Finally Us (Next Generation Book 5)

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Finally Us (Next Generation Book 5) Page 20

by J. M. Walker

  “I meant what I said too.” Vince rested his arm across my lap. “I’ll be here for whenever you are in fact ready.” He brushed his mouth along the shell of my ear. “I promise.”

  I shivered. “Good. Because I can’t wait anymore.” Linking our fingers, I held his hand on my lap.

  He looked down at me, something flashing behind his eyes.

  “I’m ready,” was all I said, not caring if anyone heard. Truth was, although it meant that I was ready to have sex again, it also meant that I was ready for more. No more pushing him away. No more keeping my feelings locked inside. I needed him. I had always needed him, but I also realized that I needed to let him in or else I was going to lose him forever.

  He squeezed my hand, letting me know that he understood.

  I was thankful for that.


  It wasn’t my intention to kiss Gigi like that. Especially not in front of our friends and family. After dinner, I got told quite a few times that it was about time Gigi and I were making things official. If they only knew.

  We helped Jay clean up. Gigi went off to do the dishes and I followed. I wasn’t letting her out of my sight. Especially when she told me that she was ready for me again. Not that it mattered. I would have waited the rest of our lives to have her again.

  Every so often, she would look my way. A small smile would splay on her beautiful face. Her cheeks would flush. Her eyes would darken. She would sigh and I would grin.

  It made my cock motherfucking hard that I caused her to react that way without even trying.

  “Thank you both for helping me,” Jay said, emptying the sink. “Dessert is in the fridge, but I don’t think anyone’s ready for it yet.”

  Gigi paled. “I…” She swallowed, giving herself a shake.

  “You good?” I asked her, the hackles on the back of my neck raising.

  She nodded. “I haven’t been feeling well. Maybe it’s just stress from making sure this routine is perfect for the girls.” She shrugged, hanging the dish towel over the edge of the sink. “I’m fine.”

  But I wasn’t reassured.

  “Did you go to the doctor’s?” her mom asked, a deep frown settling between her brows.

  “Who’s sick?” Angel asked, his deep voice booming from the dining room.

  “No one.” Gigi huffed. “I’m fine.” She looked up at me. “I’m fine. I promise that I am.”

  She could tell me over and over, but I still didn’t believe her. We hadn’t told anyone about the miscarriage. I wasn’t sure if her feeling ill had anything to do with that. They never taught us that part in sex-ed.

  “You not feeling well, sweetheart?” Angel asked his oldest daughter.

  “I haven’t been, no, but it’s probably just a bug.” She sighed heavily when no one budged. “Seriously.” She went to walk away when I caught her hand. Her eyes met mine. “I promise, I’m fine.”

  I linked our fingers, holding her hand tightly in mine. I needed reassurance that she was fine, but I needed to touch her, more. I looked forward to spending the night inside of her but if she wasn’t feeling well, just holding her would be good enough for me. Truth was, I just wanted her at my side. Constantly. I wanted her stuff in my home. I wanted to see her random hairs in the sink or shower. I wanted her scent on my pillowcase. I wanted her.

  “Vince,” she whispered.

  I gave her hand a gentle tug, pulling her closer.

  She stepped toward me, her shoulder brushing my chest.

  I let out a slow breath.

  “Do you remember when we were like this?” Angel asked.

  I looked up then.

  Angel’s arms were crossed under his chest.

  Jay laughed lightly.

  “We’re still like this.” She kissed his cheek and left the kitchen but not before giving us a small smile.

  “Thank you for dinner,” Gigi told her father. “We should go,” she told me.

  My body stirred at what was to come. I only nodded because I knew if I had voiced my thoughts, Angel wouldn’t have let his daughter go anywhere with me.

  Gigi’s lips twitched, pulling up into a slow smile.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. Looked like she knew me better than I thought.

  While Angel’s gaze burned into the side of my head, I kept my hand in Gigi’s.

  “You sure you’re feeling alright?” Angel asked, pulling us both from our staring contest.

