Covert Affairs

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Covert Affairs Page 13

by A. C. Grey

  Later that day, they returned to the room. Taking a few moments to change into dry clothes, Lucy opened up her laptop, which she'd retrieved from their hotel the day before. She began the process of trying to access the compound's network.

  Meg watched Lucy intently, her fingers flying expertly across the keys as if she were playing a musical instrument. The studied, concentrated look on Lucy's face was bewitching. All Meg could think about since their moment at the lake was Lucy, her soaked clothing, her gorgeous body. And the fact that since they'd professed their love, they hadn't had a chance to express those feelings. At least physically.

  Lucy stretched, her back arching, which gave Meg a full, pronounced view of those perfect breasts. Suddenly, Meg didn't care. The mission could wait for an hour. Right now, she needed Lucy. And if the world exploded in the next hour because of the delay, at least she'd go out with a bang. Literally.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Meg watched Lucy for a few more moments, almost as if a predator watching her prey. She circled her slowly from behind, before gently taking Lucy's hand and pulling her smoothly up and out of her chair.

  Lucy, who had been deep in thought, looked up at Meg with a confused look on her face. "Meg. What are you . . .” she let her words trail off as Meg smiled and gently placed a finger over her lips.

  Silently, Meg led Lucy out onto the balcony that was attached to the room. They were enveloped in almost complete silence. Lucy leaned on the railing and cast her eyes across the silent desert expanse before her.

  Meg studied Lucy's perfect silhouette, awash in the moonlight. Just looking at the woman made her heart skip a beat. It made her decidedly uneasy. She'd meant what she said – that she loved this woman. But that didn't mean that it didn't scare the hell out of her. She was used to being a lone wolf, the type who depended on no one but herself. But now, she couldn't help but feel that her happiness was suddenly and inextricably intertwined with the woman next to her. And that was unsettling to say the least. Unable to resist the incessant pull to be near Lucy, Meg reached out and gently trailed her fingers across the bare skin at the nape of Lucy's neck.

  Despite the warmth from the desert environment, Lucy shivered at Meg's touch. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to succumb to the silent, seductive, and calming atmosphere around her. The utter silence, the touch of the woman she loved, the darkness . . . it was easy to relax, to forget, for just a little while, where they were and why they were there. Lucy shifted to face Meg, her fingers drawing lazy patterns on Meg's arms.

  All it took was a silent, smiling look from Lucy and Meg was undone. She drew Lucy into her arms and savored the embrace. The warm, safe, comfortable feeling of Lucy's arms around her, of Lucy's breath tickling her neck, of her intoxicating scent washing over her. There was nowhere else she'd rather be.

  Meg began to slowly trail gentle butterfly kisses across every inch of Lucy's exposed skin. Meg smiled inwardly as she felt the Raven shudder beneath her touch.

  After a few moments, Lucy pulled away and steered Meg's roving lips towards her own. As much as she loved the sensation of Meg's lips on her bare skin, she longed to touch, to savor, to taste this magnificent woman.

  Their kiss started slowly. It was lingering, as they took time to explore one another. Tongues moved against each other in a slow, languid embrace. Time and space lost all meaning. There was nothing else but Meg. Nothing else but Lucy.

  Meg let out a low groan as Lucy took her bottom lip between her teeth, gently nipping and sucking. Unable to contain herself, Meg tangled her hand through Lucy's raven locks, urging her to deepen the contact.

  Sensing Meg's urgency, Lucy pulled her ever closing, increasing the intensity of the kiss. She loved feeling the way that Meg's body responded to her ministrations. Feeling a bit devious and wanting to speed things along, Lucy slipped a leg between Meg's, pressing her thigh upwards to put pressure where Meg needed it most. Lucy smiled to herself as she felt the heat emanating from Meg's core.

  Meg took a sharp intake of breath as Lucy pressed against her center. She felt herself coming undone already and they'd barely begun. Feeling her legs begin to threaten to collapse, she led Lucy to a nearby reclining deck chair.

