My Teacher

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My Teacher Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  The cold chilled his flesh, but he didn’t care about the biting wind, only about the woman in his arms, and how she made him feel.

  It was wrong.

  A better man would step back, take her home, and report himself.

  He couldn’t do this.

  Nor could he stop either.

  Pulling away, he stared into her closed eyes.

  Slowly they started to open.

  She looked as shocked as he felt.

  “That’s how you kiss,” he said.

  Her tongue peeked out and licked her lips.

  “I liked it.”

  He groaned. The action seemed so innocent.

  “I’ve got to get you home,” he said.

  Moving her out of the way, he opened the car door.

  His cock pressed against the zipper of his slacks, and it was so painful.

  He’d not been this hard in quite some time.

  Climbing behind the wheel, he felt her gaze on him as he started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot.

  Glancing at her, he saw her swollen lips, which again made his dick twitch.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “I need to take you home.”

  “I know.”

  “Have your parents left a message?” he asked.

  She wriggled on the seat and pulled out her cell phone. “No, nothing.”

  He didn’t drive toward her home where her parents were probably waiting.

  He drove to his own home.

  Parking up outside of his place, he felt tense.

  This was the first time since he was a teenage boy that he’d broken any rules.

  His record for teaching was impeccable.

  “I texted my parents,” she said, breaking through the silence. “I told them I was staying at a friend’s.”

  There was the excuse.

  The reason.

  So innocently sent.

  Most students were covering while they went to see a boyfriend, not a teacher.

  He didn’t say a word as he climbed out of the car.

  The street was quiet, and he made his way to the front door. Flicking open the lock, he pushed the door and it swung open. Staring at her, he waited for her to enter. At any time, if she wanted to leave, he’d let her go.

  She could walk away and he wouldn’t be angry or sad.

  Lucia stepped over the threshold, and he followed her inside.

  Chapter Eight

  Lucia tucked some of her fallen hair behind her ear. Jack closed the door, and the tension within the small hallway seemed to intensify. She was in his home. She’d already texted her parents that she was staying at a friend’s and had turned her cell phone off.

  No one knew where she was.

  Not her parents.

  Not Marie.

  No one.

  She was alone with Jack Parker, her English teacher.

  “I’ll take your jacket.”


  He helped her remove the jacket, the tips of his fingers grazing down her arm like a brand. Her body was on fire right now just from his presence alone.

  Her mouth still tingled from his kiss.

  She wanted to touch her lips but stopped herself at the last minute.

  Jack took her hand and led her toward his sitting room.

  His home was nice, rather modest.

  “I thought you said you had lawyers for parents,” she said.

  “I do. They also provide me with an allowance that I don’t use. This is what I pay for with my teaching salary.”

  “It’s really nice.”

  “Not what you’re used to.”

  “It’s cozy. I like it. The big house that my parents got, it’s not exactly cozy. Lot of open spaces, walls, and nothing.”

  “I know what you mean. My parents’ house was bigger than yours. It had six levels. If they had important clients that they needed to keep an eye on, they brought them back home. I think it’s why they had such a large space. They could live in a separate wing of the house from their client.”


  “Yes, I also had a separate one.”

  “And here I thought I was special for getting an en-suite.”

  “I guess too much invasion of privacy?” he asked.

  “Yeah, a little too much.”

  “My dad suggested I get a different wing when he caught me banging the nanny,” Jack said.

  She didn’t like the twinge that twisted her gut.

  His jaw seemed to clench. “I had a past, Lucia.”

  “I know. You can’t get to being thirty without one.”

  “I won’t hide anything from you. You see … a lot. This is…”

  “I know, Jack. I know this is dangerous, and I don’t want you to lose your job.”

  “I don’t want you to go,” he said. “This is not one-sided. I’m not being held here against my will. I know what I want. You can leave at any time though.”

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked.

  She’d glanced down at the floor, but his question made her look back at him. “Yes.” Her cheeks heated.

  “Do you know anything about sex?”

  “Yeah. My parents sat down with me, and we did the entire talk. You know the baby talk, the pregnancy talk. All the other kinds of talks in between. I think I was scarred for life. They even had pictures of STDs and STIs. It was really kind of graphic.”

  She loved seeing him smile.

  The curtains in his front room were closed, and they stood in his sitting room.

  He stepped toward her and cupped her face. Just that touch alone made her ache for more.

  She wanted this so damn much.

  Placing her hands on top of his, she stared into his eyes.

  He leaned in close, and she didn’t pull away. When his lips touched hers for the second time that night, everything fell away, all of her fears, panic, and insecurities, and she felt grounded in Jack’s arms.

  His tongue once again traced over her lips, and she moaned, opening her mouth, inviting him inside, and he took the invitation, plundering her.

  Touching his tongue with her own, she melted against him. Running her hands up his arms, she gripped his shoulders.

  He placed his thumbs beneath her chin, tilting her head back and moving her until she pressed against the wall.

