My Teacher

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My Teacher Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  They had crossed that line, opened something up, and now they had to face the consequences.

  Pulling away, he bit her lip and stared into her eyes.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we had to keep this a secret,” she said.

  “We are.” He forced himself to pull away even though he’d love nothing more than to push her to the floor and teach her something else that she could do. “How is your pussy?” he asked.

  Her cheeks brightened once again. “It’s fine.”

  “Good.” He stroked her cheek. “I’ll be thinking of you today.”

  Stepping away from her, he picked up her bag and placed it over her shoulder.

  “How did it go with your family?”

  “We didn’t talk last night or this morning. They were still home, but that’s no surprise. Not really. They don’t like it when there’s conflict at home. I guess it’s why they don’t stick around all that often.”

  He wanted to stay and talk about more, but the longer he was there, the higher the chance of him getting caught.

  “They shouldn’t have forgotten you.”

  “I can’t complain. I had a really good birthday night.”

  “Good. How was Marie this morning?” he asked.

  “Erm, she was good. She kept asking me a lot of questions, but she was just worried.”

  He saw the guilt on her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I know we have to do this. I don’t have to like it, though. She’s my best friend.”

  “The one thing I’ve learned in this life, Lucia, is that everyone has secrets. Even our best friends.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know. She seems pretty open about everything. I did promise her that Mark Ruffalo fest this weekend.”

  “Okay.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I better get ready for class.”

  She nodded.

  He didn’t want to pull away, but he did. No one was around, and as he grabbed his books, he forced himself not to look back. He wanted to.

  Fuck did he want to.

  This was going to be torture for the two of them.

  With the books in his hands, he gave a thumbs-up to the librarian as he made his way back to class. He’d set the books out where he needed them just as the bell rang. Students began to file into their respective rooms where they had registration, and he had his own class that he quickly dealt with. It was only fifteen minutes where the principal ran through a list of points for the upcoming week.

  He listened with half an ear.

  At the fifteen-minute point, the class left, and soon he had his own class that he had to teach. Pushing Lucia from his mind, he began to focus on his class, talking them through one of the more popular English plays.

  He answered the questions, made his class laugh at some of his answers, and his assessments, and then before he knew it, the bell went again. He yelled out the homework with a warning that if they didn’t do it, there would be consequences.

  The first of his next class arrived. He’d already scrubbed at the board and was putting the next topic on.

  “Morning, class,” he said.

  He felt when Lucia walked into the room. The scent of strawberries filled the air. He kept his back to the class, writing what they were learning. Love and hate. The fine line between the two. Connor swaggered in, and he didn’t even need to look to know he’d taken a seat in front of Lucia. Rachel entered, and the look of hate on her face was so clear to see.

  Jack didn’t like this, not one bit.

  Turning toward the room, he forced himself not to look, but like a moth to a fucking flame, he glanced toward Lucia’s table. Connor leaned back in his chair, talking to her. From the look on Lucia’s face, she wasn’t interested in whatever the kid had to say.

  Get your shit together.

  “Poetry contains many different emotions and feelings, one of those being a love and hate relationship. Connor, stand up,” he said.

  He’d gladly have that kid as far from Lucia as possible.

  “What up, teach?”

  “Love and hate. Let me have it.”

  “There’s a fine line between them.”

  “Is that all you’ve got for me? The same usual talk about how they’re the same. Nothing that makes them better, worse?”

  He’d never called on Connor to stand up in class. Now with every single person watching him, the cockiness wasn’t there.

  “Well, Connor, I’m waiting.”

  “What can I say, you love someone, you do. You hate someone, you beat them.”

  A few chuckles erupted around the classroom. “As always you provide a colorful interpretation but not one I’m interested in. Sit down.”

  He moved around the classroom, picking out select people to say what they thought of love and hate.

  “What makes them the same is that they can be equal in passion,” Lucia said, drawing his attention. “You love someone and you can hate someone the same way, but you also can combine the same two emotions for the same person.”

  “Well done. This is also subject to interpretation. Within stories and even within poems someone can hate with a passion, but everything they speak about can create love. It’s like the opposite of each emotion.” Placing a book on their desk, he made his way up and down the aisles, speaking as he did. When he got to Lucia’s table, he waited for her to take the book. Her thumb stroked across his. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but this was something he had to keep to his fucking self.


  Ignoring Connor, he made his way to the front of the classroom, read out a single poem, and asked each of them to provide him with a point that the poem gave. He got the class flowing, and even though his gaze kept locking with Lucia’s, he didn’t draw any attention to her.

  All too soon the bell went and the class started to filter out. He watched them leave. Connor moved past him.

  “Good class today, teach.”

  “Maybe if you spend less time flirting and more time paying attention, you’ll be able to answer my questions.”

  “I don’t need to answer your questions, but I’ll be careful. My dad would love any excuse to go after a teacher,” Connor said.

  “How manly you are. You get your dad for everything.”