  Meg sat down, hoping Lucy didn't notice her wobbly legs, and pulled the brunette down atop her.

  Lucy sat, her legs straddling Meg's hips. The second she was settled, Lucy pounced again. Despite the fact that Meg had initiated this tryst, somehow it had quickly become Lucy's show.

  Lucy continued her assault on Meg's lips as her hands roved over every inch of the blonde's luscious curves. Lucy slid her hands under Meg's shirt, enjoying the goose bumps that spread out across Meg's skin at the welcomed contact. Lucy spread her fingers wide across Meg's back, enjoying the feel of the warm skin beneath her own. Needing more, she broke the kiss just long enough to rid Meg of her shirt.

  The loss of her shirt brought Meg out of her submissive reverie. Wanting to even the playing field, she gripped Lucy's shirt and ripped it apart, buttons flying everywhere. Neither woman cared as they quickly became a tangle of roving limbs, grinding hips, and hushed moans.

  Despite Lucy's dominant position on top, she was taken by surprise as Meg's hand slipped below her waistband and into her panties in one swift movement.

  Meg smirked, a smug look on her face as she watched Lucy's head tilt back, mouth slightly agape as Meg's fingers slipped into her slick folds.

  Any thought of teasing, torturing, or controlling the beautiful woman beneath her slipped out of Lucy's mind, her thoughts clouded with nothing but the sensations emanating from her throbbing loins. The shivers of pleasure coursing through her as Meg's long fingers explored erased any rational thought, any sound, any smell, any sight. For Lucy, all that existed in that moment was her, Meg, and her building climax.

  Lucy began to rock up and down against Meg's hand, riding, arching, thrusting towards her inevitable pleasure.

  Meg couldn't tear her eyes away from Lucy. There was nothing more entrancing, nothing more erotic, nothing more satisfying than seeing Lucy writhe atop her hand, riding frantically towards her release. It was perhaps the most beautiful sight she'd ever scene. Yes, Lucy Crane fucking herself on Meg's hand was definitely a masterpiece worthy of a museum. Meg smiled to herself at the thought.

  Lucy was oblivious to Meg's musings, lost in the pure bliss of being close to the woman she loved, lost in the beautiful, delicious tension building to a crescendo within her. Edging ever closer, Lucy let out a stream of incoherent words, her eyes closed in concentration, focused only on the fire between her legs.

  Sensing that Lucy was close, Meg reached up with her free hand to gently toy with Lucy's bouncing breasts, pinching, squeezing, and flicking at the hardened nipples, their seductive, bouncing dance entrancing her.

  Meg's extra touch was all it took to send Lucy over the edge, her stream of moans ebbing and flowing as the waves of her orgasm crested over her. Her body shook and trembled, wracked by the flow of pleasure emanating from her core. Unable to fully support herself, she leaned forward, throwing her arms lazily about Meg's neck, inadvertently burying Meg's face in her perfect breasts as she struggled to steady her breathing.

  Meg could only smile as she gently kissed Lucy's heated flesh and patiently waited for her love to regain her senses. Despite the burning ache between her legs, Meg was content. She didn't think she'd ever tire of watching Lucy come. It was like nothing she'd ever known. It was perfection. Her own needs could wait.

  Even though she was being slightly smothered by Lucy's breasts, Meg made no effort to move. She was content to sit there, this close to the beautiful woman atop her, happy to revel in her scent, in the comforting rhythm of her breathing, in the steady cadence of her heartbeat. Meg smirked as she thought about her present situation, buried beneath Lucy's chest. She could get used to this.

  Meg's thoughts were cut short, however, as Lucy's previously limp body moved swiftly and suddenly off of her, making a quick journ
ey southward. Before Meg could register exactly what was happening, her pants and underwear had made a quick and unexpected departure, leaving her naked apart from her bra, a gorgeous woman with a devious look on her face smiling up at her from between her thighs.

  "I'm going to make you come, Meg. I'm going to eat your pussy,” Lucy whispered with a devilish grin. "I hope you're ready. Cause I'm going to make you see stars.”

