The Shadow Gypsy (The Shadow Sisters)

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The Shadow Gypsy (The Shadow Sisters) Page 8

by C. R. Daems

  "What happened, Ryana?" Luka asked after several hours on the road.

  "A close friend of mine from Ahasha tricked me into drinking a fruit drink that was drugged. The drug gave me a wonderful feeling of peace and detachment from life. Because they had converted my friend, they knew I was Sister trained and recognized me as the knife thrower who threatened their prophet. He intended to punish me after I had been converted—drugged into compliance. You saved me."

  "How?" His sudden movement jerked the reins, startling the horses and throwing us backward. When he got control again, he turned and stared at me.

  "Everyone had left the camp and this big man who had been assigned to continue feeding me the drug tried to rape me. I wanted sex..." The hard truth. "If he had given me the drink first, I wouldn't have cared. I would have wanted sex—with anyone. But he didn't. As he started pawing at me, your image broke the spell. I screamed for help and my darlings came to my rescue." I froze not sure of Luka's reaction. I didn't know what I'd do if he...

  "I love you, Ryana. Nothing would ever change that." He put one arm around me, and I leaned into him.

  "They are beyond dangerous. When you're on that drug, you're easy to control. Sisters are well trained, yet my friend and I were led like babies, and if I am not mistaken, the drug is addictive. That means after a while the people will do anything to get it. If they caught me, they can catch other Sisters with my friend's help. Can you imagine their power with the Shadow Sisters under their control?" I trembled at the thought.

  "You're right. We have to run. They will be desperate to catch you... and us." He stopped and stared at me. "They'll chase us onto Zunji land. They can't let you get away."



  "The Zunji and the Sister of Death will kill them all." My shadow-self's first choice. No, this time my visual and shadow-self were united. The thought of my clan and the Shadow Sisters drugged and... My mind screamed at the nightmare—a rape of mind and body. I couldn't stop shaking. Luka held me tight but said nothing, lost in his own thoughts.

  We were about halfway to Kaslos when I directed the wagons off the road and headed west. That direction would take us north of Kaslos and was the shortest route to Zunji land. I wouldn't let them stop until we were an hour off the road in case the yellow-robes decided to follow the road to Kaslos. I convinced everyone to get as much rest as they could while the horses were taken care of. I would stand watch.

  * * *

  We were up and left as the sky began to lighten. Anil and Kasi had seen nothing on the road that night. The next three days and nights were the same: begin at dawn, stop to eat and rest the horses, ride for four hours, stop to eat and rest the horses, ride until darkness made travel impossible. Each night, I stood watch with my darlings. The fourth morning, I returned to the wagon several hours before sunrise. Luka jerked awake, knife in hand.

  "You scared me to death, hon. Is anything wrong?" he asked as I pulled my bag from under our bed and began putting on my blacks and gypsy clothes over them.

  "No one is following us, yet. When everyone is up, they are to continue in this direction. I need to find the Zunji and ensure our safe passage." I kissed him long and tender. "Don’t worry. The Zunji love the Shadow of Death," I whispered in his ear, and left. I saw no one, but I couldn't be too careful. After I was safely away from the wagons, I reversed my gypsy and Shadow clothing and began a slow run in the direction Kasi indicated there was a Zunji camp. Two hours later I could make out tents and, a spear’s throw away, a guard on a small mound. I slowed to a walk and continued towards him. He whistled and soon several Zunji appeared. As I neared the group, I recognized Sizwe's oldest son, Gero.

  "Good morning, Gero. Am I in time for breakfast?" I smiled. Seeing Gero and the Zunji gave me a warm feeling. I liked the Zunji and particularly Gero, who had led the warriors that had helped me foil the plot to overthrow the king.

  "My favorite Shadow. Have you brought us another war? Life has been boring since you left." He laughed.

  "I've come to ask for safe passage for a clan of gypsies."

  "Why? Are they being run out of Tuska? I thought they have the king's protection. Come we'll talk over a meal. It's time to eat." He led me to a large tent where a pretty middle-age woman, a young man, and a pregnant, young woman sat.

