My Teacher

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My Teacher Page 26

by Sam Crescent

“I’d be careful around that one,” Beth said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Surely you know girls that age have a crush. Lucia is spending a lot of time around your classroom. The last thing you’d want to do is give her the wrong impression.”

  “Lucia’s a smart girl.”

  “Yeah, and I see the adoration in her eyes. Just because she’s young—I remember being eighteen and so full of hormones. I’d have done anything to bang a teacher as well.”

  “You know what, I don’t want to talk about this right now. What do you want, Beth?”

  “Surely you’ve heard that Dowed’s indiscretions have come to light. Taking bribes to change grades to help his students.”

  “Yes, I heard.”

  “We have a new principal, and she’s waiting in her office. Her name’s Helen Brandt.”

  “Okay, then,” he said, leaving his classroom.

  Heading down the long corridor, he heard snippets of gossip.

  “I heard she was sucking him off and he was snorting when the cops got to them…”

  “He raped someone.”

  “She’s a terrorist.”

  “He’s part of the mafia.”

  “Drugs and orgies.”

  Each one more elaborate than the next.

  Entering the main reception area, he saw Dowed’s name had been replaced with Brandt’s. “A new day,” he said to himself.

  Knocking on the door, he waited to be called to enter.

  “Come in,” Brandt said.

  As he entered the office, a brown-haired woman with glasses looked at him over the desk. “Ah, I take it you’re Mr. Parker.”

  “The very one.”

  “That will be all, Ms. Bertram.”

  He nodded at Beth, then took a seat opposite the new principal’s desk. “I’ve only been made aware of this sudden change. I’d have come and introduced myself before I made my way to the class.”

  “It was such a quick turnaround. No one wanted Beyer Hill to be without a head teacher, and seeing as Dowed’s doctored grades, every student’s report sheet is being investigated. We want everything to run as smooth as possible. To help with that transition I’m just inviting everyone here so that we can say a quick hello and move on. I’m Helen Brandt. I will be here temporarily, unless, of course, they don’t find a replacement.” She sat behind her desk and sighed. “I’ve got to ask, were you aware of this situation?”

  “I was aware something was going on. One of my students, Connor.”

  “Connor Mills, yes, I’ve been made aware of his indiscretions.”

  “I called on him in class. He answered a question wrong, he didn’t like it, and I was pulled into the office. My job was called into question. It seems the boy’s father has a history of removing teachers that caused a problem for his son.”

  “That is exactly where the complaint came from. It would seem Mills got one too many teachers fired, and because of it, this investigation opened up, which found Dowed’s guilt. I, myself, am deeply shocked by what I discovered. Covering up students’ drug problems, being paid to make sure students have the right grade to suit the parents. This is a damn school, not some political circus or television drama. How did you keep your job? Everyone else got tossed out on their asses?”

  “I happen to have two of the best lawyers in the country as parents.”

  “Ah, you’re one of those Parkers?”

  “You heard of my parents?”

  “I’ve heard of the Parkers. They don’t only take the big, expensive cases for famous people, they do pro bono work as well. A few years ago, they helped me and another colleague out of a sexual harassment case. A female student had tried to blackmail one of the teachers. It was a very messy business. He wouldn’t give her the grade she wanted and so she accused him of being inappropriate. They are tigers in their fields. It’s damn good to know their son is here in this school.” She stood and offered him her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to us all getting this school back on track.”

  He shook her hand, pleased that Dowed was gone. He didn’t like that the principal could be manipulated, and his gut told him that Brandt would be a damn good replacement for that son of a bitch.

  The entire day was filled with students talking about Dowed, Connor, and Rachel. It seemed a little surreal to have all three of his problems dealt with. Still, Dowed’s firing had nothing to do with Connor and Rachel, as they had been done for possession charges. There was no way their parents could get them out of that sticky situation, and he did recall warning them that there would come a point when no one would be able to help them.

  Knowing Lucia wasn’t at risk of being hurt, he felt calmer. She’d be safe to walk the halls, and he wouldn’t have to worry about her being accosted by that fucker or beaten by that bitch.

  Finishing off the day, he felt positive for the future.

  He was gathering his things when Marie knocked on the door, surprising him.

  “Marie, how can I help you?” he asked.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay.” He nodded for her to close the door. “What is it? Is it to do with English?” He didn’t have Marie. She was taught by the other professor, Kingsley.

  “No, it doesn’t have anything to do with school, to be honest.”

  He leaned against the edge of his desk, seeing that she was nervous. “What’s wrong, Marie?”

  Lucia loved her friend, and he found himself feeling protective of anyone that Lucia cared about.

  “I don’t know. I’m kind of torn right now. I shouldn’t be here, but I know that Lucia won’t say anything.”

  “This has something to do with Lucia? Is she hurt?”

  Marie shook her head. “She’s not hurt, but it is about her feelings. Crap. You know what, if this makes me an awful friend, so be it. She’s in love with you.”

  Jack stared at her, not really sure what the problem was.

