Sacrifice: Book 3 of The Dark Paradise Trilogy

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Sacrifice: Book 3 of The Dark Paradise Trilogy Page 1

by Isadora Brown


  Book 3 of The Dark Paradise Trilogy

  Isadora Brown



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38



  Did You Like Sacrifice?

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  Also by Isadora Brown

  Also by Isadora Brown

  Also by Isadora Brown

  Also by Isadora Brown

  Also by Isadora Brown

  To Patrick

  Without you, this series, these words, would not exist

  For that, I’ll always be grateful


  February 15

  Onyx City, (Onyx Star, Julie Bent)

  All eyes were on Jack Phillip and his date at the Valentine’s Ball. He looked sharp in a tuxedo, while she looked beautiful in a silver gown that tumbled all the way down to the ground. Our source tells us the couple kissed at the stroke of midnight, and claimed the dance floor for the majority of the night. This is quite different from the usual brooding Jack Phillip! Can it mean he has found a girl that makes him happy? Oddly enough, we have no idea who this woman is. She is not an actress, a singer, or a supermodel. However, it would be keen for one to note that she is, indeed, the same woman he attended his charity Christmas Eve party with, whom we have never seen before. Mr. Phillip rarely dates the same woman. Can this mean something? We’ll be sure to let you know!

  February 21

  Onyx City, (Trendster magazine, Erin Martin)

  Everyone wants to know who Jack’s new mysterious woman is. And I, Erin Martin, have found it out for our loyal readers.

  Take a look at this picture of Jack Phillip at his Halloween party of last year. Let me set the scene; a local burlesque group has just preformed with an unknown singer. She is the woman leaning towards Jack in the picture. Notice the sharp jaw line and the very small, upturned nose. Our picture analysts say that this is, indeed, the same woman. What do you think? Sadly, however, we still have no idea who she is. Any tips would be helpful.

  March 1

  Onyx City, (Onyx Times, Jeremy Starr)

  Guess no longer at who Jack Phillip’s mystery woman is. Two different sources, which have both chosen to remain anonymous, say that her name is Andrea Shepherd (although she prefers to go by Andie). Our first source, a female, claims that Andie is “not as sweet as she seems” and actually punched our source in order to get closer to Jack. Our second source confirms that her name is, indeed, Andie Shepherd, and that she has been “fucking that asshole Phillip for a while now.” A little crass, of course, but it was later found out that he is an ex-boyfriend of hers, locked up for two years on kidnapping.

  Well, Andie Shepherd. Good luck with the elusive Jack Phillip. This reporter is quite surprised they have lasted this long.

  March 15

  Onyx City (Onyx Tribune, Kara Lemon)

  Gasp! Can it be? Are Jack Phillip and Andie Shepherd over already? Every woman in Onyx is hoping the answer is yes, while many of our male readers have expressed an interest in sweet Andie Shepherd.

  Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? As everyone knows, the Esteem hotel threw their annual business party, honoring acclaimed businessmen and women in Onyx. Apparently, the happy couple seemed to get separated by a milling crowd. Andie ended up speaking to somebody–that somebody being Seeley Bronson, Jack’s only competitor. Bronson recently took over his father’s company Bronson & Bronson. Bronson seemed quite charmed with the woman, as we all are, when Jack found them. Suffice to say, he was not happy.

  Our source tells us that Phillip and Shepherd went into a separate room, where guests could hear “yelling and shouting.” It was Andie who emerged first, and slipped her usual charming smile on her face before disappearing into the crowd. Jack, who has always been known for brooding until he met Andie, delved back into his usual habits. Though the two were separated at the party, our source tells us Jack’s eyes were always searching, as though he was trying to keep tabs on his date.

  Things escalated after dinner. The two seemed to be having an argument they tried to keep in whispers, but apparently, Jack said something crisp and cold, which led to Andie slapping him and then walking out. He followed shortly after.

  Onyx City is holding their breath. This reporter is actually rooting for the couple, and hopes things work themselves out.

  March 18

  Onyx City (Onyx Star, Julie Bent)

  A collective sigh has gone out through Onyx City, as well as a herd of groans. Jack Phillip and Andie Shepherd are not breaking up.

  Judging by the picture that was taken of them on the beach just yesterday, it is obvious that these two are still in love. Though it is still winter, Andie Shepherd and Onyx’s notorious playboy were walking along the beach. They were dressed for the cold, but the cold didn’t seem to deter them. Andie was riding piggyback on Jack’s back, and the two were laughing and enjoying themselves. At one point, Jack dropped Andie in the water, which caused the young woman to screech and drag him back inside the cold body of water. Neither was perturbed, however, as their laughing continued.

  So, as of now, this couple is definitely on.

  March 29

  Onyx City (Trendster magazine, Erin Martin)

  No wonder Miss Shepherd looks so familiar! Look at this picture we have obtained from the Onyx Tribune. Notice Black Wing, of course. But the mysterious woman he is kissing is none other than our sweet Andie Shepherd. Is Miss Shepherd leading a double life? Does Jack Phillip know about this?

