Devlin's Darling

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Devlin's Darling Page 7

by Pearl Tate

  Devlin sinks into the sofa, pulling me onto his lap.

  “What do they want? Why have they done this?” It makes no sense. Why would they want to steal someone else’s mate?

  “They are evil men who want as much power as they can get. They worked for the warden and since he’s gone, they see an opportunity to seize his power. Maybe they believe if they kill a large portion of the inhabitants under the dome, they will be able to trick the council into appointing them to run the place? Or they will just go live somewhere outside the dome and everyone will consider them dead too? Who can understand their crazy logic?”

  Devlin seems on the same page as me. Weirdos.

  Strangely, Amari has passed out across from us. I study his breathing. They must have drugged him. How did I miss that? His naked buddy is arguing with Selas and as soon as he storms out, Devlin begins arguing with him.

  “What do they want?” I interrupt when it becomes obvious that they won't shut up to let me speak. I can feel how agitated Devlin is. They stop, both their eyes descending ominously on me. “What? What is it?”

  From the way they’re looking at me, I’m guessing part of this argument has something to do with me. It’s Selas who finally answers. “They want you. They are threatening to blow up this place if we don’t deliver you to where they want tomorrow—but don’t worry. We will figure something out.” Swiping a hand over his face, he looks down at Amari.

  Devlin’s possessive hands pull me closer as he leans close to my ear. “They won’t get anywhere near you. Amari will be going after his mate. Let’s see what they come up with and we’ll deal with what we decide then.”

  “I don’t mind.” I don’t. Rachel is my best friend from school. I’m sure she’s petrified. “I’ll help however they need me to.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Thank you, Jenny.” Devlin glares at Selas, clearly at odds on how involved he plans on me being. “It would probably be best if you guys go back to your place next door. I’m sure you understood that Rachel is starting to learn our language?”

  I nod somewhat confused. That was fast, wasn’t it? “How did that happen?”

  “The nanos she received from Amari are working their way through her bloodstream and into her brain. You can tell they haven’t completed the mating because their mating marks aren’t that dark. So, they’ve shared bodily fluids but not had actual intercourse. It’s one way for us to tell that the nanos are active in your system. It would be great if you woke up understanding our language, right?”

  Yes. Yes, it would! Wow! I can’t believe that’s even possible.

  “Even better,” his gaze is locked on Devlin, “would be if you completed the mating tonight.”

  I blush. He’s asking us to have sex? We’ve kissed, but that’s quite a jump!

  “I’m not saying this to embarrass you, Jenny.” He looks at Devlin. “Or to pressure anyone but…” His gaze shifts to Amari. “When you complete the mating, you can tell where your mate is. Even before really, but that would make sure that Devlin could find you anywhere on the planet. I think Amari can probably find Rachel now, but we have to find and deactivate these bombs before we meet up with them. If he pisses them off grabbing Rachel, he may inadvertently have them set off the bombs. Everyone could die.” I shiver at his words. “It will be a long night for all of us.”

  Woah! There’s a lot they haven’t told us. I guess with so much going on, they figure we’ll find out soon enough.

  I study Devlin who has a grim but determined look on his face. Pulling him towards the kitchen, I grab his bowl and pass it to him. “Ready to go?”

  A slow smile spreads across his lips. “Yes. I definitely am.”

  Rolling my eyes, I head for the door. I don’t bother to glance back. I’m sure he’s coming.


  - Devlin

  Selas is such an asshole. I realize that he’s trying to make sure that everyone’s safe. That he has to consider the entire situation. All the prisoners are under his protection right now.

  But he wants to use my mate as a lure! To dangle her under their noses and draw them out! Nothing about that plan sits well with me. I can’t allow them to control her.

  My beautiful, sweet Jenny is willing to go along with them too. I’m tempted to disappear with her tonight. We can be outside the dome and into the hills in no time.

  I toss around different ways we could get out as I follow her to her room. Our room. I’ll never let her sleep without me.

