Covert Affairs

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Covert Affairs Page 8

by A. C. Grey

  Meg studied Lucy's serious face. It was a bit comical. She was obviously deep in thought, no doubt contemplating the possibility of having to be the love slave of some half-senile, arthritic geezer. Meg laughed again. "Seriously, Lucy. I promise you won't have to sleep with anyone you don't want to. We'll work it out. You should see the look on your face.” Meg's laughter rang out through the bathroom.

  The melodious sounds of Meg's laughs echoed in the small room and brought Lucy out of her thoughts. She'd seen many different versions of Meg Murphy. Angry. Frustrated. Lustful. Flirty. Intelligent. Capable. And yet this version was by far the best. The unabashed joy and humor written across her face simply lit up her features. Meg Murphy was stunning, in a way unlike any other woman she'd ever known. That rich golden hair, offset by those deep brown eyes that looked just slightly exotic. Those perfect, luscious lips. That smooth, flawless skin. Lucy had heard the cliché about taking one's breath away. For the first time in her life, she was experiencing it first hand. Meg Murphy left her breathless. Literally.

  Meg couldn't control her hysterics as Lucy studied her with a look of utmost seriousness. She knew she should stop, but she just couldn't. However, out of nowhere, Lucy stopped her cold. Without a moment's notice, Lucy was upon her, pressing her back into the shower stall and capturing her lips with her own. Meg scarcely had time to breathe before her back hit the cool tile wall, Lucy's lips fiercely attacking her face, her jaw, her mouth.

  Lucy let out a low moan as Meg's surprise finally melted away and she returned the embrace with a heated fervor. The intensity of their kiss, tongues darting, hands roving, hips melding together, was unmatched compared to anything either had ever known before. The water crashed down around them, soaking their skin, their hair, their clothes, but neither woman seemed to realize or care.

  Meg's body was alive, humming with an unnatural flow of electricity as Lucy pushed her harder against the wall. Eager to deepen the contact, Meg grabbed Lucy by the waist and pulled her slick body even closer.

  Lucy gasped as Meg's mouth began to trail kisses down the bare skin of her neck. She could feel her body threatening to explode, just from the mere touch of Meg's lips. If she wasn't careful, she might lose it right then and there. Wanting to delay such instant gratification, Lucy cupped Meg's cheeks and brought her up for another searing hot kiss.

  Tongues dueled for control as they lost all notions of time or space. Nothing mattered but the dance of their lips, the melding of their bodies, the low hiss of the water beating down upon them.

  Meg could focus on only a few things. Lucy's lips. How soft, how delicate, yet how strong. The unique, sexy, exotic taste of the woman. An intoxicating and delicious. How she was already addicted. And lastly, how there were entirely too many clothes in the shower. She craved to touch every last inch of Lucy's body, with no restrictions, no barriers. Losing herself once more in the kiss, Meg's hands moved up and under Lucy's drenched dress, settling once again on those slim, strong hips. Her hands roved over Lucy's smooth back, tracing indecipherable patterns as their mouths continued to clash in an inferno of lust.

  Lucy allowed herself to just live in the moment. Living for nothing but the woman pressed beneath her, her skin, her lips, her strong arms around her. Her body shivered slightly as Meg's hands crept beneath her clothing, at long last giving her the contact she'd so desperately wanted for so long. Lucy slowly nudged her leg between Meg's thighs, pressing up lightly. She smiled into the kiss as Meg let out an appreciative groan.

  Suddenly, a knock at the exterior door brought them out of their lusty haze. Lucy looked at Meg in a panic. "What are we going to do? We're soaked! Together!"

  Meg laughed slightly. "Soaked in more ways than one. At least I am.”

  Lucy appreciated the joke, but it did little remove her panic. "Meg. Now is not the time for dirty jokes.”

  "Relax. I've got this.”

  Lucy's jaw dropped to the floor as Meg quickly stripped completely naked before her. However, her unexpected chance to gawk was short-lived, as Meg quickly wrapped a towel around her body and wrapped her hair up in another.