  April 28

  Onyx City (Onyx Times, Jeremy Starr)

  We have the exclusive interview with Jack Phillip! Here, he talks about business, life after his parents, and his relationship with the sweet Andie Shepherd.

  JS: How is life now, Mr. Phillip? You recently turned 22 January 30, correct?

  JP: (laughs) Don’t remind me! No, but seriously, I’ve never felt better.

  JS: Any good gifts this year?

  JP: Oh, of course, but she’ll kill me if I went into any detail.

  JS: How is Miss Shepherd? You seem much happier now than ever, if you don’t mind me saying.

  JP: Oh, she’s great. I feel happier, to be honest. She is quite a woman.

  JS: She is. Many of our male readers have taken a keen interest in her, actually.

  JP: I feel very flattered at that. But I must digress that I am very protective of the people and things I love.

  JS: Of course, of course. How is Phillip Enterprise?

  JP: Well, in this economy, everyone’s taken a hit. But we’re pulling through it. In fact, we have plans to open up Onyx City’s
first animal shelter in hopes to rescue stray animals and keep them for as long as they need, instead of sending them to the pound. We have horses, dogs, cats, even a couple of pigs, actually…

  JS: What inspired you to open an animal shelter?

  JP: That would be Andie. She has a soft spot for animals and has already adopted two horses for us to go riding with. She’s never been, so we’ll see where that goes.

  JS: Speaking of Miss Shepherd, a recent bout of controversy has followed her when it was found out that she was the one in the photo with Black Wing. Do you know what I am referring to?

  JP: Of course. Andie attracts… a lot of different people. I find it quite flattering.

  JS: Who do you think would win in a fight? You or Black Wing?

  CM: I guess it really depends… I mean, a guy who dresses up as an angel is kind of insane, right? But I think all of us, to a certain degree, are insane.

  JS: Christmas marked the fifth anniversary of your parents’ death. How are you coping?

  JP: Well, as best as can be expected. I can only hope that my father and mother are proud of me and what I’ve accomplished.

  JS: I’m sure they are. Do you intend to start a family any time soon?

  JP: (laughs) I’m not sure about soon, but I, personally, would love four kids. Growing up as an only child was kind of lonely.

  JS: Four kids. (whistles) Well, you can definitely afford it. What does Miss Shepherd think of it all?

  JP: She wants four too. We’ll see what she thinks after she has the first one, though.

  JS: So she’s a keeper then?

  JP: Oh, definitely. No doubt about it.

  At that point, Andie Shepherd herself walked in, and let me tell you, she does have a beguiling smile. Jack immediately placed her in his lap, and kissed her neck. For a man once so private, he seems to be opening up. The two left soon after, holding hands.

  April 30

  Onyx City (Onyx Tribune, Kara Lemon)

  Who is Andie Shepherd? We’ve been getting many questions about her, especially since she’s managed to tie down a former elusive bachelor. And how did we miss her? It is obvious that she is naturally beautiful, and quite charming. In fact, one of our sources tells us that upon first meeting Jack Phillip, she called him an asshole. It would seem Mister Phillip doesn’t always sweep his women off of their feet.

  Andrea Shepherd grew up on the outskirts of Onyx, and went to the elementary, junior, and high school there. Her parents divorced when she was ten, and she and her older sister Keirah (and recent Noir victim) stayed in Onyx with her mother while her father now lives with his new wife and step-children in a small town in Michigan. She applied at Phillip Enterprises as part of an internship program through her high school. It would seem that he was intrigued with her bluntness.

  When asked why he fell for her, he told us, “Because she’s completely herself.” And it would seem that he is right, that Miss Shepherd is quite comfortable being honest. In fact, to win over Mister Phillip, she showed up in “sweatpants and flip flops. Not the most attractive, come-hither thing to wear,” she recalls. “But it worked.”

  And asked about wedding bells? “We’re both very impulsive people,” Phillip said. “Who knows when we’ll get married?”

  “If we get married,” Andie put in.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Phillip asked her. “You don’t want to marry me?”

  “Please don’t tell me that was not your way of asking me to marry you,” Andie said.

  “Well, what if it was?” he asked her.

  “Then I say no,” she said.

  And that was the end of the interview. And maybe their relationship? In this reporter’s opinion, the answer to the question is no. It is obvious to see, whether you meet them in person or see the pictures, that they are truly enamored with each other and have what it takes to go the distance, wherever the distance may be.

  God, she couldn’t escape the happy couple, could she?

  Not that she was disgusted, by any means. Her sister deserved to be happy. And if Jack Phillip could put up with Andie’s stubbornness, more power to them.

