Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 10

by A. C. Grey

  The two women drew some cards and Tess stared Zoey down, attempting to gauge the strength of her hand. Finally, she announced her bet. “Two more.”

  Zoey looked down at her cards again and took a moment to think. She had a pretty strong hand – a winner she thought. But if she lost right now, she’d be losing six more pieces of clothing. Hell, it would be worth it in the long run, no matter the outcome. “I call.” She turned over her cards and heard Tess curse. Zoey’s three sevens beat Tess’s two pair.

  Zoey couldn’t resist the urge to taunt Tess. “You lost, you strip.”

  Tess reached down and took off her shoes, a pair of obnoxiously bright pink Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers. Zoey began to snicker.


  “Just you and those shoes. Really Tess? They’re neon pink. They’re ridiculous.” Zoey continued to laugh.

  “So? They’re awesome. Just like me. Do not mock my Chucks.”

  Zoey put up her hands up in surrender. “Fine, fine. You and your hideous shoes are awesome. Now stop stalling and lose the clothes.”

  Tess removed both socks, her jacket, and after pondering for a moment, her pants. She figured that her pants were less of a loss than her top, since she was covered from the waist down by the table. She shuffled the cards and re-dealt them.

  They played out the hand, which resulted in Zoey losing only three articles of clothing – both socks and her shirt. Tess swallowed hard as she watched her girlfriend deal the next hand. Her breasts, just threatening, teasing to spill out over the top her red lacy bra. At that moment, she had no doubt that Zoey had chosen to remove her shirt instead of her pants entirely on purpose in order to distract her. And damn it, it was working.

  It was time for some deceptive measures. Time to put all of her talents to work, so to speak. After surveying her cards, Tess knew exactly what she needed to do. She checked, indicating that she didn’t want to bet.

  Sensing Tess’s weakness, Zoey bet one item of clothing. “You know, Tess, you can still fold right now and run away. Of course, that would make you the loser, but maybe better than the loser of more clothing.”

  Tess smiled and simply matched Zoey’s bet. After their draw of cards, Tess again checked, figuring that Zoey wouldn’t be able to resist betting. She was right. Zoey bet another article of clothing.

  “I’m all in,” Tess announced quickly. “I bet everything I’ve got.”

  Zoey debated her options for a moment. She didn’t have that many clothes left to lose as it was, and really, was it such a bad thing to lose at this point? Tess’s repeated and unmistakably lust-filled gazes at her chest had her nerves worked up into a frenzy. Finally, deciding that maybe winning wasn’t the most important thing, she agreed. “Fine. I’m all in as well.”

  They turned over their hands, and Tess’s hand was the winner. If asked later, neither one would have been able to remember exactly what those hands even were.

  Zoey rose and began to remove the last items of her clothing – her pants, bra and underwear. As she reached for the button on her jeans, Tess laid a staying hand atop hers.

  “No, Zoey. I’m the winner of these clothes and I will remove them as I see fit.”

  Not to be one to fight such a request, Zoey removed her hand and waited for Tess’s next move. “As you wish,” she added, smiling at the corny reference to the movie they’d watched the day before.

  “Get on the table.”

  “What?” Zoey asked, a little confused.

  “I said, Get. On. The. Table,” Tess ordered, a little forcefully. The tone of her voice, along with the unmasked look of abject desire reflected in her bright blue eyes, sent shivers running through Zoey. She nodded and sat on the edge of the poker table.

  Tess was atop her in an instant, pushing her further back onto the table. Cards flew in every direction, as did a few stacks of neatly piled poker chips that had been sitting in the center of the table. Tess hands quickly flew to the button of Zoey’s jeans, making quick work of them as she roughly slid them down and off of Zoey’s legs.

  Zoey sat up and ripped Tess’s shirt open, buttons flying everywhere.

  “Hey! I liked that shirt!” Tess protested, secretly aroused beyond words at Zoey’s aggressiveness.

  “Sorry. Too many clothes,” Zoey husked, before capturing those supple, protesting lips in a soul-sucking kiss. Zoey flipped them over, eager to gain the upper hand for a moment. Her tongue plunged into Tess’s awaiting mouth as they melded their bodies together, skin-on-skin, apart from a few offending pieces of undergarment. Zoey began to grind her hips against Tess, desperate for the friction that would send them both into oblivion.

  Tess raised a hand to Zoey’s face, forcing her to focus on her eyes. “Zoey,” she whispered, the sultry tone of her voice nearly sending Zoey over the edge right then and there.


  “Not so fast.” Tess smiled as she used the temporary distraction to roll them over, once more winning control. “I won. Remember. And since you are my prize, I get to do with you as I please.” She leaned down and began kissing her way down Zoey’s body, starting at her pulse point and slowly moving south.

  “Hey . . .” Zoey attempted to protest, but was too distracted by Tess’s teasing mouth. “I . . . never . . . agreed . . .” Her words trailed off as she lost all power of speech. Tess’s mouth had made its way to her bra-clad breasts, sucking through the material, leaving a damp spot as she moved from one nipple to the other.