  There are obviously groups of devious sects, just waiting to take her from me. Look at Amari. He had taken Rachel far away, and they still found her. Maybe being near Selas is the best for now?

  Nodding at the guard outside the door, we quietly walk in. Jenny goes directly for the kitchen.

  “Is there a way to reheat these? We really should eat something even if my stomach doesn’t like the idea right this second.” She rubs her belly after setting her dish down. My poor mate. She’s gone through so much already.

  “Let me.” Taking her bowl with my own, I set them inside our secowave. I know from their language it’s similar to an appliance they use in their own kitchens that heats with waves.

  Jenny watches me closely. “It’s like a microwave?”

  Pulling out the bowls, I nod.

  “Only way quicker! Thank you.” She blows on her bowl as she walks to the table.

  I watch her begin eating as I settle across from her. Jenny’s so polite and thoughtful. She won’t want to abandon her friend, but I have to try.

  “We can leave. Tonight. We could be far from here before the dawn when they come looking for us. It will be safer.”

  I can see her answer in the set of her jaw and the indignant look that overcomes her features as she swallows. “No. I can’t do that to Rachel. Or to anyone here.” She reaches across the table and grasps my hand tightly. “Don’t think I don’t want to. I'm terrified too. Everything’s happening so fast. But I’m sure I’m supposed to be here. There’s a part we both play in this. Don’t you agree?”

  I’m not sure exactly what she’s thinking but I can see the resolve and determination. Of course, I’ll do anything she asks but my first instinct is to flee. It always has been.

  “When I first arrived here, Warden Benard tried to include me in his sick games. He initiates all the new inmates with either sex or fighting.” Jenny’s face has gone pale, but I continue. “I’ve always been bigger than other males of our kind. I fought. I killed, and I earned my territory in this prison. But I don’t want to fight any longer. I definitely never want to kill again.”

  Swallowing hard, I study her reaction. It’s best she knows who she’s mated to. “None of us are trained at fighting. The women on our planet are larger and if they possess an unruly male, they put them in shock harnesses. It’s a blessing that Benard didn’t find those at his disposal. I might not have survived.”

  Her face is horrified. “I’m so sorry that happened to you. This is his place? The guy that Selas took over for?” Her eyes flicker with disgust around the room at my nod. “Do you want to go somewhere else? Like your place?”

  I'm convinced she read my mind. I want nothing more. I need her in my bed, in my dwelling. It’s not as fancy as this, but it’s mine. My collection of clutter hides weapons. I've set it up to be defended, if needed.

  “Let’s finish eating and leave. I really want to see your place.” Her brilliant smile matches mine. She’s such a treasure with her big blue eyes and positive attitude. She makes me want to imagine the best of everything that’s happening too.

  I finish before her and return my bowl to the prep area before wandering around the space. There may be items I can take from here that she will enjoy.

  In the bathing facility, I find cleaning supplies that are clearly meant for her. I retrieve a bag from the prep area and begin loading items into it.

  “What did you find?” She’s standing in the doorway watching me with interest.

Handing her the bag, she sorts through the contents. Making a happy exclamation, she pulls out a metal item I’ve never seen before. “A comb! Yes!” She runs it through her hair, and I'm fascinated as the strands float up when she pulls it out of her hair. “Static electricity.” Laughing, she wraps her hair up high on her head and secures it with a tie she keeps on her wrist. “I always keep a couple of these on me. Praise the Lord.”

  “Should we check the bedrooms too?”

  She shrugs, turning and heading towards the bedrooms. “I’m not sure what there will be but it can’t hurt. I’m sure Selas won’t mind us pilfering from this place. It’s not like anyone else is using it right now.”

  I’m glad we checked because there’s clothing for her, neatly folded on the bed. It must have been brought down specifically for her. She unfolds what looks like a shirt but is clearly long enough to be a dress on her. It’s made of the same material all the uniforms on the Discovery are made of. They must have fabricated female clothing in their system.

