Undead Tango

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Undead Tango Page 2

by Alexis Martin

  Every day proved harder than the last to contain himself around her. And much more often than he’d like, he found himself with a rigid cock straining in his tactical pants at the sight of her.

  She bent over in those skintight shorts to collect her shoulder harness and flipped her tightly braided, jet-black hair to one side. He imagined himself holding onto it as they made love. Already he was feeling the throb of his shaft pulsate to life. Regrettably he never had the time to tell her how he felt.

  When he summoned the courage to act on his feelings, two zombies spoiled the moment. He had his mind set to kiss her when the sons of bitches crashed through the window. Then a few days later they ran into Vander and after that, Cody. Now she made a promise that she was going to give herself to Cody, and it ignited a fire within him. It was not anger or jealousy, but a longing that promise fueled, and Will wanted to kick himself in the ass for not acting on his urges sooner.

  “We should find a pawn shop or mega store,” Vander said while taking a long look at Skye’s perfect ass. “I could use some shotgun shells.”

  “We’ve been to all the pawn shops and gun stores for miles, and they are all tapped out,” Will argued. “I did see an abandoned army reserve depot about two klicks to the north.”

  “What is a klick?” Skye asked.

  “About a mile. Let’s roll.”

  The sun was already scorching on the roof, and it was a relief to make it into the shade of the stairwell. Will was leading the team as he always had with Vander protecting their rear flank. Each corner of the warehouse was taken with care due to the fact that the infected loved to lurk in the shadows.

  Once they filed out into the sunshine, Will was all too aware of the eerie silence. There were no honking horns, no booming stereos, no idle chatting, and no one walking the usually busy streets. There was an emptiness here that made the skin crawl and the heart beat faster. The only sound heard was the occasional gust of wind that whistled through the holes of broken windows or tall weeds brushing against brick.

  Fanning out along the main street, they took the first mile slow and without any hiccups. The army depot was less than a mile away when they saw two infected limping awkwardly toward their position. The clothes were rags dangling from their pasty-white flesh that was riddled with thick, dark veins. Their eyes were soulless and glared red, deep set into the bald heads. Two more appeared on the right from behind an old trash Dumpster. Skye and Cody turned to engage them.

  Will unslung his rifle, took three breaths, and went to one knee. He smoothly pulled the trigger twice, and the shots echoed along the tall buildings.

  Skye held two 9mm handguns as the monsters, smelling fresh blood and brains, gained speed. Sometimes the zombies were deceptively fast, yet Cody and Skye handled them professionally. All Vander could do was cheer since his sawed-off shotgun was empty. They all needed ammunition and bad. A few more of these encounters and they would be reduced to clubs and knives. That would be the worst possible scenario since a single bite turned a man into a mindless, undead zombie in less than seventy-two hours.

  “Pick up the pace,” he called out.

  They jogged the last quarter mile to a long row of fencing. The gate was sealed tight, and Will was the first to climb over the top. Cody was next then Skye. She slipped once, but Vander was there to palm her ass and give her a shove over the top.

  The reserve compound was larger than anticipated, and Will thought in silence for a minute. “We should split up into pairs or it will take two days to find the necessities.”

  Skye nodded her head in agreement. “How are we going to do this?”

  “I can go with Vander,” Cody offered. “He is empty, and I have sixteen rounds left.”

  “Sounds reasonable to me,” Will agreed. “Skye, you’re with me.”

  The sweat was pouring from her body, causing the thin material of her sleeveless shirt to stick to her flesh and become almost transparent. The outline of perky nipples on top of her full chest was visible. This was going to be a difficult task to be alone with Skye for any amount of time. “Set your watches, and be back here in precisely two hours,” he instructed.

  Will and Skye took the north section while Cody and Vander trotted off to the east. Will, leading, went through the first double doors that opened into a carport area. To their surprise there was a fully intact camouflage Jeep at the center.

  “Keys and gas would be nice,” Skye commented.

  “I am sure Vander could hot-wire it.” Will popped the hood and checked the condition of the engine. Everything seemed in good order.

