River's Redemption: Blackwater, Book 5

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River's Redemption: Blackwater, Book 5 Page 6

by Anne Rainey

  River’s softly whispered questions were her undoing. “Sometimes.”

  “Such a simple answer,” he mused. “I’m nearly insane with need here, and that one-word answer brings the most erotic picture to my head. You have no idea the dangerous effect you have on me.”

  “But you’ve never once acted the least bit interested.” She pouted. “Until now. Why?”

  His hands coasted upward until they cupped each of her breasts through her shirt and bra. He squeezed, and Jeanette’s concentration scattered. “I’ve been plenty interested. You have no idea how many times I thought of you like this.”

  “Why hold back, then? You knew I was willing. It makes no sense for both of us to suffer.”

  “Because you can do better,” he growled. “So much better.”

  “But I don’t want anyone else. Only you.”

  “I know.” He flicked her nipples. “Now, tell me what you do when you think of me, sunshine.”

  She shook her head. No way could she explain without dying of embarrassment.

  But River was relentless. He moved his hands and took hold of the hem of her shirt. An inch at a time, he lifted the material, first exposing her belly, then her bra. After he tossed her shirt to the floor, he made quick work of her bra. Once he had her breasts resting in his warm palms, plying her nipples into tight peaks, Jeanette knew it was too much. So many new sensations. No one had ever touched her like this, made her feel like this. This was River, the man she’d given her heart to years ago.

  His hands kneaded and pulled. “Do you squeeze these pretty nipples? I bet you they’re sensitive as hell, huh?”

  She nodded. “Yes, but it never felt like this. Never.”

  “Do you like the way my hands feel on you?”

  She arched into him, unable to stay still with him teasing her into a frenzy. “Oh God, yes, River.”

  “Mm, I like the way you feel. You have beautiful tits. Round and soft with small pink nipples that I could feast on. You fill my hands as if you were made for me alone.” River continued his pleasurable torture for another minute; then he slid his hands down her sides.

  “River,” she pleaded.

  “Shh. You liked that, didn’t you?” She bobbed her head, incapable of speech. “Then I promise you’ll love this too.”

  River moved his hands lower until he cupped her ass in one hand and her mound in the other. He held her like that, and even through the cotton of her jeans and the silk of her panties, she could feel the warmth of him. Her pussy grew damp with desire.

  “Jesus,” he growled. “I feel like I’ve waited for this moment for an eternity.”

  “Me too,” she said as she flatted her palms on his chest, loving the feel of his muscular pecs beneath her fingers. She’d seen him shirtless, and he was totally drool worthy. This time she’d get to touch, not just look.

  “Do you tickle your clit too? Do you pinch and flick it?” River asked. His nostrils flared as he stared at her neck so exposed to him. He lifted up and laved her ivory skin with his tongue. “God, I love how you taste. Like sweet cream.”

  “Yes, I use one finger to…to touch my clit before I slide another inside a little ways.”

  Oh Jesus, the picture of her doing that to herself sprang to River’s mind, and he lost it. He wanted some of that—her juice on his tongue, his dick snug and so damn deep in her pussy that he couldn’t see straight for the pleasure of it. It’d be pure heaven.

  “Take these off,” he murmured. River patted the front of her jeans. “I need to touch you.”

  Jeanette nodded and stood up. He watched as she stripped out of her jeans, and he got his first glimpse of her panties. A soft shade of pink satin. He leaned up and kissed her pussy right through the material. “That’s fucking sexy as hell,” he said, enjoying the look of her. When she shimmied out of her panties and he got the full view, he could barely breathe. “At last, I have my answer to at least one of my burning questions.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This,” he explained as he cupped her mound. “This flawlessly shaved pussy. So smooth and delicate. And I have an unrestricted view of your slit and clitoris.” He hummed his approval. “Now, that is without a doubt the most delicious sight I’ve ever seen.”

