Four Nights at Sea

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Four Nights at Sea Page 21

by Demi Alex

  Take her pleasure? What did he mean?

  “I rarely make a promise, but this is a promise,” Ford said. “A priority to keep.” His brown eyes reinforced the sincerity of his words, and her body tingled with that promise. “We’ll deal with today. Find a way to deal with being forced to interact only in public. But clear your schedule for tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow is Cozumel,” Charlie said, her forehead wrinkling in confusion. She tried to rub it away, but the pressure continued to grow. “That’s what’s on our schedule.”

  “Wrong. You are the only thing on my schedule,” Ford corrected. “Forget tandem parasailing, horseback riding on the beach, swimming with the dolphins, and snorkeling expeditions. Tomorrow, we’re going to make up for lost time. Tomorrow is nothing but us. And it’s us off the damn ship.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Due to recent revelations, I’d like to press the fast-forward button on our dates,” Ford said, dropping an arm over her shoulder as they walked off the elevator.

  “I’m good with that,” Charlie replied, snuggling against him. “What do you want to do next?”

  “Body Bingo.”


  He stopped walking and turned her to look at him. Cupping her cheek, he swept his thumb over the perfect line of her jaw. “Body Bingo,” Ford repeated. “With your body as the card, the marker in my hand, it’s a sure win.”

  Her eyes went dark with desire, and he knew he’d struck a chord. She wanted, no needed, the physical and sensual connection. While Grand-mère may have been correct about feeling treasured and the little things, when it came to relationships with women, she was wrong about giving it plenty of time where Charlie was concerned. She deserved to be cherished and treasured in every way, and she needed it sooner rather than later.

  “The game starts in ten minutes.” He looked over her beautiful curves, his gaze settling on the outline of the bikini beneath her neon shirt. “Are you wearing the bikini bottoms?”

  She nodded in confirmation.

  “If you’re attached to that bathing suit, we have two choices,” he said in a low voice, angling his body against hers and running his finger beneath the pink string straining with the weight of her breasts at her neck. “You can go nude, lay that gorgeous body on my table and take my marker—I wouldn’t mind in the least bit—or you can change into a different suit before we head to the lounge.”

  A pretty line of white teeth scraped over her lower lip, as her nipples peaked at the thought. Yes, she needed sexual play. She craved it.

  “Actually,” he added, waiting for her to take a breath and then continuing, “it may look cute if we use pink and purple daubers. Tie-dyed, with strategically placed marks.”

  “Okay,” Charlie breathed, the heave of her chest reclaiming his attention.

  “Fuck, chère. You’re so beautiful. Forget the feature and spend every minute with me.” No joke. He’d make every second count. He’d find a way around the rules and regulations to please her.

  “I’m working, Ford. You know how important a byline is for me, no matter how tempting your offer,” Charlie said.

  He agreed, but his agreement didn’t stop him from asking her again once she was stretched out on the table, in a corner booth of the lounge, in a tiny pink bikini that barely covered the creamy flesh of her gorgeous breasts.

  “Ford,” Charlie warned, raising her arms and linking her hands at her wrists above her head as the moderator instructed.

  He shifted in his seat, making sure his body concealed the majority of her body from the camera. The truth was he didn’t like her on display like this. On the other hand, having her on display like this validated their covers. Still, it didn’t mean he liked it.

  He marked the inside of her left elbow, the top of her right foot, her belly button, which happened to be an adorable little innie, but hesitated when the moderator called for the right nipple. “It’ll ruin your suit.”

  “Well, I’m not taking it off,” she said, turning her head and giving a big smile. “What’s under there is reserved for your eyes only.”

  “Thank you, Lord,” he whispered, tossing the dauber over his shoulder and cradling her face in his hands. He took her lips. Gratitude mingled with relief as they yielded and her tongue met his in a delicious kiss.

  When he raised his head and looked down at her, she smiled and got up on her elbow. “We’re never going to win one of these events,” Charlie said.

