A Merry Marry Christmas

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A Merry Marry Christmas Page 9

by Trey Martini

  "I’ll go there now. It’ll take me less time than the ambulance–but call 911 and have them send out the EMTs".

  Liam runs out the door, hops on the motorcycle parked curbside, and heads for the Grand Hotel.


  Grand Hotel Central Park, NYC

  Inside room 2020, Tony's asleep on the bed. Suddenly, there's banging on the door. He stands up–disoriented. "Who is it?"

  "Anthony, it's Dr. Liam O'Connor. Open up!"

  "Wrong room. I don’t need a doctor."

  "Anthony let me in,” Liam bangs louder, “we need to talk."

  Tony finally opens the door just a crack, then Liam pushes the door open all the way. Both men are stunned at the site of each other.

  Liam speaks first. "Tony–Tony Morrelli?"

  "Liam? You’re not Liam–Bill? How can it be you? You’re not…" The two men embrace. A woman walks by, stares and shakes her head in disgust. They move inside the room.

  Liam smiles meekly. "Can I come in?"

  Tony looks down, pauses, then looks up and into Liam’s blue eyes. "What do you think?"

  Liam follows Tony into the room. "You always said I think too much."

  "Let’s not start again," Tony's voice is low and emotional.

  Liam is bolder–"Start what?"

  "The fighting. We can talk though."

  Liam smiles, reaches for Tony's face and holds it in his hands. "You always said I talk too much."

  Tony gives in to his emotions and reaches across to give Liam a long and tender kiss. "It’s fantastic to see you. But, this feels like a fight–the last thing I want. Can we have a drink? We both used to drink too much. I think I need a drink now–for some reason." Tony gives Liam a look that lingers and turns into a very wide smile. For the first time in far too long, his smile is wide enough to show off his own set of dimples. The two men kiss, a longer, deeper kiss this time.

  Tony turns to pour the drinks. Liam gives a gentle order. "Make it quick. I want to see your eyes again." Liam stands behind Tony, his arms around his waist as Tony quickly pours some orange juice and grabs a couple of tiny Vodka bottles from the minibar. They settle down onto the sofa. Tony leaves a few feet between them, either confused or still reserved. Liam moves in closer. They toast each other with the hotel’s crystal water glasses.

  "What’re you doing here–how’d you find me, what the heck’s going on?" Tony gushes.

  "Heck? You still say heck!" Liam puts his glass down and surrounds Tony with his body. "I've missed you so much, baby. How did this happen? How did we get here? How’d you get back home?"

  Tony is puzzled. "Don't ask me. I haven't a clue. You have to know something more. You just banged on my door."

  Liam laughs and shares what he knows. "Susan called. Said my patient Anthony Kowalski was in this room threatening suicide. Seems our reunion is a conspiracy."

  Tony starts to get it. "Anthony–Tony. Clever. Susan. I always loved your mother. The same mother who wrote me a letter telling me you were dead? Was that her idea–or did she have some help?"

  Liam looks down, then up into Tony's eyes. "I plead guilty on that count."

  Tony is gentle, forgiving. "Why, Bill?"

  "Do we need to talk about it now?" Liam runs his fingers through Tony's hair and clearly has other things on his mind. "Do you trust me that the details can wait?"

  "I have all day–how about the short version. My pride needs something to hold on to before the rest of me can hold on to you like I want to right now. Please–just tell me why you had your mother tell me you’d died."

  Liam's eyes never leave Tony's as he does his best to explain, briefly. "On my birthday, you went onto my website and were checking me out."

  Tony challenges. "If you knew my IP address then you must have been checking me out yourself. So why the crazy reaction when I did what you did?"

  "I was worried that you might want to get back together."

  Tony backs away. "Are you saying you don’t want me?"

  Liam tugs Tony's back where he can watch his eyes. "I didn't want to break up your family. I was afraid–for you, for them. Me wanting you has never been the issue."

  Tony hugs Liam closer. "But you wanted all of me–all or nothing. I haven’t been able to give you every bit of me."

  Liam is listening carefully. "Haven’t. Is that past tense?"

  "I guess. I wasn’t able to give you all of me. I guess that’s changed."

