Four Nights at Sea

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Four Nights at Sea Page 14

by Demi Alex

  He was getting nowhere with these kinds of thoughts. He was a doer, not a contemplator. Plus, she was blowing smoke up his ass and hers. No, no way.

  “No senator’s wife smile,” he said in a low voice.


  He shook his head. “I was thinking aloud.” He wiped his hand down his face and made his choice. “But I’m done with that.”

  A twinkle of hope glimmered in her eyes and he had no doubt what was needed. “Since we’ve decided to work together and help each other out, there is only one option for now. First, you will put the writing assignment to sleep for the night. You have more than enough material. We’ll revisit your research in the morning. Second, we’re attending Always Kiss Me Good-Night. We’re going to immerse ourselves in the evening’s activities, and you’re going to enjoy it.”

  Relief sparked on her face. Tense shoulders relaxed and warm breath feathered over his lips. Yes, he’d made the right choice.

  “Go into the ladies’ room, retrieve the toy, and bring it to me.” He wasn’t giving her any time to argue and to insist on a change of plans. “You’re being petulant about accepting what is given. We’re not doing petulant.”

  * * *

  Charlie dragged cool air into her lungs. She closed her eyes and nodded, secretly thanking the stars above for the man’s high-handedness. “Yes,” she breathed.

  He stood and offered her his hand. She took it, followed him out of the dining room and to the nearest ladies’ room. Leaving him in the corridor, she stepped inside and cleaned up.

  She smiled at the remembrance of the concealed touches, the sweet sensations, and the explosive release. She’d practically passed out from it all. Or was that because she’d held her breath? How was it possible that no one else noticed?

  Sinful. Just sinful. That wasn’t the way for a proper lady to act. She truly didn’t deserve orgasm after orgasm when she should be working. But she’d taken it like the wanton woman she was quickly learning she was. Not only that, but she was selfish. She hadn’t once reciprocated the attention.

  She frowned at her reflection. Douchebag-ex James had called her a sexual letch, with a deviant streak not appropriate for polite company. Her mouth instinctively formed a frown. Just because she wanted to get on top, try riding him for a change, she was a deviant. She was a letch because she’d touched herself when he wouldn’t. Maybe she was selfish, or maybe he was a douche, but either way she finally knew what it was like to orgasm at someone else’s touch . . . someone else’s sweet ministrations.

  The door pushed open. “Chère?”

  “I’ll be out in a second,” she called, reaching between her thighs and removing the tiny pink vibrator. She rinsed it off, wrapped it in a paper towel, then left the stall. Checking her reflection a final time, she fluffed her hair and went to meet Ford.

  “Started to worry about you,” he said, draping an arm over her shoulder and kissing the side of her head. “You okay?”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled and held out the neatly wrapped package. “As per your request, sir.”

  He laughed, then unwrapped the vibrator and dangled it from his index finger for all to see. She glanced around, grateful they were alone, and closed her hand around the vibe. “Ford. What if someone sees?”

  He shrugged, pulled away from her, held out his finger, and the toy swung like a pendulum. “Stop hiding, chère. It is what it is.”

  Heat cruised up to her cheeks and her heart skipped. “What would people think?”

  “Not that I care,” he said, stopping the bullet from swinging and caressing it with his thumb. “But do you really believe a little pink vibrator would make much of an impression with this crowd?”

  A tall woman, dressed in a fishnet cat suit that had two strategically placed black strips and thigh high boots, descended the staircase with a thick silver chain in her hand. The chunky chain was about two feet long, then it split into two shorter segments that were clasped to studded leather collars worn by two bare chested young men, each of them wearing black latex boxer shorts.

  “I guess not,” she replied, swallowing the lump of embarrassment in her throat. She watched him slip the toy into his coat pocket and sighed in relief. “I’m not used to this stuff.”

  “You’re not used to a lot of things,” he said, cupping her face. “And some things I don’t mind, but others I do. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t stand for you to hide your true desires from me. I won’t.”