  Skye leaned in next to him and used the lower half of her shirt to clear the sweat from her brow, inadvertently exposing her flat, wet belly. “I am so fucking hot.” Skye sighed.

  “Yes you are,” Will agreed under his breath.

  “What did you say?” she queried as Will shut the hood.

  He trapped her against the hood and rotated his hips across her stomach. “I am tired of trying to hide my feelings for you. I have wanted you from the first day we met.”

  His erection hurt as it burrowed against Skye’s pelvis. She had to be aware that it was stabbing at her pubic mound. Skye looked up at him, speechless, and pressed her crotch against the firmness, probably confirming his arousal.

  He went in to steal his first kiss, brushing his lips across her lower lip, then chanced a swipe with his tongue. He coaxed her mouth apart, and she responded against his tongue. The kiss, at first, was calm and gentle, and she tasted of a desert rose—dusty and sweet. Her hands went up to palm his cheeks as the kiss became fierce and needy. He cupped her butt cheeks and spread her ass as he forced her body against him. She moaned against his tongue as the kiss blissfully lingered.

  He loosened the buckle of her belt, and the harness fell from her shoulders. He lifted her to the hood of the Jeep and slid the tight shorts from her waist. She lifted her hips to assist, and he yanked them past her boots. Skye squirmed out of her sweaty top, and she was completely naked except for the knee-high boots.

  “Your turn,” she said, reaching for his belt. The second his cock was exposed, it sprang up like a diving board.

  She was, without a doubt, the most amazing woman he had ever seen, and he couldn’t wait to taste her. His mouth instinctively shot down between her open thighs, but she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to meet her lips. “We don’t have time for that,” she said in a lusty voice. “I am already wet, and right now I just need your dick.” She gripped the base of his cock and angled it toward her cunt.

  The head of his cock was at her entrance, and she threw her legs around him. He thrust into the slick heat, separating her precious folds, and sank into her womb, root deep.

  “Holy Christ,” she yelped, cinching her strong thighs around his ribs. “Hard and fast.” She tossed her lean hips into the movement of his cock.

  God this woman was incredible, and she was much stronger than she appeared, her legs felt like pythons constricting his torso. She torqued his neck and claimed his lips as he stroked her fully. It was rough and needy, the salt fresh on her lips. “Fuck yes. Fuck yeah, baby. I’m close,” he groaned.

  Every deep arch into her velvety walls pulled a husky moan from Skye’s throat. He thrust into her again and again, driving himself fully into her hot cunt that seemed to suck him into her core. Fisting her long, dark, braided hair, he craned her head back, causing her body to bow as he impaled her without mercy. This elicited a loud curse and deep moans from her. He felt the pinch of her inner muscles massaging his shaft, encasing him in liquid lava. Her inner contractions kneaded him into a powerful orgasm that shook Skye’s undulating hips. Skye released a long breath as her pelvis slowly rolled against him, drawing out every last bit of semen from his balls.

  “That was incredible,” Will uttered in choppy breaths.

  He released the hold of her hair, and she palmed his sweaty chest, both of them basking in the glow of a riveting orgasm. “God, I needed that,”
she said with a large smile.

  “You and me both, baby,” he agreed. “I was stupid to have waited for so long.”

  She pressed a finger over his lips. “Yeah, you were pretty stupid.”

  They had a good chuckle together until a rustling sound in the corner of the depot grabbed their attention. Will pulled from the sanctity of her warmth without warning and snatched his rifle. She sprang from the hood of the Jeep and palmed her twin pistols. It was an undead dressed in a uniform. A sad sight to see, but Will fired and put the thing out of its misery.

  All too quickly their moment of heaven had ended, and they were thrust back into the real world. They hurriedly dressed, and Skye suddenly stopped. “Dang,” she blurted out.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Feels like a river flowing out of me. I’ll be leaking all day.”

  “Sorry, it’s been a while, and I gave you all that I had.” He lightly pecked her cheek and watched her finish dressing.