  "You guess?" Now Liam is worried.

  "I’ve missed you every day for 20 years. I married Claire on the rebound from you, after our fight. Maybe part of me wanted to prove I could have a woman. I got caught–getting married was what a Catholic man did in those days–but I never loved Claire like I’ve always loved you."

  Liam strokes Tony's face like a lover should. "At least you had a life these past 20 years. Kids, family, career–you did pretty well as I see it."

  "Appearances can be deceiving. It was all empty without you, Bill." Tony traces a heart over Liam's chest.

  "I'm sorry if things aren't going so well with Claire." Liam looks hard into Tony's eyes, trying to keep his look sincere. Then his face explodes into a giant smile and he laughs. "So, so sorry. Do I look properly sorry, Tony?"

  "You definitely look like a sight for sore eyes, yes." Tony sees the humor in what Bill is saying.

  "I always loved you Bill. I just wanted to talk about having kids somehow–maybe adopting in the future–our future. I just mentioned it and you blew up. Before I could explain myself. Before we could even talk at all. You wouldn't answer the phone…"

  "I thought you wanted a wife with me on the side," Liam explains tenderly.

  Tony sighs. "You never believed you had all my heart. You left. Wouldn’t see me. When you wouldn’t talk or answer the phone month after month, Claire was there to pick up the pieces. And then I got caught."

  Liam leans in to kiss Tony harder then comes up for air, "And I still don’t like to share."

  "Even if Claire is out of the picture, the kids’ll always be mine. Will you share them with me?"

  "The kids are part of you. I love them already. But you said ‘if’ Claire’s out of the picture.” Liam catches the key word–that same condition.

  "I know now that Claire is part of the past. We’ve been faking our marriage for years. The kids will always be a part of me. They’re a handful sometimes but I have a duty…"

  "You’ve never been one to avoid responsibility. When I saw the last yearbook picture of Jon I cried. That crazy smile, he’s so much like you were–so handsome."

  "Like I was–handsome?"

  "You look better now than ever." Liam wraps his arms around Tony and hugs him hard.

  The two men kiss and run hungry hands over each other.

  "Not a bad kiss for a dead man," Tony comes up for air.

  "And I’m not dying either. Whatever you thought after Susan’s news. I’ve been waiting for you all these years."

  "I know enough." Tony's voice is soft, almost a whisper.

  "What do you know?"

  Tony strokes Liam's cheek and smiles. "That you'd never hurt me."

  Liam looks relieved–and elated. "So, can we call this a date?"

  "Our last date lasted 9 months." Tony pushes Liam toward the bed. Liam resists.

  "I just live a few minutes away."

  Tony pulls Liam back on his feet. "We could walk over there very slowly. Get to know each other again."

  Liam laughs. "Or race like hell…" Liam stops as he remembers. "You ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle?"

  Tony's jaw drops. "You know me. You know the answer to the question. Of course not."

  Liam grabs Tony's hand. "I came here on my cycle–fast. I thought this was a medical emergency. I left my Harley parked on the sidewalk in front of the hotel. If it's still there we can be at my place in five minutes–tops." Liam studies Tony's face as it goes through the phases of making his decision.

  Suddenly, Tony whoops
and jams his feet into his shoes. He grabs his key card and wallet. At the door he stops. "Just one thing."

  Liam stops with a groan. Everything was going so well. "What, what is it Tony?"

  "Who the hell is Liam?"

  Bill gives Tony a knock-knock on the head. "I wondered when you'd ask. I'll explain everything. We have time. Trust me. It's a long story I'm Liam. I'm Bill."

  Tony stops and looks anxious for just a moment. "This sounds a lot like Chinatown."

  Liam laughs out loud. "All that matters Tony is that I'm yours–all yours. For as long as you want me."


  Walker, Lyon - IT Office

  Back in San Francisco, Cruz sits at his desk in the office he shares with computer servers and related equipment. His cell phone rings and the Caller ID shows it's Alan on the line.

  "Live from New York it's Friday Afternoon."

  Cruz laughs. "Glad you made the harrowing trip safely. What's it like in First Class?"