  River looked up the curvy length of her body until his gaze rested on her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut as if she were too nervous to look at him. Too afraid of what he was about to do?

  “Look at me,” he softly demanded. “Don’t close me out.” Jeanette’s eyes opened slowly, and River felt triumphant when her chocolate-brown gaze landed on him. “That’s better.” He touched the smooth skin of her pussy with a calloused fingertip. A rumble of need emanated from deep in his throat. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Jeanette couldn’t believe what was happening. Couldn’t believe what she was letting happen. She tried to breathe through the haze of sensuality River had so effectively woven around them, but she wasn’t doing such a great job of it.

  River’s smile turned wicked. “Soon, I want to hear you moan my name.” He bent his head forward and kissed her pussy. “Look at you. All spicy and hot and slick with need. You’re going to taste incredible.”

  At the first teasing touch of his tongue, Jeanette’s legs quivered as if they could barely hold her upright. River seemed to know, as he wrapped his sinewy arms around her thighs to hold her steady while he plundered and explored.

  Jeanette couldn’t believe she was finally here. With River. It was an erotic dream come true to have him licking and kissing that secret part of her. And, God, he was talented. When he took her small nub into his mouth and sucked, she lost control. Jeanette moaned out her pleasure as a series of electric shocks skittered up and down her body, building over and over, until she was all but begging.

  River kept up the pleasurable assault, not satisfied with half measures. When he used his fingers, dipping a single finger inside her opening and finger-fucking her, Jeanette’s knees threatened to buckle.

  He lifted his head long enough to say, “Hold on to me.”

  She rested her hands on his shoulders and let him have his way. He edged a second finger inside her, then wiggled them both back and forth. The dual sensation of his mouth sucking at her clitoris and his fingers stroking the sensitive nerve endings just inside her cleft tore a scream from her.

  “River,” she cried. Suddenly, she was soaring, flying over that delicious edge of desire and into the unknown.

  “Yeah, that’s beautiful as hell.” River’s words of approval sent butterflies to flight inside her belly.

  His arms wrapped tight around her upper thighs. Jeanette began to come back down to earth when she felt River’s mouth against the inside of her thigh. She glanced down, curious about what he was doing, startled to see him staring up at her.

  “Mind if I put my mark on you?”

  Jeanette bit her lip. “A hickey, you mean?”


  She grinned. “Not as long as I can do the same.”

  “I look forward to it, sunshine,” he said, his voice low and unsteady.

  Jeanette touched a finger to his cheek, unable to drag her gaze away as he cocked his head to side and fastened his mouth to the inside of her thigh. He suckled her, and a low growl escaped his throat. Her pussy throbbed, becoming aroused all over again. She spread her thighs wider to give him better access, and River rumbled his approval. By the time he pulled away, there was a red spot and her flesh tingled where he’d kissed her.

  “That’s better.”

  River felt like shouting out his victory. At long last, he had her taste on his tongue. The tang of her climax tantalizingly mixed with the sweet flavor of her. He had waited so long to have her this way. He wanted, needed, to make love to her. He wanted to feel her wrapped around him, snug and deep.

  He wanted her. Now. In fifty different ways.

  River gentled his hold on Jeanette’s legs, then
tugged her closer until she tumbled on top of him. Her pretty curves blanketed him, and River’s cock hardened further. “Ah, now that’s even better,” he admitted.

  “My turn,” she whispered, “but you’re way overdressed.”

  River let arms slide slowly away from her body. Her unhappy little whimper lit him on fire. He stood and yanked his T-shirt over his head before starting on his shoes and jeans. When he was naked, Jeanette stood back. Her gaze traveled the length of him, but when she stopped and stared at his cock, River had to hide a grin. “Like what you see?”

  “I always knew you’d make me drool if I ever got a good look at you.” She licked her lips. “I wasn’t wrong.”

  River reached out with both hands and palmed her breasts. “Lie down, sunshine.”

  She started to, then stopped at the last second. When she slowly melted to her hands and knees, River’s pulse went a little haywire. With her head back, Jeanette stared up at him, waiting.

