Reckless Envy

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Reckless Envy Page 11

by Joss Wood

  “Battery.” He’d taken the phone with him to Em’s and it died sometime during the night. He’d left her place shortly before dawn to make the trip into the city and charging his phone had been way down on his list of priorities. “Did Joshua leave a message?”

  Annoyance flashed in Vee’s eyes. “He wants to see you, if it suits you, at Black Crescent at four p.m.”

  Matt picked up his pen and tapped the end on his desk. “Did he say why?”

  “A follow-up meeting to the one you had,” Vee replied. “He was being coy but, reading between the lines, I presume he has more questions.” Vee shook her head. “I’m not sure if working at Black Crescent is going to suit me, Matteo.”

  Matt sucked down his laughter. “I’ll bear that in mind.”

  Vee nodded before narrowing her eyes at him. “You’re very distracted at the moment. It’s unlike you.”

  She had no idea. He was crazy in lust with an angelic blonde who was anything but angelic and was as stubborn as hell. A woman who made him act in ways he never had before. He didn’t do sleepovers—they tended to give his sexual partners ideas he didn’t need them to entertain—but last night he’d held a woman in his arms without the payoff of sex. And, worst of all, he’d liked it.

  He liked her smell, the way she fit in his arms, her soft snuffle-snore, the way strands of her white-blond hair caught in his stubble.

  Man, he was fast losing it. And he had to get it together, sooner rather than later.

  Yes, he liked Emily and yes, he was fiercely attracted to her. No, he wasn’t falling in love with her. He just wanted to help her because something was hinky with her engagement to Falling Brook’s resident ass.

  Every day his feelings for Emily became a little more intense and a great deal more complicated. Initially, he’d pursued her because of their hectic attraction and because of his competitive nature. Morris, his old rival, had someone he’d always wanted and he’d been envious and pissed that he’d succeeded where Matt’d failed.

  But, recently—and finally—pride and ego had taken a backseat. Something was bubbling between him and Emily and he had to get a handle on it before it spilled over and scalded them both. If he wasn’t careful, he’d resurrect those old dreams and wants—her in his bed, the mother of his children, his forever lover—and that was unacceptable.

  Whatever they had would end at some point so maybe he should just listen to Emily and allow her the space to work through whatever was happening between her and Sir Scumbag.

  So maybe he should give her a little time, trust her to handle Nico in her own way.

  Emily had promised him that she’d come to him if she found herself in more trouble than she could handle and he could live with that.

  For now.

  * * *

  After receiving another message from Joshua asking him to delay their meeting until after five thirty, Matt arrived at Black Crescent and stood in the waiting area outside Joshua’s office. Before leaving for the day, Joshua’s assistant Haley told him that Joshua was just finishing a call and would be with him in a few minutes.

  Matt, not in a hurry and not having anywhere to go—and ignoring the fact that he desperately wanted to see Emily’s lovely face—leaned his shoulder into the glass pane and stared down onto the wooded area behind Black Crescent’s building. Emily’s house was a few miles down this same road and her bedroom window had the same view of the same woods, deep and dark and mysterious., he had to stop thinking about her.

  Matt heard footsteps behind him and turned his head to see a younger version of Joshua Lowell striding across the room. It had been years since he’d seen Oliver Lowell but Matt recognized him instantly because his resemblance to Joshua was so strong.

  Without breaking his stride, Oliver jerked his chin in a silent greeting and walked into Joshua’s office without knocking. Matt glared at his disappearing back; he had an appointment with Joshua and he didn’t like to be kept waiting. Oliver slammed the office door behind him but the lock didn’t latch and the door eased back open.

  “Are you meeting with Matt Velez to discuss the CEO position?”

  “I am.”

  Matt debated whether to tell the Lowell brothers that the room had excellent acoustics and he could hear every word they said, or if he should walk across the room and close the door.

  “Look, I understand why you are looking outside the family for a CEO,” Oliver said. “I don’t have the best track record.”