  "Shadow of Death, my wife, Adisa, my son, Akua, and his wife Ndidi," Gero said, smiling with obvious pride. Adisa bowed from her sitting position and began pouring a stew-like liquid into a bowl which she placed in front of me along with a cup of liquid. She was a tall, shapely woman. Her tan skin smooth and hazel eyes sparkled with life. Gero's son had a lot of his mother's striking facial features, tall, and also with hazel eyes. His wife by contrast was shorter than the average Zunji woman and almost seemed frail.

  "My husband speaks of you often. You have given him much pleasure. He acts ten years younger." She gave him a smile that I bet made him tingle from head to foot.

  "Only ten?" He asked, smiling back. "Maybe the Shadow can take another ten off. Shadow, why?"

  "Yellow-robed men are chasing them. They will kill them if they catch them. They drugged one of the gypsies and want her back because she had Shadow Sister training, although she's not a Shadow," I said, covering for the presence of Ryana.

  "Drugged? We have had some yellow-robed men collecting the deadly Passion flowers. We chased them off. We don't care about the flowers, but they were on Zunji land without permission, and it was fun," Akua said, grinning. "Besides, the flowers are reserved for the priests. They know the amounts that can be used to cure certain problems. They are forbidden to everyone else. They can turn the mind to mush. That is why they are called the deadly Passion."

  "We have let one of your Shadows collect the flowers," Gero said. Yes, the yellow-robes needed the flowers to control their people and get new recruits, and the Zunji wouldn't bother a Sister.

  "I need two favors then," I said.

  "Safe passage to anywhere you want us to take them, and?" Gero asked.

  "Stop the Shadow, any Shadow, from collecting the flowers. And if you can capture her..." I shuddered. "Kill her if you can't but be careful. She is an Assassin."

  "Kill her?" Akua frowned, looking worried.

  "Capture if you can without risking your lives. Kill her if you can't. But don't let her have any flowers. She's aiding the yellow-robes and can no longer be considered a Shadow. But if you can capture her, send me word... contact any Earth Wizard."

  "You didn't fail me, Shadow of Death. You did bring us some excitement." Gero gave me an evil grin. "Akua, get a party together to guide the gypsies to wherever they want to go. And spread the word that the Passion flowers are forbidden to everyone, including the Shadows. The yellow-robes are the enemies of the Shadow of Death, and the Shadow who has been collecting the Passion flowers is to be captured if possible, otherwise killed." He looked back to me. When I nodded, Akua picked up a spear and trotted off. I picked up my bowl and used my fingers to pick up the small pieces of meat, rodent I thought, and drank the spicy liquid it had been cooked in. The cup contained a mixture of goat milk and blood, which I found satisfying.

  "Gero, do you think the Zunji would enjoy a performance by the gypsies?"

  "I think so. We appreciate talent and skill earned through hard work."

  "Good, have Akua lead the wagons to wherever would be convenient for the performance. They will need to rest today, but tomorrow night they should be ready."

  * * *

  I ran until I could see the wagons in the distance, then changed back to my gypsy clothing and continued walking towards them. Several minutes later, Alida screamed.

  "It's Ryana!"

  The wagons stopped and people began jumping off and running towards me, with Luka in the lead.

  "You're safe." He whirled me off my feet and hugged me to him.

  "Ryana, quit fooling around and tell us what's happening," Alida said, as everyone began gathering around me.

; "The Tobar clan is going to be the first clan on Hesland to give the Zunji a performance."

  "What?" was the collective response.

  "Say you're joking," Alida said.

  "Sounds like fun, I think," Kata said, looking around the group. "Well, Alida. Is this one of those dumb things or a good thing?"

  "The Zunji are people just like you, hated and considered less than other Heslanders. They train their young for war because they have been invaded many times over the years. Not for the land but for sport. They are clannish, but like you, a warm, friendly people when you get to know them," I interjected before Alida could respond.

  "Where will we perform?" Santo asked.

  "A small party of Zunji, will be here shortly to direct us. The performance won't be until tomorrow evening. After that, they will guide us to anywhere we wish."

  "Life is certainly not boring around you... sister," Kata said, smiling.

