Covert Affairs

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Covert Affairs Page 6

by A. C. Grey

  Lucy furiously typed for the better part of an hour, using every last ounce of self-control to ignore Meg's touches.

  Finally, Lucy let out a frustrated sigh and slumped her shoulders.

  "No good,” Lucy said. "I can't access it remotely. You're going to have to get me inside the computer room at the compound if you want me to access the system.”

  Meg nodded. "Too bad. I'll contact headquarters and see if they can be of any help as far as ways to get inside. If not, then I guess we're on our own to figure that out.”

  Lucy nodded in return, still staring at the screen and refusing to make eye contact. She was afraid that if she did, she might melt right there on the spot. "Okay,” she finally responded.

  Meg debated what to do next for just a moment, before reaching out and placing her hands on Lucy's neck. She felt Lucy immediately go tense, but proceeded, gently massaging the kinks out of her shoulders.

  Lucy was on fire. She was still wearing the revealing dress from their encounter with Ray, which meant that Meg's hands were directly on her bare skin. Her mind was a haze of lust and emotion. She couldn't take much more of this, but at the same time, this delicious slow burn was unlike anything she'd ever felt. It was as if Meg were a drug and she were an addict. She couldn't get enough. Lucy closed her eyes and lost herself in the feel of Meg's hands for just a moment. She let out a low moan of pleasure as Meg hit a particularly tight knot in her neck.

  The moan from Lucy snapped Meg out of her teasing game. She'd wanted to get Lucy worked up with the massage. But she hadn't bargained for exactly how turned on she would get herself. Meg quickly removed her hands, unable to continue. She knew that if she didn't stop soon, she'd take Lucy right then and there on the damned desk. And that was not exactly part of the mission.

  The loss of Meg's hands left Lucy feeling immediately empty. But it also gave her a chance to clear her mind, even if just for a moment. Before her hormones could take over again, Lucy rose and fled from the room. "Okay. I'm exhausted. Heading to bed. Will give you a call in the morning,” she called over her shoulder as she practically ran from the room.

  Meg chuckled. Yes, they were definitely playing with fire. And if they weren't careful, someone was going to get burned.

  * * * * *

  Rather than heading to bed, however, Lucy headed to the bar. She needed a drink. Or ten. She slumped onto the nearest barstool and gave Lola the bartender a grateful look as she set a drink in front of her.

  Lost in her thoughts and in her liquor, Lucy didn't notice the scruffy, yet attractive guy sitting next to her. When he spoke, it brought her out of her reverie.

  "That's some look on your face. Let me guess, the dude you want to get with left you high and dry.”

  Lucy sighed and downed the rest of her drink, signaling to Lola for another. "Something like that,” she muttered. They returned to their drinks and sat in silence for several more minutes before he spoke again.

  "So are you arm candy, or wanna-be arm candy?" he asked, a look of boredom on his face.

  "I beg your pardon?" Lucy asked, confused, but quite sure she was supposed to be offended.

  "I asked if you're arm candy or just a wanna be. You know . . . in the market for a sugar daddy, or already got one?"

  "Or you know, I could just be here on vacation. Or dating someone for reasons other than their money,” Lucy said, slightly disgusted. "Why in the hell would you assume I'm some sort of gold digger. I don't even know you.”

  He smirked. "Because, I've seen you hanging out around here lately. You never seem to be gambling or dancing or doing anything that suggests you're here on vacation. And a hottie like you, with fair skin and blue eyes. Clearly not a local. There are typically two kinds of chicks who look like you that end up in a place like this. Chicks whose sugar daddy brought them here on a business trip and then left them here all alone and bored. And then there are the chicks that are in the market for their own Daddy Warbucks. Know all those rich older dudes who frequent Antarra and the club. So they hang out here hoping to snag one. So which are you?"

  "Why the hell does it matter to you?" Lucy said, frustrated and angry, partly because of the residual emotion from her encounter with Meg and partly because she was apparently dealing with a complete jackass.