  “Yes. I probably just ate something that’s not sitting right with me.” Gigi shrugged, pulling from my grasp and leaving the kitchen. “I’ll go say bye.”

  I watched Gigi head outside to the backyard and laugh at something Ashton had said to her. Her arm was around Piper’s shoulders. My stomach did a flip at the mere sight of Gigi interacting with her friends. Could she ever be close to Rory and Mason because of me? I never expected her to be close with Tenise. Something weird was going on there but I loved the guys like brothers, and I knew that they would protect what was mine.

  “I’m finally starting to break down her walls.” I blurted, meeting Angel’s gaze.

  He nodded. “I knew you would. Just continue being patient with her.”

  I would. If it was the last thing I did.



  As soon as Vince started driving us back to my place, I leaned across the console between us and cupped him over his pants.

  He jumped, his head whipping around.

  I laughed, licking my lips. “I missed you.”

  “Fuck.” He stepped harder on the gas. “I missed you too, but we don’t have to do anything if you’re not feeling well.”

  Unbuckling his belt, I pulled his length from his pants and began stroking him. “I appreciate that but I’m fine now. I had some Gatorade which helped.”

  “Thank fuck.” The car swerved causing a bubble of laughter to leave me.

  “Like that?” I kissed his cheek, stroking him from base to tip.

  Vince shivered, keeping one hand on the wheel and wrapping his other around mine. “You have no idea how much I like it. Get me hard for you, Queenie.”

  “I think you need to pull over somewhere,” I purred in his ear. My body ached for him. I could no longer wait for us to make it to my place. I needed him fast and hard, something to please this need and then we could take our time later.

  “You can’t wait for me?” he asked, his voice coming out rough.

  “No.” As soon as the word left my lips, Vince turned down a side street that was vacant of houses. It was an industrial area with abandoned buildings. It was early in the night, but the sun had finally set, so as long as we were quiet, we wouldn’t get caught. But just the idea of a cop finding us, set my blood on fire.

  He pulled us into a parking lot by a random building and as soon as he killed the engine, I was on his lap.

  Crushing my mouth to his, I ripped open his dress shirt and scratched my nails into his chest.

  He growled, gripping my waist and rocking me against him.

  I deepened the kiss, needing him more than I needed anything in my whole entire life. He was the sustenance I needed to survive. The very air in my lungs. The blood rushing through my veins. He was my life.

  Vince trailed his hands up my hips beneath the hem of my dress. “Tell me what you want,” he murmured against my mouth.

  “Your cock,” I breathed, giving his bottom lip a gentle bite. “Inside me. Right now.” I rose to my knees, reached between my legs, and pulled the crotch of my thong to the side.

  “Do it. Now,” he demanded. He was damn near vibrating out of his skin.

  I lowered onto him in a smooth move, a cry leaving my lips at how good he felt inside of me.

  “Fucking hell,” he groaned, nipping the side of my throat.

  We stayed like that. Unmoving and just holding each other.

  “You feel that, babe?” he whispered, licking up the side of my throat to my jaw. “My cock owns you. Every inch of it.”

gs to me,” I added, undulating my hips against him.

  “Fucking right it does.” He wrapped his arms around me, tightening his hold and picking up speed with his hips.

  I whimpered, lowering my mouth to his.

  Vince cupped the back of my head, slipping his tongue between my lips. “You’re fucking incredible,” he whispered.

  I grinned, lifting my hips up and down. I took him deeper and deeper until he bottomed out inside of me. I moaned, throwing my head back. “God you feel good.”

  “Did you miss me?” he asked, reached between us, and started thrumming his thumb against my clit.

  I jumped, cupping his shoulders and slamming my hips against his. “Yes, God yes. I missed you so fucking much.”

  “Prove it,” he demanded. “Show me how much you missed me.”

  My eyes flicked to outside.

  Vince followed my line of sight, a wicked grin spreading on his face. “Get up.” He gently pushed me to the passenger seat before opening the door. “I suggest coming with me.”