  Finally, Tess reached behind her back and expertly unclasped the garment, freeing Zoey’s luscious breasts. Tess reached up and palmed one with admiration, while taking the other in her mouth. Zoey let out a stream of groans as Tess swirled the hardened nipple around her tongue, gently nipping before moving on to repeat the process with the other.

  Tess moved further down, raking her tongue slowly across Zoey’s stomach. She slid further down still, placing small brief kisses along the border of Zoey’s panties, gently grazing her teeth over the outside of the fabric.

  Zoey reached down and ran her hands roughly through her girlfriend’s auburn hair. “Tess,” Zoey rasped. “I need you. Please.”

  Knowing that the teasing had gone on long enough, Tess quickly slid off the last stitch of Zoey’s clothing and dipped her fingers into Zoey’s heated core. “My God, Zoey. You’re so wet.”

  Zoey laughed lightly. “Tell me about it. I’ve been in this state constantly for several days. And it’s all your fault.” She laughed again, but her laugh was cut short by a gasp as Tess gently inserted two fingers into her slick tunnel. Sensing that it wouldn’t take much to bring Zoey to climax, Tess quickly set a pace, driving her fingers in and out of her girlfriend. Judging by the stream of expletives coming from Zoey’s beautiful lips, her fingers were working their magic.

  “Oh God . . . Tess. Mmmm. Please . . . more.”

  Sensing Zoey’s need for release, Tess bent and gently took her girlfriend’s bundle of nerves between her lips, gently sucking and swirling her tongue around its edges.”

  That was the final straw. Zoey grabbed Tess’s head as her hips bucked wildly, her muscles squeezing around the moving fingers inside her. “Mmmmmmm . . . fuck . . . I’m . . . cominggggggggg . . .” Tess continued her ministrations, wanting to extend Zoey’s pleasure for as long as possible. As Zoey came down, Tess scooted back up the table and placed a leisurely kiss on Zoey’s lips.

  “That was . . . that was . . . unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.” Zoey grinned, before pulling Tess in for another kiss, tasting herself on Tess’s lips.

  Humor glinted in Tess’s eyes as she pulled away. “That’s because you’ve never experienced the love of a woman. And a talented one at that.”

  “You are right about one thing. You are pretty talented. Now . . .” Zoey’s words trailed off as her hand fell to Tess’s breast. “Let me return the favor.”

  Zoey rolled them over and made quick work of all of Tess’s remaining clothing, knowing that now was proba
bly not the time for teasing, as much as she was tempted. Zoey slowly reached down and slid her fingers into Tess’s slick folds. She grinned, eyes smiling into Tess’s. “I see I’m not the only one rather turned on by this whole affair.” Tess nodded, a little too distracted by Zoey’s wandering fingers to properly answer.

  Zoey gently inserted two fingers, pumping in and out of Tess, eliciting gasps of pleasure from the redhead. The feel of Zoey’s fingers inside her was perfect, just right. How had she never experience this before? She’d been missing out. Sensing that Tess needed more, Zoey added the force of her hips to her hand, thrusting against Tess as she arched her hips off the table to meet her.

  Tess knew that it wouldn’t take much to bring her climax to fruition, but also sensed that Zoey was quickly heading in that direction again as well. “Zoey.” She gazed into Zoey’s lust-darkened eyes. “I want you to come with me. I need to feel you against me.”

  Somehow, despite her lack of experience, Zoey knew just what to do, removing her fingers and placing her center directly over Tess’s, grinding their hips together in an erotic dance. The speed of their mutual thrusts quickened as they moved against each other, eager to feel as close as possible, to feel that much needed friction. Poker chips and cards went flying every which way as the force of their coupling heightened.

  “Fuck . . . Zoey . . . my God . . .” Tess gasped, slamming into the table, knowing the end was near.

  After a few more heated thrusts, Zoey fell over the edge, experiencing a climax even more powerful than the one before. Her entire body shuddered as she let forth a low moan.

  The feel of Zoey’s orgasm was enough to send Tess’s own ripping through her body, electricity jolting through her. “Ohhh . . . Zoeeeeey . . .” Tess screamed as her climax crashed around her like stormy waves against the shore.

  Attempting to eke out every last ounce of feeling, they ground against each other a few more times, reveling in the feeling of their joined bodies. However, the repeated slamming of their bodies was too much for the table, and just as the women collapsed upon each other in sated bliss, so did the table, its legs giving out from their unusual use. As one end of the table slid to the ground, so did the two women, landing in a heap of sweaty, naked limbs on the floor.

  Tess wrapped her arms around Zoey and both laughed hysterically. “Well, looks like I’m going to have to replace the table. Somehow, I don’t think this type of use falls under the warranty.” Tess grinned and placed a gentle kiss on Zoey’s temple. They lay there on the floor in contented silence, taking a moment to recover.

  Zoey finally broke their silence. “You know, if I’d known that all it would take to get you into bed was some gaudy gold bracelet, I’d have run out to the nearest store and bought one days ago.”

  Tess chuckled. “Oh, it wasn’t the bracelet. I have a feeling tonight would have happened whether or not I won that tournament. I’ve wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I was just trying to be respectful and responsible for once. But even I have my limits. As the old poker adage goes, ‘you’ve gotta know when to hold’em and when to fold’em.’ It was time I laid down my hand and let you win, so to speak. But I guess we could call this a win for both of us.”

