My Teacher

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My Teacher Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  Jack and her father shook hands once again.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  With her father’s hand at her back, she followed him outside.

  “I’ll follow you home. You’re good to drive?”

  “Yes.” She’d left the ice pack on the bench. Climbing into her car, she headed for home.

  Her dad followed her, and as she climbed out of the car, he was doing the same.

  Entering her home, she felt nervous.

  “Do you have any homework?” he asked.


  “You’re free to join me at the table.”

  “What did you and Dowed talk about?” she asked, joining him.

  “You and your exceptional record at school. I reminded him that you were not a troublemaker and this was your first ‘offense.’”

  “Right. Am I going to school tomorrow?”


  “I had plans with Marie. Can I still go ahead with that?”

  “I don’t know if it’s wise for you to go to that party.”

  “I’d really like to go,” she said. Also, she wanted to see Jack as a zombie, which could be a lot of fun.

  “I’m trying here, Lucia. You’ve got to give us a break sometime.”

  She glanced down at the table.

  “I know we fucked up. I get it.” This made her look up. Her father rarely cursed. “For so long we’ve been the ones our work has called on. We’ve worked our asses off to get where we are, and we know it has been at the expense of you and this, and everything. Something is going on with you. We both see it, Lucia. We’re not blind.”

  “Nothing is going on.” The lie rolled off her lips, and she hated it. She didn’t like lying.

  “You’re lying. I know you are. Is it a boy?”

  “Dad, I’m just … you’ve not been home all the time, and I’ve been doing other stuff. Nothing is going on.”

  “We trust you, Lucia, to make the right decisions.”

  “That fight today wasn’t my fault.”

  “I know. I know. You can talk to us about anything. You know that, right?”

  She sat back, arms folded, and looked at him. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “I’m sorry,” her father said. “I had the restaurant booked, and I was even leaving the office when I got called back in. Your mother texted to let me know she was just running behind.”

  “I get it, Dad. I do.”

  “No, we wanted to be there for you. We want to be here for you. We know you’re going through a lot right now. It’s your senior year. We went through that as well. You’re doing amazingly well. You’re a good girl, and we want what’s best for you. We’ve sucked. We get that.”

  “Then where is Mom?” she asked.

  “I told you. Dividing our time between work and home. We’re trying, Lucia. You’ve always told us, and we’ve always treated you as an adult. Adults would meet halfway. They wouldn’t hold grudges or avoid the problem. They face it, head on. Stop acting like a child or we will impose a curfew and anymore sleepovers will cease. We are your parents, and we can do that.”

  She stared at him, seeing that he meant business.

  Being mad at him was exhausting.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not a child though.”

  He held his hand out, and she placed hers inside his. Her father was a large man, kind of scary to a lot of people, but she adored him.

  She loved both of her parents, which was why it hurt a lot that they didn’t seem to care about her all the time.

  “Now, was that so hard?”

  Lucia smiled but shook her head.

  “See, we can make this work.”

  “You promise?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m a believer in conversation and talking through our troubles.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “I know this has been hard for you, but we’re here, and you won’t be alone anymore.”


  “Now, get your homework done. I’ll organize dinner.”

  She worked on her homework as her father cooked. Her mother arrived before six o’clock, and Lucia was further surprised when her mother showed concern over her eye.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “It stings, but it’ll go with my Halloween look. I’ll scare off a few kids.”

  Her mother kissed her other cheek. “I hate seeing you hurt like this. I should call that girl’s parents.”

  “They’re not good people, Mom.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not afraid. The only power people have, honey, is the power you give them. Don’t ever let anyone scare you like that.”

  Then her mother shocked her again.

  She pulled her into a hug and held her tightly.

  Lucia couldn’t remember the last time her mother hugged her or even showed any real concern for her. It was … weird but good.

  She held her mother, closing her eyes as she did so.

  Maybe it was going to be all right.

  Chapter Twelve

  Seeing Lucia’s bruised eye the next few days angered Jack. He especially didn’t like that Rachel was still in school, but he made sure to keep an eye on her. With Lucia’s parents at home, she’d also not been able to get away, nor had they been able to find a couple of spare minutes just to talk.

  He missed her.

  Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he was more than ready to play chaperone to the school. His hair was a mess, makeup on his face, and his clothes were torn with fake blood at some of the tears.

  He hated Halloween. People dressing up bored him, and as he arrived at the school, he wasn’t impressed. The cafeteria and several of the classrooms had been decorated for the party. Several cars were already parked, and he wasn’t interested. As he entered the main hallway, music blasted all around, and he went straight to the main gym where the dance was already in full swing.

  “Hey, Jack,” Beth said.

  She hadn’t been as much of a pest since he’d called her out on her bullshit. This thing with Connor and Rachel had really pushed his limits of acceptance right now.

  He was more than aware of power-hungry parents after growing up with a couple himself.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “They did such a bang-up job of this. It’s amazing.”