  She covered the doors and back entrance as Will eventually found a way to get that Jeep running. They loaded it with anything that could prove useful, especially two cases of shotgun ammo that were already conveniently packed in the Jeep. There were three gas canisters that were empty but could prove useful down the road. Not much, but at least the next city would not have to be made by foot.

  They hopped in the Jeep and tore out of the garage to wait for Cody and Vander near the main gate. About an hour passed, and Will could see that Skye was getting nervous, worried for them.

  “Vander is very capable, Skye. He won’t allow anything to happen to Cody.”

  “They should be back by now.”

  “Patience. In many places it is considered a virtue.”

  “Not in this instance,” she voiced with a scowl. “They are the closest thing to a family, Will. I am going in.”

  “The hell you are.” He grabbed her shoulders and held her tightly. “Give it a few more minutes.”

  “In about two seconds I am going to get really, really pissed.”

  Just then Cody and Vander busted out a side door of the complex and sprinted toward them. “See, I told you everything was fine,” Will said amicably.

  “Why are they running like their asses caught fire?”

  Then they both saw the reason. Nearly twenty gangly zombies were swaying behind them, limping after them like a deranged mob of insane people.

  “Start the Jeep,” Will ordered Skye as he laid the rifle across the hood and took up a stable firing position. Will fired, and two muted echoes cut the air, ending with a distinct thud. He grounded two of the nearest zombies.

  Cody was the first to reach them, huffing and puffing. “We must have…have stirred up a whole hornet’s nest of them.”

  “No shit,” Will barked. “Get in, boy.”

  Vander hurled his massive frame into the back of the Jeep, red-faced and huffing like some overworked dog. The undead were closing in as Skye connected the two wires below the steering column.

  “I don’t see an exit,” she said while throwing the Jeep in gear.

  “Ummm—Skye,” Cody whined. “They are extremely close.”

  One had latched onto the side roll bar, and Vander caved in its head with the butt of his shotgun. It fell away.

  “Go, go, go, go,” Vander prompted. “Let’s get our asses out of Dodge.”

  “Shit, hold on.” She spun the Jeep around, clobbering two undead with the front bumper, their bodies scattered. She then backed over one, crunching bone, and peeled out. She crashed through the front gate and tore down the main street like a bat out of hell, weaving around disabled vehicles and other obstructions. They left the city heading due west.

  Chapter 3

  After nearly six hours on the highway, Will veered onto a frontage road.

  “Where are you taking us?” Vander queried from the rear seat. Skye was next to him half-asleep, and Cody was flipping through the pages of a torn pocketbook map.

  “There is a lake down this road a ways, and you smell like the south end of a dead horse.”

  The big man chuckled, lifted his arm, and smelled deeply. “Yep, I am pretty dang ripe.”

  “Jesus,” Skye cut in, waving her hand across her nose. “Put those big arms back down.”

  “Hey now,” he playfully pushed her shoulder. “We all reek of death—even your pretty, little ass doesn’t smell like a bed of roses.”

  “How would you know? I bet my ass always smells like roses.”

  “And I bet your shit don’t stink neither,” he said with a roll of the eyes.

  Skye was aware of her own stench, but at least she wasn’t alone. Days without fresh water and soap would do that to a person, especially in this heat. The only problem was that Vander’s male scent, his sweat and natural musk didn’t bother her. In fact it almost smelled of sex, and damn it to hell if it didn’t make her pussy clench just a little. She would have to keep Vander’s man odor a secret. What could she say anyway? “Hi there, Vander, your natural stink is turning me on.” I seriously need some help.

  Shoving that thought to the side, she watched as Vander divided the small catch of munitions he found. He loaded all the weapons to capacity, even the new Benelli shotgun he scavenged somehow.

  He smiled at her. “I think this should last us a while.”

  “God, I hope so, unless of course, we face an entire army of infected. Then I think we will be screwed.”

  “If that happens I’ll be sure to save the last round for myself. Count on that.” The man was serious, and it caused Skye to shiver. What a depressing thought, but there was sense in what he said. No one wanted to become a zombie, mindless and flesh eating.