  “This is great! There’s three!” My mate is always pleased at the simplest things. This is a good trait to have no matter what your life is like.

  Pulling her into my arms, she hugs me back immediately. “I’m sorry I don’t have more for you. You deserve so much more. More clothes. Even more than me.”

  She pulls back with an annoyed expression on her face. “As if. I don’t think so. You’re perfect for me. You’re my mate, right?” As I nod enthusiastically, she continues. “Yes. So, that makes us perfect for each other. Don’t hurt my feelings by saying differently.” She sticks out her bottom lip as she mock pouts.

  My sweet female. I can’t wait to see if she is sweet everywhere.


  - Jenny

  Devlin’s place isn’t exactly what I expect. When we first enter his building, I anticipate seeing other guys around. There were so many in the place Selas was staying in. But it’s eerily quiet. It’s smaller too but there appears to be at least one other home there.

  Clutter lines the halls and boxes are stacked haphazardly. But when we go down the lengthy hall, he doesn’t stop until we reach the last door on the left. He’s excited to show me where he lives. I can tell by his rushed steps that have me wheezing to keep up.

  I’m looking forward to relaxing. It’s been a long day, and I was tired when it started.

  He ushers me inside. It’s a different world in here! Bright colors decorate the walls and a beautiful mural of a forest is painted on one long wall in the living room. It opens the space up so much even though the layout is identical to all the others.

  “Wow! This is wonderful. Did you paint that?” He laughs and I realize it’s the first time he’s done that. It changes his features from handsome to gorgeous.

  My breath catches and I start to cough. Sinking into a chair across from the mural, I try to clear the phlegm.

  “No. One of my friends. It’s great, right?” He’s in his kitchen area and before I know it, he hands me a glass of water.

  Sipping gratefully, I peer up at him. “Thank you. And yes, it’s so detailed.” As I sit there, I enjoy my drink and take it all in. At first glance, the painting looks like a beautiful forest with light streaming in between the branches high above. But when you examine it closely, you can find animals here and there. Nothing I recognize, but they have similar qualities to our creatures.

  There’s a bird that seems to be a cross between a bat and a parrot. It’s preening with a very pointed beak near the top of the wall, high in a tree. Even the trees have different bark. It seems to have more of an orange and green color than the brown trunks on earth.

  “I'm better. Show me the rest!” Devlin picks up the bag of clothing and toiletries we collected earlier. He leads me over to his bedroom and bath. There's only one bedroom, so this layout is smaller than the other building. The bathroom is larger than Earth's usually are in a place this size and it has a door to the bedroom and the living area.

  “Thank you for coming back here with me, Jenny.” Devlin sets the bag on the bed and pulls out the clothing, stacking them neatly into a basket near the wall. There isn’t any other furniture besides the bed in the room.

  “I don’t mind. Can I sit?” I pat the bed. It looks so inviting. The bright colors continue into this room with a beautiful ocean painted on the wall across from the bed.

  “Of course. Lay down and relax. I’ll put these in the bathroom and then I can help you get comfortable.” I shiver with anticipation with his words.

  I want to relax, but the circumstances are still a little unnerving. Me being here. I’ve never been in a boy’s—or man’s bedroom before. Taking off my shoes, I slide back on the bed, propping a pillow behind me.

  Taking in the mural, I note that the sun seems large compared to Earth's sun. And there are two small moons floating above the water on the other side of the room near the door. Interesting.

  Whoever painted this is extremely talented. I can’t wait to meet him and see his other work.

  When Devlin returns, he settles on the bed near my feet. Picking up a foot, he starts to rub. A low moan comes from me. I can’t help it. It feels incredible!

  “Can I take these off?” He plucks at my thick tights and I blush. Oh, right? Now is not the time to be a prude.

  Inching up my skirt, I pull the top elastic down, letting my skirt drop while I pull them off my legs. Devlin’s gaze is locks to my skinny legs, and he takes a deep breath. I'm aware of exactly what he's experiencing.