  "Because, I need to know how best to help you out. You know. I'm plenty happy to entertain you if your old fart of a boyfriend stranded you here all by your lonesome. I could take you on a drive, show you the sights, all that.” He smiled at her, a slightly lecherous look on his face. "Or if you need to score with an old dude, I can hook you up. I work for Club Paradiso. So I know where all those guys hang.”

  "Look, whatever-your-name-is . . .” Lucy began, her anger bubbling.

  "It's Pete. Pete Larson.” The man offered her a hand. Lucy took it reluctantly.

  However, Pete's interruption gave Lucy a moment to think. He worked at the club. Maybe he could help them get inside. But she couldn't appear too curious. She really needed to consult Meg but he might not be there if she left. She had a feeling he'd just move on to some other woman if he struck out with her. But how did she know she could trust him? He might just be trying to impress her. Willing to say anything to get into her pants.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucy hesitated, but then responded. "Okay, Pete, listen. I am involved with someone . . . sort of.” Lucy said, silently reflecting on how true those words really were.

  Before she could continue, Pete interrupted. "So I guessed right. You're left here all alone and frustrated. Need something to get your mind off the boredom?"

  Frustrated was right, Lucy thought. If he only knew just how God damn frustrated she was. "Something like that,” Lucy finally responded.

  "Well then I'm your man,” he said as he gave her a wink and gently squeezed her thigh. His eyes unabashedly traveled down to her breasts as he made no attempt to hide his intentions. Lucy struggled not to jump away, struggled to resist the urge to deck him. Despite the fact that she normally ran from boob-staring jerks like this, Lucy's instincts told her that this guy might be of use.

  Trying to play it cool, she offered him a small smile. "So what exactly do you have in mind. You know, to distract me.”

  Pete shrugged. "I don't know. Hit the town, see where the night leads us.”

  This didn't exactly sound promising to Lucy, but the guy did work at the compound, or so he said. Perhaps with a little feminine persuasion, she could convince him to give up some information. He'd definitely be a harder nut to crack than Ray, but somehow, Lucy had a feeling that Pete could prove useful. The trick was, what did she do about Meg? She could go it alone, but that was probably unwise. She could end up in a dangerous situation. Or even if things worked out perfectly, she'd probably lose any remaining trust that Meg had in her, and she didn't want to do that. The woman was fast becoming very important to her. Though that was the last thing she needed right now.

  Would Pete be suspicious if she excused herself for a few moments? Or should she just ask him if Meg could come? Though Lucy had never been into men, she'd been around enough of them, especially during her stint in the Marines, that she knew how guys like Pete worked. His ego would likely get in the way of any common sense. Thinking he might score with two girls meant it likely he wouldn't question it if she brought up Meg.

  Lucy smiled at him, turning on her best charm. "That sounds great, but I've got a favor to ask you,” she said, batting her eyes and gently drawing patterns on his chest with her finger.

  "What's that?"

  "I've got a friend who's sort of in the same predicament as me. Can she tag along? I promise you won't regret it. She loves to have fun.” Lucy looked up at him through her long lashes, dimples on full display.

  She smirked to herself as she felt Pete puff up his chest, clearly liking the fact that he'd been offered the chance to handle two girls at once. "Well, if she looks anything like you . . .” He started.

  Lucy smiled. "She's hotter,” she whisp

  "I don't think that'll be a problem.”

  "Didn't think so. I'm just going to head up to her room and get her. Give us a few minutes to get ready and we'll be right down.” She stood and headed towards the elevators.

  "I'll be right here, waiting,” he called after her, clearly eager to get their night underway.

  Lucy chuckled. Sometimes men were too predictable. As she entered the elevator, she pondered how to broach the subject with Meg. She'd probably agree to go, after all, the guy could be of use to the mission. However, Lucy knew that she might meet with some resistance, especially since she'd gotten the lead without Meg.

