Finally Us (Next Generation Book 5)

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Finally Us (Next Generation Book 5) Page 2

by J. M. Walker

  Good, because I didn’t want to tell him that I wanted to get caught by strangers, friends, or family. I didn’t care. I didn’t want to tell him that voyeurism excited me, in case it scared him away. So instead, I reached around to my back, unclipped my bra, and tossed it to the seat beside us.

  Vince’s gaze roamed down the length of me. His eyes burned into me, heating my skin on fire the longer he stared. But instead of commenting like I thought he would, he tugged the chain, pulling me closer and slammed his mouth down hard on mine.

  Reaching into his pants, I wrapped a shaky hand around his thick shaft. A whimper left me; my fingers unable to close around him. My body trembled, knowing he would hurt but feel good at the same time.

  He cupped the back of my head, fisting my hair and holding me in place as he devoured every inch of my mouth.

  Pulling him free from his pants, I rose to my knees and brushed my center over him.

  He shivered, sliding his hand down my spine.

  Keeping my mouth locked with his, I hooked a finger in the crotch of my panties and pulled the fabric to the side.

  “Fuck,” he growled against my lips. “Give it to me, baby.”

  “Condom,” I whispered.

  “No.” He nipped my bottom lip. “I want to feel you.”

  I shivered. “Oh thank God.” I circled against him, the tip of him pushing against my opening. The more I moved, the deeper he went. He stretched me. Owned me. Completely controlled every inch of me. I couldn’t breathe the deeper he went.

  Trying to pull away, I needed to catch my breath but his hold on the back of my head, tightened. In a quick move, he dropped me onto him. He swallowed my scream, deepening the kiss.

  I wasn’t able to get used to his size as he lifted his hips, powering into me with so much strength, I broke in a matter of minutes. His name left my lips on a hard cry.

  He grunted, holding me against him and kept his fingers wrapped in my necklace. He broke the kiss, staring at me with lust in his dark eyes. He brought the pendant up to his lips, giving it a kiss.

  I stared at him with awe.

  And then he said the unexpected. Something that I never thought I would hear from him. Or anyone for that matter. I wasn’t sure why I was surprised but I was, and I prayed with everything in me that I would hear that single word again. Maybe in time. Maybe when he was done school and came home to me. Little did he know that I would wait for him. I would be there for whenever he was ready.

  Vince kissed the corner of my mouth. “Mine.”


  3 years later

  Watching the young girls move as I instructed gave me a sense of satisfaction, I never got from hardly anything else at all. Although when I was dancing to try and further my own career, I was satisfied from that. Or that was what I told myself on a daily basis anyway. My accident had put a damper on my life. Things had taken an unexpected turn when I fell and felt my knee twist in a way it wasn’t supposed to. I knew my career path was over before the doctors told me I could no longer dance. Not how I used to anyway. No more high jumps for this girl. I was finally able to start running again but only if I was careful.

  The day I hung up my ballet slippers so to speak, I ended up at a strip club. I couldn’t even remember how I got there. Friends of mine wanted to go out but not to our usual place. We found Rouge, I met the owners, told them I could dance and was hired. Not to strip but to teach the actual strippers how to dance. Although men loved it when a woman took off her clothes, they enjoyed the sensuality in the way she could move her body as well. That was where I came in and I loved every second of it. I also got some new friends out of it, so it was a win-win.

  My parents had asked me how my career was going, and I told them without using so many words, that I had been hired to teach adults how to dance.

  They assumed I meant my students would come to my studio, but I didn’t. I always went to Rouge to teach the girls. Unless they were in my area, we never practiced at my place of work.


  I jumped, finding several pairs of eyes staring up at me. “Sorry, girls. I’m distracted. Keep practicing for another ten minutes and then hit the change rooms.”

  While they went to get changed, I went to my notebook sitting by my bag on the floor.

  I flipped through the pages, sighing when I read through my notes. I loved ballet. I lived and breathed it but now that I could only teach it, I had to pick up something else. I had taught myself to learn other genres and dance techniques. Mostly because I had been bored. But none of them called to me like ballet did. I was thankful for Candace and her husband, Ronny, giving me a teaching job at Rouge. My father eventually found out where exactly it was that I was teaching and even though he frowned upon it, he understood my need for more, so he never gave me a hard time over it.

  Once class was over, I greeted the parents as they picked up their kids. One by one, I watched them leave. It had been the same routine for the past two years. I loved my job. The business. Everything about it. It had been my calling. But as much as I loved it, something was still missing. I loved teaching but there was something other than dance that I needed. I just couldn’t figure out exactly what that was. Maybe in time. But right now, I was in a rut.

  Once my last student left, I locked up, shut the blinds, and took a deep breath. Looking out at the large dance floor, I smiled to myself. My body buzzed with anticipation.

  Pulling the remote from the pocket in the back of my sweatpants, I pressed play, my smile widening when the sensual beat thumped through the speakers in the corners of the large room. The bass was hard, heavy, and it drummed into my heart. It made every nerve ending inside me, tingle with delight.