  Meg felt her mouth go dry. Hearing Lucy talk dirty seemed out of character and it did all sorts of things to her. All sorts of wonderful things. All she could muster was a nod as she watched Lucy's head dip down to where she needed her most.

  The minute Lucy's tongue dipped into Meg's drenched folds, both women were in heaven. Lucy savored the sultry taste that was uniquely Meg. Meg felt her body immediately respond and she knew it wouldn't take long until she was a quivering puddle beneath Lucy's deft touch. Watching Lucy come had already put her nearly over the edge. The skilled way in which Lucy's tongue explored, swirled, and teased at her center was causing Meg's pulse to skyrocket. It wouldn't be long now.

  Lucy could sense, from the tension in Meg's muscles, from the way Meg's hips began to arch to meet her lips, that she was close. She flicked her tongue over the engorged bundle of nerves at Meg's center, and swiftly drove a finger deep inside her lover.

  Meg cried out with a mixture of shock and pleasure at the welcome invasion. She needed this, needed Lucy inside her, needed more. Unable to form complete sentences as Lucy continued her assault with her mouth and finger, Meg struggled to speak. Finally, between gasps, she managed a single word. "More.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Lucy added another finger and increased the intensity and the pace of her attentions.

  Meg attempted to scream as the most forceful climax of her life hit her, but all that came out was a breathless gasp. Lucy had lived up to her promise – stars streaked across her vision as her body crumbled beneath Lucy's touch, rocking, tilting, swaying in a dance of pure pleasure. Though it probably lasted less than a minute, to Meg it felt like an eternity of pure bliss. A moment that she never wanted to end. She laid there on the chair, incapable of movement. Finally, on wobbly legs, she let Lucy lead her back inside to the bed, where they collapsed together and fell asleep in each other's arms, the mission forgotten for the time being.

  * * * * *

  An hour or so later, Lucy stirred. She took a few moments to study the sleeping beauty next to her. She was definitely in a difficult, complicated situation. A dangerous one too. Yet here, somehow, she'd stumbled onto something special. Hopefully, she'd be lucky enough to hang onto it. Lucy tried in vain to go back to sleep, but something kept gnawing at her. She couldn't drift back off into blissful dreamland. With a slightly exasperated sigh, she quietly got up, careful not to wake Meg, and made her way to the computer. If she couldn't sleep, at least she could do some work, and see if she could make any headway in hacking into the compound's computer systems.

  The room was silent, but for the soft cadence of Meg's breathing and the clickety clack as Lucy's fingers flew across the computer's keys. She lost track of time, lost in a maze of encrypted servers, IP clones, and firewalls. The system was surprisingly difficult to crack, but Lucy had no doubt that she'd get it. It just would take time and patience.

  She was starting to grow weary. She'd been at it for quite some time, yet the dark of night was not yet threatening to escape. If she could just get past this one encryption . . . she tried a few commands and then suddenly, she was in. She thought about waking Meg, but there was nothing to show yet. She was in, but she still had to figure out exactly what she had access to.

  After poking around for a bit, she stumbled onto something interesting – what looked like the feeds for the compound's various security cameras. Figuring it might show them where and how to get to the captured Seal and to anything else they might be plotting, Lucy flipped through the various feeds. Suddenly, her heart stopped as her stomach dropped to her feet.

  There he was . . . weak, bleeding, dirty. And he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by 3 men. And the things they were doing to him. The video feed didn't have audio, but it didn't take sound for her to see the pain and torture on his face as they beat him senseless, as they cut him, as they burned him. Feeling the bile rise in her throat, she quickly ran to the bathroom and wretched. No one should have to go through that.

  She stood at the mirror and studied her pale reflection, splashing cool water on her face. She was struck by how utterly selfish she had been. Letting herself get lost in the whirlwind of romance with Meg. Yes, Meg was special, but there were more important things at stake. She composed herself and went back into the other room to wake Meg.

