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My Teacher

Page 33

by Sam Crescent

  Lucia silenced him with a kiss. She went to her knees, arms wrapped around his neck, and her lips on his.

  He held her close, kissing her back with a passion.

  The time apart melted away.

  “What’s your answer?” Bill asked.

  Lucia pulled away, smiling. “Yes. Of course, yes.”

  “You’re going to marry me?”

  “Yes, I want to marry you, Jack. I want to be yours.”

  When he got to his feet, Bill and Patricia were there, hugging him.

  “So, this was why you wanted to do the big feast?” Lucia asked.

  “It was a feast to celebrate,” Patricia said.

  “We were the only two convinced you’d say yes,” Bill said. “You were both so nervous.”

  Stepping into Jack’s arms, he saw her father falter for a second, and knew it would take him time, but at least he’d given them both this, and he was so thankful for it. He’d never intended to fall in love, but Lucia had entered his world and turned it upside down. In time, they would no longer be the teacher and the student, but Jack and Lucia, or husband and wife.

  Epilogue One

  Ten months later

  “Why did you decide to have your wedding in the height of summer?” Marie asked, fussing all around Lucia as she pulled a crease out of the dress.

  “Because it’s beautiful outside, flowers are in full bloom, and I wanted my wedding day to be just perfect. I’m only going to get one day.”

  “Not if it doesn’t work out, sweetie. You could have six or seven big days.”

  “If that happens, you’re going to complain about every single one,” Lucia said. “You’re always going to be my maid of honor.”

  “You’ve got that right.” Marie winked at her.

  She couldn’t have anyone else but Marie at her side for her wedding.

  “I never realized how much the two of you argue,” Patricia said.

  “Smile for me, dear, I want to make sure the pictures will look perfect with no food between your teeth,” Nancy Parker said.

  She had Marie, her mother, and Jack’s mother all in the church waiting room. She and Jack were getting married in England, and it was one of the rare days that was in fact sunny, with no rain forecast.

  After today, she and Jack were flying to his family villa in Italy to spend two weeks on a honeymoon, and she was excited about having him all to herself. In ten months, he’d found a place to live near her parents and a job at one of the local colleges. She got to see him every single day, and of course, he’d become good friends with her father. It had been difficult, as moving overseas does create complications, but seeing as Jack’s parents were the best lawyers in the country, it wasn’t hard for them to work through all the checks and paperwork.

  Staring at her reflection, she saw Marie, Patricia, and Nancy looking at her. Some of her brown hair was held up with flowery pins, while ringlets cascaded around her. She wore a white dress that molded to her breasts and waist but flared out from her hips down to her feet, where she wore a pair of flat shoes.

  She had yet to perfect the art of walking in heels.

  “How do I look?” she asked.

  “Pretty as a picture.”

  She turned to see her father standing in the doorway. “We’re all about ready to start. Are you all ready for this?”

  Lucia nodded.

  She watched her mother, future mother-in-law, and best friend leave the room, and she turned to face her father.

  “Did you ever think you’d see this day?” she asked, stepping toward him.

  “No, I didn’t. I knew it would come, but letting you go, I didn’t think it would be as hard as this.”

  “I’ll always be your girl, Dad,” she said.

  “I know.” She saw the tears well up in his eyes. Throwing her arms around him, she held him close. “I love you, Lucia.”

  “I love you too, Dad.” She had apologized, and over the past ten months they’d been able to work out their differences.

  She’d been so happy to do that. She didn’t realize how empty her life had been without not only Jack but also her father.

  “Jack’s a good man. I was wrong about him, and I know he will do everything in his power to take care of you.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  Her love for him had only grown in the past ten months.

  Sneaking around, their secret relationship couldn’t touch the way they were with each other now. They could go anywhere, be seen together, hold hands, kiss. There were no secrets, no lies, and because of that, they were stronger together.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “He is as well.”

  “He is? Do you think he’s getting cold feet?” She nibbled her lip as she placed her arm inside her father’s.

  “No. It’s weddings. They make people do crazy things.”

  The wedding march came on, and as she stood outside of the church, she saw the people, her parents’ friends as well as Jack’s, waiting.

  Her heart started to pound.



  “Thank you.”

  They walked down the long aisle, and the moment she saw Jack, everything else faded away. He stood near the priest, wearing a tuxedo that seemed to emphasize his maleness if that was even possible. His thick, bulging arms strained the fabric, and he looked perfect. So perfect, and all hers.

  The moment she was at the altar, he came down and took her hand from her father’s.

  “Take care of her.”


  They made their way up to the priest, and she released a breath. “I love you,” he said, mouthing the words.

  “I love you too.”

  There, before the priest, their family, and friends, they made promises and vows of love, of friendship, of a life together.

