Sexy Stepbrothers

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Sexy Stepbrothers Page 3

by Amore, C. C.

  “I thought we went through this earlier today? I’ll just refer you to the answer I gave you back then.” Austin studied the map under the dome light until he found what had been looking for and tapped the spot with his finger. “We are still somewhere around two hundred miles away from the wedding ranch, but I’m exhausted. I think we should call it a night and book a motel. But the hunger is killing me.” He rubbed his stomach.” I need some meat in me.”

  You need some meat in you? I chuckled. I’m the one in need.

  I stretched my legs and massaged my neck. No matter how much I tried supporting my tits, sometimes I felt they should be cut off because for all the pain they cause to the rest of my body. “Fine. There seems to be a motel down the road. If it doesn’t look like a lice infested nest, let’s go there after a quick stop at the small store right there?” I pointed at a corner store. “I’m too tired to look further.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Austin said and started the car.

  We arrived at the little corner store and a small ringing bell greeted us as we opened the door.

  “You could have put on a shirt already, you know?”

  “But I’m too hot,” Austin said.

  Not according to your nipples you aren’t. “Whatever,” I said.

  A middle aged woman stood behind the counter reading a magazine, but she didn’t bother to make eye contact.

  Hello to you, too.

  Austin grabbed me by the shoulder and my heart skipped a beat. “I’ll go find some snacks. Can you get me something to drink?”

  “I’m sure they have some green tea for your healthy lifestyle,” I said.

  “Very funny.”

  I walked to the other end of the store to see what they had. If I was lucky, perhaps there would be something with green tea in it. I looked at the pops lined up in the fridge. Well, not much to choose from. Perhaps a Diet Coke? I was about to open the fridge when I heard two people talking behind me.

  “…and just look at him. He’s not from around here, is he?” a woman said.

  “With those abs and arms, there’s no way he’s local,” another one answered.

  “And tattoos? Can I drop my panties right here and ask him to ravage me against the wall?” she giggled.

  “Why do you get to have him? I saw him first… But what about that woman who he came in with?”

  “Please. She looked nothing like the type a man with that body and face would go for.”

  “Are you sure? I’m not one to go for another woman’s man…”

  “You can let me have him then. I’m sure she’d like me better anyway.”

  “No! But you better not mess up my chances with him, Andrea.”

  Wasn’t this a curious conversation in a small town grocery store. I wouldn’t mind some eye candy right now to take my mind off Austin.

  I turned around just enough to stay unnoticed and to catch a glimpse of who they were looking at. At first, I only saw a tanned, muscular arm of a man peaking behind a shelf.

  This looked promising!

  Chapter 3

  The sexy stranger the women had been talking about moved and came into my field of view.

  Of course it was him.

  Who else would they drool after than Austin.

  “Go on then, before I change my mind,” the other woman told Andrea with a whisper.

  “I’m going! I’m going!” Andrea said, while patting her shirt down and fixing her hair.

  Would I have to endure sounds of fucking from the next door in the motel this evening? Great. Just great.

  I watched the woman walk to Austin as her high heels clonked on the store floor. She curled her brown hair between her fingers and maintained constant eye contact with Austin. “I haven’t seen you around here before,” she said, touching the tattoo on Austin’s arm. “What does a bad boy like you do in a town like this?”

  Austin looked at her hand on his shoulder before he shifted his attention back to the pushy woman who was trying her hardest to get his attention. “Bad boy?”

  “You got the tattoos and the arms to be a really bad, bad boy,” she said, leaning in closer to him.

  Austin whispered something to her ear. She seemed excited about being so close to Austin, but when he finished whispering to her ear, she looked like someone had told her the worst insult of her life. “Sicko!” she yelled and stormed out of the store.

  The other woman, still standing a few feet away from me, didn’t seem to be bothered about the fact that her friend had just been rejected in a spectacular fashion. She walked confidently to Austin and got his attention by placing her hands on her hips and rocking them from side to side as she made her way towards her prey.

  “Hey handsome!” she said.

  “Hey —”

  “You don’t have to tell me. I tried stopping my friend from making a move on you, but she didn’t listen.” She tried to improve her odds of scoring by showing off her body to him.

  “— do they sell condoms here?”

  “Very straight forward. I like it! And I like where this is going, but you need to tell me. Are you a bad boy or not?” she said, taking Austin by the arm and they disappeared behind a shelf.

  I sneaked forward between the shelves and spied on them from afar.

  “You can say that I’m a very bad boy,” Austin said as he got closer to her.

  I knew he had a way with women, but picking two of them in a place like this? Without even trying? His thing of not having a shirt on drew women like light drew fireflies. While I was angry at the attention he got from women everywhere, I knew how hypocritical it was of me to judge him.

  They stood close to each other in front of the condom section. She giggled while she moved her finger in front of the different brands. “Would you say you’d need something from this end of the selection?” Her finger had stopped at the section which had the largest sizes available.

  “Oh, I’m afraid they don’t have my size here.”