  “Lucia loves you, but she’s too afraid to tell you because … she knows you love your job, and with everything changing in a few months, I know it’s tearing her apart, but she’s scared.”

  “Why is she scared?”

  “Of losing you and of you not feeling the same way. I … I love my friend very much, and I know she loves you. I don’t—how will you even make this work? You’re her teacher, and she’s moving away, which I hate so much, but I don’t know what to do.”

  “Now I’m confused. Are you telling me that she loves me? Or that she’s moving away?”

  “Both. She loves you, and she’s trying not to be selfish with you. She won’t tell you, but I think you have a right to know, and also, do you love her?”

  He stared at her, knowing the answer to that.

  Marie stared at him.

  “You’re sure she loves me?”

  “Yes. She told me.” She pulled her cell phone out and handed it to him. “See.”

  He stared down at the words and smiled. She loved him. Neither of them had said the words of love. He’d been hesitant to express his feelings for her.

  This was not how he anticipated his life to go.

  “I don’t want to make things awkward for you, but I also know she can be so stubborn. She loves you, Mr. Parker. I care about her, and I want to see her happy.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt her.”

  “I believe that, I really do.”


  “She’s going to leave. What are you doing to do then?”

  He ran a hand down his face, no longer sure anymore what Marie was trying to say or do.

  “Are you wanting me to end it with her?”

  “No, of course not. I don’t know why I came here, just that I needed to tell you. Don’t tell Lucia that I told you, please.”

  “I won’t.” He was now so confused.

  Lucia loved him. He’d seen that text, and he knew he loved her.

  Their future together was so uncertain. She was leav
ing the country with her family, and he didn’t know if he had a right to stop it, let alone if he should.

  Everything was fucked up right now.

  When he was younger, he thought he had all the fucking answers, but now?

  Now he didn’t have a clue what to do.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Time passed, and between studying, dealing with her parents, and just trying not to panic, Lucia found herself staring into her locker to see the single red rose lying on a card. Lifting it up, she pressed her nose to the petals and breathed it in.

  “Oh, you got a little Valentine’s Day gift?” Marie asked.

  “It’s Valentine’s Day?”

  “February fourteenth, the very day to celebrate love or to celebrate being completely single and alone.”

  Lucia put the rose down and lifted up the card. Sliding it out, she saw two bears snuggled together. When she opened it up, she found a small message from Jack.

  “You wondered why I wanted your locker number, and this was the reason. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I hope you have a wonderful day. Also, I’ve left you a little package at my house. Get dressed for me. I’m taking you to dinner. Love, Jack.”

  “Taking you out to dinner? Isn’t that a bit risky?”

  “I don’t know. He always has something up his sleeve.” She lifted the rose and pressed it against Marie’s nose. “Sniff.”

  “Ew, gross. No, thank you. It’s probably got some weird, shitty chemicals all over it.”

  “You’re showing off your jealous side.”

  “I’m totally not jealous, but does this mean you need a super sexy cover?” Marie asked.

  “Yes. Can I say I’m staying with you?” she asked.

  “Yes, you can. Of course, you can.” Marie winked at her. “Who am I to get in the way of true love?”

  “You think it’s true love?”

  “When I look at you, I know it is. You have that mystical glow about you.” Marie did some weird hand thing. “I’ve got to get to class. Catch you later?”


  The rest of the day went by quickly. She didn’t have a class with Jack, nor did she see him at any point during the day. She was tempted to stop by his classroom, but he’d warned her that Ms. Bertram was watching and how she had advised him to be careful.

  She didn’t much care for Ms. Bertram after that, but she didn’t say anything, instead, keeping to herself and being careful not to seek him out.

  After school she dropped off Marie and sent her parents a text to say she was spending some time with her friend. They didn’t respond, so she drove to Jack’s home. The car his parents had sent was still in the driveway, and she smiled. She had caught him several times staring at the large vehicle as if it had some kind of disease or something.

  Parking up, she made her way into his home, which she now had a spare key for. Making her way upstairs, she found the package that he referred to. Opening it up, she found a deep blue dress. Unable to resist, she quickly removed her clothes and pulled the fabric over her body.

  It fit her figure snugly. She’d started out the school year as a size eighteen, and with the running she’d been doing, she’d gotten down to a sixteen.

  She ran her hands over the dress, and she started to pin her hair up just as Jack entered the bedroom.

  “How do I look?” she asked.

  “Stunning. It’s exactly how I imagined you’d be.”

  “So, you imagined me like this?”

  “Yes.” He stepped up behind her, his hands going to her hips. “You’re perfect.”

  “Are we staying in for dinner?”

  “No. We’re going out.”


  “Don’t. I know what I’m doing, and I’ve found a restaurant that’s quiet. Yes, it’s expensive, but I’m taking you out to dinner.”

  “I forgot Valentine’s Day,” she said, feeling guilty. “I forgot.”

  “I don’t care. I want to take you out. Now, will you let me?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t even hesitate. He pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  “I’m going to get ready.”

  As he entered the bathroom, she pulled on a pair of heels. They were only a couple of inches high, so she didn’t feel like she was going to tumble over in them.