  Glancing across the hall, he saw several seniors already spiking the punch. He was about to head over there when a figure in white caught his attention.

  Lucia stood at the entrance looking like an angel. Her friend, Marie, was dressed as the devil. The dress Lucia wore was more revealing than anything he’d ever seen her in. The skirt of the dress was tight to her thighs, going to her knee, but it was good, and droplets of blood coated the bottom, fake blood obviously.

  Her hair cascaded in ringlets down her body, and her face had makeup on as well. She hadn’t covered up the bruise, but it only helped emphasize the outfit. She looked like a fallen angel.

  She didn’t need the makeup. To Jack, she always looked beautiful.

  Beth had already left, and as Marie made her way toward the drinks, Lucia walked toward him.

  “Hey, Mr. Zombie Teacher,” she said.

  “Not too bad, fallen angel.”

  She smiled. “All that was left at the store was dirty maid, or something else. This seemed pretty cool, but right now I’m not so sure.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. How are things with your parents?”

  “They’re … okay, I guess. Not a lot to say really. We’re working through everything if you can call it that. I’ve been wanting to get over to see you, but they’ve been everywhere. Mom has even dropped me off at school.”

  “Nothing has happened between you and Rachel?” he asked.

  “No. Nothing. My parents had a sit-down with hers, and they told me not to worry by the end of it, so…”

  “Hey, Mr. Parker,”
Marie said, letting her presence be known.

  He forced a smile. “Marie, lovely to see you.”

  “Well, I’m sure Mr. Parker can wait for whatever homework question you have. Come on, I promised you a good time.” Marie pulled her away, and he smiled as he saw Lucia mouth the words, “I’m sorry.”

  This was his curse, to always watch her walk away.

  He went toward the punch bowl where several kids were adding a bottle of vodka. Dipping his cup into the bowl, he stared at them and gave it a taste.

  “Don’t use shit vodka. You’re going to spike the punch, do so with some quality shit.”

  He hated Halloween.

  Moving around the dance floor he watched as Marie and Lucia laughed as they moved to the beat of the music.

  He was happy she seemed to be having fun.

  Leaving the dance floor, he went from room to room, keeping an eye on everything. Seeing kids make out was not on his list of things to enjoy.

  “Hello, Mr. Parker.”

  Rachel ran her hands up his back.

  He turned toward her and stared at her outfit.

  “Do you like it? I’m a naughty little witch, and I can make every single one of your dreams come true.”

  “Right.” He spotted Derick Coleman. “Excuse me.”

  She placed her hands on his hips. “I can make every single fantasy you’ve had come true.”

  “Can you disappear? I’d love that.”

  “If you don’t give me what I want, I’ll scream. Tell everyone that you raped me.”

  He stared into her eyes. “Do it, Rachel. I’ve done nothing wrong, and from what I’ve been made aware, you have a history of getting what you want. You’re only as strong as your parents. See if they would be willing to take me on. Now grow the fuck up and accept that I don’t want you.”

  Leaving Rachel in shock, he went to stand with Derick. Clearly, Rachel was used to scaring people into submitting. Wow, it had been a long time since he’d been so immersed in student bullshit.

  “You okay there, buddy?” Derick asked.

  “I’m tired of spoiled brats thinking they can boss me around.”

  “Yeah, I heard about the whole Connor thing. You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I just steer clear of that bullshit, to be honest. Don’t have the time or the energy to work on that. These kids, they think they’re entitled to everything. They want everything but earn nothing, always going to their parents to keep them out of trouble. Half of them are on drugs. Can’t prove it though.”

  “Not on my watch. They’ll earn their grades with hard work. Excuse me, I better mingle.” He didn’t need Derick to tell him about the drugs.

  Time was passing, and with it, he was getting pissed. Entering the gym once again, he saw Marie dancing on her own, but Lucia caught his eye. She stood on the edge of the dance floor looking so beautiful. He just couldn’t stand it another moment.

  He moved toward her, stepping close. “Follow me.”

  Without waiting to see if she even heard him, he began to make his way back down the long corridor, away from the party. He heard the clicking of heels as Lucia followed. Unlocking the doors that led to his classroom, he closed and locked it behind him. Once he was at his door, he stepped back, giving her room to enter.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  It had only been a few days, but to him it had felt more like fucking weeks since he’d last felt her lips on his.

  Pressing her up against the wall, he captured her hands, slamming his lips down on hers. “I can’t fucking resist you. That’s the problem.”

  He had a good track record until Lucia. No student had ever tempted him. None of them had made him even think of breaking his own moral code.

  Then Lucia came with her big as fuck brown eyes, her full lips, and a smile that melted his heart, and he couldn’t say no. He didn’t want to say no. She belonged to him, was his.

  Dropping his hands from hers, he sank his fingers into her hair, the silky strands sliding through his fingers.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “I’ve missed you too. I’ve wanted to get away. I freaked out a little at you meeting my dad.”

  “It was nice to see him, actually. At least I now know that he cares for you in his own way.”

  She smiled. “I guess he does.”

