Rumors of Wars: The Askirti Chronicles - Book 2

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Rumors of Wars: The Askirti Chronicles - Book 2 Page 3

by Danny A. Brown

  “Pari and I have been talking,” Jackie started, “the Space Gates are able to be moved provided you have the correct codes, which I have. There are plenty of dead systems to take Gates from and place in Reslorian space. Also, the Gates can be secured…”

  Jackie filled them in on an interesting conversation she had with Pari while in the shuttle on the way to the Bojovník. Namely she was considering how to screw the Federation and shut down their Gates, at least for a few hours or days in a petty bid to get back at them.

  The Gates could employ security whereby not just anyone could use it. The new process would involve someone sending a request to the other side, asking permission to pass through before the Gate was opened. In essence, the expensive Gate Keeper defenses that guarded each major system would no longer be needed, which would revolutionize Gate security, freeing up resources for reassignment or retirement.

  At this point, the science team was ushered in to interview Jackie and her AI concerning what steps to take next.


  “So, what do we do with all the extra military people? We can’t just fire them?” the prime minister asked.

  “No, what I propose,” Jackie started, “is we start taking ships out of mothballs and updating them to prepare for the coming conflict, emergency mobilization if we have to. With the improvements to automation, the ships can be brought to modern fighting trim much quicker. You will end up with nearly triple the fleet, and each ship will be far deadlier than the most modern comparable ship out there.”

  The prime minister sat there stunned, as did the admiral and commodore. Their military was set to grow in power and number very rapidly.

  “Pari, is our mothballed fleet sufficient to hold all the current personnel should we decide to modernize them?” Tom asked.

  “Why Your Eminence! Accessing that information without gaining permission first could be considered, um, illegal,” it said with a fake smile across its holographic face.

  The prime minister sat there shaking his head, “Cut the crap. I know you’ve already compiled a report before I finished asking the question. Spill it.”

  “Um, well, I might have had a little look around some non-critical, non-vital, non-state secret files,” Pari stated, feigning innocence. “Your Eminence, you have many thousands of ships in mothballs. Assuming the records are correct, there are hulls dating back to before the first dynasty wars. Not sure why anyone would store as many or as old of ships, but if it makes you feel better, the other nations are absolute packrats compared to you! So yes, you have plenty of ships. I’ve developed costs and schedules to begin the refits.”

  “And how would you know what everyone else has?” Tom asked, with an arched eyebrow.

  “He he, well, funny story, really. I was looking around, as you asked, and I may have seen some ancient and NOT very classified material concerning estimates of other nations reserve fleets.”

  “Okay, Pari. Thank you!” This time it was Tom who was rolling his eyes.

  “We are talking about the largest mobilization in our history,” he went on to say, “and the very real possibility of open warfare against a very deadly foe. The advantage we are gaining is directly due to you. Not to mention you did save my planet, for which I am grateful.

  “In a project kicked off last week, between us and the Reslorians, we are expanding thirty shipyards, and adding eight more in the next few months,” stated the prime minister. “We believe the time for war is upon us, and there is not a moment to lose.”

  “One last question,” King Eisenberg said. “What will you call the organization?”

  After what seemed only a few moments, Jackie responded.

  “The Askirti Federation.”


  The conversation went on as the home fleet returned to Wellington, leaving the Westerly Federation behind and making the slow, non-FTL journey through the Dennaway system, which had a weird moratorium on FTL travel while in-system.

  By the time the fleet had reached Wellington, the preliminaries were laid out in broad strokes for drastically improving the military across the board. Having a group of scientists with unfettered access to Pari had yielded quick, high-level decisions on changes they intended to make, though many more details needed to be worked out in the coming months.

  What became apparent was that a high level of automation would cut the use of onboard military personnel by about two-thirds. Every system on board would receive some level of upgrade, upgrades that took time.

  How much time they had, nobody knew.


  Later when they were alone, Jackie asked Rick, “how would you feel about being a marine again?”

  Rick grinned ear to ear.

  “What rank will I be wearing?”

  “I need you to be high enough to take command of any situation, but I also need you to lead my guard. I’m not going to send you away as I need you next to me now more than ever. You saw what I mess I am, what a mess I can be,” she grimaced. “I think the Commonwealth and the Reslorians are sincere, but I just can’t do this without you, Colonel Amori!”

  “You won’t have to,” Rick answered, still grinning. “I made a promise to you, and I’ll be keeping it. Besides, it sounds like being close to you will get me the newest and coolest toys!”

  They both laughed.

  Chapter 3

  The Verulamium System, Reslorian Space

  Planet Avalon

  Over the months that followed, Jackie and Rick met the Reslorian people and went on a tour, visiting the major systems in the nation. The people were utterly enamored with the High Queen, having become very familiar with her exploits as the Commonwealth was not the only place her fame grew. That she was making them her ‘home system’ was for them a genuinely historical moment, one that generated its own frenzy. That she was equipping them with technology and Space Gates meant their economy was about to explode.

