Sacrifice: Book 3 of The Dark Paradise Trilogy

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Sacrifice: Book 3 of The Dark Paradise Trilogy Page 6

by Isadora Brown

  Andie winced. She probably should have turned her phone up after getting out of that morning meeting. Oh well. “So what should I do?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. She knew it was selfish, but Andie felt as though they barely had any time to spend together anyways, and for Vanessa to steal time away from her over some party detail? Andie wanted to shoot her. Seriously. “I mean, all of the applicants are going to show up within the next fifteen minutes.”

  “Why don’t you take care of it, Andie?” Jack suggested. “I’m really sorry, love, but I’ve got to go. I trust you to pick the right one. I’ll see you later tonight, okay? I love you.”

  “Love you too,” Andie said dejectedly, hanging up. At that moment, she completely forgot to thank him for the flowers. She would have called him back, but Andie could already sense that he was stressed merely from the tension that radiated from the phone. That, and his voice. “Okay,” she murmured to herself as she headed up the stairs, rubbing her hands together. “Let’s do this.”

  Andie quickly changed into one of Jack’s old plaid shirt. It was red, black, and gold, and the material was quite soft despite its age. Jack never wore it anymore, but it still smelled like him, and Andie inhaled deeply before pulling on worn, faded jeans. She threw her hair into two braids and then slipped on her beige riding boots before heading over to the stables. The walk was long, maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, but Andie loved the venture. The air was always fresh and the scent of pine always made her believe as though she was in a large forest rather than a small portion of woods. If she didn’t have interviews to worry about, she probably would have taken more time on her walk. It was a beautiful June day, and the big, white clouds managed to blot out the majority of the sun’s rays. Luckily she had thrown on sunscreen before leaving. Having a mother living with mild skin cancer taught her that she would rather have a peachy skin tone and be safe, than risk cancer and get a tan.

  There was about forty people waiting for her, and when they saw her advancing, they all quieted down, and most of the men stood up a bit straighter. “Hello everyone, and welcome to Phillip Stables,” she announced. “First, I want to thank you so much for coming. Your interest in running these stables really means a lot to me and Jack, who, as you can see, isn’t present. He wishes me to convey his sincerest apologies but something at work always comes up, so…” She let her voice trail off and clapped her hands together, wishing not to speak anymore on the matter. “Anyways, if you could all make a single file line, I will be conducting interviews in the inside of the barn. Please wait outside until your name is called. I’m going to pass a sheet of paper and a pen around; if you could all sign in…”

  The interviews went much better than Andie had originally expected. However, as soon as each person left, she would glance to her left, expecting to decipher one of Jack’s heavily-guarded gazes that would normally crack her up. Then they would share a look, and she would fall in love with him all over again, deeper this time. Andie swallowed as she randomly called another name off the list, not even paying attention to who it was. She didn’t need Jack here to do these interviews, but she wanted him here, and knowing what he was missing, what they were missing together, tore away at Andie.

  “Candy Andie?” a voice asked, interrupting Andie’s thoughts.

  Andie glanced up and a surprised smile touched her lips. “Gabe? Is that you?” she asked, standing up and throwing her arms out, waiting for the hug she knew was coming. Gabe Burr wrapped Andie into a tight hug, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around before finally releasing her. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it’s you,” she said, all worries temporarily vanishing. The two had been friends freshman year, but it was one of those friendships created out of survival; sitting next to each other in life science forced them to socialize, lest they want to be mute during their time there. She had heard a rumor that Gabe had a crush on Andie, but she never felt anything in return.

  “Yeah, and I can’t believe you’re dating Jack Phillip,” Gabe said. Andie took a step back, taking him in. He still looked the absolute same, with sandy blond hair and crisp, blue eyes. He had a taut build, and was a good half a head taller than she was. He was obviously attractive, but he was also funny, and when he wanted, he could be quite charming. It was then that Andie realized how much she missed him; he would serve as a good distraction with all the drama going on concerning Vanessa.

