No Prisoners MC Box Set

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No Prisoners MC Box Set Page 23

by Lilly Atlas

  “I’m sorry. You have to go where?”

  Striker chuckled. “Church.”


  “What babe? Didn’t think I was the religious type? That’s a little offensive you know.”

  Lila felt her face heat. He was right. It was judgmental and offensive of her. “I’m so sorry. You’re right. It is horribly offensive of me.”

  Striker burst out laughing, and she turned in his arms with a frown. “I’m just messing with you, babe. Church is not church as you’re thinking. It’s what we call a meeting in the club.”

  Even more embarrassed to be caught in her ignorance, Lila slugged him in the arm. “Not funny. You had me feeling like a bitch.”

  He gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I guess I’ll just hang here today.”

  “What do you mean? Don’t you have to be at the hospital?”

  “Oh shit,” she said as she slapped a palm to her head. “I forgot to tell you. I suppose I was distracted.” She gave him a sassy grin, and ran her hand over his stubble-covered jaw. “Since yesterday’s drama made such a spectacle at work, they asked me to take a few weeks off until we clear everything up.”

  Striker nodded. “It’s a good idea. The more contained we can keep you until this is all over, the safer you’ll be. If fact, we should probably limit the places you go to here and the clubhouse until we get this all sorted out.”

  “Oh, no.” There was no way she was going to be under house arrest while they worked to keep her protected. Striker exuded confidence, which often crossed the line into arrogance, and gave off a vibe that commanded respect and obedience. She bet he didn’t hear the word no too often, from his brothers or from women. But this was too important.

  “That’s not going to work for me at all, Striker. I get why they don’t want me at the hospital, and to be honest, I can use the time off to focus on my concussion project, but there is no way I’m putting that on hold.”


  She covered his mouth with her palm as she shook her head. “No. I have my first committee meeting this Wednesday, and I will be there. I don’t care if you send ten men along, but I will not postpone this. As soon as I do, another project will hit their radar and take precedence. Then, before I know it, they’ll take my allocated funds and distribute them elsewhere and my program will die. So, I’ll follow your rules and do what you ask to stay safe, but I will not delay this project.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Striker said with a grin. “I kinda like it when you boss me around.”

  “Striker,” she growled. “I’m very serious about this.”

  “I know you are, babe. And I’ll work something out with the guys. I promise we’ll figure out a way to get you to the meeting and keep you safe. You can’t tell anyone about what’s going on, though. We’ll have to think of a reason my guys will be with you. And for today, I want you at the clubhouse with me.”

  “Thank you.” Lila leaned forward and placed a kiss on his chest, right above his heart. She was relieved she wouldn’t have to be alone so soon after the attack. “I’ll be glad to be close to you today, and I can bring my laptop to work on while you do your thing.”

  She started to turn, planning on some coffee before a quick shower, when Striker’s leg clamped across her waist. He clasped her face between both hands, and gave her a deep, drugging kiss that had her blood humming with lust. “Sorry, babe, should have done that first thing.”

  Charmed, Lila smiled at him and climbed out of bed, reaching for a shirt on the floor. It was Striker’s, and probably dirty, but she had to take a shower anyway so it really didn’t matter. Striker sat on the opposite side of the bed with his feet on the floor, and Lila turned to ask him when they had to be at the clubhouse, but the words died in her throat. “Oh my God! Striker, your back!” There were a number of angry red scratches on his upper back between his shoulder blades.

  Striker looked at her over his shoulder and cracked a grin. “I know.”

  “What happened, Striker? How did you get those?”

  He stood up and came toward her with a loud laugh. “What do you mean what happened? You happened, babe.”

  “What?” She grabbed his shoulders and tried to turn him around so she could examine his back. “I didn’t do that, there is no way I did that to you. Let me see them.”

  “Well you were the only one in bed with me last night.” He bent forward as his body shook with the growing force of his mirth.

  “Don’t laugh. It’s not funny! I hurt you, and I don’t even remember doing it.” She felt awful and embarrassed for having lost control like that.