  The woman’s eyes widened so much I thought they might pop out of her head. “Really?” she said, placing her head on his shoulder. “We are gonna have so much fun tonight.”

  “You bet your ass we are!” Austin said. “But only if we find the right size.”

  I wanted to disappear from the world and never be seen again.

  She looked at the packages like her life depended on finding the right size, but Austin didn’t bother searching. He did, however, notice me spying on them from behind the cereal aisle.

  He nonchalantly nodded his head at me with a mischievous smile.

  What were you up to?

  The woman finally found one package and showed it to Austin. “Will this fit the big boy?”

  He looked at the package. “Honey, I never said it was big. Quite the opposite. They don’t have a size small enough for me.”

  I had to cover my mouth with of my both hands so I wouldn’t reveal myself to her.

  He had to be joking. He had to be.

  But why did he do that? Just this morning he’d flirted with another woman just to piss off her father.

  She didn’t quite know what to do and stood still staring at Austin while her brain tried to find a response. “So, more like a normal size then…”

  “No, no. Smaller.”

  “Smaller than normal? How small exactly?”

  Austin leaned closer and whispered her something. The woman threw the package of condoms back at the shelf and ran away from Austin without looking back.

  Austin took a few steps after her. “…but I like you! Please! Come back!”

  The grin on his face could not be described as anything else than devious mixed with pure glee.

  I walked to Austin and said, “What on earth did you say to those women?” while I looked at both of the women storming away down the road.

  “A gentleman never tells,” he said, smiling mysteriously.

  I crossed my arms. “First of all, you are not a gentleman. Secondly, I thought I would have had
to stay awake for hours listening to you bang some random chick.”

  “I wouldn’t have don that to my dear sister,” he rubbed my shoulder. “I would’ve banged her for the whole night instead, if she’d been my type.”


  We ate the snacks we’d bought at the grocery in the car while Austin drove us to the motel. The place looked old and it had large signs advertising air conditioning and cable television. “I wouldn’t want to see this place during the day,” I said.

  Austin chuckled. “Me neither, but it’s just one night.”

  He parked the car and we walked inside the office. A strong, musky smell filled my nose when I got my luggage inside. The fake wood paneling on the walls seemed to be the perfect choice for the motel, if you still lived in the 1970s, that is. A large mirror hang next to the desk and I caught a glimpse of myself: my hair looked disheveled and the hem of my yellow summer dress was covered in dirt.

  An older lady looked at television behind the desk in her lounge chair and didn’t say a word when we entered. Austin leaned on the desk, waiting for her to acknowledge us, but she kept looking at show she was watching.

  We exchanged puzzling looks and I pointed at the bell on the desk. It didn’t take any more persuasion for him to ring the bell.

  “Yeah, yeah. Just a second,” the old lady said, without taking his eyes off the show playing in her old television.

  When we had waited for a minute, Austin rang the bell again, but this time he didn’t stop at one ring and continued ringing it until he got the old lady’s attention.

  “Coming! Coming!” she said, getting up from her chair. “Young man why don’t you have a shirt on?”

  “It’s too hot,” Austin said.

  “What are those?” the old lady said, pointing at the tattoos on Austin’s shoulder.

  “Something to remind me of a time forgotten,” Austin said.

  “Young people these days,” she said, put on her glasses and opened a ledger. “What can I do you for this evening?”

  “We’d like to book a room for tonight,” Austin said.

  “Please,” I added.

  “Aren’t you two cute! Are you on your honeymoon?” the old lady said.

  “Ye—,” Austin said.

  “No, no we aren’t. He is my brother.” I said, looking at Austin.

  “—es…” Austin said.

  “In that case,” the old lady said and browsed the ledger, “definitely not a shared room then.” She kept browsing the thick ledger, licking her finger each time before turning a page.

  “We’d like Internet service, too,” I added.

  “All right. Two singles for a night with that world wide web access my nephew set up. I have no idea what that is, but… Let’s say a hundred bucks for the night, with the Internet?” she said smiling.

  “Wh—” Austin said.

  “We’ll take it, thank you,” I said and took the keys she held in her hand. “Austin here can pay if you need it beforehand.”


  I left Austin in front of the desk with his mouth open. He could deal with the payment because he had caused all this.

  I rolled my luggage behind me looking for the rooms when Austin caught up with me.

  “I wouldn’t have fought her, you know. I just wanted to haggle a bit. We all knew the place isn’t exactly booming with business.”

  “I have my doubts about what you’d done to her. Besides, I have something to do tonight.” I looked at my phone’s watch and cursed to myself. He might have gone offline by the time I’d be ready.

  Austin saw me looking at my phone. “It’s him, isn’t it?”

  “We’ve had our ups and downs today. Let’s not get into a fight about my love life before bed time, please.”

  “You don’t even know the dude and you’re obsessed already.”

  I threw him his key and walked a couple of rooms over for mine. “I really don’t want to talk to you about my love life.” Or lack thereof. “Get it? What would you have to teach me anyway.” I opened the door and shut it behind me. I slid against the closed door until my luscious butt hit the floor.