  Stepping onto the dance floor, I stood in front of the mirror and let the music take me away. It controlled my moves like invisible strings hanging from my limbs. The music was the master, and I was its ever-willing puppet.

  Several songs later, I was panting and wiping the sweat off my face when my phone rang. I took a couple of deep breaths to ease my racing heart and went to my phone. My eyes widened when I saw who was calling me.

  “Hey,” I greeted. “What’s up?”

  “What’s wrong?” Vincent Junior asked me without even giving me a hi back.

  My stomach tumbled. How he always knew when something was wrong was beyond me. Add to the fact that he always seemed to call me at the most awkward time.

  After our one night together before he went off to school, we had been talking non-stop. He got his degree quickly and now that he was home, we hadn’t met up yet. Not by ourselves anyway.

  Rumors had gone around that when he was done school, he was going to come for me but that hadn’t happened, and he had been home for almost a month.


  “Nothing’s wrong.” I pulled the cap off a bottle of water and took a long swig.

  “You sure?” he gritted out. “You sound like you just had your brains fucked out,” he said, his voice a little harsh.

  I coughed, choking on the water. “I was practicing, if you must know.” Was he jealous? “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. It is my business.” He chuckled. “So, you’re at the studio?”

  “I am.” My heart stuttered. Clearing my throat, I sat on the floor, put the phone on speaker and placed it on the ground beside me so I could stretch.

  “What are you doing now?”

  “Stretching.” I smiled, shaking my head.

  “Interesting.” His voice lowered.

  “What do you want, Vince?” Not that I was complaining that he called me when he had been calling me every day for as long as I could remember but something was up with him tonight.

  “How was your day?” he asked the same question he always asked every time he called.

  “Not too bad. I wrote a new routine.” One that I hoped I could share with him eventually. But there was something off between us. A wall of some sort
and I had no idea if it was him or me that put it up, but I couldn’t seem to crack my way through it.

  “What kind of routine?”

  I bent forward at the middle, rested my head against my shins, and grabbed on to the bottom of my feet. “A sexy one.” I waited for him to comment and when he didn’t, I continued. “I have an adult class coming up and wanted something fun for them. The one woman is getting married and her maid of honor said that it would be exciting to dance. And it also gives them a good workout before they spend the night drinking. I’ll even have wine for them here.”

  “That does sound fun, Gigi. You should do that for my sister. If they ever decide to get married that is.”

  “They will.” I laughed. “I think they want to wait for Jaron and Piper to be able to make it.” Our two friends had been through hell when Jaron saved Piper from a monster. Jaron ended up in jail and they had been struggling ever since. None of us knew at the time that Piper was actually pregnant either. We were all hoping and praying that he would get out soon so he could be with his family.

  “Makes sense.”

  I thought a moment. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Always, Queenie.”

  “What are we doing?” I sat upright. “I mean, nothing’s happened since your…since we…” I coughed. “And you’ve been home for a few weeks already. I haven’t even seen you, except for at your welcome home party.” I cleared my throat. “Anyway. I was just wondering.”

  “I’m trying to get things in order. Working with my dad has taken up a lot of my time and I also don’t want to take you away from your job.”

  “You wouldn’t be,” I pointed out. “So is it my fault that we haven’t done anything since your birthday?”

  He chuckled. “Babe, you’re so damn defensive.”

  I huffed. “Well I need to know—”

  “We are doing whatever you want to do, Gigi.” His voice took on a tone I had never heard before from him. Not directed at me anyway.

  “But I don’t know what that is,” I blurted.

  “You’ll figure it out and when you do, I’ll be here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Be cryptic.”

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, Queenie,” he warned.

  The hairs on the back of my neck tingled. “Vince.” I picked up the phone and pushed to my feet before heading to the back where the showers were. “I don’t know what we’re doing.” This was the first time since the night of his eighteenth birthday where we even came close to talking about what happened.

  “Are you staying at the studio tonight?” he asked, ignoring my comment.

  “I don’t know.” I usually spent the night in my office when I didn’t want to go home. Tonight, was one of those nights but I found that I didn’t want to be alone either.

  “Go home, Gigi. I’ll meet you there.” And with that, Vince hung up.

  I stopped suddenly, staring at the phone. My stomach tumbled over the fact that Vince was coming over, finally, and that I wouldn’t have to be alone tonight.

  I wasn’t sure what he wanted but I had a feeling I was about to find out.


  “What are you doing here?” I asked as Vince came up the sidewalk leading to my house.

  “You sounded off on the phone. I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “And you also said that you didn’t want to be alone. So, here I am.”

  I stared up at him as he closed the distance between us. I took him in. I really took him in. His black hair had grown in some. His eyes were as dark as charcoal, maybe darker. It was almost unnatural how dark they were. But what I had noticed first about him was that smirk that always tilted his lips whenever he looked at me. Being half Japanese and half Italian, his skin had a natural tan to it that most would kill for. He was beautiful.

  My stomach fluttered, my heart jumping at the mere intensity rolling off of him.

  Vince was my muse. Always had been. Whenever I danced, I danced for him. Even though he didn’t know it, he had always been my inspiration. Thinking of him when I danced kept the noise of my failures at bay. It was dumb really, but Vince kept me sane.