  As she spoke her vows and listened to Jack’s she recalled that moment when she’d taken a leap of faith and stepped close to him. She’d pressed her lips against his and she didn’t realize it at the time, but she did right now, right this second. The kiss had just been the beginning. The moment she’d pressed her lips to his had sealed their fate.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  This time, Jack stepped to her. He cupped her cheek, and his lips were on hers. Her teacher, her lover, her husband, her soul mate. Forever.

  Epilogue Two

  Five years later

  “You see, my darling little bump, your mother doesn’t appreciate good, honest poetry. She never, ever did,” Jack said. He ran his hand across Lucia’s bump, and marveled as his little girl kicked.

  Their first baby.

  They’d been married for five years. Five blissful years, and now as she lay on her back and he read from his favorite poetry book, he couldn’t quite contain his happiness.

  His wife didn’t know they were having a little girl. She’d opted not to know, but as she’d been gathering her things, he’d wanted to know.

  He couldn’t wait to see her face after she gave birth.

  Her parents already knew what she was having as well. Yes, he couldn’t keep a secret it would seem. He’d nearly slipped a few times with Lucia.

  At the last minute, he’d been able to keep it under wraps that he knew what they were having.

  “You cannot hold that stuff against me. I forbid it.”

  “You can’t forbid everything,” Jack said, pressing a kiss to her stomach. They were enjoying some of the summer sun while it lasted. “Your mother couldn’t handle poetry class. She did okay though.”

  Lucia chuckled. “Do you think it can hear you?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t call he-it it.”

  “You do know that I know that you know,” Lucia said.

  “What do I know?” he asked, closing the book and avoiding eye contact. Grabbing the large bowl of strawberries and the heavy cream from the grass beside them, he dipped one in the cream, and as she was about to speak, he placed it in her mouth. �
�We’ve got to keep you both strong.”

  She rolled her eyes but chewed the fruit.

  “You know the sex of the baby.”

  “I do not.”

  “You do. You’ve told my parents, your parents, and even Marie.”

  He didn’t say a word. Marie was really excited and couldn’t wait to be a godmother. Lucia’s best friend had remained in their life, and he adored her. She was a nice woman and had even married a young businessman who had a keen eye on technology as the future. Listening to them talk was a headache in itself. Science, math, and everything in between. His own wife had chosen her career path in counseling for young people whereas Marie opted to counsel adults. Lucia had required a degree in psychology, which had been rather stressful as she used him to experiment on and ask him to be part of all of these chats.

  When she graduated a year ago, he’d never seen her so happy.

  Of course, they had wanted to start a family, and now they were expecting their first bundle of joy.

  Lucia had told him that she’d work part-time, but she wanted to be available full-time to care for their child.

  “Just because I know doesn’t mean that I’m going to tell you,” he said, taking a bite of the strawberry.

  “I thought we agreed not to know what it was,” Lucia said.

  “No, you thought it would be a good idea. I needed to know if I should brush up on my football training or learn how to shoot.”

  “And which is it?” she asked, raising a brow.

  “You said you didn’t want to know.”

  “I didn’t want to know, but now I feel left out and with the fact I’m getting bigger each day, I’m feeling more left out. I can’t even see my feet anymore. Do they look swollen to you?”

  “No, you look more beautiful every single day.”

  “What are we having?” she asked.

  He sighed, intending to deny her request.

  When she pouted and her eyes went wide, he knew he was losing.

  “A girl,” he said.

  Her eyes seemed to go wider at the news. “We’re having a little girl?”

  “Yes, a bouncing baby girl who I hope has your brown eyes and hair.”

  “What about your blue eyes and nose?”

  “So long as she doesn’t have my attitude like I did when I was a boy, we’ll be okay.”

  “We’re going to have a baby girl,” she said.

  “Yes, I was going to paint the nursery pink, if that’s okay.”

  “I’d like it pink,” she said.

  “You’re crying. You’re not supposed to be sad.”

  “I’m not sad, Jack. Far from it. In fact, I don’t ever recall being this happy before in my entire life.” She sat up, cupping his face. “I love you,” she said. “So much.”

  He held her close, feeling all the love that he didn’t think was possible.

  Jack Parker, husband, soon-to-be father, and completely, totally smitten with his wife. The rebel in him was finally tamed by the right woman.

  Five months later, holding his wife and staring into his daughter’s blue eyes, he knew there was no way life could get any better than this, and he had at least another fifty years to go.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Nicky by Lynn Burke



  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Gunner stared down at the slut that was licking his dick. She was just a regular club whore who thought she could bag herself an old man or at least a club patch. A lot of his men liked her, but he was finding her a little too bland for his taste. She was twentysomething and had a mouth like a fucking suction cup. Her mouth bored the shit out of him, and he was losing his erection fast. Her blonde hair was dyed, and the feel of it in his hand was greasy as fuck.