  “Fuck, you’re pretty.” He took hold of his cock in a tight fist and pumped it once, twice, then demanded, “Suck it.”

  Jeanette crawled toward him, her chin tilting upward when she looked from his face to his groin. Mouth wide, she took him in and clamped her lips around the head so tight River nearly came.

  He wrapped the length of her hair around his fist so there was no slack, no way for her to retreat. Then, with his other hand, he took hold of her chin and guided her head farther onto his throbbing cock, showing her how he liked it. But she had only half his length, and he wanted more.

  “Come on, sweets,” he murmured, “suck that dick for me. I want to feel the back of your throat.”

  She frowned and tried to take more, but gagged. She pulled back and stared at his cock as if trying to figure out a way to do what he wanted. To please him.

  River drew his hand from her hair and stroked her throat. “You’re tensing up. Are you nervous?”

  “I want to do this right,” she explained, frowning up at him. “I want to make you feel good.”

  “Mm, that’s sweet,” he said in a voice gone hoarse. “But just looking at you is making me feel half-crazed with lust here.”

  She nodded and licked her lips. River cupped the back of her head and nudged her forward. She swept her tongue over the engorged tip and hummed eagerly before sucking him in deep. She angled her head, and a few more inches disappeared inside her mouth. Soon, he was balls-deep. River’s entire body shuddered. Her head bobbed back and forth, her tongue circling the head of his cock. Her eyes drifted closed, face flushed.

  “Jesus.” River groaned. “Such a pretty little mouth.”

  She moaned and brought him all the way out before sucking him in again. The slurping sounds she made had his sac drawing up tight. Her tits bounced as she fucked him with her mouth.

  “Son of a bitch, you’re a hungry little thing. Do you want a mouthful, Jeanette? You have to tell me now.” Soon the choice would be taken away from her, because he was fast losing control.

  Her only response was a delicious humming sound as she continued her sweet torture. River flung his head back and closed his eyes, savoring every second of having Jeanette’s mouth on him, taking him straight to paradise.

  He was so close to coming. When her tongue probed the slit at the end of his penis, River stiffened.

  “Jeanette,” he warned.

  She shook her head. Two more strokes of her tongue and he erupted, pouring his hot come all over her tongue and down her throat.

  Jeanette waited as if needing every last drop before she slid his dick free of her lips. “Yummy,” she said, a shy smile on her face.

  He chuckled and helped her to her feet. “As it turns out, there’s plenty more where that came from.”

  Jeanette laughed and swiped a hand over her mouth. River bent low and wrapped one arm behind her knees and the other behind her back. He lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the room. “Bath time. Then we’re going to play some more.” He winked down at her. “You up for it?”

  She cuddled close and tossed her arms around his neck. “Oh, yes,” she replied. “Very much so.”

  His heart sped up, and something in the pit of his stomach expanded. Ah hell, he could seriously get used to this. How the hell was he supposed to let her go now?

  Chapter Seven

  After their bath, River had dressed her in a pair of his sweats and a T-shirt, then blindfolded her. He’d told her he wanted to take her somewhere special. She’d agreed so fast, without even questioning him, River knew it was a measure of how much she trusted him. It bothered him, because he sure as hell wouldn’t trust him. He ought to be whipped for even touching her. His resolve to keep her out of his murky world had gone right down the drain. But damn if he cared.

  She made him happy. River had forgotten how to laugh until Jeanette. She had changed him, brought him back a piece of the man he’d thought lost. And now he wanted to be surrounded by the beauty of the night while he made love to her. He ached to show her joy.

  Little by little, River loosened his grip on Jeanette’s waist. He looked down at her and knew a kind of peace only her presence could give him. “Open your eyes, sunshine,” he murmured in a voice filled with emotion.

  As her lashes fluttered open and her gaze landed on their lush surroundings, River saw her eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, this place is beautiful, River.”