  * * *

  An hour later, Akua and ten young men came into view. I decided Santo and I should meet them, so I grabbed him by the arm and walked towards the approaching men.

  "Greetings, I'm Akua, son of Gero, son of Sizwe," he said with a nod of his head.

  "Welcome Akua, I'm Santo the head of the Tobar clan. I thank you for your protection," Santo said, his eyes darting from Akua to me.

  "Friends of my father's friend are always welcome. Follow me. I will lead you to where you can camp." He turned and began walking away. After several hours of following the Zunji, who ran at a slow trot, they stopped, informed us the performance would be tomorrow at sunset, and trotted off at a faster pace.

  "Are we safe here?" Santo asked.

  "Yes. They will have scouts everywhere, hoping the yellow-robes are chasing us onto their land."

  "Why? I thought you said they were a warm, friendly people."

  "To those who ask permission to enter their lands and who come in peace," I said, leaving out the messy details. I think everyone thought Ryana, the gypsy, had arranged this. The details would be a difficult story even for Sister Rong.

  The clan looked nervous for the first several hours but slowly relaxed. A fire was started, food appeared, and everyone sat around discussing the events of the past several days and tomorrow night's performance. I lay with my head in Luka's lap, sorting through the nightmare of the past several days. I could still feel that man's hands exploring my body, worse yet, I had enjoyed it—wanted him. I could imagine begging for the God drink, willing to do anything for it. Bile rose in my mouth. I hoped the deadly Passion flowers only grew on Zunji land. If so, the problem could be contained. If not...

  * * *

  The next day, an hour before sunset, hundreds of Zunji began appearing—warriors dressed in diaper-like pants and a long cloth wrapped over the shoulder and around the neck, young men and women in calf-length robes, children and older members also in robes, and some who appeared to be priests judging from their elaborate headgear of feathers and the multiple charms around their necks, ankles, and wrists.

  I was pleased when Lujza went out to greet them and answer questions. After the first several minutes, she seemed to be enjoying herself. I was surprised to see Sizwe show just before we were about to begin. I walked over to him and bowed.

  "Welcome, Chief Sizwe. I'm Ryana, if you have any questions."

  "I'm sorry I missed the Shadow of Death. I like her. She told my son Gero that you could speak for her. Is that true?"

  "I trained at Ahasha, but wasn't talented enough to be a Shadow Sister. I know the Shadow you call the Shadow of Death. We are friends. I could speak for her on some things," I said and he nodded. "I must go now, to get ready. I will stop back after the performance."

  We put on the standard performance which included the Magic Balls. To everyone's surprise the Zunji audience was boisterous in their approval of every act. During the last act, Luka's tumbling act using fire rings, I caught Santo.

  "Santo, I think it would be nice and interesting if we invited the Zunji to join us after the performance."

  "We don't have enough food to go around."

  "I'll talk to Chief Sizwe and explain our tradition and the food issue."

  "I understand now why Stela calls you her wild daughter. But you were right. We're in Zunji land and we’re still alive." He laughed. "Alright, talk to their chief... Sizwe."

  As Luka was finishing, I approached Sizwe, bowed, and sat when he wave for me to join him.

  "I have heard about the gypsy acts but never seen one. You are very talented. My people enjoyed the performance very much. I think you could get some of them to join you, just so they could learn to do the things you do. I enjoyed the Magic Balls, especially with fire. It looks dangerous."

  "That's want makes it interesting and exciting to watch." I paused when the crowd began clapping and jumping up and down, as Luka finished. "Chief Sizwe, we gypsies have a tradition after our performances. First we offer games for money. I'd like to have your people try the games, but for fun not money. After we close and clean up, we sit in a circle, eat, and talk—sometimes dance. We'd like you and your people to join us, but we don't have enough food for everyone," I said, hoping I was right. I loved the Zunji and hoped the gypsies and Zunji would become friends. This would be a good start. Sizwe called two warriors over and said something in the Zunji language. They nodded and ran off.

  "The Zunji would love to try your games and join you afterward. Don't worry about the food," he said with a smile. I left to tell Santo, who called everyone together and announced the plan.