  He pulled her to him. “It didn’t hurt then, and it doesn’t now. In fact, I’m thinking of going to the meeting shirtless today.”

  “Shirtless!” Lila was almost shrieking now. “Why on earth would you want anyone to see that?”

  “Are you kidding me? I had you so out of your mind with pleasure last night that you didn’t even realize you were clawing my back like a wild animal. Fuck yeah, I want everyone to see that.”

  Lila shoved him away playfully and finally laughed. “So this is about your overinflated male ego?”

  “I like to think of it more as a testament to my amazing skills.” He strolled past her, and gave her a quick slap on the ass. “Better get moving, Doc, we leave in fifteen minutes.”

  “Fifteen minutes?” This time she did shriek as she scrambled toward the bathroom.

  Chapter Seventeen

  An hour later, they rolled up to the clubhouse, and Striker helped her off the bike. She’d taken twenty-five minutes to shower and dress, and had to listen to the typical male grumbling about how long it takes women to get ready. It was strange to participate in such a normal morning routine right before Striker attended a meeting about how to stop a lunatic from harming her.

  Striker reached for the clasp on her helmet, and unstrapped it before pulling it off her head, and giving her a quick kiss. She loved how attentive he was being today. There wasn’t any morning-after awkwardness. At some point they’d have to talk about what they were doing, but it could wait.

  He grabbed her hand, and tugged her toward the door. “We’ll have to stop at the bike shop to pick up a better fitting helmet, and maybe some riding boots.”

  “Oooh I’d love that! I think I’ll get a hot pink one,” she said, knowing exactly what his reaction would be.

  Sure enough, Striker scowled at her. “No way am I riding with a chick wearing a hot pink helmet. Sorry, babe, not happening.” He held the door for her, and placed his hand on her back, guiding her through. “You okay to hang at the bar?”

  She tapped the computer case she’d pulled out of his saddlebag. “Sure. As long as I have a flat surface for my laptop, I’m good.”

  They made their way to the bar where a pretty woman with long blonde hair stood washing out some glasses. Dressed in a tight black tank top and ass-hugging jean shorts, she bopped her head to whatever music was flowing from her ear buds. Written in cursive across the front of her shirt was the words Take No, and Lila assumed Prisoners was scrawled across the back.

  When she caught site of them, she pulled her headphones out and waved. “Hey, Striker, church is about ready to start, you better get in there.”

  “Thanks, Marcie. Hey, this is Lila. She’s going to hang here while I’m in the meeting. Lila this is Marcie, Hook’s ol’ lady. I don’t think you met him yet. He’s been out of town the last week on club business. Keep her out of trouble, Marce,” he said with a wink.

  Striker turned to Lila, and slid one hand around the back of her neck, tugging her into his space for a lingering kiss. His other hand gripped her ass and held her flush against him. Their tongues tangled, and her knees grew weak. This was the first time she’d been involved in such a public display of anything physical, and she should have been embarrassed, but Striker ravaged her mouth so thoroughly, all thoughts of her surrounding
s slipped away.

  “Oh, motherfucker!”

  Lila jumped as the frustrated expletive cut through the spell of Striker’s kiss.

  “Hey watch your mouth asshole, there are ladies in here.” She recognized Jester’s voice, but not the one who’d spoken first.

  Striker broke away from her, and they both turned toward the noise in time to see Gumby slap some money in a grinning Jester’s palm with a look of disgust. What was going on? She glanced at Striker for clarification, but he just shrugged.

  “What are you to morons rambling on about?” Striker asked with a droll tone.

  “You just cost me fifty dollars, VP,” muttered Gumby.

  Jester sauntered over, and hauled Lila from Striker’s embrace to sling a heavy arm across her shoulders. “I prefer to think of it as the lovely Doc here won me fifty bucks,” he announced with a smile.

  “Come on, Striker, you said she was freaked out after the attack yesterday.” Gumby scowled at him.