  “No? Why?”

  She smoothed his furrowed brow and touched her lips to his. “We can’t seem to finish them.”

  Sitting up, she brought her legs next to him and slid off the table and into the booth beside him. She reached for her shirt and pulled it over her head. Then she took his hand and held it in her lap.

  “What’s up, chère?”

  “I’m thinking I’d like some quiet time alone with you.” She held his hand in both of hers, tracing over his knuckles in a bashful manner. “But since we can’t be alone, I like the idea of the pool at the back of the ship. The one that’s being used to give us a break from all the events.”

  More than willing to keep her to himself, he nodded in agreement and kissed her again. Ford collected her shorts, bent and picked up her sandals, then stood and held out his hand to her. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  As Ford wrapped an arm around Charlie’s waist and pulled her wet back to his wet chest, he swept her golden hair over her shoulder and brought his lips to her neck. “So damn perfect, baby. I can stay like this all day.”

  He rested his cheek on her head and closed his eyes. He inhaled the floral scent of her shampoo and kissed her temple. Having Charlie in his arms was a greater reward for remaining on the ship for the extra voyages than the financial benefits it afforded. Being in the company of a beautiful woman was in no way work, but he didn’t want to leave her for a minute longer than he had to. And he had to be apart from her only for her to sleep.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?” A slippery Charlie turned in his embrace; her bright, blue eyes that sparked with sincerity awed him. He blinked and swallowed the lump of gratitude that had gathered in his throat.

  “Sitting in the hot tub with my woman beats playing bingo any day.” He traced down her nose and tipped up her chin, trying to keep it light and fun for her while keeping his own feelings in check. “So thank you for suggesting it. You made me very happy. You make me happy,” he corrected himself, and lowered his head, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers as he brushed his lips over her mouth. Then, waving his hand between them, he grinned. “Mostly, thank you for this. For letting me get to know you.”

  She smiled, unaware of the glorious effect of that smile, and his chest constricted. No one had ever affected him the way she did. When the time came for them to go their separate ways, he’d miss that smile. He’d miss her sweet curious gaze and determined exuberance. He’d miss everything he knew about her, and with every layer she revealed, he knew he’d miss her more.

  “Ford, I feel like you know me much more than I know you,” Charlie said, gently stroking his jaw.

  “Ask anything you want to know. I’ll answer.”

  Adorable as hell, she tapped a finger to her lips and let out a long breath. “Start at the beginning. Tell me about your parents.”

  He stiffened and turned her to look forward, gathering her back to his chest again. His parents weren’t his favorite topic. “That’s a long story.”

  “We have time,” she said, settling softly against him.

  He groaned, but nodded. “Okay. My parents are probably the shortest part of the story. My father knocked up my mother the night of his law school graduation. Duty had them married three months later. It wasn’t a love affair or even close. My father knew she’d planned it. Accused her of wanting into the pants of a future success because she wanted into his wallet.”

  “That’s horrible,” Charlie gasped, attempting to turn and look at him
, but he held her still. It would be easier to finish without those brilliant blue eyes studying him, so he kept his chin on her head and kept her looking forward.

  “It was true. I don’t remember my mother.” He took a breath and worked to release the pressure in his jaw. “In exchange for giving up her parental rights and signing divorce papers, my father wrote her a check ten days after she gave birth to me. She cashed it and hit the road. She hasn’t been heard from since.”

  Charlie gripped his forearm, and without saying a word, she kissed a slow line to his bicep, offering silent support. She nuzzled against his arm and rested her cheek on it. She let him continue.

  “Before we’d even come home from the hospital, my father had hired a great nanny, Marianne, who stayed with us until I went to school. Between my grandmother and Marianne, I had more nurturing love than other little boys ever know. I was lucky she’d left.” He moved his shoulders, wanting to throw off the dread that crawled through him at the thought of constant interaction with such a mother. “Lucky I had the women in my life who stayed. My grandmother and Marianne are wonderful.”