  In all honesty, there was something about the happy couple that caused a very tiny piece of her to blacken and writhe in jealousy. The easy smiles, the way the two looked at each other, even in the photographs splattered in every tabloid, the way Jack held Andie firmly and gently, strong and sure, as though he would never let her go. The way he talked to her with utter adoration. It was clear Onyx’s notorious bachelor was in love.

  With Andie.

  Her sister.

  Only her sister could land someone like Jack Phillip.

  Keirah shook her head and put the latest tabloid down on the bar that separated the kitchen from the dining room. She still lived in the mansion Noir had somehow acquired months ago; the Onyx cops never even knew of the place, so at least she had somewhere to hide out while she tried to figure out just how to get him back.

  Noir was gone. Disappeared, God knew where. He had saved her life. Risked his life, took a bullet for her.

  She needed to get him back somehow. He had already been gone for months and she was clinging to the adage that no news was good news. The problem was figuring out where to start. She had searched his old haunts, talked to his old associates, even gone back to Dr. Hawkins’s office to try and get any information from her–as Bombshell, of course. She called mental wards, police stations, prisons; anywhere that might be housing him.


  He was gone.

  She couldn’t say how she knew he was still out there, waiting for her to find him, but she did. It was the only thing that got her through the lonely days.

  The one thing she had going for her was the fact that no one knew she was Bombshell. They believed Keirah Shepherd had run away from Onyx after Noir used her to break out from Abby Asylum. She had no idea why people kept giving her the benefit of the doubt. In fact, it kind of annoyed her, but it was the one advantage she had right now.

  Her dark eyes flitted over to a picture of her sister. God, Andie looked so happy. She seemed to be growing out her strawberry blonde hair because it was now a couple of inches past her shoulders. Keirah blinked. Had it really been this long since she had seen her sister? It must be, because she had never seen Andie this happy. Her pale green eyes sparkled and her smile was so wide, it crinkled her eyes. She looked stunning.

  Keirah shifted her eyes over to Jack Phillip. His face was guarded–a mask. Keirah quirked her brow. What did he have to hide, anyway? He was a billionaire playboy with a woman who was completely, one hundred percent, devoted to him. He had more resources than she could count at his disposal whenever he snapped his fingers. He probably had access to information and closed quarters–he could probably go wherever he wanted, really.

  Her eyes narrowed.

  Keirah was wrong. Being Bombshell wasn’t her only advantage.

  She would have to pay her estranged sister an unexpected visit.


  Andie was exhausted when she finally arrived at the mansion. However, her tiredness did not overtake her happy demeanor. Another generous donation had been given to her animal shelter, this one by the anonymous donor who was known to donate large sums sporadically. In fact, the more she thought about it, she began to realize this was his fifth donation now in five months. As she locked the manor’s door behind her, her teeth gently grazed her bottom lip, feeling slightly guilty. Even though this person never asked for anything back, she still felt as though she owed him something–anything–the least she wanted to do was throw him some kind of ball honoring him. However, she let a sigh escape from her small, upturned nose, setting her keys in their usual spot-a nearby bureau with a green bowl that housed them-before flicking on the lights. She wished she could be surprised that Jack wasn’t home yet, but glancing over at the hall clock, she realized she probably wouldn’t be expecting him for another couple of hours.

  Another sigh escaped from her, this t
ime from her lips, and she began heading down the hall and up the stairs. It was just after seven, and she still hadn’t eaten dinner yet, but due to all of the complications and papers and donations to go through at work, she really hadn’t noticed. Her feet, incredibly sore from the high heels she was wearing, began to lead Andie’s body up the grand staircase. When she reached the top, she turned left, heading all the way down the hall until she reached their bedroom.

  Their bedroom.

  Andie knew she should be used to the fact that she was living with someone, let alone the notorious Jack Phillip, but there were times when it baffled her to no end. Out of all the people, he chose her. And, in turn, she chose him. Love was a wondrous thing when one took the time to think about it. Finding a person that loved her more than she could ever know; finding someone that she loved more than she could possibly comprehend… It was astounding. She felt so incredibly lucky, but as of late, they didn’t really spend too much time together. In fact, she felt as though she was beginning to miss him, which seemed ridiculous, due to the fact that they lived together. Maybe if she slipped into something more comfortable… something sensual.

  When was the last time they made love, anyways? A week now? Her brow perked up as she felt her lower stomach contract, almost as though it was scolding her for allowing her to go without him for so long. A mischievous smile decorated Andie’s lips as she set her purse and briefcase down in her corner of the room before heading over to her walk-in closet looking for the perfect outfit. Her eyes traveled over her slinky lingerie, most of which had been provided by Jack himself, while some had been bought by her own hands. She sighed after fifteen minutes, not finding exactly what she was looking for. Andie turned, crossing her arms over her chest as her eyes flicked across the room. Her green orbs stopped when she saw the white collared shirt Jack had discarded last night. She frowned, noticing that it was still on the floor, but pushed the thought out of her head. This would be perfect.


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