  * * * * *

  As she reached Meg's door, she hesitated for just a moment. She tried to convince herself that it was because she was nervous about Meg's reaction to the news about her new acquaintance Pete. However, deep down, Lucy knew that her nerves were of an entirely different nature. She felt as though if she stepped back into that room, she'd be stepping right into the lion's den. That she might very well die from the sexual tension. She didn't know how much more she could take. Taking a moment to calm her nerves, Lucy finally knocked.

  The door swung open and Meg leaned against the doorframe, looking like the cat who just ate the canary. "Couldn't stay away, could you?" She crossed in self-satisfaction.

  Something about Meg's overconfidence helped Lucy contain the overwhelming urge to jump her right there and then. Yes, the woman was gorgeous. Breathtaking even. But the gloating, well, it helped Lucy's competitive instincts kick in. She’d be damned if she was the first one to give in. In response to Meg's question, Lucy chuckled lightly and brushed past her into the room, making doubly sure to brush against Meg's body as she did. She smirked as she felt Meg's sharp intake of breath at the contact. "You'd like to think so, wouldn't you, Meg, but no. My intentions are entirely pure.” she said as she sat down and leaned forward just enough to give Meg a nice shot of her cleavage. Okay, maybe her intentions were not entirely pure, but hey, a girl had to have some fun.

  Meg struggled to focus as Lucy slid past her into the room. It was as if the temperature in the room had risen suddenly by about one hundred degrees. She stood, unmoving as Lucy sat. Meg's eyes involuntarily traveled to Lucy's perfect breasts, which were on full display given the woman’s posture. All coherent thought fled her brain. She stood rooted to the spot, thinking of nothing but Lucy Crane and all the dirty, dirty things she'd like to do to her.

  Lucy cleared her throat, which broke through Meg's haze of lustful fantasies. She shot Meg a questioning eyebrow, waiting for her to come join her. "Are you just going to stand there in the doorway all night or are you going to come over here so I can tell you why I stopped by?"

  Meg shook her head, as if attempting to force all of the impure thoughts from her brain. "Uh . . . right.” She headed towards the couch, careful to sit a safe distance from Lucy. All this teasing was not just affecting Lucy, clearly. They were both playing with fire.

  "So, uh, what's up?" Meg managed as she sat down.

  "I headed down to the bar after I left here. Needed a quick drink,” Lucy said. Meg smiled – clearly Lucy had been every bit as worked up as she'd appeared.

  "Anyway. I met a guy down there. He works for the club, the compound. Whatever it is.”

  "And?" Meg asked, her curiosity piqued.

  "It's quite obvious he fancies himself a ladies' man. As well as a general know-it-all. He claimed to have me pegged from the start as some sort of arm candy. Left stranded here while my important businessman boyfriend goes off and does his thing. Anyway, this guy offered to entertain me. Help with the boredom,” Lucy explained.

  "What did you say?" Meg asked, praying Lucy hadn't blown it or given away anything.

  "I let him believe what he wanted to believe. He's offering to show me the town. I told him I had a friend in a similar predicament. Asked if she could tag along. I knew a guy like him couldn't say no. That he’d think he hit the lottery if two girls agreed to go out with him. So he's waiting downstairs. I figured it can't hurt to go with him, flirt a little, see what happens. Maybe we'll get some info?" Lucy said, biting her lip nervously while she waited for Meg's response.

  Meg thought for a moment. It all seemed a little too convenient. A little too easy. As a spy, she was trained to trust no one. But at the same time, her instincts told her it was too good an opportunity to pass up. "Let's do it. We'll need to be careful. No telling what this guy is up to, but we need to see if we can make this work for us. Good job, Lucy,” Meg said sincerely, placing a gentle hand on her arm.