  “Staring at my pretty face, Queenie?” he teased, pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  A shiver raced down my spine, my stomach fluttering at the soft contact. Even more at the nickname he had given me as a kid. It was short for Dancing Queen. I also remembered the first time another boy tried calling me the nickname. Vince punched him, got suspended, and walked away proud, like he had just won an award. I didn’t know it then, but I definitely knew it now.

  Vince was impulsive. Especially when it came to me.

  “Gigi.” Vince licked his bottom lip.

  “Sorry.” I cleared my throat and headed back into the house. “You didn’t have to come over.”

  “I know I didn’t.” He shut the door behind him and followed me. “But I am a nice guy and all.”

  I laughed, heading into the kitchen. “You are but I’m sure you have an ulterior motive.” Not that I knew if he did or not, but it didn’t mean that I didn’t like messing with him a bit.

  “Nah, baby.” Vince followed me. “I can be a gentleman. It’s you who’s going to have to learn to control yourself and keep your hands off of me.”

  I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Right.”

  He chuckled. “So, talk to me.”

  “About what?” I asked, pulling two bottles of water from the fridge.

  “How come you didn’t want to be alone?” He took a bottle from me.

  “This house freaks me out sometimes.” I shrugged. “It’s lame but ever since…Anyway…it’s just overwhelming at times. It’s too big.” Piper had been attacked when she lived with me and ever since, I had nightmares. But I couldn’t afford to move, and I also didn’t think it was fair when the house was built specifically for us. Although, now that I was living in it by myself, I was lonely at times.

  “I get that.” Vince headed out to the living room and sat on the couch. “Are you joining me?” he called out.

  I took a breath. I could do this. Right? I could keep my hands to myself. I wasn’t sure why I was fighting it now, especially when I didn’t on his eighteenth birthday. I didn’t know anything anymore but craved it just the same. The unknown was terrifying yet exciting.

  Joining Vince on the couch, I made sure to sit at the other end. Any closer and I knew where I would end up. Beneath him or on top. Either way sounded delicious.

  He chuckled, taking a sip of his water and winking at me over the rim of the bottle.

  “What?” I glared at him.

  “Nothing at all, Queenie.” His laugh deepened. “Nothing at all.”

  I tossed a throw pillow at him.

  Vince raised an eyebrow, the laughter stopping.

  I swallowed hard. Just as I was about to jump from the couch, he caught me by the waist and threw me down. His fingers jabbed into my ribs.

  I shrieked. “Vince, stop.” But I couldn’t control the laughter bubbling up from somewhere deep inside of me.

  He laughed along with me but wouldn’t let up.

  “Vince.” I couldn’t breathe. My sides ached from laughing so damn hard. “I can’t…I can’t breathe,” I said, panting.

  He chuckled, no longer tickling me but staring down at me instead.

  I realized then that I was beneath him and he was kneeling between my legs. All breath left me at feeling his powerful body above me. My mouth went dry. My hands were on his broad shoulders, his muscles jumping beneath my touch. This wasn’t like before. It had been three years. Three long years since I felt him inside of me. Three years since I heard his filthy words.

  His eyes dropped to my mouth, his tongue licking along his full bottom lip. “I said you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourself.”

  A laugh escaped me. “Ass.”

  He grinned, giving me a wink.

  As much as I didn’t want him to, he pulled awa
y and moved to the other end of the couch.

  I sighed, sat up, and straightened my shirt.

  “Come here.”

  I caught his gaze.

  He patted the spot beside him.

  I took a chance and did as I was told and moved beside him.

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. “I promised I would be a gentleman.” He kissed my temple. “But I never promised that I wouldn’t touch you.”

  I snorted. “So, this is you being a gentleman then?”

  He chuckled. “Yup.”

  I sighed, snuggling into him. “Well…okay. I can handle this.”

  “Good.” He placed a soft peck on my head. “I won’t pressure you into anything you don’t want to do, Gigi. But I promise you, I will fuck you again.”

  My core clenched at the promise.

  “And when that happens…” His mouth brushed along the shell of my ear. “I’m never letting you go.”



  As much as I wanted to have sex with her again, I enjoyed spending time with her just as much. Maybe more.

  Gigi was my weakness. When I was a kid, while other boys my age played sports, I pined after the one person I couldn’t have. If she noticed me then, she never acted like it. She had always been nothing but kind to me but until I started getting older, she never treated me anything more than just a kid.

  Well I was going to show her that I was now a man. A man who could make her happy. Sure, I was turning twenty-one and she was older than me, but none of that mattered. Not when I had been in love with her for as long as I could remember. But I hadn’t told her that. She had been focused on her dancing career and I didn’t want to cause anything to disrupt that. I loved her too much for her to give up her dream for me. Not like that. So I would show her, little bit by little bit that we were meant to be.

  While Gigi slept with her head on my lap, I ran my hand up and down her side. She started yawning halfway through the movie and I told her to lay down. She never even argued.

  I almost hesitated coming over tonight because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself. No matter how hard I fought it, my body reacted to her before my brain could catch up.


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