  Towing the Space Gates in took time. At first, only the large systems got one, but eventually, all the solar systems of the Reslorian Empire acquired one. All the Gates were secured using the previously unknown security measures in the Gate system. This knowledge was shared both with the Reslorians and the Commonwealth. Knowledge of a new security system caused an uproar across many spheres of influence, as it was one more piece to an arms race that nobody wanted to lose.

  Meanwhile, the Westerly Federation was simply falling behind. Yes, there was an uptick in trade, a little technology exchange. But without Jackie having a part in the nation, the Commonwealth kept the tech exchanges fairly even. They had very little to offer, hence got very little back. Jackie and Rick had no problems with the state of things, being as she was screwed over so badly by her own country.

  Rumors were flying as to the technological edge the new High Queen had brought to the table. Heads were indeed rolling in Westerly space because of that and because her sudden dismissal from the military had gained attention in the media.

  In one such instance, a certain Admiral Anderson who was quite famous and very well connected, met an untimely death when his vehicle accidentally exploded right after he got in. There was no direct evidence found to connect his death to Jackie’s dismissal, even though his grandson, a PVC Anderson, had served with Jackie when she was stationed on the WFS Colt and attempted to murder her while docked in Anderson Station.

  So much of the historic treaty between the Westerly Federation and the Commonwealth had depended on Jacqueline Campo, the gift horse the government sold down the river. And now a new arms race was on, and they were losing.


  Looking out at the lake, Jackie said to Rick “it’s perfect.”

  Her home, part of the package deal, was modest as far as dwellings for the ultra-rich and powerful went. Jackie had wanted a little three-room cabin in a remote area. What she got was a fifteen-thousand square meter mansion with its own staff and its own set of mountains and lakes. She felt immensely embarrassed, such was the extravagance, the king eve
n saw that, but she played it off with grace, giving sincere thanks to both him and to the people of Avalon. In every direction, there was nothing but natural beauty. Jackie now owned many thousands of acres of land here as part of her grant, making her home a genuinely private retreat.

  She also had an exclusive high-rise condominium in Breton, the capital city of Avalon. She had balked loudly at the idea of yet another residence, especially one so plushly appointed, but was shut down by Rick who reinforced to her that it was important for her to have a safe and high-end place to stay in the city while entertaining dignitaries.

  “You know there is another meeting tonight,” he added.

  “Yes, the Shipbuilder’s Guild. They’ve been making excellent progress on the new technologies. Between them and the Commonwealth shipyards, we should see the first few dozen ships shortly. How’s the new guard?” Jackie was referencing the new guard, made exclusively of Reslorian marines.

  “Excellent! We were able to choose from the best, and I’ve got two whole battalions of them! I’ve thoroughly reviewed their training programs, interviewed many of them personally, and even tested them. I have every confidence that the troops assigned to you will be top notch.”

  “Do we need that many?” she asked.

  “Well, yes!” he answered as if there was any other possible answer. “There will not just be your flagship to crew, but a few of its escorts, not to mention providing security to all of this,” he said, motioning to their surroundings.

  “Do we still need the killer robots?”

  “You mean the ACU’s, Automated Combat Units?” Rick jested.

  “Killer robots!”

  “Yeah. The ones to augment your marines are a much higher quality than the other ACUs we are producing, as these have special armor and software that Pari is being hush hush about. All the ships are getting them, but your flagship will get better ones.”

  Jackie did not like the idea of so many robots, but it was part of the plan she put forth, albeit at Pari’s behest. Indeed, much of their not-yet-delivered fleet was being supplemented by such creations. The ACUs would outnumber the ship-based marines by two to one, though humans would always control them. Other aspects of running and repairing the fleet would use additional types of robots that with only a few exceptions, all were humanoid shaped, though clearly mechanical in appearance. Jackie was clear that they should always be able to tell at a glance that they were artificial.

  While she was uncomfortable with the level of automation, this was Pari’s idea, and she trusted the AI.

  “So, how’d you test them?” Jackie asked, changing the topic back to the elite marines.

  “The ‘no win’ scenario,” Rick said with a wry grin.

  Jackie’s eyes got big as she laughed.

  “You should have seen their faces when I told them you beat it almost single-handedly the first time.”

  “Pari tells me that it may be possible one day to make more people like me.”

  “There’s only one you!” he said with a chuckle.

  “Ha, what I mean is people with my gift for speed and strength. What I was able to drag out of him is we lack the manufacturing capability. We lack the tools to build that capability. But while we are currently missing most of the major elements of the Homem Empire, but that might not always be the case.

  “So how do you think your marines would feel having white hair, white skin, and bright green eyes?” she said with a grin.

  “Well, I like it all on you! Wow, I never considered the possibility of that happening. Some of them are very proud of their heritage, and as you know, fair skinned people are few and far between. But outright bright white like you? They’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

  “Pari said it’s part of the price. It’s a side effect of the gift that not even the Homem’s were able to overcome.”

  After considering it for a few moments, a grin spread on his face.