  Zoey smiled, placing a quick kiss on Tess’s lips, gently brushing away stray hair. “Oh definitely. I’m glad you finally decided to fold. I was beginning to think you were bluffing and that you really didn’t want me. All that teasing can give a girl a complex.”

  “Okay, enough with the poker metaphors. I can think of much more interesting things to be doing right now.” Tess smirked as she pulled Zoey up after the floor and led them to the bedroom, eager to continue what they’d started.

  Zoey followed her, but stopped in mid-stride, laughing.

  “What?” Tess turned to ask, perplexed at Zoey’s sudden humor.

  “Oh nothing. It’s just that you’re living up to your poker nickname.”

  Tess continued to look confused.

  Zoey grinned. “You’ve got the Queen of Hearts stuck to your ass, Tess.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Good on her word, Tess had definitely left Zoey sore come morning. They spent a leisurely morning in bed, neither eager to end what they’d started. Unfortunately, obligations eventually made it necessary for them to leave their love nest.

  Zoey couldn’t help but grin as she stretched her aching muscles and headed to get dressed. Tess had some media events to do surrounding her big win the day before. Zoey had decided to tag along. She shook her head as she thought about it. She was following the woman around like a lovesick puppy, but she didn’t care. Every moment spent with Tess was special. Zoey had to admit, she had it bad.

  As they walked into the casino, where Tess would be doing interviews, she was stopped by a group of admirers. “Tess!! Can we have your autograph?!”

  Tess smiled and accepted the offered pen and paper. “Sure thing! Are you guys poker players too?”

  Zoey stood back and watched Tess interact with her fans, engaging them in a conversation about themselves – where they were from, how long they’d been playing poker, and other small talk. She couldn’t help but smile as she observed her girlfriend. She was so easy with them, so polite and friendly, making them feel like the center of attention. It was heartwarming. A lot of people would have either brushed them off or just signed quickly and left. But not Tess. She had such a friendly spirit about her and it made Zoey melt a little. She did have to chuckle as she remembered how decidedly unfriendly Tess had been at first. However, Zoey was pretty sure that the Tess before her right now was the real one. Her patience, her kindness, her constant reassurances over the past few days left Zoey with little doubt that Tess was a truly beautiful woman, inside and out.

  As Tess finished with her fans, she looked around for her girlfriend. She saw Zoey standing a few feet away, eyes shining with admiration. Tess grinned and went to join her.

  “Do you ever get used that?”

  “Not really.”

  “You were so great with them. A lot of people would have been rude or at least not as friendly. I really admire that about you.” Zoey rubbed her hand gently on Tess’s shoulder.

  “I don’t think I have the right to be anything but kind to them. It wasn’t that long ago that I was them – the one looking up to the professional poker players. They’re a constant reminder of where I came from. It doesn’t hurt me to spend a few minutes making their day, so why not?”

  They headed to the room where Tess would be doing interviews. Again, Zoey hung back, towards the rear of the room, content to just watch Tess do her thing. Zoey gazed at her in unabashed admiration. She was so beautiful, blue eyes glinting with life and excitement as she talked about the game she loved so much. She was so talented – one of the best players Zoey had ever seen. She was so confident – if she doubted herself, she never let on. She was so exuberant – which Zoey would have thought would irritate her in the long run. But it didn’t – it simply raised her own spirits to be around her. She was so . . . Zoey didn’t know what else. But most importantly, she was hers. Tess had chosen her. And no doubt a woman like her could have picked just about anyone. Zoey smiled and continued to study her girlfriend as she silently counted her lucky stars.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” A bystander interrupted Zoey’s thoughts.

  “Uh . . . yeah, she is.” Zoey smiled slightly.

  “Quite the lady-killer I hear. Never stays long before she gets bored and moves on.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Zoey said cautiously.

  “I’ve heard she’s got quite the collection of charms to put on that new bracelet of hers, if you know what I mean. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” The woman smiled. “Maybe I’ll go see if she needs a new one.”

  “I hear she has a girlfriend,” Zoey responded politely, trying to control the urge to throttle the woman.

  “I guess I’ll just have to show her the error of her ways.” The woman w
alked off and Zoey was silently thankful that Tess was still surrounded by reporters. There was no way the woman would be able to get within ten feet of Tess. Which was lucky for the woman, because Zoey couldn’t guarantee what her reaction would be if she’d laid a hand on Tess.

  By the time Tess’s interviews were over, Zoey had cooled off. The offending woman was nowhere in sight, which was probably a good thing for her sake. Tess caught Zoey’s gaze from across the room and grinned as she made her way over. “Thanks for waiting, Zoey. You really didn’t have to. It must have been so boring. But I’m glad you did all the same.”

  Zoey shrugged. “I wanted to. I enjoyed watching you . . . you know, answer the questions and stuff.”

  Tess playfully swatted at Zoey’s arm. “Oh, you did, did you? You’re sure you weren’t just checking me out?”

  “So what if I was?”


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