  Connor had nothing to say, and he stared him down.

  Lucia was the last to leave. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “This is my classroom, and I will not have him slacking on my time.”

  “It’s not that. Connor’s been known to get his dad involved. It’s why for the most part the teachers are afraid of him.”

  “I’m not afraid of him, Lucia. I do a good job.”

  “I’d hate for you to lose your job over something he’s said or done.”

  “Not going to happen. Remember what I’ve said though. Be careful around him.”

  “I have no intention of being alone with him.” She licked her lips, but they couldn’t say anything more. His next class came in, and she smiled at him, leaving him alone.

  This was going to be fucking torture.

  He got through the rest of the day, and he stayed in the staff room for his lunch. Beth and Coleman were there, flirting with each other.

  Jack didn’t know if she was trying to make him jealous as she kept on stealing little looks his way.

  “Hey, did you hear?” Coleman asked.

  “Hear what?”

  “The attack on that woman. It was completely random. They found the guy, as he attacked two other women in different towns. He’s a drifter, but they finally caught him.”

  “At least you taught the kids how to look after themselves,” Beth said.

  “Yeah, at least we did that.”

  The rest of the day went by without a hitch, but he didn’t like the twisting feeling in his gut. Ever since they taught the kids self-defense, Connor had developed an interest in Lucia. One Jack didn’t like, and with the way people
talked about him, he didn’t think it was healthy for her.

  There was no one he could talk to.

  When the bell went for the end of the day, he was relieved. Packing up his stuff, he made his way to the library, only to find that it had been closed. Returning the books to his classroom, he left the building. His car was one of the few that was left. No sign of Lucia or her car.

  Driving home, he pulled up to his drive and got out.

  He didn’t go for a beer, and instead made himself a cup of coffee. Collapsing on the sofa, he saw Lucia. The way she’d looked spread-eagled, willing, open, fucking perfection as far as he was concerned.

  His cell phone buzzed.

  Lucia: Did you get home safely?

  He smiled. Even though he was older than she was, he liked that she cared.

  Jack: Yeah. Lonely though. Missing you.

  Lucia: Parents are home. I’m in my bedroom but they’re cooking. I’m kind of scared.

  Jack: Maybe they realized that they’ve been bad.

  Lucia: I don’t know. I think I’m used to them not caring.

  Jack: Can’t have it both ways.

  Lucia: I wish I was with you.

  Jack: You will be. Did Marie suspect anything?

  Lucia: She kept asking what was different about me. I told her nothing and that she needed glasses. She should wear them but she refuses to. I don’t like lying to her.

  He got that.

  Lucia: I enjoyed your class today but you really do need to be careful of Connor. Check him out online. You’ll see.

  Jack: I’m not afraid of him. I’ve done nothing wrong.

  Lucia: Most teachers haven’t done anything wrong but because they won’t jump for him, he can get daddy involved.

  Jack: Are you returning to social media?

  Lucia: Nope. I learned my lesson. I’ll keep my bullying to high school. I’ve got to go. Dinner is ready.

  He didn’t like the thought of her getting bullied at all. Taking her advice, he did do a quick search and found Connor on his social media pages. The kid was an asshole and a bully. He’d seen some of the comments he’d left, but also, he checked out the one marked about one of the teachers.

  “Sick bastard should have known not to mess with me,” he’d written. “No teacher is safe.”

  This just proved to Jack that he didn’t like the kid.

  After running through the kid’s social media pages, he still didn’t like what he saw. Connor was a kid used to getting what he wanted or getting daddy to move them out of the way, which was fine. One quick glance, and Jack already knew who the dad was, and of course the weight he had to throw around.

  This just made him smile.

  Money equaled power.

  He lived his life on a teacher’s salary, but his family came from money. His parents made a lot being famous lawyers, but he’d also had his grandfather’s inheritance. He’d taken that money and invested it.

  A simple teaching life was all he lived, but he had a lot of wealth to his name as well. He simply didn’t use it, much to his parents’ annoyance.

  Smiling, he closed the laptop just as there was a knock on the door.

  Getting to his feet, he made his way over, and opened the door without checking who it was.

  Lucia stood on the doorstep.

  It was late, already past eight.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  The smile on her lips died.

  “I … erm … I…”

  He pulled her into his home, pressing her up against the door. “The next time you’re traveling over here, let me know. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Do you understand?”

  “I heard they caught that attacker guy,” she said. “It’s safe.”

  “It’s never safe.”

  “Is this another of your rules?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  She smiled. “Then as a very good student, I’ll follow them, sir.”

  He loved her sass, her cheekiness, fucking everything. Slamming his lips down on hers, he felt her melt against him, moaning. He locked their fingers together, his dick already going hard at the feel of her pressed against him.

  Jack groaned, wanting to be balls deep inside her.

  “Am I too much for you?” he asked, kissing down her neck.

  He was addicted to the scent of strawberries.