  "Like what you see?" Meg smirked again and sauntered from the room. Turning one last time to take in Lucy's shocked and clearly amorous expression. "You might want to head to your own bathroom, hop in the shower. Wouldn't want them thinking we're up to anything . . . dirty.”

  Lucy, still riled up from their shower session, walked to her own bathroom in a daze.

  Another knock sounded. "Just a minute" Meg called out. She headed to the door to greet their unexpected visitor.

  Chapter Nine

  Meg headed to the door, already resenting the unexpected visitor. Despite the frigid breeze from the air conditioning blowing against her bare, wet skin, Meg was hot. Hotter than she could remember ever being. All she could think about was making whoever was behind the door disappear as quickly as possible so that she could get back to the sexy, probably naked brunette in the bathroom next door.

  She took a moment to readjust her towel to make sure that she was covered and swung open the door. Standing there was the last face she expected to see. Looking slightly ashamed and more than a little bit nervous, Pete leaned against the doorframe. Meg opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head. Instead, he handed her a piece of paper and a key. Meg arched her eyebrow at him, waiting for an explanation. But Pete simply smirked and walked away.

  Confused, Meg shut the door and sat down on the bed to examine what Pete had given her. She opened what appeared to be a note from Pete when Lucy re-entered the room, wrapped in a towel that matched her own. Only her intense curiosity about what Pete had written kept Meg from jumping Lucy right then and there.

  "Who was at the door?" Lucy asked as she hiked up her towel, jostling those perfect breasts, which were still glistening with moisture from the shower.

  Meg's eyes locked on Lucy's chest, her mind suddenly devoid of any thought beyond the incessant, urgent desire she had for this woman. She swallowed hard as she took in every curve, every inch of exposed, wet skin.

  "Um . . . hello? Meg? Eyes up here?" Lucy said as she chuckled, pointing to her face. The dimpled grin she offered Meg did little to clear her head of those pesky, dirty thoughts. Those dimples simply made her even more breathtaking. The fact that they'd finally given in to the undeniable pull between them, that they'd finally kissed . . . well It made focusing on anything beyond Lucy practically impossible.

  "Meg?" Lucy asked again. She secretly loved how distracted Meg clearly was. If Meg felt half the level of frustration and lust and attraction that she did, Lucy could understand what she was feeling. Somehow, she'd convinced herself that if they'd just give in to their desires, if they'd allowed themselves a moment to be together, the dizzying sexual awareness would taper off. Sure, they'd only shared a kiss. A blissful, hot, perfect kiss. But it had done nothing to quell the fire burning inside her. If anything, her need for this woman had intensified tenfold.

  Finally managing to break out of her haze of lusty thoughts, Meg responded. "Uh . . . sorry. It was um . . . they had the wrong room.”

  Surprised, Lucy responded. "Yeah? That's odd.” But then she noticed Meg's face, which indicated that she wasn't telling the truth. Lucy realized what was going on as Meg held up a note and gestured for her to come sit next to her. Clearly whomever had visited, it wasn't someone that Meg wanted Paolo or his cohorts to hear about.

  Lucy sat beside Meg on the bed, the mattress sinking just a little with her weight, causing Meg's every nerve ending to once again dance with excitement. Their closeness, the clean, fresh scent of Lucy's body. Forcing herself to focus, Meg opened the note.

  Lucy leaned closer, her head resting on Meg's shoulder as they read together.

  Lucy pressed a quick, light kiss on Meg's bare shoulder, causing shivers to run up her spine. Meg's breath hitched for a moment, but then she trained her eyes back on the paper. They read together, both keenly aware of the closeness of their bodies, of the smal
l, toweled barrier between what they really wanted.


  I wanted to say sorry or something for the way that I set you up. It wasn't cool and I know that. But a dude's gotta do what he can to survive, you know? I owe Paolo and his goons a bunch of money and they're letting me work off the debt by . . . you know. If I don't pay them back, I'm toast. These guys are crazy. So be careful. I know, I'm the one who got you into this shitty situation to begin with. But I had to look out for number one. Be careful what you say – the room's probably bugged. These guys are super paranoid for whatever reason.