  “Well I am,” she said, flashing him a smile. “It must be that wicked charm I have.”

  “Or your obvious good looks,” Gabe mused teasingly, “though I’m not sure what he sees in your face.”

  Andie pressed her lips together in a tight smile and flipped her friend off, causing him to chuckle. “All right,” she said. “If I hire you, you’re not going to fuck around, right? You’re going to take care of my horses?”

  “Of course,” Gabe replied, feigning hurt as he placed his hand over his chest. “You know, it hurts that you doubt me, Andie.”

  “Speaking of which, don’t call me Candy Andie ever again,” she told him. Before Gabe could respond, Andie quickly continued. “Now, I have another… ten interviews which I will conduct to at least show I’m taking an interest. Come back Monday at ten in the morning, and if you’re late I’ll… well, I’ll do something.”

  “I’m so scared,” Gabe teased, pulling Andie into another tight hug.

  “Dinner’s finished, Jackie,” Beverly said, taking Jack’s coat from her ward as the man stepped through the house. “Miss Shepherd is upstairs taking a shower. She did hire an interesting stable master, although there’s a mischievous sparkle in her eye that tells me they’ve known each other for a while.” She folded Jack’s trench coat as Jack made his way into the kitchen, frustrated by how things turned out that evening. He wanted to be with Andie, making stupid jokes and interviewing people rather than at some posh restaurant, eating food he really didn’t like that cost him a small fortune. “…and if I may say, lovely idea today. About the flowers.”

  This caused Jack to pause, he turned slightly, resting his hands loosely in his slack pockets. “What?” he asked softly, furrowing his brow. “What flowers?”

  “These ones,” Beverly said, gesturing to the bouquet on the sink. “They came in earlier this afternoon addressed to Miss Shepherd, but there was no note, no sender. We all assumed they were from you.”

  Jack’s heart clenched and he swallowed as he stared at the bouquet. They were all Andie’s favorites; sun flowers, roses, and heathers. He didn’t even believe that her own mother knew that those three were her favorite, let alone anyone else. Maybe somebody would guess one or two, but never all three, and he prided himself on remembering something about her like that. When it came to Andie, it was so easy for him. However, these flowers were sent to her by someone no one knew… He had this small but very deep feeling inside him that this wasn’t right.

  “No,” he said, his fiery emerald gaze all but burning the flowers in the vase. “I didn’t send those.”


  “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you, darl?” Ollo asked, watching with his murky blue-brown eyes as Reese went through piles and piles of clothes looking for the right outfit.

  Whatever that meant.

  He had never seen the girl so frazzled before. If he had to admit it, it was kind of cute. The bridge of her nose got this little wrinkle over it and her grey eyes got this shine, this focus, where nothing and nobody could get to her. In fact, he had never seen her make such a mess before, especially not in his room.

  Well, technically, it was her room now. He tended to sleep on the couch,sometimes he would sleep on the bed every now and then,or wherever he collapsed on any given evening. He wanted her to have his bed; at least he knew it was comfortable and he could keep an eye on her every night. She was having a rough time as it was, what with her family being killed by one of the biggest bitches that roamed this earth. It definitely didn’t help that he had a history with the murderer in another lif
e, another time. Now that Reese was back in school trying to get her life together, all he wanted to do was protect her, to keep her from harm. Yet, all she seemed to want to do was put herself in harm’s way. Yes, it was her destiny, and yes, he was her trainer and the person who had to ensure she fulfilled that role, but that didn’t mean she had to start right now.

  “It’s called girls’ night for a reason, Ollo,” Reese said from the small, walk-in closet. She held up a lacy white dress before deciding against it and dropping it on the carpeted floor. “We’re going to the diner for some dinner and catching up. That’s it. Nothing else.” She grabbed a dangerously low-cut red top that he involuntarily narrowed his eyes at before eventually tossing that to the floor as well. “It’s my first time going out. And you heard Phillip – I have to talk to Andie.”