  “And your dad?” Charlie prompted.

  “He tried,” Ford said grudgingly, because his father had, in his own warped way, tried. “But he wouldn’t win Father of the Year. He was never home for dinner. Always working. He lived like he was a carefree bachelor, which he wasn’t because he brought home three stepmothers, two of whom were stepmonsters. The third was Eugenia, who you met. The funny thing is that Eugenia, even though she’s only a year older than I am, was the best wife and stepmother. She gave him a wonderful daughter, my sister Emily. But in true Keaton fashion, he fucked that up, too. He’s a womanizer who can’t keep it in his pants, and women are always willing to accommodate him because of the size of his wallet. That’s what he knows. That’s what he does.”

  “So he made good as an attorney?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Ford shook his head, his palm sliding across her middle and absorbing the warmth of her skin. He wasn’t angry, wasn’t upset. He’d accepted his father for what he was and had moved on. “He was born to be an attorney. Like my uncle’s, Father’s life was plotted like a detailed novel from the moment he was born. They’re partners in the firm my grandfather and his brothers established. All the males in the family were expected to follow in their shoes. Bruce, my cousin, is next in line to assume control. His brother, Remy, is also practicing there. I was supposed to do the same. You know: and sons.”

  They sat in silence, letting the water swirl around them as he held her. Ford’s hold was tight, as if he was assuring himself she’d stay regardless of what she’d heard.

  But Charlie knew a thing or two about expectations, and a heaviness settled over her heart as she thought of Ford clashing with his dad. She turned, smoothed her hand around his shoulders in a gentle acceptance, and then swung her legs over his thigh. She placed her cheek on his chest and a soft palm over his heart.

  “Sometimes, regardless of their intentions, parents mess up their kids with wrong expectations. It’s not that they’re malicious, it’s just that they’re misguided,” she said, remembering how he’d said they had so much in common when it came to choosing their own paths. She also understood why he’d made the effort to explain he wasn’t a relationship kind of man. With all he’d seen in his dad, he didn’t believe relationships could last.

  “Father lost it when I decided against law school,” Ford confirmed. “Our already rocky relationship crashed and burned. Now, he sends Eugenia as an ambassador to keep the connection alive. But no matter what he says or what he offers, I’m not going to change my mind. I’m not a lawyer. I’m going to launch the cafés on my own.”

  Sighing, Charlie touched her lips to his chest. “I get it. After the James debacle, my parents backed off on making me a proper wife. We were all duped, so they had no choice but to acknowledge my hesitation to get involved again. Unfortunately, they didn’t forget about finding me the proper husband. Numerous dinner party ambushes followed. Eventually, I moved out of the house and into a small apartment my grandmother had from her college days. I make my own way. Pay a fair amount in rent. Refuse to agree with my parents’ suggestions on the social scene. And my brothers think their little sister is crazy for not accepting the family’s financial help.” She pressed her mouth to his heart and closed her eyes.

  “I get it. I do. I want to do it on my own, too.” His fingers curled at the nape of her neck and he massaged away the tension. “But, chère, you’re different. Bright, efficient, gorgeous, you don’t hide your curiosity or sweetness. A man loses himself in all that’s you.”

  Not the man she wanted, though. Not the man in the hot tub with her. With a sharp intake of breath, she gathered her strength and decided not to hide behind an acceptable façade. Something he claimed a man would lose himself over.

  “But not you?” Charlie surprised herself by actually delivering her question.

  “Fuck. Yes, me,” Ford instantly replied. With a finger under her chin, he angled her face up. “Baby, you don’t get it. You’re addictive. No matter the cost, I’d lose myself in you as long as you allow.” He touched his lips to hers and spoke against her mouth. “I’m already lost when it comes to you.”

  His voice trailed off, but his gaze held hers as he dropped his forehead to hers.

  He’s already lost? How? And why as long as I allow? Charlie thought, letting his words float in her mind and push any hesitance aside.