  “I do have to admit,” Rick said, “that most would consider the price worth paying to have your combat abilities! I know I would!”

  She sighed.

  “It may never happen, but if we ever do get that tech, that would be the price. Anyway, time for me to meet our troops,” Jackie said as she returned his grin.


  A few days after meeting her new soldiers, an impressive crowd at that, Jackie and Rick were on approach to the ARNS Hehewuti, a massive, two-and-a-half-kilometer long Warrior-class battleship from the old Westerly navy, newly repurposed for the Askirti Royal Navy. While not as large as a modern battleship, this ship was a force to be reckoned with. It was one of the eight pirate battleships recovered from the Battle of Wellington, four of which were now refitted and were hers, the other four would be ready to be delivered at a later date.

  The exterior of the ship was a dark silver, metallic color. But instead of being in disrepair as before, much of the armor had been replaced, and the rest reinforced. Once they landed in the brand-new looking shuttle bay, a color guard was there to greet them, in their black dress uniforms.

  “High Queen, welcome onboard the Hehewuti,” the captain said.

  “Thank you, Captain Glaude,” Jackie responded.

  Captain Rice Glaude was a Reslorian captain who had recently retired. Many ex-military came out of retirement at hearing of the war preparations, both to staff Jackie’s fleet and to help expand the Reslorians own.

  The captain introduced his bridge staff, who were all wide-eyed at meeting their legendary leader and queen. Everyone who joined the Askirti Royal Navy was required to pledge their allegiance to the Askirti Federation. It was the hope of both the Reslorians and the Commonwealth that it would become the vehicle by which humanity would be united, and would lead them in through the coming Darkness. Allegiance to it did not mean renouncing one’s citizenship as Jackie made it very clear that level of governance was out of her purview. For now, it was a militaristic organization that crossed national boundaries, not a governing entity.

  Jackie feared where this all may lead, as this felt all too much like her waking dream coming true. She recognized it for was it was, a prophet vision. She had never put stock in prophecy before, but right now she seemed to be wrapped up in the middle of it. Embracing her calling had taken no small amount of coaxing from both Rick and her AI, Pari.

  “A tour, High Queen?”


  “How is the crew adjusting to the presence of so many robots on board?” Jackie asked Rice.

  “Surprisingly well. The ACUs are polite and follow directions well. They are quite versatile too, able to double as repair crew. Their movements are almost soundless and lack the whining of servo’s like with the planet-side robots. I tell you the truth, what sold me was seeing the training exercises. They follow directions, fight well, and act like as a force multiplier for our soldiers.”

  Jackie was betting the bank that Pari had been right, that the ACUs, and indeed automation was the future of warfare.

  “You mentioned repair crew. What makes you think they would be good at that?”

  “There was a serious accident on another battleship, what was rechristened as the ARNS Sahale. The pirates who owned it before had improperly stored explosives in a hidden compartment. While the refit was underway, the explosives were accidentally detonated, resulting in significant damage to the ship and killing a dozen people.”

  Jackie had not heard this before, and the look on her face said as much. She was quite disturbed to discover that shipyard crew had died to give her the promised fleet.

  “The ship had some of the new repair bots on board, along with a company of ACUs, as are present for security purposes on all the ships being refit. The ACUs quickly and efficiently rescued thirty-one people and put out the fires. Due to the fear of another accident on board that ship, many of the workers did not want to return. The bots and ACUs had been tasked with filling in the considerable gap, and they successfully repaired the damage and helped complete the ship almost on time.”<
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  “Wow, that is remarkable, captain!”

  Remarkable indeed. Automated crew? Will humans even crew starships in the future?


  Jackie was not sure she liked the sound of that. It was her opinion, and as far as she could tell, the view of most, that the decision to shed blood should involve those who have blood. That human life was valuable, and not to be treated like something disposable. But to meet the project goals of war preparations, there was simply no choice but to pursue a course of massive automation.

  “Would you care to see how the Hehewuti performs?” Captain Glaude asked with a grin.

  “Yes, I would!” Jackie answered with a sudden excitement.


  The four battleships and their escorts engaged in mock exercises, pushing the limits of the new ships in simple wargames.

  “I never thought a battleship could be this quick nor this maneuverable!” Jackie exclaimed.

  “Many upgrades allow for this,” Rice answered. “From the inertial dampeners to the power plants to the engines themselves. There were thousands of minor and a few major improvements. Even the frame of the ship had been improved with the new nanofibers.”

  Nanofibers were a concept new to humanity, as least humanity of this period. The idea was simple enough in that it was a programmable mesh that had incredibly strength. It was brought in as a clear liquid and pumped into the interior of the hull, at which point it would spread out evenly and reinforce the structure. In cases of significant damage, the nanofibers around the damaged compartment would quickly reconfigure themselves to cover almost any size hole, flowing almost like a liquid as it shaped itself to the breech. It was a smart fabric of sorts, truly revolutionary.

  When Pari was discussing the idea with Jackie and Rick, they immediately began thinking of other applications.


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