  “You deserve beauty,” he replied as the spicy scent of their mingling desire filled the air. Need roared through River’s veins. He bent over her and touched his tongue to her neck. Heat and excitement mixed with the sweet taste of her ivory skin. Jeanette moaned when his teeth nibbled the slightest bit. River’s hands burrowed into her hair, his solid bulk dwarfing her. God, how had he become so impatient for her?

  River lifted away and turned her in his arms until her bottom cradled his hard cock. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tighter. “Look at the night. Can you see its beauty?”

  “I love it here. Do you own all this?”

  “Yeah, I bought it a few years ago. I’d like to hire Vance’s construction business to build a house on it someday.” The clearing in the woods was on a small parcel of land that was a twenty-minute drive from his apartment. No one in his family knew about it. It’d become a sort of haven for River.

  They were surrounded by flourishing trees, enclosing them so that it felt like they were in their own private paradise. An owl off in the distance hooted, and a coyote howled. The scent of wildflowers perfumed the air. It was a heady combination.

  “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  Pride shot through him at hearing her praise his land. “I want to make love to you here, Jeanette. I want to be deep inside you as the darkness surrounds us.”

  Jeanette’s stomach fluttered as his words mirrored her thoughts. She didn’t recognize her own husky voice. “God, yes, River, please make love to me.” No more words were necessary.

  Jeanette turned back around and rose up on her toes, touching her lips against the warmth of his mouth. Heaven. It had to be heaven; nothing else could feel so good, so right. She let herself flow with the desire that coursed through her body. Nibbling and licking at him, playing the way she’d wanted to for so long. Taking her time to build his excitement before allowing him entrance to her mouth.

  His probing tongue arrogantly pushed its way into the soft opening and took her on a ride. Her breasts tingled and ached. She felt her nipples harden in anticipation of his ministrations. But River seemed content to linger on her mouth, taking his time to explore. She pushed against him shamelessly, telling him of her readiness. He only held her tight. She wanted more. Everything. Now.

  Deciding to move him along a little faster, she let one of her hands drift down his back, caressing the muscled firmness of his buttocks, and heard a rumble of warning. Feminine satisfaction welled up. Lazily, Jeanette moved her hand
over his hip until she cupped his hard cock in her hand. Grasping him through his pants, she squeezed and pumped, slowly massaging his length. River broke the kiss on a curse and slung her up in his arms, carrying her to where the ground was softly covered in clover. He laid her down and stood over her while he stripped out of his clothes. She watched him unabashedly bare himself for her, and one thought kept skittering through her mind. This man—this flawlessly constructed man—was hers. All hers. At least for now. And Jeanette intended to take full advantage.

  “Why can’t I seem to muster any self-control around you these days?”

  Jeanette rose to a sitting position and smiled at him temptingly. “Do you know that your voice gets deeper and thicker when you’re excited? It’s so sexy.”

  Not waiting for an answer, she let her hands go to the hem of her T-shirt, and her fingers slowly revealed the smooth expanse of her belly before baring her breasts. In the bright light of the full moon, Jeanette watched River’s eyes darken. She slipped the soft material over her head and tossed it to the forest floor. “Self-control is overrated, trust me.” And while his gaze roamed over her bared torso, Jeanette removed her sweats. She smiled when the material bunched around her knees, exposing her sex to him completely.

  He reached down and tugged her sweats the rest of the way off, then tossed them to the side. “I should forbid you to wear clothes whenever I’m around.”

  “Barbarian.” Jeanette went to her knees and crooked her finger. “Come closer to me.”

  Without a single bit of hesitation, River stepped forward. The movement put her mouth in direct line with his jutting cock. She reached a finger out and touched the tip of him, enthralled when a pearl of moisture emerged. Jeanette looked up his bronzed, muscled body until their gazes locked, and took him into her mouth, quickly sucking him deep. She wasn’t giving him a chance to think beyond the feel of her lips wrapped around him, her tongue stroking him.


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