  My heart’s racing and he hasn’t even touched me yet! He picks up my feet again as if sensing my hesitation. He probably knows how scared I am. This is all new for me.

  I can tell I’m getting turned on just having him touch my feet. He seems to sense exactly what I like and all the perfect pressure points. “How are you so good at that?”

  Shrugging, he just smiles. We stare at each other for a few minutes as he continues and my heart races with anticipation. He stops and climbs to his feet. His movement are slow and sinuous. As if he’s trying not to startle me.

  I’m getting all hot and bothered just watching him. Then he takes off his shirt. He’s so sexy. I didn’t realize that men as beautiful as him existed. I definitely never expected to see one in person. Alone. In a bedroom. Taking off his shirt for me…

  Thank you, God.

  I’ve already turned to goo from his foot massage. But when he crawls up on the bed next to me, I think my mouth might be hanging open. Reaching my side, he turns and leans back next to me before tugging me close and bringing his head to mine for a kiss.

  I’m ready. I’ve been looking forward to this since our kiss at the church. His mouth is hungry on mine and when I part my lips at the touch of his tongue, I moan as he deepens it. Pulling me even closer, he tugs me slowly into his lap so I’m straddling him.

  My skirt rides up. It’s an A-line jean skirt, but the material doesn’t have a lot of flair. But he doesn’t stop and ogle me and as our tongues duel, I forget about it. Until his hands that have been on my back, slide down, down, down. Skating over my hips, he runs them down my legs until he meets skin. Stroking my legs, his hands flutter up and down, sliding my skirt even higher on my thighs.

  Pulling away, I open my eyes to see his hair floating around us both. It’s wild and seems to reach for me. “Can I touch it?”

  “You can touch anything you want on me. Anytime.” Blushing, I ignore my self-consciousness and reach out slowly. I meant to grab a little chunk. But when I start to close my hand, hundreds—or thousands—of strands settle against my palm.

  The hair presses into my grasp, continually moving, wrapping up my arm and stroking me. It reaches my neck and dances around my collar bone. Its so long strands are traveling down my shirt. First a small amount and then more as it seems to recognize it’s found my skin.

  Laughing, I wiggle. “I’m sorry. I should have better control. But…” His apologizing is sweet. I should be scandalized, but it’s like an
over exuberant pet that just can’t help itself.

  “But what?” I meet his baffled gaze.

  “I lose control with you. You are irresistible to all of me.”

  Smiling, I can’t help being happy he feels that way. When has a man ever looked twice at me? Never. “I don’t mind. Can I touch you?” My hands hover gingerly over his amazing chest as I wait for permission.

  “I was serious when I said you can touch anything you want on me. I crave contact with you.” He settles his hands over mine, flattening my palms onto his sculpted pecs.

  “Really?” He's velvet under my fingers. But hard underneath, where all his muscles are. It reminds me of an antique chair my parents keep in the entry to our home. The seat on the chair has been covered with dark green velvet but with no cushioning underneath.

  Leaning forward, I try to focus on the tiny hairs that make him feel this way. They’re super short. Shorter than the hair on my own arms. They're just a fraction of an inch long, but when you study them, they appear very similar to the hair on his head. Moving and reaching towards me, they match the caramel color of his skin.

  “Oh yes, Jenny. Really.” It takes me a minute to realize he’s reiterating how he craves my touch. “Ever since I laid eyes on you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to be alone with you. I’m dying to explore your body and touch you. But I crave your caresses just as much, and I know you need to get comfortable with me.”

  Do I? Is that why I’m so nervous? Maybe he’s right, and it’s just the unknown that has me so tied in knots. It’s liberating to realize that we feel the same way about each other. Is this what mating does?

  I trace his chest markings through the hills and valleys of his defined muscles. The colors shifting under my fingers. I can’t help wondering how mine look compared to his. “Do you mind?” I reach down to the bottom of my shirt and start to tug it up. I’ve never had a man see me in my bra before. Even my bathing suite has always been a modest one-piece. But this is Devlin, my mate.


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