  No, Matt thought, he didn’t. For most of his twenties, Oliver, so he heard, had a fondness for cocaine, but he was, apparently, clean now and had been for many years. But people had long memories and Oliver might not be the best choice to head up a company with an already tarnished reputation.

  “Matt’s been waiting on me for at least ten minutes, Ol. I need to talk to him,” Joshua said, sounding impatient.

  “I know but I really need to talk to you. It’s important.”

  Matt heard a strange note in Oliver’s voice and frowned. The guy sounded angry but under the anger he heard panic and confusion. He obviously needed to talk to Joshua and Oliver was lucky to have a big brother to turn to. Matt’s big brother had never had the time, or the inclination, or been encouraged by their parents, to look after his younger sibling.

  When he got scared and worried or panicked, he had to suck it up and deal because his brother always and forever came first.

  Matt made a decision, walked over to the door and rapped on the frame. After pushing the door open, he looked across the large office to a frustrated looking Joshua Lowell.

  “You guys talk—we can do this another time,” Matt said.

  Joshua shook his head and waved Matt inside. “No, you were good enough to come down so take a seat, Matt.” Joshua pointed a finger at Oliver. “My brother Oliver. Ol, this is Matt Velez.”

  Oliver stood up to shake hands with Matt and after Joshua invited him to sit down, the older brother turned to Oliver. “Sit, stay, be quiet.”

  Oliver rolled his eyes. “Once a younger brother, always a younger brother.”

  Matt smiled at him, liking him. He might have once been the Lowell family screwup, but it seemed like he’d turned his life around. Good for him.

  Joshua cleared his throat and Matt turned his attention back to the man he most needed to impress.

  He and Joshua ran through most of the same questions he’d been asked before and Matt stifled his impatience; they were rehashing old ground. Matt felt like Joshua was looking for a chink in his armor and Matt, feeling antsy, cut to the chase. “Come on, Joshua, what’s this all about? We’ve covered this ground in our previous meetings. I can do this job and I can do it well. You know it, I know it, so what’s the problem?”

  “Straight to the point,” Oliver murmured. “I like that.”

  Matt and Joshua, engaged in a silent battle of wills, both ignored him. Joshua eventually broke the silence by picking up a very expensive pen and twisting it through his fingers. “You say all the right things, Matt, and your résumé is as impressive as hell.”

  Matt didn’t react. “But?”

  “But a part of me is wondering how serious you are at jumping ship,” Joshua stated. “This company needs a hundred and ten percent commitment, that’s why I’m stepping down, but you haven’t given our discussion all your attention.”

  Matt internally winced. Okay, Joshua was seriously astute because once or twice, or ten or fifteen times, his thoughts had drifted to Emily, remembering the way she fell apart in his arms on the beach, the curves of her body, what trouble she was in with Morris.

  He never allowed himself to be distracted, to focus on anything other than business...

  Especially when he was conducting business.

  Matt swallowed his heavy sigh. Up until Emily dropped back into his life, his personal life never bled
into his business world.

  “I apologize if you think I’ve haven’t been attentive,” Matt said smoothly, not admitting the truth. “But if it’s any reassurance, I have an incredible ability to multitask. I just don’t have a lot of patience for waiting around.”

  Joshua’s expression remained unreadable but Matt saw the amusement in his eyes. Thinking he’d leave while he was ahead, Matt stood up and leaned across the table to shake Joshua’s hand. “Do what’s best for Black Crescent. And no hard feelings if you choose to go for another candidate.” He slid a look at Oliver. “You two need to talk so I’ll leave you to it.”

  Oliver stood up, shook Matt’s hand and met his gaze straight on. No blinking, no embarrassment. This guy had fought his demons, conquered his drug addiction and it was obvious that he was trying to win at life.

  Good for him. That deserved his respect.


