was dressed, but that thought quickly passed as she began to enjoy the way the wind felt against her skin. How many other humans would have the chance to experience something like this?

  No matter how long Lindsey stayed at Dragon Isle, she couldn’t forget that to most humans, Dragon Isle was nothing more than a myth. Oh yes, they knew it existed, but most people assumed it was a private island for reclusive billionaires. Though there were more and more shifters who were open with their identities and their abilities, the truth was that most humans were still very skeptical about the whole thing and few believed it was a reality.


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