  “Well, dumbass, that’s exactly when a woman is likely to put out. You act all sensitive and shit, and she’ll shed her clothes like they’re covered in fire ants. Tell me I’m right, Striker.”

  “What you are is a dipshit,” Striker answered.

  Lila’s gaze bounced between the three men. “Wait, you bet on how I handled being attacked yesterday?”

  Jester gave her shoulders a squeeze and shot her an arrogant smirk. “No, doll, we bet on whether or not Striker would finally be getting into your scrubs last night. I for one would like to thank you for giving it up.” He rubbed his new fifty between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Wow, you guys really are a bunch of pricks. And what did I tell you yesterday about putting your hands on her?” Striker faced Jester, his eyes narrowed and teeth clenched. It looked a bit like he was ready to attack.

  Lila burst out laughing. “How on earth did you even know you won?”

  Jester tightened his arm around Lila causing Striker to scowl further. “Well he kissed you in that I wish we had a bed instead of a meeting way.” Jester shrugged as though it was an obvious conclusion.

  Still laughing, Lila held out her hand to Jester. “Well, you gonna give me half? It’s only fair since I did win it for you. Though I have to say, my performance was definitely worth more than fifty dollars.”

  There was a chorus of howls and whoops from the guys, even Marcie got in on it, with a shrill whistle from her position behind the bar. Striker snickered, and lost the murderous look on his face. He took Lila’s hand and rescued her out from under Jester’s tree trunk of an arm, before he planted a kiss on her forehead. “Damn straight it was, baby.”

  “Let’s go. Church, now.” Shiv’s voice boomed through the clubhouse.

  “You good to stay here, babe?” Striker asked in a low voice.

  “I’m great,” she answered with a smile, the banter having put her in a light mood.

  “I’m glad you can laugh at those idiots. I was worried you’d be offended by their bet.”

  “Are you kidding? I love how ridiculous you all are with each other. I don’t mind at all. I can handle myself, Striker.”

  “Mmm, you sure can.” He reached around her, and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, pulling her close for a quick kiss before he winked and sauntered after his brothers into the meeting.

  “Striker!” Lila gasped, as she felt her face flame. When she turned back to the bar she gave Marcie a slightly sheepish smile. “I’d ask if they were always like that, but I don’t think I need to.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. They’re all crazy.” Marcie’s smile was genuine, and Lila immediately liked the woman.

  “Do you mind if I work on my computer while I wait?” Lila asked Marcie. “I don’t want to be antisocial, but I have a long list of tasks to get through.”

  “Nah, girl. Go ahead. Anything I can help you with?” Marcie bustled around behind the bar with speed and efficiency as she stocked the now dry glasses on a shelf.

  Lila paused a second before she denied the need for assistance. “Actually, maybe there is.” She filled Marcie in on her plans for the concussion program. “I’ve been given a small budget from the school board, but I’d really like to update the safety equipment for the football team, and that’s going to take a lot more money than we were granted. Which means I’ll need to organize a fundraiser. Any ideas of something that might bring in the big bucks?”

  “Hmm.” Marcie rested her hip against the bar as she absently swirled a towel around the inside of a glass. “What about a casino night? That usually has a big draw.”

  “That was my first thought as well, but I’d like it to be teenager friendly so the players and their friends can participate. Some parents may not approve of gambling, even if it is for a good cause.”

  Marcie nodded and set the glass down on the shelf. “What about a silent auction? The club held one about a year ago to raise money for the widow of one of our guys. We had quite a few donations from stores and restaurants in town. The garage donated a free oil change and tire rotation. We ended up raising quite a bit more than our goal.”

  Excitement bubbled up at idea. “Marcie, that’s perfect! I love it! We can try to get some smaller items donated as well so the students can participate and bid.”

  “Glad I could help. Actually, I helped plan ours when we had it and I’d be more than happy to help you out if you need any extra people.”

  Marcie’s face reflected nothing but the sincere desire to assist, and Lila was touched. “Thank you, Marcie. I can use all the help I can get. The first planning meeting is Wednesday at seven, right at the high school. Think you can make it?”