  Lucy nodded and swallowed hard. Her body suddenly felt flushed. Partly because the object of her desires was touching her, but mostly because it felt good to finally be respected. Maybe she was earning Meg's trust at last. And having that trust suddenly meant the world to her. She hadn't exactly started things off on the right foot with Meg, so she was going to be extra careful not to do anything to make Meg question her. Meg's trust was too important, for many, many reasons.

  * * * * *

  After they each took a few minutes in their rooms to ready themselves, they headed down. Both were exhausted, it had been a long day already and it was getting late. However, they both knew that an opportunity like Pete might not present itself again. And it wasn't just the long hours, it was the push and pull of their mutual attraction. The constant sexual awareness, the adrenaline, the hormones, the excitement. It could run a person ragged. They rode down in silence, both acutely aware of the other, both secretively stealing glances, both struggling to contain their feelings, which once again were threatening to bubble over.

  They sighed in unison as the elevator dinged, announcing their arrival on the ground floor. Both were relieved to be released from the elevator, which served as nothing but a very vivid reminder of their near embrace not hours before.

  They smiled awkwardly at each other, as if in silent acknowledgment of the mutual frustration they were feeling. Heading to the bar, Lucy smiled as she saw Pete's eyes bug out when he took in the two women before him. Clearly all his fantasies were appearing to come true. She smirked to herself, if he only knew that his two dates craved each other as much as a junkie craves their next fix. Well, if he did know, he'd probably be in man-pig fantasy heaven.

  "Hi ladies,” he managed as they approached him.

  Lucy nodded. "Pete, I don't know that I've properly introduced myself. I'm Lucy. And this is my friend Meg.”

  "Cool,” he replied simply. "Let's get the hell out of this joint. There's this really cool dance club I know. Want to head there?”

  "Sure,” Meg responded, never taking her eyes off of Lucy. They smiled at one another and followed him out the door. As they left the cool air-conditioned confines of the resort, they were hit by a wall of sweltering heat. Apparently, it didn't matter that it was nighttime. This place was a furnace no matter what time of day.

  As they followed Pete to the car, neither one could concentrate on his inane chatter. They walked side-by-side, arms and hands at their sides. However, they walked close together and their bodies "inadvertently" brushed against one another from time to time. Lucy was burning up, but whether it was from the heat of the atmosphere or from the heat between her and Meg was unclear. She knew one thing for sure. She was very close to pulling a Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard Oz. She was about to melt on the spot.

  They approached a very small, very rusty, very dilapidated pickup truck. Pete gestured for them to get in. Meg stopped in her tracks and scoffed. "You're kidding, right?" She immediately was having second thoughts. Sizing up Pete, who was wearing a pair of ratty jeans and a t-shirt, and his rust-bucket of a truck, she was worried he was just conning them. The club/compound was supposedly for Antarra's elite. Ultra high class and exclusive. The idea that a guy like this, with a vehicle like that, actually worked there was a bit hard to believe.

  "What's wrong with Betsy?" Pete asked, patting his truck fondly, which he'd apparently named Betsy.

  "Oh I'm sure Betsy is just fine, Pete. But I'm not so sure you're really what we're looking for in a good time. No offense, but we . . . um . . . we're used to a little higher standards,” Meg said, playing the gold-digger role perfectly. She thought it was time to back out, before they ended up in a situation that was either a complete waste of time or dangerous. She felt as though he was just playing them, trying to impress them, with no actual connections at all. "I think we're going to pass. But thank you for the invite,” she said and turned to head back to the hotel.

  Lucy stepped in. "Pete, will you just give us a few minutes?"

  He leaned against the truck and nodded.

  Lucy led Meg a short distance away where they could talk privately. "Are you out of your mind? Just because he drives a piece of scrap metal trying to masquerade as a truck, you're going to blow him off?"

  "It's too convenient Lucy. This guy is clearly up to something. Either he's trying to impress you with tales about working with Antarra's crème de al crème or he's got something much worse planned. No way that a club like the one we're trying to get into hires a guy who presents himself like that.”


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