  Anyway, I'm not sure exactly what you're up to. But I do know that you're not who you say you are. You chicks are way too classy to be gold diggers. So whatever you game is, good luck. I don't know what else to say. I'll try and help you if I can. Here's a key that unlocks some doors around here. Don't get caught with it. Paolo doesn't know I have it and I figured it might help you out somehow. And don't worry about these old dudes. Most of them can't get it up anyway. They just like to pretend that women still dig them even though they look like Skeletor and have one foot in the grave. Just make nice and pretend they're interesting. You'll be fine.


  P. S. Have you two gotten it on yet? Even a blind man could see that you want in each other's pants.

  They both chuckled softly at Pete's last line. Maybe they weren't doing such a good job at hiding their desires. Something they'd have to work on while in front of Paolo and his friends.

  Meg turned to look at Lucy, gazing into those beautiful blue eyes. Lucy smiled as she returned the look. Meg used all of her willpower to focus on what was really important – the mission. As much as every fabric of her being screamed that what was important was in fact the woman next to her, she knew that she couldn't let her own selfish needs get in the way. She gently squeezed Lucy's thigh and headed back to the bathroom, where she quickly tore the letter into tiny pieces and flushed it down the toilet.

  As she returned to the room, Meg pulled out her cell phone from her purse, hoping to get a quick text message to headquarters. "Damn.” Meg said. "No service. Guess I won't be calling home anytime soon.” She said, creating an excuse for anyone who might be listening in. "And it was my nephew's birthday today . . .” She trailed off, making sure to silently acknowledge to Lucy that calling her relatives was really the last thing on her mind.

  Lucy surveyed the room. "So no phones, no internet, no dry clothes, and we're stuck here all night. What's a girl to do for fun?" She grinned at Meg, letting her know exactly where her thoughts were leading.

  Wanting to tease just a little, Meg flopped down on the bed beside her. "I don't know, I guess we could see what's on TV.” Meg grabbed the remote and after turning on the TV, began flipping through the channels with a bored expression on her face.

  "I had something a little more . . . interesting in mind.” Lucy said with a smirk, her fingers drawing playful, yet suggestive patterns on the bare skin of Meg's leg.

  "Oh yeah?" Meg said, playing along. "What would that be?"

  Lucy giggled. "Wouldn't you like to know.”

  "Oh, I think I've got a pretty good idea.”

  "Yeah? What's that?" Lucy said, loving their light flirty banter.

  "Oh, I don't know. Something like this,” Meg said as she surprised Lucy, rolling on top of her and straddling her hips.

  Any bit of levity that had existed between the two of them was gone in a flash as their bodies touched. Both were keenly aware of the fact that the shaky barrier of towel was the only thing standing between them and total, blissful nakedness.

  For a moment, they stayed motionless, Lucy lying on her back, Meg hovering over her, as if both were daring the other to make the first move. In many ways, it was reminiscent of their encounter in the elevator. Meg holding Lucy in place, their bodies melded together, their minds, their hearts screaming for some sort of release from the prison of tension.

  Lucy looked up into Meg's deep brown eyes and saw the desire reflected there. The same, deep, undeniable attraction that she felt herself. The blinding, all-consuming need to be with Meg Murphy was something completely foreign to her. Sure, she'd felt attraction before. Lust, maybe even love. But nothing on this level. It was as if there were suddenly a gaping hole in her body, a missing piece. One that could only be filled by the woman on top of her. She needed her like she needed oxygen. This had long stopped being about what she wanted. She did not want Meg Murphy. She needed her.