  “Absolutely! This will be fun. Striker and Hook are closer than most brothers. We all grew up together, so I can’t wait to get to know you better. It’s about time Striker found himself a good woman.”

  All of the excitement that had risen while they talked about the fundraiser deflated faster than a balloon stuck by a pin. “Oh, I’m not Striker’s woman. I’m not really his anything. He just got saddled with me while the club helps me out with a problem.”

  Marcie laughed so hard tears tracked down her face and Lila frowned. She wasn’t sure why the other woman found her statement so funny, but she didn’t really appreciate it.

  “I’m sorry, Lila, but maybe I should have taken a video of that kiss Striker just gave you. You do not kiss a woman like that if she means nothing to you. You kiss a woman like that if you want to tie her to your bed and never let her leave.”

  Lila felt her face flame at Marcie’s description. “I’m pretty sure we’re looking for different things from the opposite sex, not to mention I’m in a little over my head with the whole biker scene.”

  Marcie stared at her, and Lila had the distinct impression her worth was being sized up.

  “Can I give you some advice? Well, I guess it’s more like insight into this life.”

  “Please do.” Lila closed her laptop and gave Marcie her full attention.

  “These guys live fast and wild for a time, some never settle, but, as it turns out, even most crazy bikers eventually want someone to come home to. I’ve known Striker for a very long time, and can tell you with certainty that he’s a really good man. Now, I’m not going to bullshit you, he’s sampled quite a few of the skanks that come around the club. Hang arounds who are looking to party and hook up with a biker. It’s all a part of the game. But lately I’ve gotten the impression that the game’s getting old, and he may be ready for something lasting. Don’t sell him short, he just may surprise you.”

  “Thank you for telling me that. We haven’t even had a conversation about what’s happening between us, but it’s more powerful than I expected and stronger than I’ve experienced before.” She just wasn’t sure that was anything to build a foundation on. She had a career to consider, goals to accomplish, and, bottom line, she wanted a family someday. Despite Marcie’s reassurances, she wasn’t convinced Striker wanted to go that route.
  Marcie smiled. “I’ve wanted him to meet someone special for so long.” Marcie jogged around the bar, and gave Lila a quick hug.

  Lila smiled and returned the embrace. Marcie’s friendly and open nature was refreshing.

  “Oh shit, here comes the bitch,” Marcie muttered as she released Lila, and walked back behind the bar.

  Lila turned to see whom Marcie was talking about. “Who’s a bitch?”

  “Whatever happens next, don’t get into it with her.”

  “Don’t get into what with whom?” Lila looked around confused. “You mean don’t get in a fight? I would never. That is not my style.”

  Marcie shifted her gaze back to Lila. “You do seem too classy for that, but then Brandi has a way of making you forget yourself. I keep hoping they are going to run her ass off.” That last part was muttered half under her breath.

  “Oookay…” Lila wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “Hi, Marcie, who’s the new girl?”

  A woman approach the bar. She was gorgeous, with long, platinum, probably from a bottle, blonde hair, huge breasts, and a tiny waist. Her face, however, was heavily made up and she was dressed like a tramp.

  A skimpy, black halter-top with a deep V showed more of her breasts than it covered, and her denim shorts were so tiny, Lila wondered if she bought them in the children’s section. Her feet were encased in what could only be called fuck me heels. Lovely. What was she, twenty-two at the oldest? Who was this woman? Lila had a feeling she was about to find out, and she didn’t think she was going to enjoy it.

  Marcie resumed drying glasses, and didn’t bother to look up, making her distaste for the younger woman, girl really, quite obvious. “This is Lila, she’s with Striker.” The emphasis on with was not lost on either of them.

  Lila wasn’t entirely certain she was with Striker in the way Marcie meant, but she was feeling a bit possessive at the moment, and decided that what they’d shared last night, and the fact that she was staying at his house, gave her the rights to him for at least that day. She assumed a smile that no doubt looked phony, and decided to have a little fun. “Hey, Brandi, are you the daughter of one of these guys?”


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