  Jack took hold of her hands, placing them above her head, holding her captive.

  “This is so fucking wrong,” he said, breaking from the kiss but trailing his lips down to her ear. He licked her earlobe, and she shivered from the touch, wanting some more. “But right now, I don’t care, Lucia. You’re the only one that I fucking want.”

  “I want you,” she said, gasping as his lips moved down, going to her neck and sucking on the pulse.

  Biting her lip, she tried to contain the pleasure from erupting, but it was getting harder for her to deny herself.

  “Let go, Lucia. You don’t have to control yourself in front of me. I’m so hard right now. I want to be inside you. To feel your virgin pussy give way to my cock. So fucking dirty, so sweet. I want to taste you, to show you the kinds of pleasure you’ve only read about.”

  He held her wrists now as he kissed the flesh just above her shirt.

  Her nipples tightened, pressing against the fabric, showing him how aroused she really was.

  She cried out, arching up, needing his lips on her everywhere.

  Jack pulled away far enough so that only his hands were on her wrists.

  His blue gaze ignited a fire inside her that wasn’t going to be put out. She didn’t want it to go out.

  Then, slowly, he leaned forward, and she cried out as his mouth sucked on her nipple through her clothing. She wore a white lacy bra, and the shirt she wore wasn’t overly thick. The pleasure went straight between her thighs, soaking her pussy with more arousal.

  Jack didn’t linger.

He moved on to her other breast, sucking on the bud exactly the same way.

  Suddenly, he was gone, his touch no longer holding her in place.

  He pulled on her shirt, tugging it up and over her head. He threw it across the room, and her first instinct was to hide.

  To cover all of her extra bits.

  He caught her hands and placed them against the wall, stopping her from trying to cover her body.

  “When you’re with me, Lucia, you don’t hide.”


  “Beautiful. That’s all I see when I look at you. I think you’re utterly ravishing, and I wouldn’t have you any other way. Don’t hide what now belongs to me, and it does, Lucia. Right now, in this moment, we do this, you become mine.”

  She loved that.

  Those words were like magic inside her head.

  “No other boys. No other crushes. You belong to me.”


  There was no one else. She didn’t want or see anyone but him.

  He stepped back, and she watched as he removed his shirt, throwing it to the floor to join hers. His heavily inked chest seemed to be the last layer that stood between them.

  The teacher was gone.

  She now had the man.

  Their clothing caught her eye. It was just two shirts, but to her they seemed so intimate. Their clothing lying together on the floor, holding a secret. Their secret.

  When she returned her gaze to Jack, he was staring at her, and she didn’t understand his look, or even what he was thinking. She only knew that she couldn’t back down, nor give this up. Within one afternoon her senior year had taken a dramatic turn, and she didn’t want it to end.

  Closing the distance between them, she walked into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck as she pulled his head down. His lips were on hers again, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  He sank his fingers into her hair, tugging on the length. She dropped her head back, moaning as his lips slid down to her neck. They didn’t stop this time, his tongue tracing the edge of her bra. One of his hands ran down her back, flicking the catch of her bra.

  It fell forward, and she wriggled out of it.

  The tips of her nipples pressed against his chest, making her gasp.

  This was real.

  She stood partially naked in Jack Parker’s home. His hand was in her hair, the other on the base of her back, and he was kissing down her body. This kind of stuff didn’t happen to her.

  Pushing all of her doubts and insecurities aside, she kissed him back with passion. She didn’t know the first thing about kissing, so she hoped that she was doing this properly.

  His lips moved down her chest and his hands followed, cupping her tits. They were large, and she usually tried to hide them. With the way he looked, and the feel of his tongue sliding across them, she no longer felt insecure about them.

  She wanted his touch.

  Jack pressed her tits together, his tongue stroking over each beaded nipple before taking one into his mouth and sucking hard.

  She cried out as he bit down. The flash of pain shocked her, but he soothed it with a caress straight after.

  “You’re very sensitive,” he said, releasing her tits.


  His fingers teased the edge of her jeans. She wasn’t wearing any belt.

  “Are you afraid?”


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Never.”

  She was here because she wanted to be here.

  He flicked the catch of her jeans, and she stared into his blue eyes. The echo of the zipper going down filled the room. She wasn’t going to ask him to stop. This was what she wanted more than anything else.

  “I should be arrested,” he said.

  “I’m legal, Jack. I’m here because I want to be. They can’t arrest you.” Even though her hands shook a little, she reached out, unbuckling his belt and working the button on his slacks. He took over, pushing his pants down, and as he did that, she did the same.

  He was all rock-hard muscle while she had a few extra lumps and bumps. The running hadn’t shown any changes to her body, not that she expected it to be an overnight thing.

  No, this was going to take some time.

  Jack wasn’t put off though. He took her hand and pulled her close.

  He ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of the way. “No hiding.”

  “No hiding.” She repeated his words.