  “How is your face?”

  “Bruised, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  Her hands rested on his shoulders.

  “I wanted to hurt her,” Jack said.

  “No, she’s not worth it. Nothing is worth losing your job over.”

  “You’re worth it.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re an amazing teacher.”

  “Do you want this to stop?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, of course not. I love being with you. I just … I don’t want to take anything away.”

  He frowned. “What is it?” he asked, sensing something within her. “I can tell something is bothering you.”

  “Tonight, I overheard my parents talking about something, but it doesn’t matter.”

  “Whatever bothers you, talk to me, Lucia. Don’t lock me out.” He wanted to help her in any way that he could.

  “I heard them talking about a possible move next year. I don’t know if it’s something they’re just considering or definite. I don’t know, but it scares me.”

  “Where?” he asked.

  “To London. That’s what they were talking about.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers.

  If they moved to London, he’d never see her again. Just the thought of it tore him apart. She could come to college in the States, but he didn’t see any parents wanting their kid to be so far away, not even Lucia’s parents.

  “We’ll deal with that when the time comes. It could just be something they’re talking about.” He kissed her, hoping that it wasn’t a relocation.

  This thing he had with Lucia, it was the real fucking deal.

  All of his life he’d moved from woman to woman, never having a serious relationship, never knowing what it was like to fall for a woman.

  He was falling for her.

  This wasn’t an attraction to the forbidden.

  This was an attraction to Lucia.

  “Please,” she said. “I need you.” She ran her hand down his chest, cupping his arousal.

  He was already hard as rock.

  Moving her toward his desk, he lifted her up and pushed her dress up to her waist. Next, he spread her legs wide and stepped between them. Tearing off her panties, he shoved them in his pocket and cupped her wet, naked flesh.

  “Every time I sit at this desk I’m going to remember how you felt against me. The taste of you on my tongue.” He sat down in his chair, gripping her ass. He pulled her up to his face, and licked from her entrance up to her clit, circling her bud before sliding down, plunging inside her. “Don’t let me hear you scream.”

  “Jack!” She said his name on a groan as he teased her body, driving her wild.

  Pressing two fingers inside her pussy, he drew them out only to push them back in. She took him, thrusting down on his fingers, whimpering as he licked and sucked at her clit.

  She tasted exquisite. His cock pressed against his pants, desperate for release, which wouldn’t come.

  “Please, Jack, please.” Her begging thrilled him, and as he held her in place, he controlled her orgasm. Bringing her to the edge of pleasure, he waited, prolonging her need, and finally pushing her over the edge as she came on his face.

  Before she had even finished, he pulled away from her tight heat, found a condom in his wallet, and quickly rolled it on.

  Jack moved her, bending her over the desk, kicking her legs apart as he spread the cheeks of her ass.

  He found her entrance and slid in deep. The tight walls of her cunt clenched around him, letting him know how much she was loving this.

  Pulling out, he slammed to the hilt insi
de her, over and over. He watched his cock in the dark room, able to make out his glistening shaft from the light cast by the moon.

  Gripping hold of her hips, he pounded inside her. Lucia held onto the desk, pushing back, driving onto his cock with so much force that it rocked him into his own release.

  He drove in deep as wave upon wave of his cum released into the condom. Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he kissed her neck.

  “That was incredible,” Lucia said. “We’ve got a problem though.”


  “How am I going to be able to pay attention to you now? I know how bad you can be, Mr. Parker.”

  He chuckled. “You and I both know that you’re more than capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.”

  He eased out of her, pressing a kiss to her ass cheek. Using some tissues, he pulled the condom off his dick and wrapped it up. He grabbed some tissue that he left in his desk, wrapped it up tight, and placed it back in his pocket.

  Jack pushed her skirt down over her ass.

  “What about my panties?” she asked.

  “They’re my treat.”

  “We’ve got to make it back without being seen.”

  “Easily done. Trust me?” He held his hand out for her to take.

  “Of course.” She rested her hand inside his and something twisted inside him. His heart seemed to pound, and as he looked at her, everything was clear. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. More than fine.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, refusing to think about the possible chance of Lucia moving away. That could all wait as far as he was concerned.


  The days passed, and still Lucia’s parents avoided any topic of conversation that included college and moving. She knew they were talking about it though. Every time she entered a room, they would change the subject, which made her nervous.

  They were no longer keeping her on a tight schedule, so she was able to visit Jack after school, but she made sure to be home before eight at night. It sucked big time because all she wanted to do was spend the night with him.

  At night, lying in bed, she’d text him, and often fall asleep with her cell phone in her hand, wishing more than anything that she was with him and his arms were wrapped around her. She missed him so much.

  Marie no longer had any suspicions either. The days she wasn’t with Jack, she spent with Marie catching up. Time was going by so fast, or at least it felt like it was going by quickly, and it wasn’t long before Thanksgiving was upon them. She’d already seen her parents off as they had another conference to go to that had already been booked months in advance.


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