  "For fun is probably a great idea. I'd hate to think what would happen if one of the Zunji decided we cheated," Kata said. "Those spears some of them carry look very sharp." She laughed. "Luka, you're a very brave man marrying Ryana. I'll wager the Dorian clan sleeps better at night."

  With that, everyone left, laughing, to get things set up. The games proved fun, both for us and for the Zunji. Ironically, I think we might have lost more than we won if we had allowed them to play for money. They seemed to sense that the trick to winning was the arc of the coin and the ring. Afterward we made one giant circle, several individuals deep. As Sizwe had predicted, food wasn't a problem. The Zunji had brought their own, and both groups shared, mostly to sample the other's food. There were lots of questions about the acts and the gypsies' lives. And then the dancing started. I had been right. The Zunji were a warm, friendly people as were the gypsies. I saw Gero approach his father, and they both rose, nodding to me. I joined them some twenty paces away.

  "You will be interested in knowing that the yellow-robes followed you onto Zunji land. They must want you very badly."

  "Yes. Will you help?"

  "My warriors attacked them. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough warriors and one group of about ten escaped. The other twenty are dead. Only the Sister remains alive. She could have run, but chose to stay and fight. The Shadow of Death wanted her captured, so we didn't kill her. We have her surrounded so she can't escape, but she won't surrender," Gero said.

  "Can you take me to her? I know her. Maybe I can get her to surrender."

  "Yes. They are about an hour away."

  "Give me a minute," I said and returned to my wagon, collected my weapons, changed into my blacks, and donned my gypsy clothes over them. As I left the wagon, Luka was there.


  "The Zunji intercepted a party of thirty yellow-robes chasing us. They killed twenty. Ten got away and returned to Tuska. They have my friend trapped. I need to go talk to her."

  "Is she dangerous?" Luka asked. It was a duel question. Was talking to her dangerous to me, and was she a danger to the Sisters and others.

  "Yes, she is a danger if let loose. But she is a dear friend that I hope I can help." I ignored whether she was dangerous to me. I wasn't sure. In truth, it depended on me—how willing was I to harm her. I kissed him lightly and trotted off after Gero and to my surprise, Sizwe.


  ZUNJI: Near Bywick - Jelen

  We ran at a steady pace, which Sizwe appeared to have no trouble maintaining. Sometime later, we arrived at the sight of the battle. If I ignored the bodies scattered around it was almost funny. Jelena stood surrounded by twenty warriors with spears. The circle of warriors moved like a living organism with her in the center. Because of the number of spears she couldn't get close enough to fight without being stabbed, which several cuts to her arms and side attested.

  "Ryana, have you come to rescue me?" Jelena shouted when she saw me. I turned to Sizwe.

  "Please ask everyone to leave."

  "Everyone? The Shadow of Death wanted her captured or killed."

  "Please. You did what she asked. You captured her. I will take responsibility for her in the Shadow's name."

  Sizwe said something and the warriors shouldered their spears and trotted off. Gero stared at his father until he waved him off. I stood waiting for Sizwe to leave but he shook his head. He was staying. I had no choice, and I trusted him. So, I stripped off my gypsy clothes and turned towards Jelena.

  "So you didn't leave the Sisters. That's not really a surprise. All the years I've known you, all you ever wanted was to belong to the Shadow Sisters. You're a fool, Ryana. The Sisters use us to do their bidding."

  "But not for evil. They have always supported the legitimate rulers in each province and the king."

  "Amatera's cause is for the greater good. In Her name, the yellow-robes will stop all wars and violence. Will the Sisters do that? They prostitute themselves for silver and gold."

  "They stopped a war and asked nothing in exchange."

  "There were rogue Sisters that help start the rebellion."

  "Like you're doing, Jelena. Using treachery to kidnap a friend. Using drugs to make her a slave."

  "I was doing you a favor. You have always hated killing. The little girl who couldn't kill a rabbit when she was starving."

  "Did you ask me to join? No. You used violence to kidnap and seduce me. What do you think Drogo was going to do to me? Rape and beat me, that’s what." Bile rose in my mouth, just thinking about what my life would have been.


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