  He smoothed an open palm down the side of her neck to the center of her chest. Her skin tingled beneath his touch and her breasts grew heavy at the anticipation of more. Her nipples hardened and strained against the fabric of her dress, but he didn’t soothe the ache with a stroke.

  “Back at the table, you voiced your last ‘no’ to what you want.” He leaned down, brushed his lips over her mouth, and looked her in the eyes. “The only ‘no’ these lips will let slide is one you feel in here.” His hand splayed over her heart, his fingertips brushing her nipple, and her heart pounded twice as hard for the intimate gesture. It wasn’t simply sexual in nature, rather it was a patient reinforcement.

  Charlie didn’t want to say no to this man. Not in any way. She needed to find a balance in her life and let herself live. As the energy from his hand seeped into her chest, she resolved to do exactly what he asked. Consciously and with complete awareness, she’d let herself fall for him.

  “You’re thinking a lot,” he said. “Any questions?”

  She shook her head.

  “What was that?” Ford asked.

  “None,” she whispered, holding his gaze and feeling the joy settle over her heart. “Thank you.”

  His eyes brightened and he smiled. “With that pretty attitude, you’re making me second guess taking back the toy.” He playfully smacked her backside and straightened, pulling her into a tight embrace.

  Smiling into his chest, she snuggled closer. It had been a long time since she’d felt that way. She slid her hands beneath his jacket and gathered his shirt in her fingers. “I don’t need a toy to feel good. I have you. You make me feel wonderful.”

  “There’s something about you, Charlie, something that makes me crazy.” His hand closed on her nape and his fingers curled into her hair. He turned her face up to his and locked his gaze on hers. “We’ll need to figure this out before we get back home or you’re going to be my undoing, lady.”

  “That makes me feel powerful,” she said, going up on her toes and pressing her lips to the underside of his jaw.

  Maybe because of their locale or maybe because she was a romantic fool, Charlie couldn’t help but reach for the fantasy. Freshly shaved, smooth, and welcoming, the chiseled lines were like a fine treasure map. Ford was the treasure. A treasure she’d never thought she deserved. A treasure she knew she’d search for, and then had to prepare to release when they returned to the United States. Bittersweet—but she wanted the sweetness, temporary or not. She didn’t feel the “no” in her heart. The moment wasn’t going to slip through her lips.

  “It should. You hold all the power,” he said, linking her hand through his arm. “Let’s go learn about kissing good-night.”

  * * *

  Dim lighting illuminated the lounge, but bright white lights bathed the stage and the four participants standing on it. Charlie watched as the MC blindfolded a woman with long red hair. He skipped over the lanky man, whispered something into a blonde’s ear, and finally tied another blindfold over Grace’s eyes. Their Grace!

  “Holy cow,” Charlie said, leaning into Ford as he guided them to the corner where their tablemates had gathered.

  “I see.” He scooted her in front of him and placed a hand on her waist for guidance as he continued to where Luis and Quinn stood. “Looks like Emma’s plans for her friend’s adventure are falling into place.”

  “Our recipients are ready. Two have chosen blindfolds to prevent them from seeing. The other two promise not to peek,” the MC announced. “Close your eyes, my frien
ds. It’s time for three givers to line up before each of you. If one of the givers kisses you the way you desire, kiss back. You’ll be his or hers for the remainder of the evening. What happens when the lights come on is up to you.”

  Givers formed lines before the four recipients, but when three men stood before Grace, Tyler shook his head. He glanced at Ford, took Charlie and Emma by the hand and paraded them up to Grace’s line. Tapping the shoulders of the three men that had already taken their place before Grace, he glared at them with an intimidating scowl, and tossed his head to the side for them to scram. They did.

  “Charlie has the right cheek,” he said in a low voice. “Emma, the left. Give your friend a kiss good-night, ladies.” Then he placed his large hand over his heart. “Thank you.”

  No way could Charlie argue with something so gallant. Tyler claimed Grace right before her eyes, and she found the caveman action very endearing, even sweet. Tyler didn’t want another man kissing Grace, so he’d asked for platonic cheek kisses from them. She glanced at Emma, who smiled and nodded in agreement.