  “And how do you suppose you’ll do that with Carey and Piper there?” he asked, raising a brow.

  Reese shrugged. “I’m not sure,” she admitted, “but I’ll figure it out. Now, can you please give me some privacy? Just because you have better hair than a lot of girls I know doesn’t make you one of us.”

  Ollo grinned his trademark cheeky grin and forced Reese to push him out of the room. He knew he was good looking, but whenever she complimented him, it made him even more confident than he already was.

  Which was definitely saying something.

  After another twenty minutes of deciding on an outfit and then forty-five minutes of actually getting ready, Reese was ready for her first outing since the loss of her family. She was wearing a short, white mini-skirt and a sky-blue boyfriend shirt with her hair pulled back into a high ponytail. It felt nice to dress up for something; normally, she was in yoga pants, a messy ponytail, and no makeup, training in the basement. Tonight, however, she felt feminine. She hadn’t realized she missed the feeling until just now.

  When she walked out of the room, Ollo was on the couch, watching reality television. When he saw her, however, his entire focus shifted to her, and she watched as he took her in. He didn’t even hide the fact that he was blatantly staring at her. She might have blushed if she wasn’t already wearing some.

  “My, my,” he said, meeting her eyes. “Don’t you clean up nice. I tend to forget you’re a girl sometimes.”

  “I forget how charming you are,” she retorted. She grabbed her purse from the dining room table, and as she headed out the door, called over her shoulder, “Don’t wait up!”

  Girls’ night at the diner was a success, and Reese realized just how much she missed hanging out with her friends. Apparently, Carey had started seeing a new guy–Brent Ryan, the quarterback of the junior varsity football team–while Piper was considering actually going out with Henry.

  Yes, Henry.

  Which was amazing because Piper was the one thing Henry cared about more than his power. When asked what made her change her mind, she turned pink and said that as intimidating as he was, he knew exactly what to do to woo her.

  Both were exceeding in their classes as well, with Piper earning a highly coveted medical internship at Onyx General, and Carey getting into the honors program at the University of Onyx.

  Andie was happy with Jack, and even admitted that the two had done it, which Andie couldn’t say without flushing the same color as her hair. She was also launching her own non-profit business,an animal shelter,with the help from her beaux. Apparently, she hired Gabriel Burr to be the Phillip stable master, which didn’t seem right at all to Reese for two reasons: Burr’s father wanted Black Wing to turn himself in and there was no way in hell Gabriel Burr would clean up horse shit unless it was for a very good reason. Then again, perhaps Jack facilitated the hire; keep your enemies close, and all that.

  It put a lot of things into perspective for Reese. These girls were doing great things,academically and romantically, and it forced her to remember that as important as her destiny was, she couldn’t forget about her present. She was allowed to be selfish once in a while, wasn’t she? She didn’t even know what she wanted to do with her life after the war. She hadn’t even thought about after the war. Would she even survive? Pythia hadn’t, and she was a way better Seer than Reese could ever hope to be.

  She couldn’t think about that. Not yet.

  One day at a time.

  “I’m going to the restroom,” Piper announced once their food had been cleared away.

  “I’ll go with you,” Carey said, and the two slid from out of the booth and headed to the bathroom together.

  Reese took a breath. This was her chance. She and Andie were finally alone. It wasn’t enough time to go over everything, she knew, but at least she could make the effort.

  “Andie,” Reese forced herself to say. One step at a time. When Andie focused her pale green eyes on Reese, Reese forced herself to continue. “I need to talk to you about Jack and Black Wing. Not now, obviously. But soon. Just the two of us.”

  The color drained from Andie’s face, her mouth dropping in a soft ‘o’ shape. She looked like she wanted to say something, anything, but at that moment, Carey and Piper had returned and the moment was gone.

  It was a start, and Reese knew she’d talk to Andie about it. Eventually.