  Jack came out of the bathroom minutes later, dressed, looking sexy as hell in a tuxedo.

  “Now, my lady, are you ready?”

  Putting her arm through his, she followed him downstairs, and they left his home. He stopped at his car, opening the door, and giving her the chance to climb in.

  “Your parents’ car?”

  “No, this is my car that my parents bought for me. I have no other use for it so I may as well use it for something good.” He put the seatbelt around her before climbing behind the wheel.

  Her heart pounded as they pulled away. This was the first time they’d left his home together, as a couple, heading out for dinner.

  “Marie’s covering for me in case my parents call.”

  “Do they call?” Jack asked.

  “Never, but just in case. They seem to be all over the place now. You know, bouncing from one job to the next around the house.”

  “How is everything looking?”

  “Well, they’ve sent over a lot of artwork and photographs, along with books, and a few other things. Furniture they’re keeping here. The buyer doesn’t mind either having a yard sale, donating it, or even using it.”

  She didn’t want to be talking about the future that didn’t hold him.

  “Let’s not talk about that though. How about you? How was your day?”

  “It’s going good. Principal Brandt has her hands full right now with going through past student records.”

  “Was Dowed really that much of a problem?”

  “Seems so. Even Derick has been suspended until further notice, and Bertram too. They both took bribes to hike their students’ grades.”

  “Wow, that’s … what, three teachers now,” Lucia said. It was quite the scandal, considering it had been over a month since it all happened. She liked Principal Brandt. She had been called into the office for questioning over the lunchroom event.

  Much to her surprise, she’d been given an official apology over the incident. Whatever had happened, it had taken the school by storm.

  “Yep. It would seem Mills pissed off one too many teachers. I don’t blame them. I had every intention of notifying them of the situation.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked, curious.

  “Kind of got myself into a certain pickle. Started falling for a student and fighting it.”

  “Ah, that’s just an excuse.”

  He took her hand, locking their fingers together. “It’s a damn good excuse.”

  Her stomach fluttered, and she smiled, pleased with his words.

  “So, this restaurant.”

  “It’s a French place. It’s nice, and you’ll enjoy it. Well, I hope you like it.”

  “I’m sure I will. Have you brought other dates here?”

  “No. This is the one I tend to reserve for myself when I want to celebrate.”

  They drove out of town for nearly two hours before he pulled up in front of a very expensive place. A valet waited to take his car.

  The man opened her door, offering her a hand. She didn’t feel comfortable taking his hand, but Jack was there, offering his.

  “I’ll do the honors, thank you,” Jack said, handing the keys over to the valet.

  “Jack, this is a really posh place.”

  “I know. See why I knew we could come here.”

  “I feel a little out of place.”

  “Don’t be. Hold your head high and ignore everyone around you. You’ll fit right in.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh.

  Jack moved up to the maître d’ and gave his name. They were escorted through the restaurant toward a private table. Jack pulled out her seat, tucking it underneath her.

p; “We’ll have a bottle of your best red,” Jack said.

  “Wine?” Lucia asked.

  “At least one glass, to toast your upcoming success. I know you’re going to do remarkably well.”

  “I adore your confidence in me, but I’ve still got exams to take.”

  “Please, I’ve looked over your reports. You’re a star pupil, Lucia. You’ve got this.”

  The waiter brought back their wine, and she smiled at him before turning her attention to Jack.

  He handed her a menu, and as she flicked it open she saw there were no prices on hers.

  “I don’t know how much anything costs.”

  “Lucia, this is my treat. You are my valentine. Let me do this.”

  She nodded, glancing down at the menu. She settled on a dish that had pasta and mussels, letting Jack know what she wanted. He went for the steak with herbed butter and potatoes.

  Glancing around the restaurant, she was pleased that she didn’t recognize anyone here.

  “You’re nervous,” he said, pouring them both a glass of wine. She also noticed he’d gotten some water as well and was doing the same in a second glass.

  “This is my first-ever real date. Water?”

  “Yes, it suddenly occurred to me that I don’t want to ply you with wine. It’s there for you to taste, but I know you love water.”

  He smiled at her while taking a sip of the wine.

  Lifting the glass to her lips, she took a sip of the dark red liquid. It was nice, fruity, but it also had a burn to it that she didn’t like. “It’s very nice.”

  He chuckled. “You hate it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He reached over the table, taking her hand. “Don’t keep saying sorry, Lucia.”

  “This is … it’s an expensive place. I guess I still have you as the teacher in my head.”

  “I am still the teacher. I’m just someone who can afford a little more luxury when the need calls for it.” He sipped at his wine, holding her hand. “I’m still me, Lucia. Nothing has changed.”

  “This is beautiful, thank you.”

  “Anything for you,” he said.

  The waiter brought them their first course. She’d opted for a salad that had grilled fruit and chicken while Jack had a soup. They talked about small things, neither of them wanting to ruin their date. She spoke about one of the classes she was finding difficult, and he mentioned a couple of students that concerned him. They never named people, but she liked that he could be open and honest with her. There was trust between them.


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