  “You’re very welcome,” Charlie whispered.

  The MC gestured for them to line up in order and continued explaining the kiss they were after was a lover’s kiss. “A kiss that will send us into a fitful sleep, with sexy dreams, and hopefully a satisfying morning wake-up conclusion.”

  Emma stepped up first, hugged her friend tight, and cupped her right cheek. She kissed Grace’s left cheek. “You deserve this. Enjoy.”

  When it was Charlie’s turn, she reached for her hand and felt how Grace trembled at her touch. Intertwining their fingers, she squeezed and signaled her assurance. She brushed her lips on the other woman’s cool cheek. “You’re in good hands. Let loose, Grace.”

  The MC instructed them to move on, and Tyler stepped up. Standing close to the pair, Charlie witnessed Grace’s reaction to Tyler entering her space. Her cheek flushed with heat, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and she wet her lips as his fingers trailed down the side of her face. He took his time, caressing her pretty skin and soothing her trembling chin as he used a finger to turn her face up to his.


  Charlie heard Tyler’s proclamation to Grace, and hope spread through her as he lowered his head and placed his mouth on Grace’s. Her lips parted. She raised her hands and linked them behind his neck. “Okay.”

  Tyler snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Deepening the kiss until Grace had melted into his big frame, he pushed up the blindfold and smiled at her. “We continue in private.”

  Blushing, Grace agreed, and he scooped her into his arms and carried her off the stage. They didn’t glance back. Didn’t say good-bye to anyone. They were the only two that mattered.

  Emma linked her arm through Charlie’s and they strolled across the dance floor toward the others. “That was perfect. I loved the way he did that. He watched her all through dinner, bought champagne for her, and now he literally swept her off her feet.”

  “I think he’s the kind of man that sees what he wants and doesn’t hesitate to go after it. He wants Grace,” Charlie said.

  “I know,” Emma agreed. “He’s exactly what she needs. She lived with a floundering asshole for so long that she almost lost herself because of his wimp tendencies. She needs a strong man to remind her that she’s a beautiful and sexy woman. Someone who won’t allow her to back away.”

  “Tyler will only allow what he thinks is right. He’s very dominant. Almost a little frightening,” Charlie said.

  “Not frightening. Reassuring,” Emma insisted. “Grace needs that.”

  Reassuring . . . Charlie let the word and its meaning sink in as they reached the men and Ford draped an arm around her. He placed several soft kisses on her temple, but didn’t speak.

  “That was hot,” Quinn said, fanning his face with his hand. He looked down at Luis. “You’ve never carried me off a stage like that.”

  “Skip dessert tomorrow and I may have a chance,” Luis teased. Both men were big and powerful, but Quinn had at least four inches on Luis and a good fifty extra pounds of solid muscle on his frame. Luis bent and hooked an arm beneath Quinn’s knees, sweeping him up into a romantic hold. “I’m up for it if you are, handsome.”

  “That’s a sight to behold,” Grayson said. “Hot, hot, and hot.”

  A surprised Quinn held onto Luis’s neck for dear life, his long legs dangling, eyes large, and mouth gaping. “It’s okay, lover. I’ll walk where you lead.”

  They all laughed, and Luis lowered Quinn’s feet to solid ground.

  A server arrived with a tray full of drinks, distributed them, and placed two extras in the center of the table. “Did we lose someone?”

  “Nope,” Emma said. “We’re drinking them all.”

  More laughter, and new sets of kissers got to work on the stage.

  “Drink up, Emma. It’s your turn to be kissed,” Grayson said, as the MC’s voice encouraged the couples in the background.

  “No,” she replied, shaking her head. “I’m just along for the ride. This trip is for my Grace.”

  “Everyone deserves to be kissed properly,” Quinn said. “If you don’t play, you can’t win. Why are you benching yourself?”