  I shivered at the threat hidden in his voice.

  Slipping out of the vehicle, I stood there.

  Vince came up to me, his one hand wrapped around himself. “You want me?” he asked, cupping my cheek.

  “Of course.” I nodded.

  “Good.” In a quick move, he bent me over the hood of his car. With rough hands, he shoved my dress up to my hips and tore the thong from my body. “You won’t be needing this.”

  He shoved two fingers deep inside of me before swiping them over the tight spot at my rear.

  Before I could beg for more, he thrust into me.

  I screamed, the burn making every tiny hair on my skin tingle.

  “Come on, baby. I’ve been prepping your body for this. I know you can take me.”

  Although he had taken my ass several times already, it was almost like I could never get used to it but each and every time, the tingle, the fucking burn, felt so damn good. I couldn’t get enough. And he knew it. Which made him fuck my ass every chance he could.

  “Vince,” I whined, trying to lift my upper body off the hood of the car but he was too strong for me.

  He fisted my hair, his hot breath scorching the side of my neck. “Every inch, baby.”

  “Please,” I whined, needing more. Even though it hurt, the pain enveloped me in a blanket of bliss. I could feel him. Everywhere. All throughout my body and it only made me crave everything he had to offer.

  “You like that?” Vince grabbed hold of my hair and pulled my upper half off the hood. His hips slammed against my ass, his cock thrusting in and out of me in rough moves. He reached a spot somewhere inside of me that he had never hit before. It was like he was grabbing it with his fist and keeping it safe in his hand until he was ready to let it go.

  Please let it go.

  “You’re beautiful with your ass wrapped around my cock,” he said, pressing his lips to my ear.


  “You want to come?” he asked, brushing his mouth along the base of my neck.

  “Y-Yes,” I panted.

  Vince reached around me. When his fingers came into contact with my clit, I jumped, bucking against him. The pleasure was almost too much. I could feel the orgasm starting from my toes and slowly sliding up my body.

  “You sure?” he murmured, moving his fingers lower and inserting them inside me.

  “Oh.” Stars danced in my vision at the sudden fullness I felt.

  “Gigi.” He pulled his hand from my body and pressed my upper half back onto the hood of the car. “If you want to come, then be a good little girl and do it. Now.” He landed a hand against the flesh of my ass. “Now, Gigi.”

  Vince pushed into me as deep as my body would allow.

  My eyes widened.

  A sudden scream fell from my lips as the release rocked me to the very core.


  After our unexpected moment in the parking lot, Vince drove us back to my place as fast as he could. Truth was, when I came for him, he didn’t last much longer than I had.

  Every inch of me burned. I couldn’t sit still. Every time I moved; I could feel him.

  When he caught me squirming, he would smirk and scratch the scruff on his jaw, all proud of himself.

  Now we were in my bed, wrapped up in each other again.

  I almost forgot that I hadn’t been feeling well but when Vince knelt between my legs, my stomach rolled. I shook it off and kissed him, trying to ignore the fact that my belly was feeling off.

  As soon as Vince thrust into me, my stomach churned. “Oh.”

  He lowered his mouth to my neck, sinking his teeth into the skin. “Fuck, baby. I’ve missed you. The parking lot wasn’t enough. Once a day is never enough. Not with you.”

  “I…” Bile rose to my throat. “Wait.” I pushed him.

  “What’s wrong?” He lifted his head, staring down at me.

  “I can’t.” My stomach churned again. “I’m going to be sick.” I shoved him back and slid off the bed before rushing to the bathroom. I fell to my knees by the toilet and threw up my mom’s wonderful dinner. My stomach heaved. It was so damn hard, it felt like my body was trying to puke up everything inside of it.


  “I’m sorry.” I hung my head in the toilet, hugging the bowl and waiting for the nausea to stop.

  “Don’t be sorry.” Vince knelt beside me, pressing something cold to the back of my neck.

  I didn’t have enough energy to ask what it was but appreciated the gentle gesture just the same.

  “How are you doing?”