  * * * *

  Will killed the engine about ten yards from the lake. The sun was on its descent, and Will began setting up camp with the help of Cody.

  Vander watched in complete fascination as Skye stood alone at the edge of the blue water. She had allowed her holsters to drop and slid off her shirt. Next she wiggled out of her shorts, and the sunlight glinted from her supple flesh as she stood naked in all of her glory.

  Sure, he had seen her naked before due to bite checks and living together in sometimes close quarters. But every time he saw her in this way it was impossible to keep his cock at bay and his mind from very deviant thoughts. The type of thoughts that almost made him blush.

  Skye was perfectly formed from head to toe. Her breasts were not huge but were perky and well rounded. Her toned legs were sculpted beautifully, and she had a teardrop-shaped ass to die for. But what really drove Vander to the brink of madness were her large, green eyes that could melt the resolve of the wildest beasts and, when things were good, a full voluptuous smile that was entrancing.

  He was well aware that Will Archer had a thing for Skye and suspected they might secretly be a couple. He also heard about the bargain Cody struck with her. He had no intentions of interfering with that agreement. The kid deserved a little happiness, and he knew Skye could provide that for the young man. But he deserved something, or so he thought, and he had to find a way to steal a piece of this woman. Even a sliver of this amazing creature would do just fine.

  He knew he was no angel, even considered bad in some circles. So he rode with the wrong motorcycle gang and knocked off a few small banks. He knew there was some good in him somewhere.

  In some demented, obscure way this whole plague thing and the undead rising from the graves was a second chance for him. Without these unfortunate circumstances taking place he would still be rotting in prison, probably for the next twenty-five years.

  Skye waded in and submerged herself completely. She broke the surface seconds later, and rivulets of water trickled over her mocha-colored flesh. He gripped the front of his jeans and held his cock down. It wanted to jump right out and nudge her. If she only knew how much her nakedness tortured him, how much he wanted to taste those plump lips, she would probably die. Cody was going to be one lucky son of a bitch real soon.

en a strong hand brought him out of a wonderful fantasy. “Enjoying the view of the lake?” Will asked.

  “Absolutely. I was always a nature lover.”

  “I bet you are. Keep a close eye on Skye. Cody and I are going to scout around.”

  “That won’t be any problem at all.”

  “Somehow I didn’t think it would be.” A knowing smile crossed Will’s lips.

  After Will and Cody were well out of sight, Vander quickly rummaged through his backpack and grabbed a small bottle of bodywash he managed to obtain when he went hunting for Hershey’s bars. He tore off his clothes and slowly crept into the water. Skye was floating on her back, weightless with eyes closed. This gave him a wickedly fun idea. Sneaking below the surface, he swam beneath her and took hold of her ankles to yank her under the water. She swiftly responded with a knee to his face, and she came up cursing.

  So then he stood there holding a bloody nose as Skye punched his midsection for good measure. Quite possibly not one of his best ideas.

  “What the freakin’ hell, Vander?” she fumed. “You scared the bejesus out of me.”

  “Sorry,” he said while handing her the bodywash. “Thought you could use some soap.”

  They were maybe in four feet of water, and she stood firmly on two feet. “Let me see that,” she said, reaching for his face. She pushed away his hands and looked up at him. “Lucky you. I don’t believe it’s broken.”

  “Sure in the hell feels broken.”

  “Serves you right for sneaking up on me. I thought for a second the damned zombies learned how to swim.”

  “No zombies, just me.”

  “Here,” she said, urging him down to her eye level. Tilt your head back, and pinch the nose right here.” She showed him where to apply the pressure.

  God help him, her full, wet breasts were barely brushing against him. He could feel his cock pulsating to life beneath the water. What would she do if he just leaned down a tiny bit and sucked one of those fat nipples into his mouth? She had to know he was interested in her. But then again he hadn’t been with a woman in five years due to his incarceration, and some women may take offense to a man latching onto their nipples unexpectedly.


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