  Nico was back from his conference in Chicago and, on getting his imperious text message telling her to meet him at L’Albri at seven on the dot, Emily felt sharp-bladed knives tap dancing in her stomach.

  Emily parked her car, pulled her coat over her cocktail dress and avoided a puddle on her way to the restaurant. Standing outside the brightly lit windows, she peered inside and saw Nico sitting at the bar talking to two men she didn’t recognize.

  She couldn’t keep up the charade; she wanted out...

  Tonight, immediately.

  But her choices were limited. If she handed Nico his ring back, he’d release those photographs and his false documents and the Arnott name and reputation would be ruined.

  Along with the loss of their credibility, the loss of their income would mean forfeiting their house and their savings would be soon wiped out...

  So, no, allowing Nico to besmirch the company was not an option.

  Her only option was to blackmail Nico back but she’d yet to discover anything about him that was greater or equal to his fake information on Arnott’s. She’d yet to find any dirt on her fake fiancé and the PI she’d hired hadn’t found anything either. Sure, Nico wasn’t a model citizen: he’d had a few dodgy girlfriends—not unexpected—and a couple of business deals that were sleazy but not illegal. She had nothing she could hold over him.

  She didn’t have nearly enough to make him go away.

  Maybe if she got her hands on his phone or on his computer, she’d find something she could use, but Nico guarded those devices like the Secret Service guarded the president’s nuclear codes.

  But she had one more option... Maybe she could tell Matt about his blackmailing scheme; maybe he knew something or could think of a way to help her. He and Nico had worked together years ago; maybe he could point her in the right direction. Matt wasn’t an angel, he was a hard, tough businessman and he had a reputation for thinking outside the box. And he seemed to like her...

  Emily thought back to how right it felt to fall asleep in his arms, to feel his smile on her skin, to look into those intense brown eyes. She enjoyed Matt’s company and she liked him more than she should.

  And if her life was anything near normal, and if she believed in love, she could easily see herself falling for him. He was smart, successful, sexy. Oh, he was also impatient and demanding and occasionally bossy, but under his alphaness was a guy with a tender heart. He was a protector but could she trust him?

  She thought that maybe, just maybe, she could.

  But she couldn’t afford to be impulsive and she needed to give the idea of talking to Matt, asking for his help, a little thought. She couldn’t take days to come to a decision, she didn’t have that much time to waste, but she could take a few hours, a day or two. Emily saw Nico looking at his watch, the frown pulling his brows together, and knew that she needed to go inside, to act like the happy fiancée, to simper and smile and act excited about her upcoming wedding.

  Frankly, she’d rather roll around in honey and lie on an anthill.

  Emily pushed open the door to the bar, shrugged off her coat and draped it over her arm. Walking into the bar area, she managed to pull a smile on to her face as she strolled up to Nico.

  “Welcome back,” Emily said as he remained seated on his barstool, leaving her to stand next to him, still holding her coat and bag. “How was your conference?”

  “Interesting,” Nico replied. He picked up his whiskey and sipped from the rim, giving her a long up-and-down look. Dressed in a plain black, simple but classic cocktail dress, she knew that he couldn’t find fault with what she was wearing. She’d pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail, her makeup was understated and she was sure she didn’t have lipstick on her teeth.

  She desperately wanted to be with a man who thought she was gorgeous dressed in a baggy T-shirt, leggings and with smudged mascara. She wanted a man who made her feel like she was his world and not a means to padding his bank account...

  She wanted Matt.

  As what? Her lover? Partner? Husband?

  Number one was, maybe, possible but option two and three? Those weren’t viable. Matt wasn’t the type to settle down and she didn’t believe in love anyway. It was too vague, too restless an emotion.

  Love was simply too risky.

  Pulling her attention off Matt and what could never be, Emily smiled at the men Nico was talking to, introducing herself because Nico hadn’t. She engaged in the usual getting-to-know-you chitchat and accepted an offer for a glass of white wine from the gentleman to his left.