  I’m over you. I’m over you.

  No matter how good he looked without his shirt on, and despite his wavy black hair and his blue eyes inviting me to get lost in his strong embrace, I couldn’t do it again. I’d broken my heart once before already. I needed to move on. And now that I’d found someone who made my chest tingle every time I thought about him, there could be no turning back.

  After I had had moment to gather my thoughts, I turned the key inside the lock and heard the distinct clonk of the door locking. I wouldn’t need any unexpected visitors this evening and I’d finally get to open that package. We’d promised to use webcams for the first time today, which meant I’d finally get to see his face.

  So exciting!

  The room looked a bit nicer than what I’d expected and it had a large walk-in closet as well.

  I took my laptop from the luggage and placed it on top of a desk as I started taking off my sweaty clothes. I took off my yellow summer dress and threw it on top of my luggage. My curvy breasts bounced in their tight white bra as I became free from the dress I’d had to wear the entire day. After removing it, I pranced to my bed in excitement while my blond hair tried to keep up with me.

  I sat down on the edge of the bed and lifted up my right foot towards the ceiling. The years I’d spent doing gymnastics in high school hadn’t gone to waste, even if I was still a bit stiff in certain positions. Who knows, if all went well, I might even get to use my flexibility for the first time once I got back from the wedding.

  I was beginning to forget the day’s bad events as it set into my mind I was about to speak to my mysterious Internet crush soon. He always had that effect on me and it made my heart fill with pleasure. Every time my phone rang from the sound of a new text message, my stomach tingled and blood rushed all over my body as I anxiously waited to hear from him.

  Hearing his specific text message tone never got old, never.

  I giggled like a little girl and flashed my white teeth. I fell back down to the bed from the sheer excitement of what was about to happen. To my surprise, the bed had fresh linen and they felt smooth and silky against my soft skin. I let my arms wander on top of the sheets, taking in how good it felt to have something so wonderful touch me. Would his touch be better? Could it be?

  I bit my rose red lips and lifted my leg up. I removed my sock while I daydreamed about what would happen in our little chat today.

  The day I’d spent with Austin had made me anxious about the whether I’d make it, and the glimpse of a mirror I had caught in the lobby reminded me I was far from presentable in my current state.

  I threw my white sock away, lowered my leg and started the process again with my other leg. This time I couldn’t help but feel my soft skin with my finger. I traced my leg from the top of my panties down my inner thigh. After my panties ended, a quiet moan escaped my mouth from the sudden touch of my fingers against my bare inner thighs.

  The sensation of not having felt a sensual touch like that in a long time sent shivers down my spine.

  I grinned thinking about what might happen before I unzipped my jeans while still lying on top of the bed. I wiggled my voluptuous frame against the bed and slid my panties down my legs before I kicked them off with my feet. The panties flew faster than I’d expected and almost hit the mirror on the wall.

  Someone had some unused energy trapped inside her….

  The sudden burst of cool air that flowed between my legs made me let out a gasp. I gently rubbed my thighs together to try to control the tingling and the heat from spreading.

  I stretched out my arms behind my back and undid my white bra. As soon as the hooks were off, my hands wandered to cup my ample breasts. I traced around my erect nipples with my fingers and squeezed them between my thumb and index finger.


  My other hand had made its way betw
een my legs and I was about to touch myself before I realized what I was doing.

  Not yet. I couldn’t do it now. We’d talked about this being the day we’d reveal ourselves, so if everything went well, I’d have the possibility of something more happening soon. I’d have to control myself in case that happened. It would be worth the wait.

  I jumped up from the bed and went to take a shower. I needed a cold shower to keep the thoughts I already had at bay.

  The cold water flowed over my curvy figure and despite my best efforts, I had to keep squeezing my nipples to ease the fire already raging inside me from the expectation of what might happen. But cold water wasn’t enough to stop it and I decided to just get ready before I went too far.

  I wiped myself after the shower, taking my time to see that everything looked the way it should. Not having to wash my hair made it possible for me to get ready a lot sooner and I decided to just put a ponytail on it. Nothing fancy, but the hair wouldn’t get in the way either…

  No one had yet seen me naked, but the fantasy of it happening out of the blue made me trim myself regardless of how unlikely it was. I threw my towel off and pulled some clothes out of my luggage.

  I rubbed my chin as I thought which lingerie I’d like to wear today. My favorite pair of white underwear would look good next to my bright red lips and blond hair.

  But then I remembered!

  He’d sent me that package. Perhaps there would be something to wear because he wanted me to open it just before we would talk.

  I rummaged through my luggage, my ample bosom bouncing up and down from my excitement. My naked, curvy butt wiggled in the air as I searched for the package underneath all the clothes I’d brought.

  The cardboard packing brushed against my fingers several times before I managed to find it hidden inside my shirt. I took scissors from my makeup bag and cut the taping around the square box. I tried to open it before I’d cut all of the tape and ended up ripping the box open with my hands.

  I uncovered a clear plastic box that had a red rose attached to it with a message: “To my favorite curvy girl.”


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