  When dinner was officially over, Reese headed home and changed into the outfit she specifically bought for tonight. It was a body-hugging cat suit and knee-high black pleather boots. There were no heels with the boots,there was no way she’d wear heels like some of her fictional superhero counterparts; though she could walk in heels for long durations of time, she didn’t know what to expect and wanted to prepare for everything. She kept her hair in its high ponytail and wore a mask she had had since her mom made her go to a masquerade when she was fifteen. When she was ready to go, she gave Ollo a chaste kiss goodbye on the cheek and headed out the door.

  First Street was right on the border between the high-end part of Onyx that she was familiar with and the Zone. This was her meeting point with Jack. She had thought about walking or at least taking the metro to get there, but she didn’t think vigilantes took public transportation. Instead, she took her Benz with the plan to put it in a pricey parking garage during her work this evening, and walk a couple of blocks to her meeting point.

  It was easy to find Jack, standing so tall and gallant on the rooftop of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. Up close, she realized that he was wearing less clothes than she was, and what little material he was wearing was even tighter than her body suit. His wings, when expanded, exceeded sixty feet, and he looked awe-inspiring. Stunning. Beautiful. Scary, even. And he could definitely pull off the whole no-shirt policy.

  He really was an angel, she realized. A guardian of Onyx sent from Heaven to protect the city from evil corruption. She could learn so much from him.

  When he noticed her, he remained quiet but gave her a stoic nod. That was it, and suddenly she knew they would work together, they would fight crime and she would learn and gain the experience she felt she needed. No words passed between them; all she needed was her bow and arrow, and that was securely strapped to her back.

  In few words, Black Wing told her that she would merely watch tonight rather than participate. Reese wasn’t sure if she was relieved or put off by this, but regardless, she would listen to him. Still, she had a collection of arrows and her bow strapped to her back just in case, and that made her feel safer than she would have if she didn’t have a way to protect herself.

  As means of getting around the city, Black Wing would carry her place to place as he flew. It was exhilarating to feel herself fly, but Reese preferred the ability to get herself around Onyx. Maybe she could send Jack an email about Reese possibly investing in a motorcycle for herself – since she knew how busy Jack was - and have Henry teach her how to ride it. Henry knew everything, so it wouldn’t be terribly difficult for him.

  The night wore on. There were times Reese wished she had some sort of device that allowed her to take notes because so many things happened at one time that it was easy to get
overwhelmed. Then there were the moments where nothing happened and the night seemed to drag on.

  One thing Reese did come away with was the types of crime being committed had elevated since Noir had disappeared. The rate had always been high–thanks to the corruption that wasn’t even hidden anymore–but since the war officially began, the crimes themselves had gotten more brutal. She had never seen as much blood as she had on House, MD, let alone her whole life. Sometimes the two would stumble on bodies of women in various stages of undress, beaten, strangled, some murdered. Even Black Wing couldn’t save everybody. Even Black Wing,an angel sent from Heaven,couldn’t prevent evil from happening.

  That was the hardest lesson to learn, by far. Reese knew how to protect, but she didn’t know how to save everyone. It was impossible. This war she was supposed to fight would have casualties on both sides, and she didn’t have the power to stop that from happening. Ollo had been right; she really wasn’t ready. Not yet.

  When Black Wing finally called it a night, Reese managed to hold herself together until she got in her car. From there, the tears spilled out of her eyes like a fire hydrant, and she drove as fast as she could back to the dingy little apartment she now called home. She needed warmth and security. She needed to feel safe. She needed to forget about the hopelessness of her role in the war. She needed Ollo, and she needed him now.


  Keirah didn’t understand the significance the number three played when it came to meetings and dirty dealings. It hadn’t been hard to get Henry’s information,all she had to do was break into Onyx High School’s records room and make photocopies of his file. It was almost too easy, actually, but she didn’t put too much thought into it; she got the information she came for and she would do with it what she could.


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