  Emily, ignoring Nico’s brooding gaze, sipped her wine, furious that Nico hadn’t offered her a seat, introduced her or ordered her a drink.

  If this was any other man she’d be walking out the door...

  Emily felt the energy in the room change and she turned around, immediately noticing Matt’s tall, broad frame walking toward her, carrying a barstool in one hand. When he reached her, he placed the stool next to her and offered her his hand to help her up onto the seat. When she was seated, Matt took her bag, hung it over the back of her chair and plucked her coat from her hands.

  “I’ll ask one of the waitresses to hang it up,” he told Emily, his words accompanied by a blistering look at Nico’s now furious face.

  “Hey, stop fussing over my fiancée,” Nico complained. His words sounded slurred and Emily’s heart sank. Yay, Nico was already drunk. This was going to be a lovely evening. Not.

  “I’m just treating her with some basic respect,” Matt whipped back. “You should try it sometime.”

  Emily caught Matt’s angry eyes and shook her head, silently begging him not to antagonize Nico. There was too much at stake.

  Matt narrowed his eyes at her and when he turned to their companions and introduced himself, Emily frowned. Oh God, he wasn’t planning on joining them, was he? She couldn’t juggle her half-drunk fiancé and her sexy lover. She wasn’t that sophisticated.

  “Are you really engaged to Nico?”

  Emily jerked her head up at the incredulous question from the man to her right and nodded. She lifted up her left hand and wiggled her fingers, ignoring Matt’s blistering scowl. “I am.”

  “Huh. That’s quite a rock.”

  It was ugly and she hated it. “Thank you.” What else could she say?

  The other man, standing next to Matt—who’d yet to walk away, damn him!—picked up her hand to examine her ring. “Congratulations, I hope you’ll be very happy.” Was she imagining the doubt in his voice?

  Emily tugged her fingers out of his grip, ignoring Matt’s sardonic look. She needed to change the subject, and quickly, but before she could, the man next to her lobbed another question into the awkward silence.

  “She’s too angelic looking for you, Morris. Are you blackmailing her to marry you?” His blithe question was accompanied by a loud guffaw and a slap on Nico’s back.

  The words plowed through Emily, with all the force of a .45 Magnum.

bsp; Do not react, do not react, do not...

  She felt the world whirling, then swirling, and then black dots appeared in front of her eyes. Then, from a place far, far away, she felt Matt’s hand on her back, his touch light but reassuring. Within a few seconds it was gone, but the sensation of falling left her and she could breathe.

  Laugh, say something, brush it off but do it now. Right now.

  “You have a very overactive imagination.” Emily made herself look at Nico. Icy fingers walked up her spine as she saw the hot fury in his eyes. “Shall we head into the dining room? I’m absolutely starving.”

  * * *

  Emily was being blackmailed.

  Matt couldn’t believe that he hadn’t considered the possibility before this but, while he knew that Nico was a grade-A bastard, he had never considered he’d sink so low.

  But Matt had seen her reaction to that casual, jokey question and while he didn’t think anyone else had caught the terror in her eyes, her stiff body and her shaky breath, he had. She’d brushed off the suggestion as being ludicrous and everybody bought her wide-eyed explanation.

  Except for him.

  Because while she hid her distress well, he’d spent enough time with his imp to know when she was acting her ass off. And her performance tonight would’ve earned a goddamn Oscar.

  Matt stood in the shadowed area below the stairs leading to her apartment and prayed Morris wouldn’t accompany Emily home. If he did, he might be facing assault charges in the morning because there was no way he’d be able to keep his hands from rearranging that supercilious face.

  Matt needed to know what dirt Morris had on Emily. There was no way he was going to allow her to be blackmailed into marriage with that scumbag.

  Matt heard the rumble of a car and, thankful for the distraction from his thoughts, slid deeper into the shadows. He relaxed fractionally when he saw it was Emily’s car making its way up the driveway and he waited to see who exited the car she parked in her space in the four-car garage.


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