  “I won’t break, Jack. I want this. I want you.”

  “Do you even know what you’re asking?” he asked. “There’s so much I want to do to you. Fuck, I should be thrown in jail just for thinking about them.”

  She sank to her knees there in his doorway.

  The front door was closed, and he flicked the lock in place just as she reached for the button on his jeans.

  “I don’t suppose this is one of the things on your mind.”

  “You wanting to suck my cock?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She eased the zipper down, and he hissed as the tension released and his cock sprang free. “You’re my first, though, so you’re going to need to tell me what you like.”

  That shouldn’t be sexy, but he found it so. He wanted her, couldn’t get her out of his mind.

  “Wrap your fingers around my dick. That’s it, now work it up and down to the base.” The tip already had pre-cum leaking out, and he hissed at the pleasure.

  Her touch was inexperienced but driving him crazy for more. This shouldn’t be happening, but the forbidden certainly had its perks.

  “Run your thumb across the tip. Now slide it down my cock.”

  She followed every instruction, tightening her hand, moving just a little faster.

  When she leaned in close and pressed her tongue against the tip, he jumped from the touch.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t. There’s no pain.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. Lick me again.”

  Her tongue went against the tip of his dick and slid over the little hole that leaked his pre-cum. He watched her taste him.

  Sliding his fingers in her hair, he wrapped it around his fist, groaning as her mouth covered the head.

  “Don’t use your teeth. You don’t need to bite me, just suck.” He sank inside her mouth until he hit the back of her throat, and the pleasure blew him away.

  Pulling out, he slid back inside, and watched his cock, now coated in her saliva as she took him.

  He never went too deep, not wanting her to gag.

  Taking her hand, he placed it around the length she wasn’t sucking on and showed her exactly how he liked it while also holding her in place so that he could fuck her mouth.

  Her plump lips looked so good as they sucked on him.

  It was all too much, and before he could stop himself, he came, flooding her mouth, and watched in amazement as she swallowed every last drop of his cum.

  She stared up at him, the trust in her eyes bringing him to his knees as he held her close. Cupping her face, he stroked a thumb across her bottom lip where his cum lay, and she took him back into her mouth.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said.

  “See, watching porn has its perks.”

  “You got all that from watching porn?”

  “And reading. I do like to read, and the joy of having no parental control, I can do what I like.” She looked empowered, strong, courageous.

  Taking her lips, he tasted himself on her tongue, but he didn’t care. Pulling her clothes off, he moved her back until they were on the stairs.

  She was completely naked, and he spread her legs, sliding between her pussy, tasting her cunt.

  She cried out his name, the sound echoing on the stairs, and he didn’t care.

  He wanted her to come, to flood his mouth with her cream.

  When he plunged two fingers inside her, she rocked her hips back and forth as he licked her clit.

  She was fire in his arms.

  Her fingers held his head, moving her pussy against his
face. He loved that she took as much as she gave.

  When she gave, the sounds she made drove his arousal higher.

  Even though he’d already come seconds before, he needed her again. Pulling a condom from his pants, he tore into the packet, sliding it on.

  He couldn’t wait to take her upstairs to his bedroom. Pressing the tip of his cock to her entrance, he slid in deep.

  “Fuck, Lucia, you feel so good.”

  Her tight cunt wrapped around his dick like a fist.

  Pulling out of her heat, he looked down and watched as he thrust inside her. The lips of her pussy spread across his cock.

  “Look at us, Lucia. Look at me deep inside you.”

  He pulled out and held his cock at her entrance.

  They both moaned as he filled her, slamming in deep.

  Kissing her hard, he drove inside her, taking what belonged to him. She was his woman, and he wasn’t going to let her go. He couldn’t.

  They were meant to be together.

  The age gap be damned.

  The forbidden didn’t matter as he filled her. Being inside her was a fucking dream. She was made for him. There was no other way to describe it.

  Lucia was his.

  Kissing down her neck, he sucked on each of her tits. Reaching between them, he stroked her clit, wanting her to come, to find her release before he did.

  “Feels so good,” she said, arching up.

  Begging him for more.

  Taking each and every thrust.

  Driving up to meet him.

  She was here because she wanted to be.

  No one could take that away.

  Lucia came hard on his cock, his name on her lips.

  The pleasure of her tightening pussy set him off, and he joined her, flooding the condom with his cum as he came.

  Afterward they were both panting. As he looked at her, he saw the smile on her lips. Cupping her face, he smiled along with her.


  “I had no intention of doing any of that,” she said.

  This caused him to raise a brow. “You didn’t?”

  “No. I just wanted to see you, and I guess one thing led to another.”

  “Which led to another. I like seeing you, Lucia. I don’t expect sex.”

  “Don’t even think about being guilty.” She sat up and cupped his face. “I was the one that went to my knees first. I initiated this. Actually, I’m starting to think I put in all the effort.” She kissed him again.


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