  It took a few moments to rouse Meg, her sleepy eyes and disheveled golden locks were enough to momentarily comfort Lucy.

  "Meg. I'm in,” Lucy whispered.

  "You're what?" Meg asked groggily.

  Unable to say much more, given the listening devices in the room, Lucy simply repeated herself. "I'm in.”

  It took Meg a moment, her brain still fuzzy with sleep, but then a look of recognition spread across her face. She followed Lucy to the laptop, where she saw the Seal, who at this point had lost consciousness and was being dragged somewhere, presumably back to his cell.

  Meg's heart sank. She knew, just by the looks of him, that he didn't have much more fight in him. He wouldn't last much longer. She noticed the stress and pain on Lucy's face. This couldn't be easy for her, to see a fellow serviceman in such a dire situation. She grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

  After quickly turning on the shower, Meg spoke. "So I guess that's Jakes.”

  Lucy, who had been lost in her thoughts, struggled to reply. "Uh, yeah. Guess so.” After a moment, she continued. "We have to get him out of there. He's dying. We need to go now.”

  Meg shook her head. "I agree, he needs help, but we can't just go running in there, guns blazing. We can't rush this.”

  Lucy grew impatient. "We don't have a choice, Meg. He doesn’t have much time.”

  "Lucy, we don't even know where he is yet. We need a plan. And don't forget, there are bigger things at stake than this guy. A lot more lives than his could be lost if we blow this.”

  "Meg, I don't know what you were taught, but as a Marine, I was taught never to leave a man behind. He needs our help. We can worry about the rest later.” Lucy's heart was pounding. Her head was a mess of emotions, panic, and the need to do something, anything, to help him. She just needed Meg to see it that way.

  Again, Meg shook her head. She could see that Lucy was agitated, and placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Take a few deep breaths and think about this, Lucy. Take a step back. It's awful what they're doing to him. It is. But we've only got one shot. One shot to put a halt to whatever awful plan they've got going. That's the main objective. If we can rescue him too, great. But as a former Marine, you should also understand giving up your life for your country. Are you telling me that he'd rather us save him, even if it cost hundreds or thousands of civilian lives? Would you have made that choice as a Marine?"

  Lucy let out a resigned sigh. She knew Meg was right. She knew what his choice would be – the same that hers would be. Country first. Her father had instilled that in his children, and it was something she still believed in.

  "So come on, let's get an hour or two more sleep, give ourselves time to calm down, and then we'll plan. We need to be fresh and we won’t think clearly if we go without sleep.”

  Lucy followed Meg to the bed. What else could she do? As she laid in Meg's arms, the same arms that just hours ago had been the most comforting place on earth, Lucy struggled to compose herself. A single tear trickled down her cheek.

  Meg sensed the tension in every one of Lucy's muscles. She gently stroked her arm, placing a few light kisses into her hair. "It will be alright, Lucy,” she whispered. "You just have to trust me.”

  Lucy nodded, unable to say anything. They laid in silence f
or a while and she felt Meg drift off. Lucy willed sleep to come to her, but it was not to be. She couldn't rid herself of the images she'd seen. They were irreparably painted across her vision. She didn't know if she'd ever forget them.

  Finally, unable to take it any longer, she gently slipped out of Meg's arms and quietly got dressed. She slipped out of the room and down the hallway. She didn't know exactly where she was going, but she had to try. She had to do something. What, she wasn't sure. But she couldn't stand by and wait, no matter the consequences.

  * * * * *

  Meg stirred and reached over for Lucy. Instead, her arms hit nothing but the empty bedding, still warm to the touch, where Lucy had been. She called out, figuring that maybe Lucy had just gone to the restroom. However, after receiving no answer, she got up and quickly searched the rooms. Finding no sign of Lucy, her heart dropped. She knew where she'd gone – after that Seal. Sighing, Meg quickly dressed and grabbed a small sidearm she'd hidden in the depths of her luggage. She quietly left the room, hoping that everyone else was still asleep and praying that she could find Lucy before Paolo and his goons did.


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