  I took a deep breath, lifting my head. When my stomach seemed to settle, I moved away from the toilet and gave him a small smile.

  He chuckled, wiping a cloth along my mouth. “You good?”

  My heart warmed. “I am. Thank you for taking care of me.”

  “That’s my job.” He kissed my forehead.

  “I’m sorry for ruining the mood.” I had been aching for him all night and even after the parking lot and then my stomach ruined it.

  “Did you want me to make you some tea?”

  My stomach churned at the thought. “Oh God.” I threw up again. “I think I’m just going to stay here for the night.”

  “Maybe you ate something bad like you said earlier,” he offered. “I’ll make a call and see if anyone else is sick.” He pushed away from me.

  I gave him a wave. I didn’t care anymore. I just wanted my stomach to stop clenching.

  I hoped no one else was sick. Everything tasted wonderful. I wasn’t sure what my issue was but when I thought of the delicious meal I had earlier, my stomach erupted again.

  A thought came to me. No. There was no way. We hadn’t had sex since the miscarriage. Not until tonight.

  “So, no one else is sick.” Vince came into the bathroom and knelt beside me. “Maybe we should take you to the hospital. It could be something else.”

  “Maybe.” I let him pull me to my feet. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. Looking at my reflection, I wondered if it was possible. I tried thinking back to sex-ed and all the things I had learned over the years, but I couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t tell Vince my thoughts because I didn’t want him to worry about my sanity.

  “Hey.” He cupped my face, staring down at me. “You good?”

  “I don’t want to go to the hospital. I’m fine. I’m sure it’s just a bug.” I pushed past him and crawled onto the bed.

  Vince joined me, pulling me into his arms. “If you’re still not feeling well tomorrow, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  I turned toward him. “I’m fine, Vince.”

  He kissed my nose. “You may be fine now, but it could be something…”

  When his voice trailed off, I lifted onto my elbow. “What?”

  “It could be something worse.” He sat up. “If I don’t take care of you and it’s something bad, I would never forgive myself. And your dad would kick my ass.”

; “I promise that I’m fine,” I said, trying to reassure him. It was just a bug. It was the only thing that made sense.

  “You better be, Gigi.” Vince laid back down, pulling me into his arms. “I can’t have it any other way.”

  I spent the next couple hours staring at the ceiling. Vince’s words kept bouncing around in my head. I didn’t know what he meant by them but if I could take a guess, he clearly wanted more out of this than us just being girlfriend and boyfriend.

  “Gigi,” a deep voice murmured in my ear. “Wake up.”

  I stirred, not realizing I had fallen asleep. “What’s wrong?” I asked, hearing the panic in Vince’s voice.

  His eyes were wide. He looked down, back up at my face and then down again.

  “What is it?” I asked, my heart thumping hard.

  He met my gaze that time. “You’re bleeding.”


  As Gigi cleaned herself up, I put the linen in the laundry hamper but while I did that, I couldn’t get the blood stain out of my mind’s eye. I didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t like it. I asked her if I had been too rough, but she reassured me that it wasn’t because I had a thing for her ass. Her words.

  She was trying to lighten the mood, but it didn’t make me feel any better.

  I was rattled, on the verge of snapping all because I didn’t know what was going on with her health. It wasn’t her period. It wasn’t because I had hurt her. But it was something. We just didn’t know what.

  Once I got the laundry in the hamper, I stomped to the bathroom door and gave it a hard knock. “Babe, we have to go.” Or else I’ll break this door down and drag you to the hospital.

  “I’m almost done,” she called from the other side of the door.

  I took a breath and then another. I understood. I got it. I did. She didn’t want to go to the hospital. Who did? But we needed to find out what was going on with her.

  The door finally opened. Gigi was wearing gray sweatpants, a white long-sleeved shirt that had three buttons undone at the collar. Her hair was piled on top of her head, loose strands falling free around her beautiful face. Even though she was dressed comfortably, she was hot as hell. My dick stirred, agreeing with me.


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