  Meg tried to maintain even breathing, tried to slow her heart rate as she stared down into those soulful blue eyes. Those pure, beautiful eyes that were begging her, pleading with her to finally end their suffering. As much as Meg wanted this . . . and she couldn't remember ever wanting anything more . . . it scared her. She'd never been so affected. Not by anyone or anything. And they'd done nothing more than kiss for a few moments. What would happen if they carried through on their feelings? If they slept together? She was afraid she might become completely dependent on, completely addicted to this woman. And as someone who thrived and survived on being independent, on being strong, on being without weaknesses, Meg worried that Lucy might compromise her ability to do her job. She wasn't sure she was ready to need someone, to crave someone like Lucy.

  Sensing Meg's hesitation, Lucy began to reach up, to draw Meg's face down to her own.

  This small gesture, the simple touch of Lucy's hand on her face was enough to catapult any doubts out of Meg's mind. For better or for worse, she had to have this woman. Meg quickly grabbed both of Lucy's hands, pinning them above her head. Without any further hesitation, Meg bent down and captured Lucy's soft lips with her own, all of their pent up feelings and frustrations flowing, coursing between them.

  Releasing Lucy's hands, Meg cupped her cheeks as she deepened the kiss. Tongues dancing to a tune no one could hear, both women eager to come together, to melt together in as deep away as possible.

  They stayed that way, lost in the kiss, just being, just feeling each other, until finally, lungs screaming for air, Meg pulled away. Unable to deal with the immediate loss of contact, she almost instantaneously reattached her lips to Lucy's.

  Lucy couldn't remember ever feeling this good, this happy, this perfect. But then again, right now, she had trouble remembering her own name. The wash of feelings, of emotions, of hormones, left little room for thoughts of anything but Meg. This sensual, amazing, breathtaking woman, who had captivated her body and soul. Eager to deepen their contact, her hands began to rove across Meg's shoulders, before sliding between them in an attempt to free Meg of that pesky towel. However, the moment her hand moved for Meg's breasts, Meg swatted it away a look of consternation on her face.

  Meg, feeling so out of sorts because of the uncontrollable need for Lucy, sought some sense of control. This was going to be her show. As Lucy attempted to caress her breasts, she pushed her away. She intended to show Lucy who was in charge, intended to take every last second she needed to explore the beautiful body writhing beneath her.

  Lucy let out a gasp as Meg began trailing kisses across her neck. She tilted her head and shut her eyes, giving Meg all the access she needed to explore the sensitive skin there.

  Meg's lips found Lucy's pulse, gently nipping and kissing at the rapid flutter beneath her skin. She then traveled south, slowly pulling away Lucy's towel, leaving her completely exposed. The woman was gorgeous. So much more than Meg could have even imagined. She gazed down at Lucy's body as she lay patiently, chest rising and falling with her rapid breath, eyes slightly shut, glazed with desire. She was a goddess.

  As Meg bent to continue explorations with her lips and tongue, Lucy reached down and tore the towel from Meg's hair, threading her fingers through the wet locks as Meg left a trail of lazy wet kisses along her collar bone. She gasped and arched her back as Meg suddenly took a nipple in her mouth, swirling it beneath her tongue, gently nipping and sucking.

  Lucy's hips began to occasionally thrust of their own accord as Meg con
tinued playing with her breasts, kneading, sucking, pinching them. Wanting to return the favor, Lucy reached down and pulled away Meg's remaining towel, flinging the offending article across the room. She attempted to stroke Meg's breasts, only to once again be pushed away.

  Meg, with a devilish look on her face, grabbed both of Lucy's hands and pinned them to the bed once again. Her mouth quickly recaptured one of Lucy's breasts causing her to gasp out with pleasure.

  "Yes . . . Meg.” Lucy rasped. She was used to being the one in control. Being able to steer the seduction in the way she wanted. Somehow, the fact that Meg had her immobilized, had her at her mercy, made Lucy ten times wetter. The desire pooling between her legs was unlike anything she'd ever encountered before. She wanted nothing more than to be exactly where she was, pinned and defenseless beneath the gorgeous Meg Murphy. Lucy arched her back, attempting to deepen Meg's contact with her breast. Gasping again, she whispered. "Meg . . . please.”


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