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb running across her lips. When he pressed forward, she sucked his thumb into her mouth, and he groaned.

  “Fuck, you have no idea what that does to me.”

  She’d seen the evidence of his arousal.

  There was no way she wasn’t aware of what was going on.

  She turned him on, and that didn’t terrify her. It delighted her. Jack Parker was her addiction, and she couldn’t get enough of him.

  Lucia gave out a little squeal as he suddenly picked her up,

  “What are you doing?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, worried in case he dropped her.

  “I’m taking you to a bed. For your first time, you shouldn’t be fucked against a wall.”

  Her pussy clenched at the thought.

  She was no stranger to porn, and his words ignited a fire inside her.

  “You like that, don’t you? You want me to fuck you against you the wall?” He kicked open his bedroom door and placed her on the floor. With a slight shove, she was on the bed, leaning up her elbows as he knelt before her.

  He pushed her thighs open and dragged her ass to the end of the bed. In one swift tug, her panties were gone, and she was spread open for him. “You didn’t answer me, Lucia.”

  “Yes. I want that.”

  His hand cupped her pussy. One single finger slid through her slit, and she cried out, arching up as the pleasure bloomed deep inside her.

  “Well, look at this pretty little pussy, you naughty girl. You’re all wet for me. You want my dick inside you?”

  “Yes,” she said, crying out as he circled her clit.

  Biting her lip, she couldn’t believe the kind of pleasure he was creating.

  She’d touched herself plenty of times, even bringing herself to orgasm, but nothing had ever felt like this.

  With two fingers now, he stroked over her clit, sliding back and forth.

  She arched up.

  The pleasure was too intense, yet not enough.

  “Such a sweet virgin pussy. Anyone else touched you?”


  “This is all mine?”

  “Yes!” She screamed the word, feeling a little hoarse.

  She whimpered as he stopped.

  “I want to taste you.”

  She didn’t have long to wait as his lips latched onto her clit, sliding over and down to her entrance only to circle back up.

  Back and forth, across, over, and he sucked in deep.

  There was no stopping his tongue as it sent her higher and higher. She felt that peak that was so close, and she didn’t want to lose it.

  Right there, and he stopped, holding her at that pinnacle.

  “I want you to come, but I know for your first time, this is going to be painful. I don’t want you focusing on pain. I want you high on pleasure.” As he spoke, his fingers teased the lips of her pussy. She felt swollen, and so in need. She couldn’t form any coherent words.

  Nothing made sense to her right now.

  She only knew that she needed him more than anything else in her entire life.


  Jack couldn’t ever recall tasting something so good. Her pure, untouched pussy would soon belong to him, and he fucking relished that. Lucia had come out of nowhere and completely taken him by surprise.

  The anger he felt.

  The rage.

  The jealousy.

  He’d never been this affected by anyone else.

  Connor showing an interest in her annoyed him. Cupping h
er pussy, Jack forced himself to pull away. Opening the drawer beside his bed, he pulled out a condom, and tearing into the packet, he rolled the latex over his dick.

  “I want you to be safe,” he said. “Are you on the pill?”


  “I’ll keep on using condoms.” He moved her up the bed until her hair was spread out across his pillows. She really was a tempting sight as far as he was concerned.

  So beautiful.

  So ripe.

  And right now, she belonged to him.

  Lucia was his.

  Just as he was hers.

  Spreading her legs wide, he gripped the base of his cock and ran the tip up and down her pussy, bumping across her clit. She released a gasp.

  He’d not given her an orgasm yet for two reasons, one of them selfish, the other not so much.

  The selfish reason was he wanted to feel her orgasm as he was balls deep inside her. The other, non-selfish reason, was this was going to hurt. Her first time would be painful, and as she was so close to orgasm the pleasure should wipe out any pain that she felt.

  Staring into her pretty brown eyes, he was completely captivated by her.

  Doing this.

  Taking this next step.

  It was complete and total madness.

  A complete violation of all of his rules.

  She was the forbidden.

  His student.

  But they’d crossed that line long before her kiss this afternoon.

  Poised at her entrance, ready to take that leap, he wanted her, so he slammed to the hilt, tearing through her virginity. That tiny piece of flesh was now his own. She belonged to him.

  He was her first, her only, and no one else would ever know the kind of pleasure to be had between her creamy thighs.

  She released a scream, and she tried to push him away, to fight him.

  He caught her hands, pressing them against the bed as he took possession of her lips. Plunging his tongue inside, he kissed her deeply, wanting her to forget everything else.

  She broke from the kiss and cried out. “It hurts.”

  “I know it does.” He kissed her neck. “I’ve got you.”

  When he took her lips once again, she relented this time.

  Her entire body was tight. The tension cut him up, the cry of pain she’d released breaking a part of his soul.

  He never wanted to hurt her.

  This wasn’t what he wanted for her at all.

  He pulled back in time to see a single tear slide down her cheek, dripping onto his pillow.


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