  "The servers are older."

  "Just like at the office."

  "You'll have to talk to Bernie if you want a bigger budget and more toys."

  "You mean I'll have to talk to Meryl. She has to sign off on anything over $500."


  "Si. You're sure going a long way to get your man. Does Bernie know?"

  Alan tells Cruz what he thinks is new information. "He would’ve come along except he has plans for Claire himself. Chong’s here in case nobody told you."


  "Now I sound like Bernie. Damn. Your partner, Jimmy Chen."

  Cruz pretends to be offended. "Very funny. How much do you think we could get in a EEOC suit?"

  Alan thinks for about 5 seconds. "About a hundred grand each. Minus the legal fees."

  "So we'd each net about what?" Cruz continues the joke.

  "About $1.98. And of course you'd never work again."

  "Glad I'm recording this," Cruz keeps it light.

  "Speaking theoretically of course," Alan recovers.

  "Very funny."

  "You get the pictures yet?"

  Cruz checks the screens. "They don't call me Speedy Gonzalez for nothing. How'd you get the feed into Tony's room?"

  "Cooperative bellman. This whole town is on the take."

  "Tell Chong he did a good job–just as you directed. Done. Sending and receiving inter-state. Looks like Tony’s leaving with that Liam guy. You gonna follow?"

  Alan isn't sure. "We didn't really expect that part of the deal. Or anything to happen so fast. Guess we'll follow."

  Cruz takes charge." Stay in the hotel a minute. I want to check audio. What’s your room if I need to call a fixed line?"

  Alan thinks a minute. "2222. But make it quick. It looks like they’re leaving the lobby now."

  "Give me a second to call you back. I need to talk to Chong first."

  Cruz hangs up and places another call.

  Moments later a phone rings inside a conference room at the San Francisco offices of the FBI.

  The phone is picked up immediately by a crew cut, button down FBI stereotype. "Hansen here. You ready for us? I’ve got Manhattan waiting."

  Cruz is all business. Gone is the sleepy Hispanic. "We have more than enough. Bring the docs in–separate them. Don’t want them to get lawyered-up and argue that they were part of a legitimate exercise in some psycho-sexual BS. They’ll talk to keep their visas."

  Hansen sends out a text as he keeps Cruz on the line. "Done." He keeps another eye on the monitor in front of him. "Streaming and–copied."

  "Chen will let your guys in–Room 2222. Make sure they know enough to cuff him as well. Don't want Alan and the Docs to know he was part of the set-up."

  "What about the Judge?" Hansen asks.

  "What about the Judge?" Cruz is impatient.

  "What do we do with him? What do I tell the guys in New York?"

  Cruz is in charge. "Nothing. Don't tell them anything. Tony is there for a judges' convention and has just met an old friend. Leave him alone for now. He's earned a weekend away."

  "Should we tell him about Claire?" Hansen won't give up.

  "That's none of our business. Chen will brief him on the flight home Sunday. Let Morrelli have a weekend for his reunion or whatever. He deserves it. Meryl cut a deal for Claire when she blew the whistle in the first place. The Morrellis will be OK. He’ll get to San Fran about the same time as Claire and the kids Sunday. Tony can talk to Claire then. Meryl will be with Claire and the kids this weekend in Carmel and they'll talk when the time is right."


  Carmel, California

  The copper roof and natural wood of the home hugging Carmel’s white-sand beach suggests a creation by Frank Lloyd Wright or one of his talented disciples. Meryl and Claire watch the sun set over crashing waves. The bottle of California Chardonnay at their side is almost empty. Claire is the first to speak. "I expected a cabin."

  Meryl laughs. "It started out as a simple little weekend place, but my father never did anything in half measures. Nothing’s been changed since it was built. It’ll go to the State one day…"

  Claire smiles at Meryl. "That's so kind of you. This beauty should be shared."

  "I'm glad you like it. I wanted you to see it, have a chance to relax after all you've been through. Another reason was so we could have a good long talk–just you and me."

  A roar of laughter from inside the house interrupts their conversation. Meryl smiles. "The kids seem to be having a good time. We could send them out for dinner and a movie. There's a good place for both about a mile away."