  “Kiss me, Ford,” Charlie said, running her tongue over his lips and tasting a hint of the pleasure he’d promised over lunch. Decision made. She’d take it.

  His kiss was gentle and soft, and she committed the feel of every sensuous stroke to memory as her body heated. In the short time she’d known him, Ford gave without reservation, only asking for her to let him give. She was open to receiving.

  “Does this mean we’re done with the family history?” Ford asked between kisses.

  “We’re done,” she said.

  “Good,” he replied, lifting her from between his legs and turning her to straddle his lap while he kissed her. His hands cupped her bottom and he fit her against his erection, rubbing her throbbing center through the pink suit.

  She linked her hands behind his neck, and took her own advice. She’d let loose and just live in the moment. Charlie played with his dark hair and made out with the sexiest man she’d ever met like no one was watching.

  The pressure of fingers on her hips and the sound of a low growl at her mouth pulled her from the haze of ecstasy. Ford held her up and off his body.

  “Jesus, baby, you’re incredible.” He shook his head and grinned. “My mind keeps telling me we’re working, therefore we’re being watched. That means we’ve given them enough material to make us real. Now, either you peel that gorgeous body away or we agree to swim for it.”

  “No swimming,” she said, tucking her swollen boobs into the pink triangles. “I’ll wait until we’re on land.”

  “Don’t forget you said that. The minute the ship is tendered, we’re off.”

  “Agreed,” she said, touching her lips to his. “You up to helping me with more research today so I can take tomorrow off from the writing?”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed, but raised his brows indicating a condition to the quick agreement. He reached for his discarded shorts. “Keep your legs wrapped around me.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as he reached into the pocket and retrieved the small pink bullet. Pulling her bottoms to the side, he slid a finger in and out of her as her thigh muscles tensed with need. His thumb found her clit and circled in sweet strokes.

  “No sign of petulant Charlie today. Today’s Charlie owes me some orgasms. And since I can’t have you the way I truly want, I’m going to let the vibrations of the toy put that pretty pink in your cheeks for everyone to see. You’re going to come for me on demand, baby. Over and over.” He slipped the bullet inside her and returned her bathing suit into place.

bsp; “Now breathe,” he said, standing and pulling her to her feet. He helped her out of the water and wrapped a towel over her shoulders. “I heard that part of the group is going to the Dating Game, and Maggy and Sparky are going to It’s All About the Sting. Want to hit both of those before dinner?”

  “Perfect.” She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “My pleasure,” Ford said, lowering his head and kissing her.

  “Thank you. Best way to keep these lips occupied.” And it was. She didn’t miss that vanilla vapor at all. “When do I get my next orgasm?”

  “Looking forward to it?” Ford asked, sidling up against her and pulling her against his hips.

  “Yes, but I can wait. You said you’re willing to lose yourself with me as long as I want.” She smoothed her fingertips over the chiseled contours of his face, watching the questions form in his eyes. “Since you’re willing to leave our time to me, I’ve decided that I can have it all. I’ll earn my byline, and then a permanent spot on the masthead of City Wings. I don’t need to choose one over the other, because I have time on my side. And since I so enjoy your lips and hands, with you . . . well, with you, I want more than four nights at sea. I want private dinners in my little apartment at home. I want breakfasts in bed. And I want all of that with you. You promised.”

  “So I did.” His hands tightened on her hips and he pulled her lower body against his as his lips turned up in a sexy grin. “Stretch out and use the whole mattress while you can, chère. When you’re in my bed, you’ll realize how little room you’ll truly have. And that’s a second promise.”

  Then he crushed his lips to hers, and Charlie lost herself in Ford. Lost for how long she didn’t know.

  She surfaced when, keeping the towel wrapped around her, Ford instructed Charlie to lift her arms and fit the neon T-shirt over her head. He untied the bikini and pulled the wet suit from her body as he slid the shirt down. Next, he kneeled and held her shorts open for her to step into. Right before he raised them over her hips, he removed the suit bottoms.


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