  “She’s not,” Grayson said. “She won’t. She’s disillusioned by freeloaders. Jerks who can’t see the person behind her success.” He gestured for her to finish her martini, and reached for the glass when she had. “Get on stage, Emma.”

  There was a longing in Emma’s gaze as she looked at Grayson. They communicated silently until she relented and accepted his hand. She looked back over her shoulder at Charlie and extended her free arm. “Come with me.”

  “I’m not about to pass up the opportunity of getting kissed,” Charlie announced, taking Emma’s hand and winking at Ford. She turned to Grayson. “We’ll find our way to the stage. No need to cut our odds in the room by having a good looking young man escort us.”

  With a nod, Grayson released Emma’s hand. Ford swatted Charlie’s backside. Quinn and Luis laughed.

  “Blindfolds,” Grayson instructed as they walked away. “Minimizes the nerves.”

  Emma knocked into Charlie’s shoulder. “Too young. It’s not right.”

  “What are you talking about?” Charlie asked.

  “I just turned thirty-three. He’s in his twenties.”

  “He’s not your typical twenty something,” Charlie pointed out. “That man has his shit together.”

  “I know,” Emma said. “It still doesn’t make it right.”

  “Do you like him?”

  “What’s not to like?” Emma answered with her own question. “If he were ten years older, he’d be perfect.”

  Charlie thought about it as they were ushered onto the stage. She looked at Emma and smiled. “You should look past the petty things.” A staff member offered her a blindfold, and she nodded. While the woman tied it around her head, Charlie counted on her fingers. “Net worth. Level of professional success. A couple of years. Do those things make the person?”

  Emma sighed, but didn’t respond.

  “Let the man kiss you,” Charlie added. “You never know.”

  While her brain was in reporter mode and gathering information about Emma and Grayson’s interaction, the blindfold settled her thoughts to what she was doing for herself. She had no doubt that Ford would be one of the kissers in her lineup, but she wondered if she’d be able to guess which one. Would her body react like Grace’s had? What would be their end result? After all, he couldn’t sweep her off her feet and carry her away to a private place.

  “Are the receivers ready?” the MC asked.

  Charlie exhaled, hoping she was right about Ford. Hoping she hadn’t made a real mistake in letting him see past her façade.

  Strong and confident hands cupped her cheeks, and the first giver sprinkled kisses on her whole face. A man with a sexy scent she recognized, a scent that lulled her to a comfortable and safe place, and a man who cl
early enjoyed showing his appreciation. First, she felt his warmth on her forehead, then over her shielded eyes, on the tip of her nose, each of her cheeks, and her chin, and then he barely brushed his lips over hers and she felt, rather than saw, his smile. “So sweet, querida.”

  Luis’s hands disappeared and she knew he’d stepped away. Sensing the next candidate, she immediately recognized Quinn’s presence. Damn, why couldn’t she have kept things simple and taken them up on their offer? Why did she need to complicate things and feel the way she did with Ford?

  Feeling Quinn’s broad chest brush over her breasts as he leaned down, she sucked in a breath. He kissed, warm and reassuring, from her collarbone, up the side of her neck, to her lips. She fell into the affection, reveling in the cherishment and relaxing her mouth against his. “You’re an amazing kisser.”

  “You’re amazing to kiss.” Quinn pressed his muscled body against her softness, allowing his mouth to linger near hers. “He’s a lucky bastard. You want him. And fuck me does he want you,” he breathed between her lips. “He’s burning holes into my back at this very moment.”

  Charlie giggled and stepped back.

  “I’m here for you. Always.” Quinn kissed her cheek and was gone.

  Desire crawled over Charlie’s skin in anticipation, but she didn’t feel Ford’s caress. She knew he was there. Felt his heat. Heard his breath. She waited, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, but he didn’t touch her.

  “You know what I want, chère.” His deep voice and intent swaddled her in a passionate embrace. “I’m changing the terms on our deal. You need to accept. It’s no longer anything. Not when it comes to you. No other man, I don’t care who he is, will taste those lips once you kiss me. You’ll be mine. Only mine.”


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