  Claire looks uneasy at the proposal. "Who knows where they’ll end up? Maybe just the two of us can go out. We’ll order something in for them. I just can’t give Marie the keys to the company car."

  Meryl takes Claire's hand. "You're a good mother, Claire. The one thing we did to modernize was the flat screen TV and we have cable–and they both seem to be a hit with the kids."

  "Then again, I worry about leaving them here alone. What if they burn it down? You know they’ll monkey with the fireplace."

  Meryl laughs. Let’s compromise. We’ll make a private picnic on the beach. We have a fire pit just off the deck. They can have pizza and a DVD in the house upstairs.

  A bit later, the two women are wrapped up in a blanket sharing another bottle of wine.

  Meryl turns to Claire and takes her hands. "Claire, the firm has been sold."

  Claire is stunned. "What firm?"

  "Our firm, Walker, Lyon."

  Claire drops Meryl's hands. "I’m a partner, why wasn’t I told?"

  Meryl's look is kind. "I think you know the answer to that question."

  Claire answers her own question. "I’m a partner, but not a named partner. Still, I had a right to be told–don't you think?"

  "I'm telling you now. You're the first to hear the news. Even Bernie doesn't know yet."

  "What?" Claire is more than surprised.

  "I wrote the sales agreement and had good reason for writing it in a way that kept Bernie in the dark. He deserves what's coming, believe me."

  Claire lets out her anger. "Bernie led me on. I worked my butt off. He promised me…."

  "My husband was always full of it." Meryl smiles. "I can laugh about him now but the last thirty years have been a roller coaster. My father warned me about Bernie. I was too proud to believe him or back out of the marriage. I did write a pre-nup that was more complex than even bad Bernie could understand. Lucky thing I did. Lucky for me–lucky for both of us. Bernie’s tricks got dirtier every year. I had to sell when I saw how bad." Meryl takes Claire's hands again. "Tell me Claire, weren't you ever suspicious, or afraid–even the tiniest bit?"

  Claire is shaking, and it isn't just the cold. "Sure I was worried, terrified in fact. But I had to work–to keep working. I couldn't see any other way. I couldn't think of a way out."

  Meryl reaches up to soothe Claire with a squeeze. "I had to protect my investment
. I also had to take care of you and Tony. So I pulled out for all of us."

  "What do you mean–take care of me–and Tony?"

  "I couldn’t risk involving you or Tony in Bernie's dirty tricks. One of my father’s old friends came to me two years ago and told me that Tony was being considered for a federal position. They’d already been looking at him for a year and wanted help checking on you."

  Claire’s face takes on a look of horror. She groans.

  "Tony was perfect–a Boy Scout–clean as a whistle. But, when they looked at you, they found tracks of what Bernie had done. And what we had all done by our association with him."

  Tears form in Claire's blue eyes. "I didn’t mean…"

  Meryl stops her. "3 kids–and judges’ salaries aren’t what they should be–you really had no choice and we both know that."

  Claire starts to cry.

  Meryl pats her hand. "I cut a deal–you’ll be fine."

  "Deal? With…? Tell me the worst."

  "You’ll keep your California license but you’ll have to work out-of-state for a while–maybe six months."

  "Three kids, a mortgage. I need to work–where can I practice for six months?

  "We sold to Cohen and Ostler in Las Vegas. You’re licensed in Nevada. They have a job for you. As a partner, you’ll do very well on the sale of Walker, Lyon. If you don’t want to work in Nevada, you can take some time off and teach–whatever. I’d take a good look at Cohen's offer. It’s very generous. You should be able to pay off your mortgage and even take some time off if that's what you'd like."

  Meryl smiles broadly and opens her arms to Claire. They hug like the mother and daughter they seem to have become. Meryl laughs. "Nevada divorces are easy. Who needs all this California BS? You can come home weekends and maybe even work some of the time from your home in The City."

  Claire looks better with this news but falters. "What’ll I tell Tony?"

  "You won't need to tell him anything. The FBI will be briefing Tony on the plane back home Sunday. It’s best if you don’t talk to him at all before then. They're still tying up loose ends in New York."


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