  He usually liked to use the club whores. They distracted him from some of the tough decisions he had to make or when he just wanted a few moments of peace. Right now, that wasn’t the case.

  “Get the fuck off,” he said, pushing her away and tucking his dick back into his pants. Running a hand down his face, he tried to clear the anger from his mind, but that didn’t help.

  “I can do better. Please, Prez, I want to please you.” She ran her hands up and down his thighs. Since he was the Prez of the Satan’s Demons MC, they all wanted to please him.

  “If you don’t get the fuck out of my office in the next ten seconds, I’ll make sure that you don’t touch another club dick.”

  She was already scurrying away. Leaning back in his chair, he released a breath. He didn’t know what it was. The young women used to do something for him. He liked their need to please, to make their place known. The men were all over them, including the married men.

  If his men wanted to break their marriage vows, that was on them. When he had been married, he wasn’t a saint. He wouldn’t judge any man on how he lived his life. He had two teenage boys himself, and both of them were fucking nightmares. Even now, in high school, they were constantly after pussy like two horny teenagers usually were. It did fill him with a little pride knowing his boys liked to fuck and were not into hearts and flowers. At least they knew to bag their shit up because he wouldn’t stand for anything less, not in his house. He wasn’t going to have any unplanned brats around his place.

  “You want to tell me why you sent that piece of ass away?” Kent asked.

  He looked up at his VP, who was leaning against the door. “Wasn’t interested.” When it came to Kent, he didn’t trust the man as far as he could throw him, which was one of the reasons he’d made him VP. Keeping his enemy close.

  Kent had wanted to take the Prez’s patch, but when Gunner himself got the patch, Kent seemed to step down. There were times he saw something in Kent’s eyes, and that feeling in his gut never went away, not when it came to this man.

  The MC were strong together, but that didn’t mean there weren’t men who wanted to take his place.

  “I get it. She probably tasted of another man’s cum. From what the guys tell me she does nothing but talk, which is why they’re always putting her mouth to good use.”

  Gunner wrinkled his nose. “I do not need to hear that.”

  “Maybe you’re getting old.”

  “I can fucking take you, so don’t start that shit.”

  Kent burst out laughing, but there was a bitter edge to it. “That’s never in question.”

  “Isn’t it?” He stared at Kent long enough to watch the other man withdraw. So far Kent didn’t have the balls to take him on. “You think I’m ready to settle down.”

  “Or maybe you’ve had your eyes on a certain brunette that comes around sometimes.”

  Gunner stared at the man across from him and didn’t say a word. He knew instantly who he was talking about. Scarlett Williams wasn’t a club whore, nor did she have anything to do with the club. She was a thirty-year-old, sweet as they come, curvy woman who was also the wife of one of the club’s close friends, John.

  Gunner and John had served in the military together. Rather than join the club, John continued his college education and was now an accountant with his own firm in town. He’d once had big plans of city life. That had all ceased when he caught sight of Scarlett. Gunner couldn’t blame him.

  Scarlett was a mystery to him.

  She was all fire and sweetness mixed into one. The men adored her, though of course many believed she was way too sweet for the club life. Not only that, she did have a husband.

  He didn’t like to think of Scarlett in his bed, not when he cared about John. His friend always had his back, and there was no way in hell that he’d ever hurt his best friend.

  John would have been one of the best club members. He was loyal and fierce as fuck.

  “What do you want, Kent?”

  “Was wondering if you got word from John. He called an hour ago. Wants to talk to you.”

  Gunner sat up. He had John going through the books of all the club businesses, legal and not. The not-legal shit John was keeping to himself.

  “Why didn’t I get notified ASAP?” He stood up, grabbing his jacket.

  For most of the day he’d been out on the road, going over his businesses, and he’d not even taken a shower.

  It was late, which meant he’d have to go to John’s home. Just thinking about it sent a shock of excitement through him.

  “You were kind of busy, Prez. We all know that Elle wanted to give it to you.” Kent gave him a wink.

  This was just another reason that he didn’t trust Kent. There were times when he was dealing business within the club that fine little details would slip Kent’s mind. In fact, on some occasions when he’d been interrogating, Kent would shoot the bastards dead before they could breathe a word. Gunner had his doubts about Kent’s loyalty, but he couldn’t make a case to the club when he didn’t have any solid proof to back up his … hunches.

  “I don’t want her anywhere near me.” She was nothing more than a cum bucket, and some chicks got off on being that, but not him. He didn’t want to deal with a hospital trip.

  A few years ago, most of the club ended up with the fucking clap. He’d been royally pissed. He always bagged his shit up, apart from when he’d been with his wife, who was now his ex, and even then, he’d rarely dipped his dick in bare.

  “She’s quick and easy,” Kent said. “Thought you’d like the release? Something to help take your mind off shit.”


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